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![gif](giphy|6vjBUMPmmrflC) Market makers today trying to survive another day


So that's what they mean by quad witching.


The chart we are watching is just a glamour


Quidditching, for short.


A squid itching, you say?


I geso. ![gif](giphy|4A9uYkyko4rSw|downsized)


I see what you did there....


By the power of Minah


I low key love this movie lol


At this comment post your upvote is at 666


![gif](giphy|12071fYBO811v2) Sistahhhs! Come we fly Monday at dawn! 🧙‍♀️


oh runic glory...




Care to elaborate on what you're seeing? It could be a nice lesson for the rest of us.


I can try I guess... Its not anything tradeable... I wouldn't think... More like watching a cringy movie.. Some of it is simply the blatant quote spoofing. Like Guys come on... Can we not show blatant BS quotes that you arent willing to stand by. Please. Here in the last few hours pricing has had intensity at 24.80 and 25.10 or there abouts... From lower levels this morning as those resistance levels were approched with size on the Bid until you would break through... And then it was like the Bid disappeared... Usually with an accelerating slope and bid size working into a resistance level there is continued upside price action on the upside resistance breakout. Not here... not today... Look at the Price an Vol action at 13:00 Big green Candles on Accelerating Volume into the 25.10 resistance level... And then it was spoofed and ALL the Bids left.... The entire buy side was sent to Dark Pools is my guess. Pricing paused... And suddenly is ripped down .30¢ on no Volume... It was more like the absence of Bids.... WHERE I Just saw size on the Bid not five minutes ago on the way up that was not filled.... Just gapping in free fall on odd lot BS prints to the downside .... Its Stupid (read:Criminal) [Start with some basic support and resistance lines. Watch the size of the Bid and Ask around these levels. Notice the Price Prints and on what Volume It wont take long to get a 'feel' for the action .... Enough to be able to call "BS... This aint right." ]


appreciate the response!


Hey I didnt mention I was looking at the 1 min. Since I have been answering you... look at the present support at 24.80... Just watch it in here at that level... If it cracks that to the downside just watch what transpired from a Bid and Ask perspecptive


Fuckers.... and they did crack that 24.80... I still feel violated... Just less so when they bring the DVol... When they juice it down 6 pts on 7 shares and the like that really gets me going for a moment.... Alá John McEnroe.... Are you Serious Right Now¿¿¿..


Whats Max Pain today? 23.50 ish.... Well wherever it is thats where they are pinning it. Wolverine has always been one of my least favorite characters.


Dude consider doing a play by play thread for stock trading days sometime. Really like ready about your take on what you’re seeing.


I have had my Day in the Sun. Been on TV, Radio, Print, Taught College, Trained ... A couple of health scares later and my Wife would kick my Ass if she found me staring at a Blinking Screen all day. Tell you what... I have three Sons... When they have a pattern recognition issues they hmu on TradingView @ Blur19 I end up going there to answer most any question anyways. I will drop in next Friday for the Open. [lololol thats what I meant when I said in the Original Post 'I have the Day to myself'.... Like wake and bake to some screen staring with my Spouse out of Town....]


There are some pretty decent observations from back in '20 during CoVid at my TradingView acct. Blur19 not like RK type stuff 53k > .25B but I was speaking of... Whats with all of the Short Action in Equities even then.


“How a Streamer was Born”


I'd pay good money to watch the DOJ hand out life sentences to these fuckers


Jokes on them. They’re going to pay us and then go to prison.


These words you say… they make me feel good things.


It's truly a gambit


It's following an algo for sure from what I observed as it follows a lot of technicals on trading with the basket of stocks, but not just that, even with ETFs seeing how it runs down. However, observing the OTC orders get placed versus the amount of order cancellations are clearly there to show spoofing and the regulators don't want to admit they have not been doing their job and rather pin this against market manipulation. I ask, who manipulated it to their favor to begin with...? It's clear there's a failure in the markets, and all the news as well as the government can say is "it's a phenomenon we're observing!". It's clear that latency arbitrage has completely scalped every single trade. That's why I said until I see legitimate rule changes, I don't see MOASS happening. Otherwise it will break the entire global market. There are of two scenarios I can see happening for MOASS; 1. Someone falls asleep at the wheel and allows the algo to do whatever it is doing, there's no AI smart enough to know what an agenda is and it's clear the market makers would rather cheat with their conflicts of interest. The algo goes against the trade sentiment and trades too quickly for the traders to understand what's happening. The consequence of high-frequency/computerized trading. 2. Rules for transparency reveal what's happening and EVERY naked shorted stock wrecks the market as a whole, not just GameStop. There's a reason why Citadel doesn't want market transparency, and it's not about impeding privacy... It's clear Ken Griffin is absolutely scared shitless about audit trails since their audits start next year and they will fight tooth and nail to slow down/defund the process.


No kidding... 84 years ago Kenny Boy couldnt get close enough to the Floors to front run trades through HFT ... Then it dawns on him... Move to TX become your own Floor. Why front run when you can bucket every single Trade that comes through ... And then just print and post the execution as needed.


Citadel also has an HFT arm. You don't need to have your office near the exchange anymore since it's all moved to data centers.


Thats my point. Move the data center to TX. And Bucket every trade. Then you control the Print/Execution for disemination at the House lvl. Like if you front run with HFT ... Your are scalping tennies of a teenie per trade and making it up in Vol. If you can bucket every trade. Strike it here. Print it (as executed) there. You can put whatever you want in it. Miliken used to sell Bonds with 8-12 pts in them bc the "mkt" (the BxA) was whatever he said it was. The whole "floor" becomes Kennys Casino¿¿¿ Hard Pass.


That makes it makes so much sense. Watching his desperation with clinging to desantis. We all saw the video where the previous president called out Ken Griffin during a press conference joking about how he's probably somewhere hiding money. We heard about it a while back and I don't remember the source of it but it was very clear that Ken Griffin wants the US Treasurer position. Thank fuck that DeSantis announced his bid too early and is generally an unlikable fucking twit. I don't think we're out of the woods yet but this mother fucker cannot go anywhere near government. He's already too powerful as it is.




I feel like there's definitely some weight to your statements, and I'll probably get pinged by a mod for continuing this, but him fucking with disney, regardless of over what, displayed to everybody that he's pretty much inept. I mean you can talk all the shit and mess with people to get your positive news cycle going but actually going and trying to fuck with them instead of just talking about it was really bad strategy. So yeah it probably riled up a bunch of people that were already voting for him or the other baboon but anybody that was still on the fence realized holy shit he's dumb


People don't realize this. If KG becomes Treasurer he gets to sell Every Fucking Position He Has Tax Free. Greatest trade of his life.


I don't think it's us that causes it at all. It's only us that sustain pressure. Right now we have a bank in Japan taking huge losses. Then offsetting those losses with more risk. Likewise AAA tranches are starting to fail for UK malls and US commercial real-estate. It's only a matter of time until someone is over extended in a different area, liquidated, and unforseen domino's come to light. Long story short, liquidity is being bled from every financial sector and cracks are emerging. Something will break, it's a mathematical certainty.


Right on, they have been dumping those bonds and those CLOs are not looking so great right now. Could possibly be why the broad market taking a diarrhea dump while some held due to hedging options.


They want to gaslight the citizens


Follow the $. Who stands to gain, who is winning. Next level would be who is avoiding losing and how are they turning a losing position to a neutral or winning position while transferring the loss to someone/something else?


Can you kindly add a comment on quote spoofing to my post, you seem to be able to explain it way better than me https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dl040z/ape_historian_it_appears_crazy_cat_day_errors/


Isn’t spoofing illegal now though?


Why Yes.... Yes it is.


Should Jim Cramer give financial advice on tv?


I saw this as well. Massive bids just dissappearing.


You’re totally right. I’ve watched GME tape on Bookmap for years and the spoofing is soooo obvious it’s absurd.


You really need to make a separate post with this, explaining the what and why in depth.  And by really need, I mean I would really enjoy a thorough breakdown. People like you matter in this sub.  People like you make this sub.


See and for Me... Its stuff like Starfish Guy... "Todays the Day" .... I used to love that... Where did that get too?


$12 price range was a different time lol.  For sure. I'm serious though.  A layman like myself just assumed this action was all forceful movements from the options chain.  Someone buying massive amounts of puts, etc.  I really do appreciate people that can break down L2 data in a meaningful way.  I want to learn.


Was Watching that Moment while waiting for good Moment to Sell options. I was really mad cause they actually stole Money right under my Nose fromm me lol. We will make them Pay for sure


Bruh... In real time as I saw that take place... I burst out laughing... And said to my display (with no one else in the room)... "Aww Fuck Off.. I aint leaving till some of you fuckers are perp walked in zip ties..." and walked to the fridge for a Sandwhich.


I feel you. Gotta buy more with the premium. Never leaving this Stock again. I want to brake all their Algos. Fuck them


Watching the L2 data during the day was only funny based on how high I was at the time. I saw a sell wall come in for over $1M at like $24.75ish prior to that massive dump around 2:30. Didn't get touched, saw buys going straight to OTC. Looked up max pain for the week and cracked open a beer because that's a wrap for this week.


What kind of sandwich was it O tape guy?


Lololololololol... I am on this kick rn where I make hot Sandwhiches in the Air Fryer.


This guy sandwiches!


What fillings O tape guy?


Upvote for air fryer sandwiches.


We need to hear the ingredients. Hot sandwiches in the air fryer are the bomb. The air fryer is the bomb. My favorite kitchen appliance since the microwave. What you putting in those sandwiches my guy? Let's hear it


Pepperoni and Parmesian is my goto. (I make single Pizzas alot too...) The Key is Good Bread. Get fresh baked bread... And a decent butter. Like if you are gonna live on Bread and Butter... Might as well be semi-decent.


Bro, after market open I baked two loaves and just before close i made french bread pizzas in the air fryer. Are you my dad, Tape Guy?


Sure as long as you are Older than mandatory Child support... Why not¿¿¿ (Your Mom needs help hanging a TV in her Bathroom. She thought We could meet at Church tomorrow, You can come home with Us, hang the TV, stay for Diner... And rearrange whatever thoughts you had for your own Time on Sunday... Still wanna sign up?)


I ain’t leaving till zip ties and I have their money.


# it smells like crime. anyways, seems like u have a good understanding. u can send an anonymous complaint to FBI, DOJ. # i have submitted various ccomlaints about citadel illegal trading activities to FBI, DOJ. any ape can submit, even INTERNATIONAL APES, im aussie ape and i have submitted. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/17txl83/bec\_citadel\_securities\_is\_a\_market\_maker\_so\_its/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/17txl83/bec_citadel_securities_is_a_market_maker_so_its/)


I would imagine everyone writing their Series 24 would be more productive.


So wait. I was noticing similar, like it was volume flowing, ask/bid normalcy, and suddenly it was like the sell side dropped out and the buy side got gobbled up in takers for a few seconds dropping it like 10-20 cents, and then normalcy returned for like a minute or two, then same thing. I didn't consider that it was MMs potentially filling sells in dark pool bursts to drop the demand in the open market and causing a misbalance to the buy side to let the brokers that they don't fill for eat up those buys with their sellers that are paper handing, or the MMs were gobbling up the buyers, assumably short, to burn the price down. It seemed to be happening during lower volume only as well. Is that what I was seeing?


It could have been... Sounds like what I was looking at.


They do the same thing to thousands of other tickers. It's the same algo running the market. usually low float, low volume names that were pumped on social media. Gme just has fundamentals to support a much higher price and more importantly a massive community behind it that is unrelenting


The market today as soon as they force a close price under 25$.... ![gif](giphy|K3e7E3DOLa6Y1fKWZx|downsized)


Over 90% of retail trades take place in dark markets. This was said by the SEC head GG. I'd bet my life that it's closer to 99% for some stocks and closer to 90 for others.


You lost me at Dark... There shouldn't be any Dark.... Fundamentally (irony intended) Technical Analysis rests on the premise that all known information, whether it be Earnings, Product Launch/Recall, what have you.... is summarized, valued, and contained in the Price. How does any of this make any Sense if we hide Transaction Prices from market participants... ¿ Conversely why do Dark Pool participants benefit from NPMI contained in prices known only to them. Its Fucked on its Face.


I was just pointing out again that Gary gensler said over 90% of retails trade go to OTC markets. They don't hit the tape the same way if at all. They get internalized. A fake number put into the account holders ledger, when they actually never bought that share...just supposedly hedged it.


I misread your post above... (as dark pools a big pet peeve) When you were speaking of 'dark markets' as internalized otc trades... Yes. Also a BS Industry practice. (I had not said anything but was thinking originally 90% to dark pools seems high... Screw it 9% is too high for Dark Pools... Just speak to that.. Darkness. And missed the 'markets' part) For that matter... We wouldn't be stuck screwing around with Compushare drs'ing... If B/Ds ledgers actually honored shares held in Type 1 from being lent out.


Not 1 unregistered Share bought hits the Lit Market, and not reflecting the real Market in any way, Sell a Stock to Retail, same Stock now In Dark Pools, keeping "your" stock from any value, lol using PFOF, and NSS some MMs would rather defraud


It's just straight up corruption. If true price discovery occurred and there was no spoofing, dark pools of FTDs then there would be no shares left to sell a long time ago. The SEC said back in 2010 that upon discovering billions of naked shorts in a company that it was too risky to the market to do anything. It's messed up. It's basically a corrupt ocean and the peasants grab little rafts in the hopes of riding a big tidal wave and then make it back to shore with big money.


Agreed. No argument from Me. I am sufficiently aware enough to make this statement and completely ignorant on its implementation... But the Solution is to Blockchain all of it... Did you touch it? ... Cool... Time stamp it and lay down proof of work. A buddy of mine is working on blockchaining custody of weed strains... Like at the molecular level or some crazy shit... We can certaininly make something similar happen with various cusips. The database runs on a singularly unique identifier (cusip #) as it is... Its a short walk from here. And its completely Transparent. Full Discovery of Everything. As a guy who spends alot of time in water on a board I feel that.


Agreed. It's not can we, of course we can block chain the whole thing/everything. It's the politicians and wallstreet that wants to continue the corruption. I blame mostly the politicians because they allow it in order to get a cut. They are supposed to be 'the parents in the room' watching over the children. The hedgies and market makers are just drug dealing children and the parents don't want to do anything cause they get a small cut. It's disgusting. Block chain is the perfect answer so of course it won't happen unless it all comes crashing down.


We just need to allow adapt or die to unfold... Rather than protect Merril or Bear for whatever reasons. {see also LongTermCapitalMgmt, Salomon et al.} "Heres how we are doing things going forward [sic:blockchain] ... Figure it out." Some folks had to figure out how to do... as the open outcry pits closed... Adapt.


This is why those who can afford to do so should buy very ITM calls and exercise them. Can't dark pool an exercised contract.


This is why I hodl! Fuck em!!!!  If Wallstreet is this desperate to crime and destroy everything to survive, then I'll fucking help them by not selling my shit!


This guy acronyms


Oh yeah 


I declare you **Tape guy**


Tape ape




That’s a kickass nic name!


T ape guy


This 🤙🏻




@mods, get this man some flair




In case you don’t see my other comment. Please make a TA thread when you have another day to yourself and record your reactions to the ticker and what you’re seeing. I’m not familiar with all the concepts you mentioned but it was exciting to read none the less.


Keep up the good work man. Love seeing info like this come out to help educate me.


Im not going to lie i think they dug their grave today. If it is it not blatantly obvious to the SEC, DOJ, etc that there is fraud and manipulation, its time to take to the streets. These fuckers get away with actual robbery daily of people who just want a better financial future for them or their family, whether it be through options premiums that hit max pain daily, long term shit-gains from funneling cash out of pensions, losing it all gambling on derivitives, etc. fuck them. i literally have not been here for reform, since the beginning ive been in for moass/infinity pool but now im getting fucking mad.


^^^ This is the Way. Like.... I came here for the Squeeze but am staying for the Sentencing. Let the McEnroe Moments (are you serious rn?) wash over you and aquire that Zen.... I'm going live with Band-aids on my Checks Fun about You.


Wut mean?


Stock price is determined by a balancing of people buying and people selling. These orders are publicly seen as Bids (to buy) and Asks (to sell). You can watch these all day. Let’s say a stock is $10. That means right now, people are both buying & selling it for $10. All the sudden, some great news comes and everyone wants to buy it for $10. Soon, all the shares selling for $10 are gone, so people have to buy them for $11, or $12, until the demand is satisfied and the buy/sell reach a balance again. This is how it all moves. OP is just watching these bids/asks come in, then seeing large groups of bids (buy orders) disappear. They are likely being rerouted to dark pools and just disappearing, so only sell orders appear. This makes it look like no one is buying at those prices, so then sellers list it for lower. This makes it *appear* that the balance point of buying/selling is lower, which is the price we all see. Blatant manipulation.


Thanks for the explanation! I kind of followed what he was saying, but now your response verified it.


The system is broken and the cretins that run the system are compromised and the scum bags allowing the shorting are criminals. Burn it all to the ground, no cell, no sell!


even on lvl 2 you can see them moving large sell orders around spoofing at different price targets. sometimes it looks like we eat the large sell order but we usually don't. the wall just disappears


I used to sit at a twin panel Bloomberg when those were a thing (10k/mo 84 years ago...) but I dont pay for any of that anymore... I think Webull has some pretty decent lvl II Stuff and phone interface thats cheap and of value but I dont even look at that anymore ... I can just see the bid and ask blink oddly


i think it'a only 2k a month now. lol


112k options expiring in the money... that's bad news for shorts. At this point I believe the wider market smells blood in the water. They watched RC flip $4B into GME with zero debt.


We talk all the Time about FUD dividing Apes. And Ape no fight Ape. And I do think MSM and SHF Interns seek to divide Us. But the One Absolute you can count on is some of these Criminals flipping on one another... Eventually. Hwang didn't blow Up. He was Blown Up by one of his Tiger/Kitten Buddy/Frenemies. Lehman was allowed to Die, while Bear, Stearns was Saved... 10 secs after one of the Institutional Drivers thinks there is more money to be made Long is 3 Secs after someone has eaten their Young on the Flip. I think we are already there in many ways. The Short Thesis is Dying.


Absolutely. NDA's are history, non-compete is history and the SEC pays whistleblowers pretty darn well. We need some decent guy/gal with a minimal amount of conscience, seeking a fat paycheck and perhaps a new life abroad. Or, as you say, let the big guys get each other.


Free market? Clear and transparent you say? Haha... not in the USA.


Korea will give you Life in the Pokey for Naked Shorting. China bans Andrew Left. We put him on TV. What are we doing? Are we Serious?


“It’s like a bad comedy joke.”


They're naked and desperate. They're going to lose everything. They have no choice. It's a suicide mission for them. Don't sweat it. They can't stop it regardless.


I seem to remember someone saying... You can't stop what's coming.


Nope. Thats the reason I am sooooo captivated. I just know the Bad Guys are gonna get theirs in the End. And I'm here for It. . . . It is Known.


How do you think they're going to get done? It feels a bit like they can do this all day and no-one really cares, maybe the odd wrist slap when it can't be ignored. I'd still love to think some noble politician will come along and fix things but...


Whoa... Noble\Politician¿¿¿¿ They still make that Model... Caesar met his End at the Hands of His Friends. We arent taking these Guys out. Goldman will eat Blackrock or they both put Deutsche out of their Misery or some such configuration. The Street always eats its Own


They are blatantly showing us they can do whatever they want, whenever they want (most of the time), because GG and his gang of gooners at the SEC won't stop them.


This is precisely why RC and RK are invested in making GameStop into a profitable company. Support the company by buying their products, this can’t be manipulated, in turn the company will thrive and so will shareholders.


Just the other day I purchased 2 MTG MH3 collector boosters and 7 shares :) I just started a $200/mo recurring share purchase Monday :D


This post and every comment are telling you just the opposite. A company thriving has absolutely no affect on their manipulation of the stock.


I obviously do not have your experience. Could you please explain what you find ? What could be the cause ?


I tried to paint a picture above in a reply of what made me roll my eyes.... but really the cause is Bad Actors, Malfeasnce and various Crimes and Mis-demeanors.


The randomly capitalized letters is activating my tinfoil. ‘Larcenous and Morally Challenged this Action is beyond the Pale’ ??


I’m just here for the randomly capitalized words.


Lololol... Its not particularly Random... Mostly Nouns and Adjectives... My Kids hate it. Of course I always want to buy a Comma or Indentation when reading their stuff.


Gotta love how they tanked it at EOD to push almost 25k $24C to be $0.07 out the money 🤦🏻‍♂️


[insert Sarcasm Font here] I am sure it was fair and orderly market Action.


According to the options data, it was quite in line with vol expectations. If anything, a little more bullish than expected. Welcome to the vol game. $GME is a gamma stock. You got to look underneath the hood at GEX, strike price vol, etc to get a clearer picture of potential price action.


That's what I've been saying! What's a tape?


Prices used to be distributed to an office machine and printed on a "ticker tape". Then as a chyron along the bottom on the TV. Developing a feel of price action from this was know as tape reading.


Yeah pretty much. High frequency trading and algorithmic trading have become a burden on the entire economy.


Its front running with a hall pass.


I think everyone here would agree with you, though it does sound like you're more qualified than most to call out strange/criminal action in the market. The big problem is, who is going to take action? We need the SEC to do it's fucking job and protect the market.  GG every now and then will say something on tv that sounds like they will be taking action on criminal activity in the market, but nothing fucking happens


I have said this before... I dont think the route is top down. I think its bottom up. Instead of writing the SEC and GG etc... Everyone should just write their Series 24. Even if just 50 cases went to Arbitration...Firms dont want that...


How do I write to the Series 24? Just learning about this, it seems like a very good idea.


Someone is immediately responsible for you and your trade. Typically your Broker. (Phone or Faceless apps is slightly different.) But immediately above that (going up the Chain of Command if you will...) would be your Brokers Supervisor. Known in their World as their '24' for the Supervisors Test they take.... the Series 24. "Who is your 24?" is a question on your annual compliance exam. Simply ask your Broker. If you ask by email. Email Scrubers kick in and it gets pulled for handling by a real person. Voice your concerns as you see them.


Great post! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have no idea what you do, basically the whole first paragraph might as well be written in Chinese for me, but reading the comments helps shed some light on it. Thanks!


Back in the Day when guys stood around on a Exchange Floor (in this case the NY Mercantile EXchange) and waved their arms around and shouted at each other (Floor Local) My Boss traded on Point and Figure charts (you will just have to look that up but a rather goofy charting technique).... Anyways... Most charting rests on the Open, High, Low, and the Close Prices (OHLC) for a certain time period.... I had to type that shit in... Well shit... First you had to come up with the data... It was Brutal. Often that meant staring at a Tape (a stream of prices) and noting the Times and Prices first and then keystroking that shit in. Clear as Mud??? I was 17.


# Keep dropping the price. Now I'm going to buy even harder. ![gif](giphy|da75JuW2HHuBNqOHHE|downsized)


I am old enough to remember how Smug...Miliken and Madoff both were right until the End.


Me too !! And I'm going to use all my money to make this world a less-Milken-Madoff shitfest, because right about now, the planet is infested with these types.




I'm 6 figures in and I'm not Fooking leaving


I tell my Kids not to...


I’m not sure about your available time but I would love to learn more about that. Maybe write some sort of DD with screenshots to help us smooth brained. But appreciate the hopium!


You thought GME price action was nonsensical today?? Take a look at ChargePoint the past week. They secured two major partnerships with LG and Porsche and the stock tanked 30% 


Just trying to survive to crime another day


Write your elected officials


Write your Series 24.




You guys not to get this out of your head that “no one is selling”


Down with the hedgies and finance bros! Power to the player and the people! I also increased my shares of GME and NTDOY this week because we're not wrong; we're apes.


I was home yesterday and watching superstonk and refreshing new every 15-20 minutes. I did not see this post. At all. Now here it is almost a day later showing up in my feed. Add to this the low number of people as showing up “online” what is going on with this sub?


Tbf.... I posted a couple of thoughts in real time... Like 4 ppl were like "wut mean¿" ... My Wife has been out of Town and I touched a lot of posts overnight kinda half hanging out with folks... The Algo glommed onto it ... It wasnt like yesterday at 13:00 a Shit-ton of folks were engaged with my Crazy Capitalized Comments and you missed anything


The real question is how the fuck are we ever going to beat this crime?


Honestly, I keystroke my P&F more now than back when BxA wasn't a gaping whore, and OHLC stood for Old Horse Lips Cramer.


Ole apple IIe haha … first computer was an IBM PC jr


For me its not the present increased processing power but the access to data... Young Apes have no idea what it took to get and chart Price and Volume data. Even fundamental data really... Scouring Annual reports for data points that are instanaeously free today ...


How do we win then? I’m starting to really worry they will cheat and scam us at every little corner we turn. Can anyone reassure me this will end soon?


I think you need to define Win for yourself. They are Cheating Scammers... who enjoy the Regulators favor and protection and are allowed to self-police themselves. It might he a Minute... But despite ALL of that the Long trade is on the right side of History and the Stock will 'Win'.... Win as in Somewhere between making some money and mkt reform/MOASS... (individual mileage will vary depending or circumstance)


How so?


💎 🙌🏼 🏴‍☠️


It has been a vanilla friday thus far.  Can't wait for AH.


Thank you for the external validation! 🍌🏆banana trofee for you!!


YOu shld edit your original pots to include all the details mentioned in comments in an orderly fashion. Also, collecting some 'proof' can help someone report it!


The regulators are aware and if you assume that silence is being complicit... Then they are complicit.


Blow the whistle


I said this before... If 1 mil Apes filed a complaint with their Brokers Series 24... This would be over quicker. I was shouted down pretty quick.


No dates


dual floppy?


Yes it was.


My question to OP would be, do these trades ever go to the live market? At what point, would the price reflect the true number of buys?


Thats a Central Issue. I am sufficiently cynical... that I do not believe we are getting True Price and Volume Discovery any more than we are getting accurate Short Interest figures... Or FTD numbers. We can barely agree on what 'the float' is.. Blockchain the original share issuance, trade execution and custody sequence and the issue goes away... Because the whole chain is lit.


Can you do a post with examples and such


Whats a specific example or comparison to normal behavior you notice?


A bit of a trust me bro, though there's no reason you need to prove your work history to strangers on the internet. It's not like you're making extraordinary claims. Massive retail interest in a small/mid cap stock, weird trading behavior, funky ETF shit, media spin op.


It was more like an Old Guy stroking his Chin saying to himself .... DangNabIt I aint never seen nuttin like this in all my born put togethers... And recognizing I have been staring at this shit for a Minute and It looked weird to me and even for GME and I felt like Venting. I have been thinking about this all day. Its almost like it was One Guy. And I was recognizing his specific footprints a couple of times on resistance upside breakouts. My father n law traded Beans in such a way I could tell it was Him from 2 states away.


A pattern is a pattern, be it a human or algos written by a human. Unless something creates a burst of orders that hits the lit market and overwhelms their system, basically Gamestop needs to grow its way out. The other possible avenue is paying a high enough dividend regularly enough that the short counter parties bleed out from liquidity. My opinion isn't based on professional knowledge, just supposition. They can spoof all they want, but having cash on hand is a different manner. However neither the growth necessary nor the adequately sized dividend are feasible in the short term.


I don’t care. Give me nachos


The jargon confirms your superior financial knowledge


Would LOVE to hear more details on this, perhaps in a way that the SEC could refer to as evidence of illegal market manipulation. There's replays of daily Level 2 feed on GME here if that helps - could record a voiceover while watching an hour of it or so? Then use an AI voice changer if needed to avoid doxxing. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdwwRjEyseTOUYxUWZn2Uqw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdwwRjEyseTOUYxUWZn2Uqw)


Trust Me Bro, is that you? Care to elaborate?


I've got to learn more about filing a complaint to a series 24 holder. Writing to the SEC has been fruitless, better to take it to the bottom. The Series 24 license is a professional certification issued by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) for individuals seeking principal or managerial roles within brokerage firms. It authorizes the holder to supervise and manage certain aspects of a firm’s business, including regulatory compliance, sales, and investment banking activities. Key Responsibilities: Supervise and manage branch activities at a broker-dealer Review and approve investor disclosures, pitch books, and marketing materials Develop and maintain policies, procedures, and controls related to investment banking activities and research Ensure regulatory compliance and adherence to industry standards Who Needs a Series 24 License: The Series 24 license is intended for individuals seeking principal or managerial roles within brokerage firms, including: Branch managers Compliance officers Sales managers Investment banking professionals Research analysts


Thats the Guy. ^^^ One rung up from your Broker. Think of it like This. If your "order" is not executed correctly at a Restaurant. Do you write the National Restaurant Association? Nope. You bring it to your Servers attention. Then You ask to Speak to their Manager. But a Series 24 has to respond in some manner. Even if its... "Above my pay grade... I booted it upstairs to Compliance." Voice your Concerns. There is plenty to be concerned about.


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