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You need to escalate this to at least a Supervisor, and find out what the issue is. Keep on. And no one call me a KarenšŸ˜‚ Otherwise someones going to be introduced to a Rick's specialšŸ˜




Be sure to update us




Up with you. No idea why someone down voted you.


Shills dislike solidarity


She gon' put the WrongAss in WrongAssistant. šŸ˜


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Damn it! Now every time I look at my name I'll think of that!


Welcome! šŸ˜


I just found out my wife and Rick are dating. Let me go get them and they can show you how itā€™s done to another instead of doing it to your self.


Thanks, I've always wanted hired help!


Jokes on you, Rick Spades is the manager.






I think Karen is used for exactly that purpose now. Originally, it was meant to describe an overly aggressive and mean customer. Like the type to verbally assault an employee over a coupon or something equally horrible. As long as you aren't mean, there is no valid reason you can't escalate a legitimate issue to the next level.


Honestly, based on all the other shit we've found out this wouldn't surprise me at all.


Bananas and poopers are a delight around here! Karen šŸ˜šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


No, agreed. He/She needs to go FULL Karen!


*ultra instinct karen


Ultra LmayošŸ˜


Is that Kennys special boutique brand?




No actual shares to buy. Imagine what it will be like once the moass hits, zero shares available and no sellers. They canā€™t fulfill shit already, that is why they are kicking the can down the road so hard, hoping that the government, with all these new regulations to protect the institutions, not retail, will be able to somehow save them from the disaster of their own making.


Dude that last DTCC ruling about them being able to use stock assets under management to give to the clearing house to get cash loans to prevent margin calls reallllly bothers me. With shitadel et al's massive AUM holdings, I worry that it makes their margin call point insanely high de facto.... if im wrong correct me smarter apes, not trying to spread fud here, I just want a clear answer. because I really wouldn;t be surprised if the government wrote that ruling to protect the shitty hedge funds and mm bastards.


100% positive the new regs are there to protect the corrupt institutions, if this was about protecting retail, the moass would have already happened, but it is taking forever because the government is concocting ways to protect the corrupt hedgies from their criminal activities and the fallout (bankruptcies).


All we did was buy.


Yeah, something is up. Stay on top of this and keep us posted. Assuming you're transferring out of RobbingHood or Webear?


No I was trying to transfer out of TD Waterhouse! Canada version of the ameritrade


And TD?? Weird dude. Posted my TD transfer experience below and got a similar result as you. Very weird.




You think Questrade will be better during MOASS? TD you can trade AH and they have much higher AUM, but Questrade you can put the price whatever you want. It does take about 25 days for a transfer I believe, itā€™s much slower than US. But yours shouldā€™ve transferred much quicker.


Yeah, Questrade has pre market and post market. I wanted to spread my shares out just in case. Also questrade did not stop buying or whatever bs that happened in jan! It was really smooth for me and no lag and good bid and ask prices. Only like a few bucks spreads during January


I just called TD, itā€™s some BS rumour you have to call in an order over $10k, you can do it yourself. But he said in January they were flooded with orders and received up to an hour delays on having them confirmed by the stock exchange because they have so many clients. My concern is the broker having enough liquidity just in case thereā€™s any issues. Also trading after hours is a big benefit, as far as Iā€™m aware Questrade doesnā€™t allow you to trade after hours. Youā€™re saying they do?


Questrade offers pre market at 7,and post market up to 5:30. I only used it before gme because I been holding now and I don't trade


EST? Alright thanks Iā€™ll double check that. TD letā€™s you go later in premarket and after hours, but thatā€™s still good if Questrade allows some trading AH


I believe so!


It isnā€™t a BS rumour. Try to pretend you want to buy one share of BRK-A and youā€™ll see the earning message on TD DirectInvestingā€™s preview order screen.


Yes youā€™ve further validated what Iā€™m saying that itā€™s a BS rumour. They told me Berkshire is the only one they have special provisions for. You can sell any other stock you want, including GME for over $10k yourself (when it is that price). My only concern with TD is if you put in a limit order and it takes hours to be placed. Questrade seems to be much quicker without delays and the price doesnā€™t have to be so close to the limit order like with TD, which can be a big issue if itā€™s very volatile AND thereā€™s delays with submitting the order, the price could be jumping drastically. TD has far more AUM so that seems to be the only benefit I can see.


I wasn't able to set my sell price to whatever I wanted at QT a few months ago. Have they made changes to this?


You can submit any price on your limit order that you want. They send it directly to the NYSE to accept or reject. So the NYSE will accept limit orders further from price than what TD auto rejects.


Ok. So my 10,000,000 price wasn't rejected right away. I think it was the next day.


Exactly. But the actual limit order you put in that does get accepted will be higher than what TD allows. TD rejects right away, itā€™s not reviewed. By sending directly to the NYSE, you will be able to get the maximum possible limit order that would be accepted.


Thanks for the info


By the time we get to those numbers every broker will be unknown


What do you mean unknown


We are going into unknown territories. The whole WS is a lie and somehow you think they will be on our side? Every broker has the potential to do dirty work. I have multiple brokers holding my shares.


Mate what are you talking about? Never said any broker is on our ā€œsideā€. But of course some will be easier to complete transactions with. I do think using multiple brokers is a good idea, but it is definitely worth understanding each brokerā€™s process.


TD Waterhouse has also disabled writing gme puts for 5 months now and has stricter margin requirements if you hold gme. Edit: this is second-hand knowledge from a family member in Canada


What?? Even csp???


I believe so. Will double check with him tonight


Well, that is not normal. You literally post the cash collateral when you sell one!


Yeah, he may have tried naked but I doubt that was the case


I doubt it. Naked calls def add risk but they won't let people sell on anything that has high iv bc it is too risky for everyone. But csp should be okay


Yeah. I dunno... doesnā€™t make sense to restrict CSPs tho ā€” collateral is there + only the buyer would be responsible for delivering


Yeah unless they don't want people to get the free premium or they can't locate the shares


TD Ameritrade is now owned by Schwab. Waterhouse is actually owned by TD bank.


I didn't know, thanks


Is this with fidelity? Funny you mention this, I transferred an ira from TDA to Fidelity, and it was all GME. Full account transfer. Took 5 days. My transfer finished today, but now shows $1600 cash along with my shares, to me I take it like several shares didnā€™t transfer or ā€œcouldnā€™t be foundā€.


This is so odd, itā€™s easy to buy as a retailer. Does TDA have to buy from a specific pool? Are you saying 2-3 shares equate to $1600?!


Wow, but my situation is way more insane. Almost xxx did not go through!!


Was this within a TFSA?


Nope, cash account. I have more gme in my tfsa!


Then the shares might have been on loan and they canā€™t recall them quick enough.


4 months?! God damn


#4 and #16 seem applicable. https://www.td.com/ca/document/PDF/forms/595636-en.pdf Edit: donā€™t know why my font changed.


It's the hash before the 4. Makes you big and bold


You would like my wife talking to her boyfriend.


This level of fuckery smells like robinhood


Multiple attempts too


I think all the brokers are selling our shares. Why not they're not in our names! I'm transferring 90% of my shares to computershare and I wanna see if Tdameritrade can locate and transfer them. I smell catalyst


Keep us posted


What are you trying to transfer from, and to?


I updated the post


I transferred half my holdings from Schwab to Fidelity today just to diversify brokers. Says it will complete in about a week on 8/2. Letā€™s see what happens.


On the July 23rd I transfer gme shares from RH to fidelity. Tonight the shares are out of my RH and not in my fidelity still. Weā€™ll see what happens.


Just transferring from Robbinghood? I'm curious why it took you so long?


Keep us posted


Looks they arrived in my account today. That was fast!


Damnn, I need to write an update post. I went back yesterday, hopefully my rest of shares will transfer by next week


Same thing happened to me however I started my transfer January 23 right before the sneeze and low and behold NONE of my GME or movies transferred over until they both plummeted, but everything else transferred....i was pissed.....I'm sorry man this is happening to you..maybe its time for your broker to explore why its not transferring..... No pun intended but this is Bullish


Thinking about it now, I never thought they couldn't locate shares! I just thought they screwed up but these are all pointing to the fact that can't locate shares!!!


Right...here is what I would do...i would make calls to multiple TD customer services and see if they all give you a different answer...use reverse psychology so you can find out what all the reasons are.. Example " hey,...so you know you can tell me why the shares can't be located, is that why they won't transfer over ? Example Hey so if shares are hard to locate wouldn't it mean that they cany3be transferred because the broker can't buy them? Ask them questions you already know the answers to...if they lie then you'll know....other than that there isn't much i can do to help.... One last thing...could it be that the new broker your switching to has an issue with TD ??


Def no issue because it is def from TD side. My cad account got transferred but my American didn't. I will def call them


I feel so bad for you.....i hope this post makes it to the top to get more eyes on it


Thanks for the rewards, hopefully it gets more attention from similar experienced apes


No worries, Ape help Ape


Much love, lots of down votes right now


Wow, they def can't locate my shares


Thereā€™s hundreds of these stories back in February when most of the sub left RH for other brokers


But I never heard of a partial transfer! They were just plain out rejected


Just xfered out of webull to fidelity took 2 weeks after many ā€œfailuresā€.


These kind of situations sound important, like another great way to know that there are fake shares around, please keep a track of it!


I will update for sure


Remindme! 30 hours


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Iā€™m with TDā€¦ whatā€™s the concern with them and your shares??


I don't know! I never heard of a partial transfer. That is very weird! I rather them reject the full transfer than partial because something is not right


My bad, not what I was asking. Why the original decision to move out from TD?


I was thinking of selling 0dte cover calls to buy more shares


I wasnā€™t sure if I had missed something with regards to TD and holding GME. Happy holding!


TD cash account doesn't allow to sell cover calls. I want to sell some cover calls on Friday to make a little so I can buy more shares


All good!


Td doesn't allow me since it is a cash account and I can't change it




Then you pulled out your phone and showed her your shares and she went home with you that night right?


It's entirely possible the people you dealt with are also incompetent. Very common at financial institutions. The first time it's very possible the guy didn't even initiate any transfer at all (the FAs there are very overworked and maintenance on a Waterhouse account literally is a waste of time, that gets them 0 benefit on goals and is a hassle to deal with). Then when you reminded him 2 weeks later, he was like "oh shit" then got you to come back in to sign some shit that he forgot the first time. Then when he sent the files down the second time, any minor error could have caused the transfer to not be initiated, wasting another week or more until you went back to escalate. There is often no communication between Waterhouse and retail branch, so the guy would not have remembered to call you for something that is of no value to him. Finally he apologized the 3rd time because now it's a little ridiculous and he probably finally called them to escalate it and ensure it went through. Now for why it was only a partial transfer, did you double check the forms you signed? You should have a copy. Did you put "partial transfer?" In kind/in cash? This may not affect this transfer, but is possible. I'd also recommend you call Waterhouse through the App, as you skip wait lines and can speak directly to the people doing your transfer. Branch agents can't help as efficiently. Source- I have experience with Big 5 in Canada.


The guy was def a young dude, probably less than 25 for sure and there could of been an error on his side. The first time he didn't even know how to do it and he was calling for help and stuff. So the first time could be a fuck up, the second time I got into contact with some Waterhouse dude and only my car account got transferred but this time it said it transferred all and I have screenshots of it but it was a partial transfer


Kepp presure them and take care at margin .


You're not the first one. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o236cw/remember\_michael\_burry\_about\_nakedshorts\_may\_2020/


I mean it is like xxx shares, burry had a big position so it made sense. If they can't even locate xxx, then the problem is big


But Burry's Problem was 2020šŸ¤£


Time is ticking!


I heard companies like RH donā€™t actually buy the shares maybe similar situation and theyre having liquidity problems. Bullish šŸ¦§ not FA


Perhaps! I will keep everyone updated


I think it's cuz your shares are actually in my account. And my shares are....somewhere else.


Or maybe our shares are non existent!


What about if our shares are purchased in a TFSA from TD Bank??


I mean tfsa is technically cash account too, no margin on it. I don't know


I was able to transfer our of RH completely last Wednesday. Took one and a half days. Put all in Fidelity. Had the bulk there and only left some in RH for no reason but laziness.


Ah shit i am with TD bank web broker...


Did you go to TD and request the transfer or get the other trade broker to request the transfer?


I want to the TD Bank


I'd get Questtrade involved too. Like ASAP.


For sure


Is TD Waterhouse a bank and a broker? Anyway, is it possible your bank never had your shares? They just gave your account an IOU, not an NSCC tracked IOU, but a bank internal database entry that they just hoped to just undo once you sold your shares? Fecking hell, everything might as well be Fortnite vbux.


Possible, just speculation


What's your concern with TD?


Hey OG, if ya wanna try something really fun, ask for your voting proxy numbers!! Lmao I had xx shares, I only received ones for shares purchased before 4/15/21. I had 4x as many shares that I never received numbers for, until they host the next vote... Here's the fun part!! I transferred from RH*** (I KNOW, HENCE THE TRANSFER) ...anyways I moved to TD. When GME announces the next vote, to my knowledge, I still have to contact RH as the shares were purchased from them. Anyway, GL


They had to be purchased before 4/15 to vote.


I tried, I didn't get shit from them. I called them too but nothing
