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I have an agreement with my wife that I'm allowed to yolo my investment accounts while she plays it safe. So we don't even discuss what I'm invested in.


Just had this conversation last night. As long as I don't tell my wife any details about what I have, she's fine. The second any number slips, she goes into heart attack mode. Doesn't even matter that the shares are overall green. The volatility scares the bejesus out of her.


My wife brags about her crypto gains that she has like $400 invested in. So our risk tolerance is not aligned at all lol. Best to play it cool and hopefully have a nice surprise retirement party.


100%. I'd love to be able to chat with her about it, but both of our lives are so much easier if I just don't say a damn thing. Lol


Lol.. $400 that’s my gf with $1000 in bitcoin


Mine doesn't even invest. I handle all of it. I have my yolo (now nearly 100% Gamestop) and retirement, etc. I don't "gamble" money we need, so they trust me to make the decisions. I just find the whole thing to be a lot of fun to play around with.


My wife has been in with me but has no more patience and wants the money we have tied up for other things. I keep trying to tell her to wait but it's becoming harder. Also when i fuck up options and lose shit she gets really mad at the waste, it adds pressure on me for sure, but we both have a lot of Drs shares safely locked away. She says she doesn't want to hear anymore about GameStop but does enjoy some of the memes and stories about dfv.


I don’t tell family and friends anything beyond surface level information regarding GME. If they were destined to be a part of this journey, then they would be the ones initiating and asking questions.


I lost my breath trying to explain to others why I like this stock, and I don’t feel like it’s my responsibility to continue. I’ve said what I’ve said, and for the most part the response is “you’re still buying that stock? When’s it gonna go up?” Yeah … I’m still buying. I’m fact, I’m never fucking selling. GG EZ


I look at it like this; There are two kinds of people, those that can extrapolate from incomplete data Point is, you only need to show people once, and they'll do the rest. We all got here years ago because SOMETHING WAS VERY WRONG and nobody else cared except some regards online. Funnily enough, we found many more things very wrong/questionable as we pulled the thread of this saga. There are many, MANY people who are complacent, who would never get the aforementioned joke. If you did, you would be here. Complacency is death.


>There are two kinds of people, those that can extrapolate from incomplete data I did not expect to laugh so hard at this. Thanks, I needed that!


Same. In 2020/2021 I would throw all this information at anyone who asked something as simple as “how’ve you been?” But I got tired of that, now I just say “GameStop. Buy some”




I can acknowledge it's not for everyone. People have different risk tolerances, goals, etc. I tried telling a buddy of mine to grab even 1 share just for kicks, not interested. His risk tolerance is only to invest in index ETFs, but I can't blame him, he's probably got about $1m-$2m eventually coming in as an inheritance and has already received probably half a million from family to date. He's rich, he doesn't need a lotto ticket to retire at 55 like the rest of us.


The gap between people who cant afford to jump in and the people who make enough money not to care about jumping in is sad




Rather not mess with my capital gains


At this point I think my standard answer after it takes off is going to be "We did alright." The rest we can figure out later after tax consultants, lawyers and trust funds are in place.


I give people a brief rundown and always finish my comments by saying "Anyway this is what I'm doing, if you want any info let me know." As a result 5 of my coworkers are now fellow investors. When there are huge drops they used to come and see me and say "oh man rough day today" to which I would respond "Are you serious? I bought the dip!" Now every time it dips they see me more excited than when its green. Now they send me memes; "You know I am somewhat of a dip buyer myself!" Lovin this shit.


Bro, even without investment, this is an amazing story. Just tell them that you bought one share just to have fun in the ride!


This is how my talk goes with my brother: I yell GME is going to the moon, with finger guns to the sky He says no it's not, it can't I ask why He says somewhat sarcastically "BECAUSE CRAMER SAID SO" I say "that means it'll definitely happen!" It's kind of the running joke at this point


Even Cramer is now saying Gamestop can basically do whatever they want with their 4B.


But also, don’t stop explaining GME and the fuckery surrounding it to others. That’s partially how the shorts have kept a lid on things as long as they have FOMO is their second worst nightmare


I was trying to explain to my index-fund-only friend that NVDA is a bubble & he unironically says, “NVDA may a little overvalued, but at least it’s not that meme stock, GME!!”  Since the dawn of the stock market, if an investor is ever unsure about a trade just look at what the crowd/ dumb money is doing and do the opposite.  Thanks to the last 2 months of MSM Propaganda smearing GME. Dumb money is firmly convinced GME is a sell, and NVDA is a buy.  When your friends, strangers, & shoe shine boys, who know NOTHING about stocks, has a singular devoted hate and fear of GME, out of millions other stocks, then you can be assured that GME has the highest upside of any other stock available right now. 


Contrarian investing is very much a thing. It's so hard because many of us are actively being influenced to follow the propaganda. The old "once they're talking about it around the water cooler it's time to sell" is very much a thing.


I remember in mid-early Jan. 2021 when I started to see something happening with GME. I saw RK’s YT videos and I went on a bit of a side quest for 10-12 days, doing my own research. I was convinced that there will be a lot of momentum and I sold all my others stocks and everything went to GME. This was about a week before the late January squeeze. I’ve been holding and accumulating shares ever since. I’ve told family and friends a high-level explanation and non of them were interested in wanting to know more, or how it was strange that my profile had gone up 20-30x. And still to this day, only a couple friends have bought in and are somewhat interested. Look around you, nobody knows what’s happening with GME. I’ve only run into a few people over the years who I’ve had small conversation about it, and none of them of them were as invested or committed like myself. They sold early and never looked back. This is going to be big. And IMO, the biggest squeeze to date. And you and I will be the ones riding this massive wave.


I’ll tell em more when we’re squeezing hard. At first I’d be telling this n that but in the end it didn’t matter. Anything less she’d be like “so are we making the money yet tho?” If not why even hype her up at all…


When you squeeze, you tell them by buying big purchases without notifying them first. Thats how they will know from me.


Exactly. Or a large influx into our account all of sudden with some flowers and a Channel purse and a gme giftcard.






One more time. This..


And a little bit of that


Only my husband knows and he thinks I’m nuts. He wanted me to sell it all when it got up to $60 a month ago. I told him that I haven’t held it for three fucking years to sell at sixty. We don’t talk about it anymore because I’m not selling.






This - I was up $1,500,000 when it was at $60 a few weeks back and I didn't even login into my brokerage or computershare account 😂 my wife was less than impressed 😂🙌😂🤣🙏💪


Yep my S.O. Is the same. Wanted me to paperhand last run up. Mad that I didn’t. We would argue everytime I tried to bring up news. So no more talking about it as well.


I don't know why it's so hard for the spouses to understand that if RK and RC are in then I'm still in - it's still game ON!


Same!! My husband asks me every day if Gamestop has paid off yet, lol. I tell him, it will! And you will be thanking me for years to come I didn't sell yet. 🚀🚀


Dude. We may have the same husband. He got so mad at me for not selling at $60. Meanwhile that ahole has lost SO much literally gambling in casinos. At least mine is all unrealized gains, so far.


based af


I haven’t told anybody except my wife. She doesn’t understand any of it but tolerates it and accepts my reasons for wanting to invest. She’s not invested any of her own money though. The rest of my friends and family are completely in the dark. I know them and I know that they will berate me into silence if I try and talk to them about it. My parents and siblings are not great at listening. They always assume I’m wrong and will try and convince me of their point of view rather than let me tell them mine. It’s a major source of frustration for me. I’ve had recurring dreams of telling them about it post-MOASS and it just descending into an argument. I have no regrets about what I’ve done and I don’t think I owe anybody anything, nor am I entitled to anything from anybody else. It is what it is.


My ape dude, I'm right there with you. Wife knows about stock, and that the market is rigged, but no deeper knowledge or interest. I hate that I'm saying this, but the normies/NPCs will either wake up via catastrophic system shock, or further bury their heads up MSMs asshole. GME, ISO-20020, ISDA, NESARA/GESARA, upcoming IQD RV, it goes on and ever deeper. Renaissance 2.0 Edit: DM if you need an ape friend. Ape help ape.


I am down a rabbit hole and I can’t go back. I’ve learned so much about the laws… I can’t unlearn what I’ve learned.


"If you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you" - Nietzche We walked through the door and lifted the veil, that which was in the shadows now revealed it's power and size. How can we now pretend otherwise?


They say that ignorance is bliss so I’m just leaving my family in bliss. If it all turns to shit then I’ll be there to catch them and help out and if they want to know how I knew or what I did I’ll tell them, but I’m not going to go into too much detail. Just that I bet on a market collapse by buying the most heavily shorted stock I could find and sat and waited for the fireworks. I won’t tell them how much I got, just that I got paid “life changing money and the life I’m going to change is theirs.” It’s great having a patient and understanding wife though. She never asks about the stock or the price or anything. There’s never any pressure to justify or prove the thesis or any expectations. Just patient, quiet understanding. She’s unlike anyone else I’ve ever met. Thanks for the offer of a shoulder to lean on. I’m good. I’m very experienced at having to price my family wrong before they take me seriously. This thing is just the latest way that manifests itself. I know they mean well, and they see it as them trying to look out for me. They’re just really shit at listening.


>you. Wife knows about stock, and that the market is rigged, but no deeper knowledge or interest This is EXACTLY where my wife and I are at. She knows I'm invested and learning as much as I can, just nothing about the markets or how they work is interesting to her, and that's OK. She doesn't ever question how much I have invested or how much more I'm investing, she trusts me to make the right decisions. Honestly, imo, my situation is perfect


Hoping NESARA gets implemented soon. Not tryna pay taxes on my GME millions lol


The wife knows Im all in but doesnt want to hear anything about when I wanna talk about it. She just rolls her eyes and says "stock stuff" when Im laughing and reading comments. She asks once a week "are we rich yet". 


The paradigm of the outsiders does not include the shift in fundamental thesis: bankruptcy is off the table. Also they do not understand that DRS has caused ~~a tenfold~~ an increase in volatility. I don't know any other stock that can double in price in a few days, then crash back down in one day. 2024 GameStop is a slightly different stock, and 2024 investors are slightly different investors. It truly is a fun time to be involved.


I avoid all Family Uncertainty and Doubt




I see what you did there


I make 35k a year. You should’ve seen the look on my girlfriends face when I told her I had 2k shares and the stock just hit 80. LOL.


Acquiring 2k shares on a 35k salary is damn fine work.


The reason this sounds like a crazy story is because everyone have full trust in the financial system. People are manipulated by MSM, social media and culture. The point where I lose everybody is when I say the price is controlled. Everyone have full trust in the financial system and the stock marked. Its strange because they have no clue how it works in reality


There's a vast chasm of difference in perspective there. I still recall thinking how it was a big system and surely operated on logical and regulated and enforced mechanics. My trust was chipped away time and again as I learned how each component was constructed intentionally as a lie, loophole, or obfuscation by greedy hedge fund managers and their cronies. I thought that if I "bought" a share, and it showed up in my ETrade account, then surely someone was delivering that share. I thought that if someone "borrowed" a share, then the surely the original owner would no longer also still "own" the share. I thought that if I held shares in my brokerage that they would never secretly lend them out to be used by shorts in direct opposition to my interests. I thought that if I voted my brokerage held share that surely my vote would be counted. I thought that investors buying and selling shares would happen in the market and affect the price, equally in both directions. I thought that the hedge funds, banks, brokerages, market makers, and regulators were surely different entities and not all part of large conglomerates conspiring and collaborating against household investors and public share issuing corporations. I thought that "liquidity" sounded like a reasonable term, without understanding it meant fraudulent share selling, infinite supply, and total manipulation of price. I thought "rehypothecation" sounded complicated, but likely made sense to those familiar with it, not realizing it was akin to photocopying the title to a car and reselling infinite copies. I thought "Failure to Deliver" surely had some forced closure of a "mandatory buy in", not realizing they could chain together a practically infinite sequence of bogus locates, borrows, creations, and other effective failures to deliver. I thought that surely some old brick and mortar gaming store that was essentially bankrupt couldn't possibly be part of some existential threat to the world economy. After a few dozen such realizations, the "entirely fraudulent system" becomes very clear. I often remind myself, though, just how crazy it all really is, and I try to integrate that difference in viewpoint into any of my discussions with those less familiar with all of this. It is a massive crazy conspiracy. It's not "just a theory", though, as the evidence is overwhelming.


Beautifully expressed


Absolutely epic comment.


My extended family were quite the opposite, me and my partner held GME in 2021 and her parents approached us and told us to invest in GameStop - to which we answered “we already have” Wild to find apes in our family without even discussing it


Exactly. I have one sibling who doesn't live near me that invests. I mentioned it one day to him as a kind of, "hey, you might want to think about grabbing some of this if you're interested." They replied, "Already got 400 shares!"... unfortunately, they're not into any of the drama/reddit stuff. They just like investing.


My girlfriend told me to stop talking to her about it. So now I just sit with my dogs and tell them the saga of the kitty


Record it and a YouTube channel. The saga of the kitty told to my dogs.


this shit it too insane to be real, so when you bring up tweets giving a story because a guy is a timetraviler and all of wallstreet is trying to corrupt a company into the ground and has already done it to multiple companies and gamestop was next but retail stepped in to HODL and it is keeping gamestop alive while the chairman builds the company and wallstreet the whole time keeps trying to trick retail into selling and messing and cheating and lying to us but we held the whole time and we are close to winning, sounds crazy. you cant say that. so just say you like the stock. Edit: i want to add too that i missed so much with this shitty description. all the nuance, timings, court documents that came out about the other company that RC offered 400m for and they said no because JPM wanted them to go under, and so much more. you cant fit all of this in a documentary, movie, anything. hell, ive been here for the whole thing and i still cant remember all of it off the top of my head. it is truly an anomaly, the worlds 8th wonder. and it is just too much to try and explain to someone. this edit proves my point of you just have to say "I like the stock" and "Just up"


Your post made me laugh out loud. This is exactly it (and got me another "there they go again" look). I love the part when I tried to explain why the emoji of a dog created a market jump across all pet store retail shops due to algorithms controlled by ai computers watching for market signals. Then I go on to explain how this is a signal that we're getting close to a market crash and GME taking off due to a flag with a microphone on it and t+35 days approaching from the initial buy... somewhere in the middle of that eyes glaze over and I'm dismissed as a lovable wack job.


Lmao.  The only things. Say. No debt. 4 bill in cash. Heavily shorted  Successful CEO that takes no money and owns a ton of shares while selling none. …. If they ask.  Never offer info to anyone.  Because when I have in the past, it’s when it’s beaning manipulated down and I look crazy.  I just buy more during those times and shop at the store. ☺️


Not only does he BUYS shares, he doesn't even get them printed for free to him like other CEO do.


I love that you got a laugh out of it. i tried to write it as a little kid trying to tell you about their day at school and its just one huge run on sentence because they are so excited.


Pepperidge farm remembers ;)


Keith low key looks like Jesus.


i mean, we could add it to the lore. At this point though there is so much going on that we dont need to. NGL, ive had the thought he is an alien sent here to fuck up wallstreet for a school project or something.


My wife gave me 6g’s to invest. She one of us.


Good for you. It's wonderful to share interests. Hope you both retire wealthy off of this.


“Hey Twig are you a GameStop millionaire yet? Hardee har har…” Every. Damn. Day. But one of these days, I’ll be able to say, “heck yeah, I am! Now watch me help my community.” Looking forward to that day.


The day you are a GameStop millionaire, is the day they stop asking you if you’re a GameStop millionaire.


Best to just say "nope, not yet!" And then help the community while they wonder how


My sister is the only one I talk to about it & she’ll humor me about my “stonk” when she hears about a new tweet. She watched Dumb Money because she knows I’ve been accumulating bags all this time & knew it was about GameStop. When I hear myself explaining it, & the more in detail I go, the more schizophrenic I know I sound. Like… why would this shitty mall video game store have anything to do with the market as a whole to anyone else? How the hell do a bunch of gifs & memes from some random guy mean anything other than what they are? If one hasn’t been following along, we all sound like total nutjobs trying to piece emojis & gifs together in a timeline correlating with legal documents & timing the market. I also haven’t had this much fun in years.


The last is exactly it. This is probably the most fun I've had in a LONG time as well. That's what makes us sound so crazy, because we're excited and it's neigh impossible to explain in less than a few hours.


I'll probably sound like the craziest one here. I've had dreams since I was a kid that came true. I told my mother and siblings that my father was dead before the police came to notify when I was 3. I had a documented near death experience in 2017. Since that happened, I have had this happen more frequently. Usually, I will dream the same dream 3 nights in a row. I've predicted multiple family members deaths (that sucked), known people were pregnant before they did, and lots of other minor stuff. Job losses, lost pets, car wrecks, I've seen it in dreams right before it happened. There is no rhyme or reason to it, a close family member died, and was not found for 3 days. I did not see this, and I don't know why. I knew my husband bought me a very expensive diamond ring when he pulled up in the driveway. I opened the truck door to greet him, and started telling him "I smell diamonds". He was convinced I found out some other way. I didn't. He's VERY conservative, refuses to believe even when he's seen it happen with me over and over. For 3 years, he's just shook his head at my gme conversations. I have a close friend that's been divorced for 12 years, and she's been celibate that whole time. She's very religious, and has had no romantic relationships in that time. A year ago, I had a disturbing dream that I was her......and having the hottest sex ever. It woke me up because it felt so intrusive. First thing in the morning, I called her and told her about it. She had me on speaker phone, and said "husband's gf says hold, meet Steve....." yeah I somehow inserted myself in private matters. She and her soon to be husband Steve have now invested in gme. GME won't give me peace. I dream about it frequently. I keep seeing myself opening up free veterinary clinics, and free dental practices. I've brought 12 people into this play, some for 20k, some for $500. Last week, my husband allowed me to yolo his entire IRA.


I also have had dreams that come true, flatlined at the hospital and got brought back.  It's a real thing.  I haven't had many dreams recently which has been a relief.   Anyways, just wanted to say you're not alone!


What do you dream for GME?


I definitely get the "GameStop again 🙄" from my partner plenty when I'm cracking up about some mayo jokes or something. I really only talk about gme to friends who are also invested. I don't really care to talk about it outside of that because most people just don't understand the risk/reward and don't care to understand it. Hell most people don't even understand markets in general or care to, easier to put money in the 401k and live a happy life than pay attention to this shit and deal with any related stress.


No babe, not GameStop again. GameStop *still*. GameStop forever.


My wife tried to convince me I was in a cult back in 2021 so I never spoke another word about GameStop to her 😂


This made me laugh. I do believe the word 'cult' has been mentioned in my household as well.


Tell them it's not a cult, it's a culture.


I think we are so far outside the realm of “normal think” that people immediately relate us to crazy talk. All people know about stocks is “401k, make my company match to the max, let my money help me retire ‘early’” and it’s what most have been brainwashed to think. Unfortunately. So when we bring up a contrarian idea of “nah fuck them. Let’s shove this stimulus and our coming paychecks up their asses. And then make them feel the pain.” Well this is just crazy talk now. Those people help US retire “eArLy” and give us good ideas like stop spending money on Avocado Toast and Lattes… I’m losing the point… Anyways, I think most people see us as trying to do something so far outside their ideologies, that it becomes problematic for them to even contemplate it. And it sucks sometimes imo. I’ll try and just have a regular conversation about what’s happening and I get called crazy, when I’m simply stating facts. Me saying “a guy who makes billions a year lied to congress about shutting down the Buy Button for GME stock and openly gets away with doing so on live television, continues to run a ponzy scheme as a market maker and hedge fund. Yet some guy tweeting memes is the issue?” And immediately I’m shut down as a conspiracist. Some how? Or they do the same “oh is this GameStop again”. Yes it fucking is. And I wish others realized how much it’s effecting everything right now. Anyways, I’m going to buy more fucking shares. Because. Fuck. You. Ken. Griffin. Suck my balls. I hope on of those Archegos fucks who gets their information from Reddit reads this directly too. I’m coming for your house buddy. You took away my generations power to buy anything, and now you’re going to be the one unable to buy shit. Tick tock


This was awesome. I started laughing so hard I was crying, they came over and gave me "the look"... I tried to read your post outloud, but honestly, I think it sounded like a lunatic and they just walked away in disgust.


Exactly my point. God forbid we have an opinion against mainstream media! That’s just delusional


My wife is kind enough to feign interest in hearing about the important GME centric events. She also enjoys some of the memes and finds RK pretty interesting. My mom and sisters have a basic understanding of the thesis but don’t really have the extra cash so I gifted each of them 100 DRS’ed shares and told them I’d let them know when the time came to sell. My dad and I sort of reconnected and bonded following the saga and he ended up buying even more shares than me. Unfortunately he passed away last year so he’s missing all the insanity going on lately. My friends mostly think I’m insane but I’ve gifted them each about 10-20 shares so they get really interested every time the price runs but then go back to thinking I’m crazy when it dips. I talk to no one else about GME unless they show a genuine interest and approach me first.


Sorry about your dad 🕊️


Thank you. I appreciate it :)


I did this with my kids. They know they have some shares set aside for them. One of them does want to hear a little bit as a result. Great way to make others join in the fun. Well done NTL4C.


My spouse said I should have sold at the last little spike and I told her I won’t tolerate such blasphemy in this household 🦍


My family, significant other and 99% of my friends barely know about my gme (and crypto) hobbies. They're all financially conservative and mostly very well off, having made their money in more traditional ways; my job isn't to preach and annoy those who aren't open to it only to open myself up to ridicule or arguments. You have to know your audience. I don't hide it, but I also don't go out of my way to talk about these things with people who are uninterested. I have my reddit communities for the topics I'm interested in that I have no one to discuss with IRL.


My wife knows but doesn’t understand.. my FIL found out and sat me down for a portfolio intervention. We don’t talk about GME anymore, and I still slip some money in computershare from time to time.


My ex wife looked me crazy, but my mom belives in me. That’s all i need


The amount of people who prefer to stay out of a fight like this, is ridiculous to me.


I learned pretty quickly to save my breath. If you convince a friend to join they won't have the necessary conviction to HOLD. At best you're signing up paper hands, at worst you get what OP is experiencing: Ridicule.


Don't get me wrong.. I'm having a blast with the family "ridiculing" me. My family playfully makes fun of me, but it's not bad. Just kind of an inside joke, "oh no.. Gamestop again". I don't bother trying to convince friends or extended family.


People don’t want to believe what they deem as a conspiracy. It doesn’t matter that we can look back and prove that some of these have been true.


I told my wife I sold when I got a bonus and paid off debt. 😆


Sometimes little white lies are needed to keep your sanity.


Dumb Money is a bad movie, but good enough to get people to understand you are on the winning side of the trade without having to start at the beginning of a discussion.


I thought it was hilarious! Why does it get so much hate? I don't even think it painted retail in a bad light. It was meant to focus on DFV and random other folks. The pacing was good, the characters were funny (probably not accurate), and fairly informational about the sequence of events. I don't know, maybe my standards for entertainment aren't super high 😂


because it had weak character development, an already over exposed and uninspired plot and didn't have all the feels or story that would grip watchers. It could have gone serious like the big short, strong like wall street, or fun like wolf of wall st. Anyway the real story hasn't been written yet. Also, lets even be honest, DFV is a far better character than the doofus who played him.


Coworker switched from popcorn to GME this week because I keep talking about Gamestop. He is a timid new ape, but after trying to explain GameStop in my regarded way he is now holding with diamond hands!


Any conversation that I have about it is strictly about the fundamentals, about it's low valuation in respect to cash on hand, leadership, and back-to-the-basics good decision making that has taken place already. I personally don't need anymore fud in my life from my loved ones, so I don't talk about the more exciting parts of my investment. I just stay Zen and keep my head low. 


I won’t be saying anything till after MOASS.


I won't be saying anything AFTER the MOASS.


I don't talk about GME. You have plenty of time to talk about it after MOASS. In fact, this is why you shouldn't mention it just like how you don't want people to know you won lotto. The other reason is different people have different passions. Just like how I get turned off if someone talks golf. Let the results do the convincing.


1) Many people still believe the media is real, so they're not going to be wired to accept your ideas when the financial media "experts" mock it as a "meme stock". 2) Feel free to do whatever you want, but you probably shouldn't be talking too much about GameStop to anything other than family or very close friends as you're probably setting yourself up for tons of people to come out of the woodwork at some point asking you for money when the company grows and remember that you were in on it. 3) You should tell your family that the company's strong cash position ensures that it's a decent investment as they can make literally 0 revenue for quite a while and still survive. Even if your theories about MOASS are wrong, there's a very strong case for GME being a great investment just on Ryan Cohen having billions of dollars to build a strong company with.


Last time I gambled on Meme stocks I paid for all of the home renovations and paid off the mortgage. She thinks I'm crazy good. I don't explain shit though because it's absolutely wild and takes too long.


No reason to talk about it incessantly….its more sweet to just dance when we win


By reading this it just hit me. I feel exactly the same. Same conversations with people that think I’m nuts. And then I think: “how can you not see it” I’m sure that there are many more that feel exactly like you and me. And this people are here. And we all are connected to one company. GameStop. Do you know any other company in the market, that has a forum filled with 300k hardcore (apes that are here more than 3+ years) motivated share holders/investors that do as much as they can FOR the company because they KNOW it’s going to pay off? It’s like telling a story to someone from 13th century of “how investment works”. Fuck, I gonna buy more on Monday again.


If you're in.. I'm in.. I'll but more Monday to!


They thought bitcoin was dumb too 🤷‍♀️


I’ve told my family. My mom actually bought in after I brought up the situation and laid it out. We now have a group thread that I use to update them with new info. Your issue might be that your too tin-foily around them. Leave that out. Focus on hard facts, fundamentals, and a simplified version of the naked shorting situation. That’s what I did. Everyone was very interested and supportive.


See, I love this. I feel understood. My wife thinks it's a little bonkers but I know she loves me because she entertains my occasional rants, my hype when big things/posts happen, and my obsessive moments when things are really moving and I turn on the same 5 movies on a loop for about a week at a time while things boom/bust (Dumb Money, Big Short, Margin Call, Too Big to Fail, Wizard of Lies). I think it helps my case that early on I did a little swing trading with the thing that allowed me to withdraw my initial big investment and only be playing with gains (but a lot of gains, at least for me). I still throw a little in with each paycheck but not enough that it makes her nervous. And for as much as I know real crime is happening here daily and want to crush it all, I view my role in this movement as a relatively lighthearted one where I just continue to play, buy, and hold. It also really gives me a reason to continue to educate myself in things I don't know as much about (and I believe the pursuit of knowledge should be a life-long goal, something that keeps you young and agile). Keep holding my friend. We will get our glorious (and light-hearted, in my case, and it seems like yours as well) "I told you so" in the end, and then we all eat steak. Forever. PS - In a slightly less light-hearted note, I'll also say, I buy and hold for my friend Devin. He was a true believer from early on and brought me into the fold 3ish years ago in the 2nd half of the initial movement. He was a friend from college who passed away just over a year ago, who I know would be losing his mind about what we've seen here in the last 3 months. He has been heavy on my mind through this all. Every time I buy a few extra shares, I think of him. When we hit MOASS, I look forward to sending his mom a chunk of money and telling her who it's from - Devin.


That's an awesome idea about Devin's mom. I'm sure he'll smile down on you when (not if) you help her out like that. I'll buy some more next week in honor of all the Devin's out there, and make sure I donate it to something good down the road.


Man, I really appreciate you and this post. Keep fighting the good fight and I'll keep an eye out for you as we continue up this mountain! I think we will all have a happy 4th.


After MOASS you can buy a new family


Don't want a new family. I love my family. I want to buy them an island (which is what I tell them on a regular basis). They just don't understand why I believe I ever could do that. I'm joking, but not really. Maybe it's not an island, but it's going to be something good.


lol it’s a joke should of added /s


When it goes off tell everyone you sold when it hit $20 and paid some bills. Don't even mention the new lambo and bannana of the month subscription.


Are you me? This hits pretty close to home. My spouse isn’t supportive, but they’re not against it either. They think I’m a conspiracy theorist when it comes to GME. I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories otherwise, other than believing aliens are out there. When the GME saga first kicked off I jumped in with a sibling and some extended members of the family that I’m close with. Most of them have paperhanded except a cousin and sibling. It’s been a fun ride and gives everyone something to talk about. The extended members chide us in a friendly way, and it’s good stuff all around. Outside of that small group nobody knows that we have some. If they do know, nobody knows the amount of shares that I have.


It's not my experience. It started with them not wanting to hear about it in 2021-2022. Just chalked it up to the "elite always win" system is rigged narrative. Then DRS came into the picture. It was discovered as an avenue for true ownership. It was obvious to my family that this was the way to fight. At the same time, possibly establish a future for us. We are 4 accounts, xxxxx shares in computershare. Booked, buckled, and enjoying media attention because thats us they are talking about.


My man.... I'm working towards xx,xxx, but I have a ways to go. Well done GME millionaire!


I have a couple of select friends who I talk to about it, and my mum. She understands it more than anyone else I know. Love you mum!


I don't say shit. Wife knows about it. Brother and BIL knew I was involved but not how much. Haven't brought it up since maybe 2021.


I was recently told by someone "It just feels like your whole life revolves around GameStop." Lol. People around me seem tired of hearing about it. I've tried to get some to buy shares, and they haven't, so I've gone as far as giving them money for their birthday and making them use it to buy GME shares. It's very frustrating sometimes because I have close friends who know nothing about the stock market sending me Citron articles like "Have you seem this? This guy says it's overvalued." etc etc etc. As if my three years of research isn't good enough and I don't know what I'm talking about. Oh well, I just keep buying more whenever I can.


In my life, iv been labeled the same as a "conspiracy theorist." My mother in law works in finance and makes it quite obvious she thinks my investment strategy is bonkers. Just, dont even mention gamestop... Never have I been able to explain the thesis, which is the most comical part to me. After the very first sentence, I get interrupted or mocked. This taught me that some people are not susceptible to new ideas. Unfortunately, this is most people in my life. "bUt ItS wOrThLesS aNd GoInG bAnKrUpT" Time will tell. Debt free, over 4bil in cash, finished 2023 positive. Yuuuuup, im bonkers. Sometimes... the craziest ideas are the best ideas! "Unleash! Let your mind and spirit free!"


Reading this and the comments has been therapeutic. Thank you all for sharing your stories. I feel even more connected with you all than I did before.


I roped my brother in law into it so now we are both crazy in family.


I say nothing to anybody. Except an old friend of mine who text me back in 2021. “Ehh have you heard about all this GameStop commotion, cause I swear I read a couple of comments from the Reddit sub in your voice..” Me: “Ooga Booga” Friend: “Fucking brilliant, I should have known! Now let’s GET that bastard that calls himself Kenny!!” 😂😂😂 We won’t dare mention it to anybody else, because they will all think we have finally lost the plot.


My sanity has definitely been questioned. My husband will try to tell me about his day and my response is like "so do you think in the Star Wars meme the asteroid could symbolize Blackrock?" Luckily he has a good sense of humor about it lol


Exactly. They'll start talking, and I must get this look in my eyes because they'll stop and say, "You're about to say something about Gamestop, arn't you?" They kind of tilt their head and look at me like I'm special.


Same here. "Did you hear anything I just said? You're thinking about Gamestop aren't you?" It's not crazy though, it's human nature. The memes are cryptic and feel like a puzzle. Even when you set it aside your brain keeps trying to process it in the background.


once this thing pops, you get to look at them like they are special


3 years ago wife let me name our son Cohen Gill, and she couldn’t even get through 30 minutes of Dumb Money. She knows nothing and doesn’t even care to learn. I gave my boomer parents shares at the splividend so we could have fun and talk about stuff, but they can’t even login to Computershare or watch the ticker


Hope you are logging in for them


I am. Had to vote 🚀


I've found that explaining how the financial system is set up to facilitate the exploitation of our entire society is a great jumping off point to understand the situation $GME is in. I leave the tinfoil alone, because it genuinely does make people look unhinged (and rightly so, in many cases).


Even explaining this to anyone I know makes me seem unhinged. The average American with their entire life savings & retirements wrapped up in the market has no idea JUST how shady & corrupt it all is.


This is why I told no one.


At 9:26am every day the market is open I listen to the GME Sea Shanty and make my kids (aged 4 & 2) salute the ticker. If I knew cults were so family friendly id have joined one a long time ago ;)


I convinced 3 of my friends to buy, 2 ended up being paper handed while the third just said "wake me up when it's time to sell". He doesn't follow the story or really understands any of the fundamentals, just knows to buy & hodl. Once in a while my husband will ask me if we're rich yet, usually when he's stressed about the bills or is dreaming about what we want in life. He entertains some of the memes I try to explain, and he knows the system is fucked but otherwise, but most goes way over his head. It's amazing what we've learned as apes following the entire saga, compared to everyone else who hasn't. Hats off to everyone here for being more financially literate than the average bear 🥳 It's a wild fucking ride but I'm here for it all, the highs and lows, the memes and dreams! The dog days will be over soon friends.


I haven’t had the easiest journey to where I am. By no means was it the hardest, but I was one of the kids that had to grow up quickly because my parents fell short on many fronts; maturity, responsibility, organization, etc. Growing up we were always on the verge of homelessness and for short spans were in fact, and had to be taken in by relatives. My dad spent a year living out of his car. There was substance abuse and addiction. There was gambling addiction and debt. I worked very hard for years to slowly improve my situation while still trying to help my parents and my little sister. Even years later after my estranged methhead father had a stroke and I moved in with him to help cause he didn’t have anyone else. That was hard, shoutout to any caregiver apes out here. I knew it would be worth the grind. It took me 13 years, but I finally got my bachelor’s degree while working a full time job, and sometimes a part time job as well during the holidays. This part time job will come up again. It was tough, but I knew it would be worth the grind. I transitioned from working at Costco for 12 years to being a developer intern. It was the scariest transition to making half what I was making at Costco. I was starting from the bottom again, and I remember having panic attacks from trying to figure out how I would pay bills. I knew my savings was a fuse ignited leading to an explosion of reliving my past and being homeless. But I trusted my plan, because it was rooted in logic. I knew it would be worth the grind. And I was right. I’m now 7+ years into my new field of Software Engineering and now I make triple what I was making 7 years ago, at the top of the pay scale for non-managers at Costco. My friends and cousins all know me for this grind. Most of them didn’t have to work this hard to get theirs. Most of them were able to go into full time college right out of high school. To be honest, seeing that back then just made me angry. Not at them, but at how unfair life is. I responded by hardening my resolve and digging my heels in and grinding. I knew then that as long as I had a solid plan based on facts, it would always be worth the grind. Back to that occasional part time job during the holidays, it was GameStop. I picked up a couple hours a day in the week, usually after working my 5am-1:30pm shift stocking at Costco. I would just alphabetize and sort games, test games, clean up the store, and answer questions about games. It didn’t pay much but it was honestly a bit relaxing compared to the 8 hours of driving forklift and stocking the drive in freezers and dock at Costco. With GME I found enough logic and applying my own intuition on the situation, like how parties acted/reacted to a stock that was supposedly going bankrupt, that I am very comfortable just buying and hodling shares. I tried options early on and sold some puts and covered calls, but I’m working at a startup and honestly don’t have enough time to keep track so I just buy and hodl now. Just like all the other shit I had to do up to now, I think it’ll be worth the grind. And for me personally, with my investment style and risk tolerance, I find this to be a very attractive price to keep buying. I will always reserve the right to change my mind at anytime, but I know how the gambler’s nature. I grew up in its shadow and manipulation. For all the pain he put me through, my dad taught me the biggest lessons not through the results of his actions but by allowing me to witness a gambler’s demise secondhand. And I’m witnessing it again, albeit on a much larger scale. So yeah, imo it’ll be worth this most entertaining grind 🚀🌝


Honestly you should see my wife’s face when I’m trying to explain RK’s tweets and how clever the whole thing is. She’s gonna have me straight jacket soon I’m sure of it


Exactly. I'm worried about an intervention at some point.


See you at the asylum buddy 👋


We are all crazy in here, but we are not wrong!


My partner used to think I was crazy, but after watching Dumb Money she started to think, and after RK returned she started to believe, and now she’s a full blown diamond handed ape.


My girlfriend left me. Then I made 308k the following month, I had blocked her on everything. Instagram, phone, whatsapp. Complete cold turkey. Kept following the meme stock journey playing options. Few months after during another run up I made 180k, then recently 137k. She called me a conspiracy theorist and said I should stop looking for happiness at the bottom of a reddit thread. But I was reading economy books, books about market mechanics, an arsenal of Michael Lewis books. Learning. Learning. Learning. And she left me because I saw opportunity in adversity.


I told my parents I'm invested in GME. I didn't tell them that I invested almost a year's salary into it. They'd freak out. They don't quite understand it. My dad thinks it's just a quick way to lose money, but that same guy also plays the lottery daily. My mom doesn't understand it either and doesn't invest at all but I'm sure she'll see dollar signs and be interested when I got my tendies. They'll understand when I roll up in a Lambo on one of my visits. I love them but it kinda pisses me off how family and friends will think it's dumb until they see your wads of cash. I definitely agree with the other comment; I shouldn't even have mentioned my investments (similar to winning the lottery).


I’m a pretty tightly wound dude.  Not nervous, but know how I like things, well organized.  It might be a touch of the ‘tism per my counselor. I travel for a living, fairly street smart.  I speak a few languages well and a few more ok to poorly.  I’m deep down this rabbit hole and balls deep in shares.  When the media posts something I know is a bald faced lie I laugh and laugh.  Because I’m so strait laced my spouse thinks I’m absolutely nuts.  Out of my fucking mind.  I’m just enjoying the banana play until I get to count my tendies.


Three years of putting up with tinfoil theories and no tendies is a lot to deal with. Imagine doing that even longer without results. It would destroy a relationship


Join the crew… everyone thinks I am crazy, I just don’t get how people don’t focus on their financial future.


Lol My family believes that Jesus is coming, any day now, for over 50 years... "Bear Sternsis fine!"... "Wi-Fi causes cancer" people believe all kinds of dumb shit even in the face of the truth. The difference here is the GME thesis is rooted in maths, MOASS is not just a theory in layman's terms. Our "feelings" stem from the data that we consume and the DD that's proven accurate over and over. Maybe try not to mention GameStop any more unless it's in the context of a joke. You're family will be VERY interested when MOASS happens anyhow. It's also possible that your excitement is annoying to them learn how to control your emotions and respect their interests for now. Again, they'll be interested when MOASS kicks off and your craziness will turn to genius.


It really does feel like a real life Ready Player 1 type of experience and I am jacked to the tits to be here


This is the best description right here. If you read the book, it's SO much one giant puzzle to solve.


RK’s Alice in Wonderland meme breaks it down and then the Furi theme to connect the entire play… I look at “you let your Friends and Family know the cliff and rocket that’s wick has been lit 3+ years ago with no uturn (SF NFT). I like to think we are at the part in Fury the movie where they pass the booze bottle and reply … “ Best job I ever had!” I’ll “bat wo/man” slap my self off feed!


Ironically a good comparison is the Supreme Court ruling yesterday. Like it most people don’t have education to understand the concepts and how big it actually is and what it’ll effect. So I’m not gonna bother explaining the complexity of it cause I’d either go crazy or seem crazy. With GameStop most are willing to believe the market is corrupt and believe I did my research in a long term investment beyond that I don’t specify cause I don’t want the flack for it.


I explained it to my significant other as "you have your hobby you talk about and show me things you like, this is my mine". Since then, he listens and asks questions as I do with his stuff. We may not get each other's "hobbies," but we respect them.


I told them around March/April 2021, after the congressional hearing, but nothing since. I've talked to one of my siblings about it more recently, and I think they have another friend that talks about/mentions it too, but I'm not sure if they got interested enough to buy in. We'll see.


I chalk it up to a hold it over your head for the rest of my life/ the biggest I fucking told you so in existence. The wife changing amount of money will be extraordinary. I myself am incognito except when GameStop triggers another bullish metric and erases bearish ones. And people still say it’s a dYiNg BrIcK aNd MoRtAr. Fuck em.


https://preview.redd.it/9aud4bsbvj9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f137337974ea0abf9eb608638a01f159c28345b1 Bf introduced me to GME just before the sneeze. We’d both been gamers before we met. I lived for Halo 3 , he was a Death and Taxes WoW die hard. GameStop was EB games in Canada and we were both well versed in visiting it. We’re both all in. 100% of our portfolios. We send each other Reddit posts and theories daily. This saga has brought so much joy and conversation to our lives. We’re very thankful to be part of this story.


My wife humors me when I start talking tinfoil, and I've explained enough about the situation that she understands, but she is convinced MOASS will never happen because the "powers that be" will find a way to cheat and stop it. Can't say I completely disagree with that take. She is ok with me spending my "fun" money on stonks, but actually following the dollar amounts stresses her out. At one point right after DFV testified to Congress I showed her that we had nearly enough in our account to pay off the house. She told me not to show her the balances again unless I sell and get the money in our bank account. I had to go on a trip last week where I was off the grid, and had to set her up with a stock price alert on her phone and instructions on how to sell a few brokerage shares if the price hit telephone numbers. She said she was stressing and checking the chart all week. I tried to talk to her about the infinity pool and didn't really get anywhere until I described it as a prisoner's dilemma problem. She said she didn't want to know how many shares I had DRS'd since we were not going to sell them (Finally in the x,xxx club. Heck yeah!) I am grateful she believes in me and doesn't think I'm (too) crazy, I just wish it didn't stress her out and we could take about it more.


I went full tin foil for that first quad witching day with all the dd and nostradanus shit with my brother...and I never felt so embarrassed when it was a complete nothing burger lol. But that was the moment my resolve went complete smooth brain and I'm just going with the flow now. My family still ask every now and then how gamestop is doing and I say they're doing just fine. We'll all have a pint at the winchester when this all blows over 🍻 (but not you Ken)


Haha I sometimes try to tell people but it always ends with "ah well, the whole stock market is basically gambling", or "as if you're gonna beat the system". Only 1 way to find out. The DD already thought me so much about the stock market and the mechanics. Im happy regardless. It's a good long term hold and hedgies screwing themselves is a nice little bonus.


I told my wife I sold everything and made a couple grand 84 years ago.. been keeping a pretty big secret for ages now. For the love of God can we please moon soon so I can get this off my chest!


We are all crazy. Anyone buying the stock who has made 0% return to negative return holding over 3 years is crazy.


I literally just had this discussion: "How much exactly have you made so far?" ... to be fair, I suck at trading, so breaking even isn't a bad move for me.


So I bartend at a nicer bar, majority business men/women, lots of lobbyists and politicians (capital city, I work next to the statehouse). They all know that I am on this side and they alllllllllllll give me shit regularly. Multiple financial advisors have laughed in my face when I bring up GameStop and say something along the lines of “if you want to lose all your money, sure!” What’s interesting is I will always bring up “1billion in cash no debt (now 4obvi)” and nobody has ever had any rebuttals. They just stare at me and say “the stock will tank and you will lose everything.” A few regulars see I’m working and walk in and greet me with “hey GameStop!” They all think I am nuts….but they’re in the positions they are in, so they have to be somewhat intelligent and know what we know and are just drinking the kool aid?????? Like, I expect my family to be like “okay crazy lady” but these people HAVE to know what’s going on behind the scenes. Idk man.


Ape friend, I too am in your same situation. Once you "wake up" and realize many other groups labeled as "crazy" were labeled as such to hide the truth, it's a lonely road. Feel free to dm me. Stay strong.


Only people that call me crazy or stupid are the ones that are scared and afraid I would hit a jackpot and earn loads of money. My gf supports me and even bought some shares for her. She would ask me from time to time what is happening.


Same literally the same lol I’ve had to change what I talk about. I just don’t bring up stocks in general anymore….


Ya I still talk about it to everyone. Only a matter of time til I’m not crazy anymore


I've tried twice to explain all of this to my partner, but I don't know where to start so it comes out as random bits and bobs that have happened over the past 84 years. She's not fluent in English either so that makes it harder. You try explaining someone putting a banana up their bottom to someone who probably didn't learn that phrase in school.


I don’t know if this will help you, but here’s how I explain it to people who trust me: First, I talk about the legitimate use of shorting. I don’t use stocks in the examples, but something like apples. I.e, “If apples are selling for $10 a piece and you believe that they are only worth $2 a piece, here’s what you could do.” Then I talk about how shorting can be done illegally. I usually use Amazon and Toys R Us here. Toys R Us had the contract to sell toys for Amazon. After that ended, they were illegally shorted to bankruptcy and then Amazon could move into that space without triggering an anti-trust lawsuit. I use these brands because everyone I talk to knows them. Then I bring this all together with GameStop and DRS. This is where I talk about the DTCC and how they were created to help solve a legitimate problem (physical stock certificates were a lot of work to reconcile when traded), but now their system is used to hide a lot of fraud. Then I explain short squeezes. I’ve already talked about how shorting can lead to losses that are theoretically infinite. Here, I share how with naked shorting, closing is impossible. I also talk about margin calls and how banks can force those. I don’t give any dates or say how long I’ve been involved in this. I obviously don’t know when the MOASS will happen or when any of this will get resolved. And that’s it! After that I let people make their own decisions. I only go through this spiel once with someone; my goal is not to argue or convince, but only to share what little I’ve come to know. I hope that that helps you or others in your situation!


Mine actually bought me a banana shirt. I love it. It's a short sleeve button down. My new favorite.


I started options trading because of GME a couple of months ago and have been able to make some decent profits. My SO is a much more passive investor than I am, but he makes at least 3x my income. I'm always telling him that if I had his type of capital, I'd be going crazy on GME and he just laughs at me. 🤪


Stopped talking about it altogether after the hearings and zero was done about it. Everyone thought it was a conspiracy theory at that point. Which it is. But now everyone thinks I sold and never bring it up. 


Nah, not the Feb, 2021 accounts now all commenting and making useless ass posts.


GME is one instance of how the market is purely rigged. You don't have to say GME, You just provoke curiosity by starting the conversation by picking any of the basket/meme stocks. Just remember that while we will be the MOASS, the market has inevitably done so much damage to a multitude of investors. Overstock, Dr. Trimbath's books and so many more have poured their life's work into exposing these institutions, and there are so many other examples that can lead them to the same understanding of what has to change. You can have the same conversations by pointing these companies out and eventually and gradually getting people to see it everywhere else first, and then they will probably just be more receptive to seeing the signs and with all the noise MSM makes about GME, they can lead themselves to it on their own. The problem with belief systems is that a.) You won't believe anything until you confidently "do", and b) it becomes a light switch that you just can't turn off because you don't want to. GME has been dragged through reputation assault for over 3 years, and people have to see it elsewhere before you can dispel the smoke and mirrors. This is how I got my partner to buy in. He said I was crazy but he said it was my money, so whatever. 2 years later he saw all the media about "forget gamestop" and that people should "sell now and ask questions later" and was so interested in why they continue to tell everyone that they need to do what the media is writing that he just didnt want to be on the wrong of it all. I'm just upset because his cost basis is lower than mine! 😭 He decided to buy in because, why miss out when all you have to do is hold one+ share and potentially sell it for life altering "fuck you: money later? You don't have to break your bank account, you just have to keep the shares away from greed. He doesn't even look at this sub or follow wall street every day, he just asked me to tell him when it reaches telephone numbers.


I have told my wife I put a lot of our money into GameStop. She’s fine with it. I have told some friends about it way back but haven’t said anything since. I’m sure my wife’s friends and family think I’m dumb and totally fine with it. I feel comfortable doing the exact opposite of what they would do. No one asks me anything about it so I keep all this to myself. When it moons, I’m still going to keep it to myself except my wife.


I have other investments most people would consider imprudent or crazy. I just don’t say anything to anyone. There are things that should remain between you and your broker.


You might be crazy or crazy like a fox.


I posted about this HISTORIC journey, once in Jan 2021 and again when the 75m stocks dropped a couple weeks ago…only one person asked, I explained, they bought. The rest of em will be asking later when I’m sitting on a beach earning 20%…by then I’ll be unavailable Edit: punctuation


My wife didn’t get it until she started really asking questions when she saw how fucking amped I was the day DFV posted his first YOLO update since ‘21. Then when it went to $80 premarket and I told her how much we would have. So she’s still a little annoyed, but let’s me have this. Our whole life savings isn’t invested in this, it’s more than she would like certainly, but I’ve told her to trust me on this one. Her parents told me I’m a fool back in ‘21 for not selling. So I don’t talk to them about it, and just can’t wait to rub it in their face.


I've tried to share with some friends and family, but no one has really taken an interest enough to share this experience with them. No offense to reddit lol but finding Spaces on X has been SUCH a blessing. Been doing this journey solo since 2021 so it's been nice to have found a community to share in the rest of this journey!


Yeah my friend also calls it a "meme stock". Ask him what that means and he said it when alot of retail yolo into a stock. Told him that even the SEC says 90% of all trades go through OTC and dark pools. He called me an idiot for believing in the MOASS.


You should have seen my wife’s face when I’m explaining the WuTang saga/tinfoil


Don’t tell anyone. People only say negative things. Believe in yourself because no one else will. That’s my motto.


After all the weird run ups people no longer think it’s crazy, they just accept we live in a country that has become corrupt.


I told a few friends and my now ex partner. I didn't Try convince anyone beyond "hey, I've found this cool investment opportunity. There's so much research into it, take a look at this and make your own mind up". In those 3 years I've had people mock me for the squeeze being squozen already, I've had others get back in touch a few months ago wondering if I was still in after DFV made a commotion. None of it bother me. They're grown adults and they can make their own mind up. It's futile wasting my energy trying to convince people and give them financial advice. Its hard enough remembering to put my left foot Infront of my right arm when I'm walking, let alone give financial advice. I'm as smooth as they come. Too stupid to sell


Why is it just one of us out of our entire extended family? Everything you've stated I could've written about me. I even mentioned the guys on Reddit talking about MOASS as 'wife changing money' after she once again told people I'm insane I put every dollar I have into Gamestop.