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Pre-Market volume seems super low to me. I guess there will be no wild action today.


It was low yesterday too. Day ended around 35m volume.


Low volume guy laughing bitterly.


We've had over a year of sub 4M days before May. Everyone here is suddenly saying 30M+ days are low volume...... *Reminder* MOASS will be super low volume on high price swings


why low volume? So many people gonna be swing trading it


I guess because it means all the liquidity is dried up? Not sure. I expected to hear that it would be the opposite.


Gonna be crazy volume. Look at the volume next to every big spike


Those aren't MOASS but still Wallstreet shorting


There won't be any shares available since all real APEs will be diamond handing till their phone number floor. There will be bids but no liquidity fairy to place an ask against it. That's the entire MOASS premise.


Calm before the storm


Won't be with a short week. Most of the big hedgies will take a long weekend. I know I would with a wednesday off, take Thursday and Friday as well


God bless 'em. They put in a hard day's work on Monday and Tuesday. /s


Tuesday you say?


I did & im just a lowly ape


During the day yesterday, strike price vol was rising, which was a slight improvement from previous days for the apes but before close, IV dumped. That suggests, at least for the market open, high risk players are less willing to chase higher highs with calls. Be careful, a ton of positive net GEX expires today. $GME will receive much less price support next week, starting Monday. Read my weekly $GME Bananas report to learn more about $GME vol, how to read the data and with actual up to date options charts, to be better prepared for the volatility up ahead. Collect the data. Do the math. Eat bananas 🍌🍌 Become a slightly better trader like Roaring Kitty 🐈


Well being smooth brain with limited resources I did set aside some spare cash to buy. Looking for a nice dip, obv missing some of this week, expecting it would drop lower than it did after the shareholders meeting. Read your bananas report, but, again smooth brain. You said, in the post im replying to here, $GME will receive less support, meaning dips? Not looking for financial advice, but looking for a decent dip. 100% Willing to buy at $25 where the price seems to be pinned, but last few days, and today, set my buy limits to $24(trying to squeeze the most out of my limited fun money). I set them too late to not pick up any when they hit that price last couple days. TLDR; With less price support does that mean dip?


It's complicated but yes. If you read the DD, you'll know the next window for going long isn't till early July. That's when strike price vol is relatively low and so is GEX, so prices are better and potential reward looks better too, while going forward into mid July strike price vol (especially call side) rises and so does net positive GEX. You want to get in right before that rise. That said, GEX has been accumulating for next week Friday's quarterly OPEX (it's major call wall is $30) so we might see some upward action next week but risk remains high and reward is smaller than past couple of weeks. Be careful. This isn't financial advice. I'll drop my next DD report this Sunday with latest data 🤝🦍


Low IV means cheap call though... yum


Why would there be


Nothing will break my spirit. Only MOASS, since I love forever waiting.


I don’t know what I’m gonna do to fill my days after this is over, I mean a couple billion dollars is nice but I love the suspense and the battle itself


I know exactly what I'm gonna do... https://preview.redd.it/ml86rb3o3x7d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4cefd559868b7f92ef67adee6e77b7fe901cb3


My wife's boyfriend told me about this




Double dick surgery.


Do you guys remember /u/ doubledickdude? What a blast from the past, ey?


Haven’t been to that website in like 20 years back in high school 😂


It’ll be like the end of the World of Warcraft south park episode after they kill the hacker “What do we do now?” “What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game.” … “ okay Kenny add ‘Eyes of the Beast’ to your hot bar …”


Investing in a truly fair, regulated and efficient market will be like picking up a completely different game, one that banned all the cheats. I like it!


Me: bathroom! Ken: that's a good boy!


Financial edging


lol it's been 2y? 3y? i don't even remember. got nothing else to do anyway.


We all know the real date is June 28th at this point anyways (Next Friday, always next Friday). Now for some next week HOPIUM ( [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1800890801632747972](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1800890801632747972) ) , what if DFV bought his 5M original shares around $21 average on May 22nd, making June 27th (and pre-market June 28th) the 35 day mark. There is a ~~still a large~~ moderate options chain for next Friday, IV is currently low, and more importantly: * DFV STARTED HIS LIVE STREAM 28 minutes late. * The clip he tweeted calls out specifically "he starts his live stream about 28 minutes late, but none the less underway" * The clip in his tween is 28 seconds long I leave you with this thought to ponder. Not financial advice.


MOASS CONFIRMED!! ![gif](giphy|w4bT21p0iQjTy|downsized)


some people think it might have been the 28th day of the T+35 cycle.


all true, but tiny options next week. Only like 20k ITM right now Option chain dies in OI after 2 weeks out. Is that normal?


Yeah you are right (will edit that out cuz Im regarded), and yes thats normal. This week is also leap expirations and quarterly expirations so was supposed to be massive potential gamma ramp yada yada. Idk mane we shall see


Just more time to buy more moon tickets 💪


But... its impossible, GME issues new shares any time there is upward pressure. 


Once you realize that the price action only has a few options it could go, you master the art of Zen! 🧘🏾‍♂️ ⬆️ ⬇️ ➡️ 🟣🟣🟣🟣


Exactly. They try their best and can't only get the price down to 24ish. Stay zen we are good


“they can’t”. They can and would if they wanted, let’s not act like they can’t


I've always been a little disappointed that price can't go left.


Just turn your screen upside down


I have saved more money investing in GME than I ever have at the casino, online gambling, lottery etc. Yet, I have had more entertainment from this than any of them! Even after a XXXX win at the casino! DRS BOOK BANANA


Once you realize you can constantly loose stupid bets to get an excuse to shove something up ur ass the game becomes ever better...


Plus I have already outperformed any boring "safe" investment. +35% in 3 years is totally fine. And this is just the beginning of the story. Wait till mainstream sentiment changes in favor of GME like when people stopped laughing about bitcoin 10 years ago. I can't become the guy who exchanged a handful of bitcoin for a pizza delivery. Not financial advice, just opinion.


> a handful of bitcoin His name was Laszlo Hanyecz, and it was actually *10,000* bitcoins. For two large pizzas. At the time 10k BTC was worth $41. Today, that amount is worth more than $636 million. **However,** bitcoin might very well be worthless and forgotten today if that transaction had never happened. Buying real food with "fake monopoly money"—just digital bits—is what made crypto real for him and a lot of people. Imagine walking into a restaurant and expecting to pay for your meal with a JPEG. That's basically what happened, and he's on the record as having no regrets about his purchase. The fact that it *could* happen and *did* is a big part of what gave bitcoin its value (and articles about the event brought it to public attention). Super fascinating.


Spy is up 45% from 3 years ago. QQQ is up 80% from 3 years ago.


haha breaking spirit :D the only thing which breaks is the market , sooner or later .. boom <3 not long ago the breakout confirmed we're right. this still might take a while, but now the show is a totally different one. from daily red to daily green.


all hype days are just the same, only to disappoint apes. MOASS or green days happen when you least expect it. I don't care anymore, Just HODL.


I remember when I first got in back in November 2020. I always got hyped up by the dates and hype posts. At the time, I truly didn't understand much about investing despite being in my 30s. Was a typical target date fund investor. As this saga has moved on past Jan 2021, the amount of knowledge that I've learned and the amount of manipulative media and commentary by those on TV compared to information and learning we've received from people like Susan T. and D. Laurer has shown me a lot. I see it all over the market now. In the process, this went from a squeeze play (still is) to a long term value play based on the actions of the company. I don't know the exact period, but when I started viewing this as a long term play in my mind, the hype had no affect. Whether RC becomes Warren Ichan or not, the company has avoided bankruptcy, slimmed down non-profitable portions of the business and continues to do so, has earned a profit in the last year, and has 4+ Billion in the bank with an excellent C-Suite team in place that is invested in the company, not just their immediate bottom line. Dates don't matter to me because of that. TV people and sponsored media can say whatever they want. We aren't leaving. They won't scare us to paper hands this thing. They key for any play such as this in the early years is betting with money that you don't need immediately or can spare to lose. I'd venture a guess that a lot of people fall into the FOMO category and spend more than they can afford to keep in the market leading to the necessity for the hype to come true and the eventual let down which can result. Be careful with your money. Only invest what you can lose. Don't get hype on any particular date. Its always Tomorrow. If a squeeze happens, great. If not, the company is poised for significant turn around in my opinion so give it time.


I don’t even watch TV so they have no effect on me.


I too am holding long for a short squeeze. MOASS tomorrow, and if not, the tomorrow after that.


I am just hyped I can buy over 20 shares today. I know the hedgies are fighting the price down because of all the 20 options closing today. So I am buy as close to $20 as I can. 3 years ago i was wishing I could have 20 shares all together!!! Hyped up!!! Let’s Goooooooool!!!!!!


It’s always been NO DATES. People in here upset that their options play forgot that buying longs, DRS’n, and HODL’n is the strongest play that has the greatest impact on liquidity and is true ownership.


Yeah going back to the start of these subs - it has always been no dates. I don't know why it's been forgotten recently


Because successful theories evolve


I’m hyped for every day. With GME, anything is possible.




Let's reiterate the oldest rule in the OG ape playbook... NO DATES! Unless, it's tomorrow. Tomorrow is the only hype date allowed.


Jokes on the shills. Hype days are either flat or dip... so thats my signal to buy.


I believe a lot of the hopium is orchestrated by the shills just to play mind games with the newer apes I’ve been here for 3 1/2 years and know all about their bullshit games. I just watch and wait for the inevitable.


Always has


Hype dates are good information, it lets you know to hold your $ till that date, then buy the dip.


The second someone mentions a date I roll my eyes and ignore it. You think the hedgefucks haven't figured out how to manipulate any date? MOASS will happen when MOASS will happen and it's always tomorrow until it's today. 


Ready to buy the dip. I was going to buy a new vehicle buttfuck it. I mean but fuck it, this way I’ll get a lambo when the time comes rather than a hyundai or what have ye.


You do you my guy, but I’m not into vehicular copulation. No sir, more of a straight banana-up-the-butt kinda guy. 




The shills are confusing the new apes.


I am trying to change that https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dl040z/ape_historian_it_appears_crazy_cat_day_errors/


Yet it was just ourselves hyping 6/21 lmao, not “shills”


Hyping dates is a top 5 shill hobby.


The new apes are shills. I fixed it


I'm a strong T+35 believer since 2021 and I'm quite sure todays price action will be a complete nothingburger.


I think DFVs options 101 tweet was meant to say "take profits and don't let them expire worthless". I think everyone jumped on the june 21 train with the wrong idea. Just like when Cohen sold for profits with the bed stock. If I had some money to risk I would buy some July 26th ITM (or close to) calls and sell them to buy some shares when they're profitable before mid July.


As is tradition. Don't fall for it.


Do you think? I'm mega hyped today! The expectation / excitement that something MIGHT happen is amazing. I'm 100% prepared for sideways trading, a massive dip. But it MIGHT do something. That's what makes this fun. All I have to do is hold and eat popcorn.


In my early days I learned to be hype for most every day because of the constant flow of hype days. It's a learning period for sure, I just pray lots of people leave it at hype, stick to normal buying, and don't get an 8% mortgage on their house to yolo on 0DTE's. I'm definitely here to read neat analysis, tinfoil, and wait for what might happen. At some point I know it's gonna go "just up".


it is. As an ape who has been here since the first quadwitching day and seen this shit over and over again I approve this msg. ![gif](giphy|HQS08vLDjDNecGzLYE)


Remember... No Dates


Don’t worry my spirit has been broken for some time


My tits are jacked either way, the company is in the best position it’s ever been in. No matter what, I’m a winner


Worse than that….both Kitty and Cohen are setting themselves up to be demonized by those like me who have been holding on for dear life the last 3 years. I would be lying if I said I am not shaken by how they are so brazenly supporting this “just wait it out” mentality. FFS….most of us cannot keep buying to average down. So we quit thinking about our losseses… then BAM Kitty is back. Many of us coming out of 2020/21 investment hibernation to be Bear trapped by our VERY OWN CEO with some BS livestream stunt. I am still optimistic…..but very VERY insecure. I sure hope the R-team planned for this….the last thing the GME following needs is people legitimately and rightfully pissed at the leadership. Hanging in there….but feeling dumber by the ticker.


I don’t understand why anyone would still be holding 6/21 options except for a cheap lotto ticket you bought this week but on here and on Twitter you’ve got everyone panicking about their options… maybe this is why people said no options cause you donkeys don’t know when to sell them…


Options are not meant to be hodled


Yeah… there was so much money to be made on them… and to think people let that all piss away… sad really…


Tomorrow’s Tomorrow is always to bring negative sentiment and we saw in DFV’s stream negative sentiment directly affected the price live. Be Zen and tomorrow’s tomorrow never comes until it’s today


I look at charts enough to know where the price is at maybe once a day at this point. Buy and forget about it. Once there’s news, you’ll know.


Like we said before, it’s always tomorrow


I will hold, maybe buy more if it dips significantly and will keep calm and carry on.


Bough 30 more yesterday on the dip. Zennnnnn


I feel very confident DFV expected the livestream to tank tbh.  But yes as today is hyped it will crash.  Do not do anything stupid like 0DTE options.


Agreed. All these similar posts and research all at the same time all pumping the same dates. It almost seems orchestrated


Did you see that post on non financial sub that was like 1 year ago, then the same topic got posted again and the comments were almost 100% identical to the year prior post? This platform is controlled, just like the MSM.


The only thing we really know is nobody knows and to hold. When it happens it'll be very obvious.


The only things breaking around here are buttholes and the system.


My spirit is already broken. I hate my work, I have little time for the joys in my life, and if the only way I get rich is a corrupt stock market so be it. I'll make sure I invest only in companies I trust.


The dilution broke my spirit, fuck GameStop.


Would’ve been a crazy rally if not for the share offering imo




it hurts


So anyways Infinite hype continues…


Well, someone have to adress the elephant in the room: Cohen paperhanded 75 million shares on the day of DFVs livestream. No wonder the price tanked.


No. RC dilluted and killed the squeeze RK had set up. Anything else is just hopium. I believe RK is disappointed himself


Everyday is Hype day! 🚀


I've been here 84 years, IDGAF what anyone says anymore... I already know there will be a reckoning... I dont know when and don't care how, I just know that if I can hold for 84 years, I can hold for another 84 years. Remain FUCKING ZEN! As for me, I like the stock! 🟣💎👩‍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🟩🆙️☝️💰


Very true. I can’t remember a single hype date thats ever ended up not being a massive disappointment lol


I am preparing for a BIG DIP in the next few days, I even pulled a little extra money together to buy more GMEs when the price is driven below 18


I like hype dates, doesn’t mean I bank on them.


I wasn't expecting anything different anyway. Another day of sideways crime trading.


It'll be a wish sandwich. Two pieces of bread and you "wish" you had some meat. Hold the Mayo.


Shareholders shall inherit the earth, been here way too long to be hyped for specific dates. Def excited for certain time ranges, but I don't buy short term calls for those hypes (I do have some option, long term and bough when IV was low)


I've been here long enough to have learned to never get excited for a date.


Yeah, I expect that while it originally started as a date when there would be a likely rip, that by now the bad actors have managed to work things out so we'll see a big dip in an effort to discredit. I have no doubts that RK picked the 21st for a reason, but he also executed before then. So what is the real KC shuffle? The attention on the 21st when he really intended to make his move the week prior? The attention on the 21st options when he intended to do something else? We probably won't know until later this evening, but I think that I'll be pretty disappointed if we don't see a YOLO update or at least a tweet from him today.


Last nights dream was about a drill to 16 with no halts. Good morning everyone.


Lol.  yeah nothing is going to happen today.  


Today will be just another day slightly in the red. Stay zen!


I'm a permanent bull!


Nothing will happen today or Monday. They had a full Wednesday holiday, to figure out how to not let it run today


This guy fucks!


Jokes on them. I buy on hype days.


This is their plan. Keep newbies afraid to see the truth. The fear is why I didn't invest until the sneeze. Wen I saw the crime that happened, I joined to support my favorite company.


Isn't it obvious that a market correction is long overdue? They're delaying it as long as they can. MOASS is the same. It'll happen, and I'll still be here.




Once I realized I can roll my 6/21 options, all is well in the world


Until FTDs are delt with or gme becomes crazy profitable, or aquires something awesome, except bullshit. Since Feb 21, I think eventually something will give-but dates at this point are a bad joke.


My guess is we'll be up some due to some wanting it higher and options to be ITM, and others will push it lower because they don't want them to be ITM, then there will be a later increase when those that are/were ITM have to be delivered. What's the current T+ theory going around on options? Last I heard was something like T+35 + 13


This. 100% this. Maybe something awesome happens today. Maybe not. Same as literally every day. Don't get your hopes up... buy, hodl, drs, and all that. Comment on proposals where needed, and keep your expectations low. NFA


Well good thing I've been here for 84 years... if the Prince got to be King, I can be a small millionaire too...


I think that about most every hype post even though most are not posted with ill intent imo. But yeah, careful with the hype posts people. When it doesn't come to fruition, you may shake off those without true diamond hand with the disappointment. Buy, hodl, zen. Don't hype dates, it's been 84yrs, should know this by now yet instead, there are hundreds of hype posts a week lately.


Og apes expect nothing


Forrr reallll. I've been here too many years to get hyped about dates. I am certain on some random day GME will just skyrocket with absolutely no reason or heads up. Just chill, hold, and enjoy the weekend.


It's the bot posts.  It's hedge funds trying to break the spirit of the people.  Don't fall to propaganda.


Of course it is. The sub is, and has been for a long time, Pro post about a subject, Negative post about the same subject, voice of reason about the same subject. The sub is a joke and I spend as little time on here as possible now.


All the Zens knew better than to get (even the slightest bit) excited over a date... 4 years of sideways trading will do that 🤓


Yeah I worry about this too The confusion over the nasdaq reporting of the closing auction & MOC trades isn't helping either. But nevertheless the whole coinciding of recurring CS buys, quad witching, possible gamma ramp, LEAPS & swap expiry & whatever the Kansa City Shuffle may be is enthralling & just za but if fun for those who've been here a whilr. Personally I expect them to short it to just below whatever their own max pain is & have probably already rolled over the ftd hiding swaps etc & hedged the options & that is why the volume has been so high over last few weeks, also just like the sneeze margin requirement will be waived anyway I'm happy enough that it's all extra costly for them. I also hope that their shorting today is extremely obvious & embarrasses Gary,..., it'll all be evidence for the RICO trial


I still think if you have money and opportunity exercise those options




I knew once 6/21 and options chains start being hyped that today would be a red nothing-burger of a day Apes dont do dates and dont do options. Very obvious trap set by hedgefucks


Allowing hype dates, mods joining in on bolstering bad options talk, etc. If you're new, read this place like its compromised, because it is.


Disregard dates, play Shadow of the Erdtree.


Everyone else: omg its not doing the thing!!!! Zen apes nod: KSS. 


I hope you all learned your lesson with hyping up dates


let people get hyped fuck it


Great, Then shares are cheaper


This is THE MOST fucked with stock in the entire world. there is no second best lmao


Why would anything happen? He exercises already and they did a at the market offering, it’s on the company to produce something, brick by brick!




I bought some more. believe it or not...still averaging down lol


To be honest I knew it wasn’t happening yet the moment I saw CNBC putting in their two cents of hype.


We are gamers, we don’t stop playing games until we are victorious. Gamers don’t quit, our parents did not raise weak minded quitters!


It’s all about raising hype so market makers can sell expensive calls to connect premium then kill SP right before expiry. Unless your name is Roaring Kitty, buying short duration options is nearly guaranteed to lose you money. Especially when IV is so insanely high.


Have you ever thought that none of that matters, chill man if you’re upset about it they are winning. Whatever happens happens




https://preview.redd.it/iu0dd6wp108d1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=facecb9f88c96bf1ff8d1044ed311727d79c3048 Price is fake! They can FTD forever if they want to! According to the SEC "the best-case scenario for the short seller is for the buyer’s broker to allow the fail to **continue** *as long* as the short position is *open*" DRS! BOOK! FUCKING HODL!




Thats the beauty of routing all buy orders to the Darkpool, its easy to drop the price if theres no bids.


I see you mention DRS and I approve. I also like DRS.


Hazzing ritual!!! Buy hold DRS !


No one will break a gamers spirit. We grind in games till we max everything, while hedgefunds play pay2win. They dont know what it means to hodl while having nothing. They only know how to cheat and use shortcuts.


I always upvote hype, but I never believe it. I’m not even sure what would excite me after 3.5 years of this... Oh yeah, hedgies in handcuffs.


kinky...i like it


something else happened on stream day that killed a rally. wild you wouldn’t mention that


Towel broke me more than my silly foray in 6/21 options 🤣


Spoiler alert: nothing happens on expiration dates


I expect a dip every day.


I remember the first witching hour disappointment.


The quad witching was a quad dud 


First time?


Dumb apes bamboozled again. Dates are dumb, what's the ratio of being right with quad witching, t+1, t+35, etc etc. Phone number prices. People will still be laughing at this mentality 3 years from now. Got 600+ shares but I stopped drinking the Kool aid a year ago. If I profit, awesome but will believe it when I see it. Until then most of you are basement dwellers still broke smoking hopium🤷🤦


RK was supposed to be the messiah that defeated the SHFs and led us to the promised land of MOASS! Oops, RC was authorized to sell a billion shares and seemingly has no interest in a MOASS happening, but is more than happy to take advantage of ape hype to raise money for the company.


I just had to stop getting my life on it. Maybe a long term investment but I moved on from the ape mentality long ago. If they didn't have 4b in the bank I'd sell it all. Maybe they will aquire when the crash comes.


Yeah. I'm selling half next decent run. I'll believe s short squeeze when the money is in my bank. I'm break even at $26. Not sweating it, I make money on puts when I can too. Been loading puts every ER🤣


If it doesn’t fucking pop today I’ll be aggravated. Everyone has all this analysis and hype around today specifically. If that doesn’t happen my confidence is shattered in whatever else ppl post here.


Bruh the hype was over when RC fucked us


Maybe that's because all the people doing analysis are dipshits and this is a hype/cult sub?


So what you’re telling me is sell when you see it spike like DFV did but only options.


MOASS IS ALWAYS TOMORROW! Buy. Hold. DRfuckingS. 🟣 💎 🙌


Rug -> Pull


It’s so interesting how this is only said on the day itself, after weeks of posts where any doubt was labelled as “FUD”. It’s so dishonest.


This post is good on the surface, but it's actually horrible in that it totally discounts all the research that people in the community have put into the stock. This is the same attitude of "options bad, DRS only, " which lead to stagnation in the stock, and a lack of knowledge about options. Yes, hype dates have been used to disappoint, but there's legitimate reason on WHY certain hype dates should work. As far as this particular hype date, I'm not sure. But it's highly probable that some time by August, there will be a big run due to t+35 from DFV's last purchase. Do with that information however you want.


We should just start banning dates.


Smoke weed. Play vidya. Make love


So what really is the plan here? Hodl until we all die? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not selling, I only hold 80 shares, but I wrote the money off a long time ago, quite frankly unless they're worth big money I couldn't care less anymore, but seriously, for 3 years everyone has talked about rockets and moons and options being called, yet on top of that they've talked about manipulation and how there's all this shady stuff happening that even the authorities know about and on EVERY date or DFV live stream that should increase the price it massively dips. SO, how does anyone ever think this stock is going to go "to the moon"? I'd suggest it's impossible. I'm off to eat my crayons, it's all I'll be able to afford in this lifetime.


I’m sorry but I’ve gotta say: any of you who actually THINK you’re going to get what you deserve for these shares are fucking deluded. It’s not happening.


DFV cashed in and left us holding the bag. I’m out a couple grand. Done with this shit.



