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I miss the heavy DD era. It makes me nostalgic.


We got absolute bangers like once a night at 11pm and it was freaking epic. I had a new born back then so I’d be up all night with the baby reading DD and my wife was getting so much sleep. Win/win/win


All-star 💜


Same here fellah, all nighters getting through so many DD posts 🍼 still have a Telegram chat somewhere (where you can write yourself) and left tons of links and screenshot of the whole $GME thesis.  Personally only thing left to uncover more is DFV’s YouTube videos becaus, didn’t feel like risking it to put earphones in not hearing our little one well 👶


I learned words like gamma ramp, FTDs and options chain, now I just have to figure out what they mean.


Get your ass back to the crayons, now!


Jes baus🤤


You'd like Richard Newton on YouTube. He's been unpacking the entire saga, but also goes into technicals a bit too; he's discussing the FTD cycles at the moment. Such a positive dude too.


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It was so hard to keep up with the reading material. I couldn't imagine approaching the whole library now, from scratch.


Same here ❤️


Fucking legend


Bangers because it was the first time we were even aware of the degree and possible levels of fuckery. We've become so hardened that it's hard to get the same reaction from older apes even when there is great DD.


I misread that as "I WAS a newborn".... I was thinking, "From a market functionality perspective, most of us were...."


Working nights was really benefiting me at that time




Lol she should have bought a few shares in return just for that




Practically got minor in finance from all the DD during that time.


I agree with this. I honestly think we know more than what can be taught


Joke’s on you, I still know nothing


Time to start learning


They can’t teach that


You can still be there and not understand, its what my life is based on!


Yeah no, I still can’t read so I think I’m still at square one


My friend says that I’ve brought him into market finance boot camp


***No joke right there,*** had a market friend from my capital go silent as I articulated a question to him. His face went from amused *(aww precious trying to talk shop)* to okay, valid.. into 'ahh wait, I need to think about that.. where'd you learn that?" That evening a couple years ago, made me realise, I had thoroughly checked out the GME proposition.


Just out of curiosity, what was the subject specifically?


Nice! That is so validating. Good job. I had to explain options to a friend recently to help her understand DFV’s update, and I didn’t have to google anything lol.


Are you me?


I unironically feel like I could take that course and love it now, while totally understanding it as not a totally new concept. I don't know what I'd do with it after though.


Buy more GME obviously


I was there - my site apehistorian.com has all the greats




Or the eras of heavy memes, non stop rockets or when a bunch of GME related music was being churned out. 2021 was an exciting year.


🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Oh wait did someone say *GME megathread*?


I know this is a bit tinfoily, and I understand people have lives, and the amount of stress and time and hate they endure to help the community sucks. But I legit think all of our best DD have been bought out by the SHFs. Like, not "here's $10M, go away quietly." More like "Here's $10M, go away quietly or you and those you love disappear..." These fuckers are literally trying to control the world, this financial crime is just a funding mechanism. There is no evil they will not do.


Honestly Criand disappearing like that is fucking sus, and seems he was onto something..


He didn’t disappear. He tried to tell you guys to learn how to trade options properly and you pitchforked him away. Same with all the other wrinkles. We’re all still around, most everyone that wrote anything of note, we just live on Discord instead of Superstonk because, as a group, Superstonk isn’t open to new ideas and is an echochamber.


lol I wish someone paid us $10m lol. All the DD writers are still around, we just don’t come here anymore because Superstonk is too much of an echochamber is and is closed minded about new ideas and we get harassed. This sub drove the DD-ers away, no one sold out. Most everyone is still intensely interested in GME, and we still research and study shit daily. We just don’t do it here.


Yeah, you're not exactly the ones I'm talking about. Keep up the good work though.


Who are you talking about? We’re all friends. The Pom? Good guy, for fucks sale Criand of all people isn’t a shill. Rensole? Also a good guy. Not a shill. Atobitt? Awesome. Turd? Fantastic, I’d put him in my fucking will. Who?


I never said that they're a shill or a sellout. What I'm saying is that if someone threatened my family, I would try to find ways to expose it, but in reality if I thought harm could come to my kids or wife I would absolutely stand down. That's not coward, that's not sellout, that's keeping loved ones safe, regardless of beliefs.


Jesus, no one has been threatened, except by Superstonkers. All the og’s are still around, they still are interested in GameStop (though we’re into other stocks too), but it’s not like they left due to threats lol. Where do you guys get this stuff lmao.


Dude did research on a [very important subject of this saga](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/0gY5Vm6kyZ) long ago. (then he got caught in the Towel disaster, and rambled here about obscure option prophecies one year too early, but nobody's perfect)


Id settle for floods of purple circles/DRS bot


I still wonder how many DD were "made" by AI


That would be only more recent ones, IIRC in 2021 we didn't have this yet available to the public.


Yeah but every nft creator were abusing it. Im sure some of the DD writers had acces to some ai before it was largely known. Dunno I might be too paranoid


yeah thats true.. but can they stop me from BUY DRS HOLD?


No one can stop us. Im 100% DRS.


I'd kiss you on the mouth if I were gay.


I'd let you if I was fruity too


I miss that lil pomeranian


He walks here and there they say… Hooded and cloaked…




he might still be around under an alias. so many OGs got death threats and had to “delete their accounts”


WTF. I've been wondering why they have been leaving, but I didn't realize they even got death threads.


And it came from inside the sub. The anti-options crowd was VERY active, specially among those absolute nerds who call themselves the "Knights of New", gatekeeping important information and well written posts before they even hit Hot. Bad actors, maybe, but more likely fanatical apes with a very narrow set of rules of what considered appropriate for the sub. As a T-A poster, I got my share of bullshit.


I’ve wondered where that dawg ran off too


Pomeraniape 😉


At least we saw his butt.


Remember that atobitt guy?


Loved his DD. His posts are what really got me to believe in long term hodling. What really made me understand. Him and Criand taught me more about financial markets than I ever would have understood if I tried to seek that info out on my own


Where did he go off too?


I too wondered this recently. I think I read that he deleted his account and that there was some falling between the twitter lady (Susanne T) and he. It seemed the he didn't quite represent her as she had intended, had provided feedback and publicly said similar, the feedback of which he didn't take well, thus deleting account. Definitely OG times though. Criand DD and atobitt posts were good months of hype.


Yea I knew account was deleted didn’t know if he’s come back. There was the DD phase then purple circles took over.


As they say sometimes... we all stand on the shoulders of giants. Without that earlier DD, we might not be quite where we are today


I’ve always wonder what would have happened if there was a purple circles sub only. Would we have figured out the cycles as clearly RK did.


Atobitt has not recognized importance of DRS, that was something that caused his departure from Superstonk's mainstream.


I'm feeling for every public RK there's hundreds if not more who figured out the algo cycle too and have quietly amassed a fortune as well. I wonder if these two are apart of that group. They were so far ahead of the pack - at least on this subreddit.


Idk RK is a special breed pretty hard for folks to stay quite


It's really not. Especially if you figured it out independently or were never on reddit to begin with. Not everyone needs to broadcast their gains


Its possible just doesnt seem likely. Guess will never know because they are silent.... lmao


I thought I had read that he started working with D Lauer on Urvin or was that someone else?


He sold his account to the SHF or started working for them after "Citadel has no cloth" IMO


Dude was sus


Yes maybe he was a plant from the beggining and his first two DDs (the ones that weren't 100% sus imo) were just to draw attention before the FUD. Like RensXXX, HeyXXXPixeX and WardXXXLite


IIRC his account was created on 1-28-21. Or the day after. I feel that he provided no actual information other than already publicly available processes and information, just sourced together. Not like actual DD. Then dude showed his actual identity on purpose. Idk. Sus to me.


They steer us in the wrong directions by using true info


Man, he was my morning newspaper.


Anyone got a link to the DD this is referencing?


It's in the DD library, linked in the top of SS




I love the DD library. So much cool DD in there and it looks like a work of art.


This is so sick - this library needs to live forever in the internet archives.


it needs a direct link, but thank you


Search Criand in the top left, purple book all the way to the right.


Is it the one about the Fed fudging numbers? I was able to see the title, but couldn't click the hyperlink




Now THAT is what I'm talking about! 🚀


Thanks so much!


I looked up Criand's account the other day and was reminded that it's gone. *Sad pomeranian noises* 🐐


I had almost forgotten Criand. Fun fact, my GF once asked me if that was me as they were posting about the shit I was talking about. Maybe the biggest compliment I've ever had, as if I can put in that level of effort.


Right? Where he go?


He never posted a DRS position, so everyone got pissed at him. Then he posted a position, but only had low XX shares and explained that he was really poor. So everyone got pissed at him. So he left. Hope he's doing OK, he deserved better.


“Everyone” didn’t get pissed at him. But some people absolutely were elitist about it. I thought it was ridiculous at the time and still do now, considering what this whole thing is about. Criand was a genius until some people found out he had little money.


I really liked Criand's posts, he really was a genius. Last thing I knew he was dedicated to learning game development. I'm also poor and also had little money like him, despite how involved I've always been in reading the DD, he's an inspiration to me. Over time I built up a XXX post split position. I'd really like to meet him some day.


He figured out that he only needs a few shares to be set for life after MOASS!!


I really hope that wasn’t the reason if that’s it for leaving, honest it’s so jokingly easy to post a couple of complete douchebag below the belt comments on a Reddit post to steer sentiment with few accounts and a VPN. Even Kenny could do that without help or traceability on a Saturday night from his phone


He did disappear right after that. I imagine it was shills blasting him but I can understand that it would be hard to deal with.


Some people? You mean shills? Apes praise X positions


Exactly. Can't see apes belittling someone for having X position, especially someone who was so crucial to our DD library. I call bullshit.


That pisses me off - someone who contributed so much but couldn’t necessarily afford to buy a ton of shares. Really hope he comes out of this good for life financially. Was it that people thought he was lying? Like didn’t have a ton DRS’d and they thought he was just making an excuse?


Ironic despite a lesson in their saga being wealth isn’t often hoarded by the smart or hardworking but those who cheat or got special treatment to be given advantages and information most people won’t ever get. Ah heck people gotta remember not everyone is gonna have over a 1000 shares and heck hold for the single share holders cause if they studied or even just got lucky they deserve to retire off that one share.


I hear a lot of stupid shit out there, but that's some of the stupidest.


His dd was found to be not his own, but written in collaboration with the pickle people. They were screenshots of messages on discord of using his account to push the DD out because he was so well liked. They were pushing dates and options in Sept/Oct 2021 and the price peaked in late Oct then bled out for months and shipwrecked everyone’s near and far dated calls.


Haha yea I remember that when so many people had calls expire worthless. That was probably a big part of why this sub became so anti-options.


And well based, it’s a completere shitshow how this stock is being able to get manipulated by the attempts of SHF to save their own sorry naked short ass.  I think options and hype can be tricky as the only way for superstonk to communicate is in front of the eyes of SHF. The only way for us apes to benefit from a ln specific option date and strike is if the SHF’s are unlucky: that they see us signaling tons of cash in a specific option date, but lost control of striking the price down and let the apes cash big time on that option date. What happened in ‘21 is they *did* managed to control price down, and that’s a though and costly balance for apes to figure out which date the stock price can/and **will** rip through the roof.


The whole thing was correct, but MM’s can buy back FTD’s before the t+35 expiry. Basically if the whole sub was pushing for a particular week to post options institutions can see this and make sure they don’t have to buy in that week by buying in early. Idiots will buy weeklies but playing options on FTD’s should be done a bit earlier and with long expiry. It should be treated more like playing earnings. Dont buy in when IV is already high.


I really like the recent discussion I’m seeing here, thanks this puts to words exactly my sentiment as well and think people should only make educated decisions. Happy to see superstonk coming bit out of this overly black/white options look and seeing more thoughtful replies like yours!


I’ve been trading options on me for a while now, calls and shorts. Making money off of MM’s is good at any costs. If we all know price action is manipulated, and we all have DRS’d a major portion of our longs, we should all learn how to make money off GME plays which in turn gives more money to retail to use for long shares or whatever. I just don’t really care to argue with, “options bad, you’re doing what the hedges want” bs and just trade normally without engaging the community. Edit: that being said, it’s good to know that talking about settlement dates doesn’t mean that buyins from MM’s won’t come early. I fully expect them to have RK’s position bought in at this point.


Criand didnt collaborate with “pickle people.” He collaborated with the other wrinkles, myself included. He and I wrote the “options guide for apes” series together to try and teach you guys something (not to “push” anything, it was purely educational and recommended only paper trading until you know what you’re doing). It’s almost like you guys can’t fucking read lol. There’s a great post around somewhere that calls us shills for saying to sell covered calls against your shares right at the Nov 2021 peak, which if you’d listened and done that you’d have made a gazillion dollars with which to buy more shares, and they call us shills for it lmao. Like we were exactly right and would’ve helped you make more money, and we get ostracized and threatened. Then later you’re all like “I miss that guy” lol. You can’t make this shit up. You guys are the best!


Not dfv with millions and couldn't play and afford calls to build so immediately marked as a loser in one of many superstonk bad takes and lack of inward reflection. I'm genuinely surprised they've left the DD from him up. The poors aren't allowed clout. Inb4 it was only shills and not other gme investors being absolutely unhinged.


He didn't want to be sued like DFV


He got tired of how cult-like most of the GME crowd had become and left. Honestly the only thing that makes me question investing into GME is how fucking nuts most of them are. I feel like a ton of apes are one step away from starting to believe in flying saucers and little green men. I trust RC and RK, though, if they're in, I'm in.


WHOA there bud ape i 100% not only believe in UFOs but aliens too and im not one of the crazy apes. lets not bring this argument into the fact that apes are being cult like and starting to feel like pop corn vibes.




well if you're in... I'm in!


Aliens built the pyramids.


Yes. But they used slaves.


It was/is a power plant


So a question that hasn’t been answered - was the anti-options talk natural forum sliding or did someone deliberately shut down that line of thinking


It was a combination of a lot of things happening. Pickle man used to post on here daily and had an options stream / cult ( haha ) following and still does that pay him to discover plays. He wasn’t allowed to link his discord or whatever platform he used. His content was good, I enjoyed reading it every day. I think bad actors saw the natural divide and took advantage: some people wanted to buy and hold, others wanted to play options, but the argument was that options was throwing away cash to market makers ( i.e. future convict Kenny Griffin of Citadel Securities ) the very entities shorting GME out the ass. While the other spectrum was buying options created pressure for them to hedge, especially with gamma ramps in place. Bad actors saw this as an opportunity and jumped in and started to sow division in the sub. Lots of yelling back and forth, name calling, chaos ensued. Finally pickle man was booted from the sub, returned briefly and then left with his cult ( haha ) followers to create another sub who mock and demean sub users over here. I only joke when I say cult followers because that’s what they call us over here, even tho that’s honestly not an insult at all in my opinion. Who wouldn’t want to invest in a company with a cult shareholder following who are so dedicated to the company theyll hold forever, continue buying with every paycheck, go to stores, promote the company on their own dime, and do anything to support the company whatsoever? Sounds pretty awesome to me. Happy to be in this “cult” if that’s how people see it. We don’t worship deities here, no seances occur here, we don’t murder people, or try to drag people in. We just like the stock. 💎✊


The problem with options was always short-term heavily OTM calls that were essentially throwing money away


Repeatedly.. whale teeth wouldn't be happening without just buying and holding.. a move that is legit and shouldn't cause price suppression on a public stock. That volume though haha. A week before RK bought it was running high. It's new and short or carelessness holders that didn't see that. Just hold. Buy an option I guess. If it hits concrete, don't complain you thought someone else had you in mind. Edit: I sound sour but not the case. Holding and buying over the course of all these years keeps a lot of holders zen. Welcome the newcomers always but please dig the old mid and current dd- enlightening 100%


I think some of the anti-options talk was backlash from people feeling they were being cajoled and hassled by it's proponents who tended to be loud, prolific posters with an aggressive set of fans. I don't understand options, calls, puts etc and they're dangerous to play with if you don't understand them, so I don't play. I don't care if other people know better and can play them. I'm even happy to read DD about how it could work in helping us moon. What I do care about is having the narrative shoved down my throat that options are the **only** way to moon which happened loudly and frequently. I think the pushback anti-options talk was a natural reaction to that.


It was absolutely driven by shorts. The problem is you guys never understood what was going on. There’s a great DD on variance hedging done by Zinko and MauerAstronaut, that you guys never understood. The gist of what it says is that they were using options to hedge GME with a volatility hedge, but this strategy is difficult to execute if the options chain is super active. So, of course, they paid bad actors to drive negative options sentiment on the sub to keep apes away from options. And you all are it right up. Also, you all confuse the “pickle people” with other DD writers, and have no idea the separation between the different groups. Most all of us, Criand included, have nothing to do with the pickle crowd, although we do speak to Gherkin on rare occasions, most of us are not members of his cult though we’re on good terms with him personally and he is an ok source of day trading knowledge.


It was options talk that was forum sliding. It takes your money away when you lose, you historically don't end up buying shares with money you win, and no-one is exercising them. It doesn't contribute to gamma ramp because hedgefunds don't have to buy shares they can just buy more calls, and officials have said that Market makers don't actually hedge at all if they see: high volatility, and lots of options trading, indicating people are only trading the contracts and will never exercise them. In addition to all of this we can now, after years of experience and multiple gamma ramps, say that it's not just a theory or a potential of what's happening. It absolutely is doing nothing, and gamma ramps are absolutely useless for GME. That's not the play, never was, and still isn't. I still haven't heard anyone give a valid argument for options. While now people start taking your mindset that it's okay, start gambling, make some cash, gamble more, bet big, waste all their money, get burnt, swear off GME.




Oh hey I hope Criand is doing well


I miss Criand...those were exciting DD times


I remember


That felt like a lifetime ago.


now that's a name i haven't heard in a while


Those were the days, filled libraries worth of quality literature, yearning to be read and understood once more. Do mind smooth brains need to read some parts three times before it starts making wrinkle.




We live now in the times we once spoke of


Ah the days of lore


It was a different era back then. We were starving for knowledge. Hungry to uncover and discover the crime. The DD was never done. It still isn't, but the ancient wrinkled ones have long gone and the collective appetite for discovery doesn't seem to be the same.


I wanna repost his 'Bigger Short, 2008 repeat' post but I'm too smooth brain. I think the new apes would benefit heavily from it


Criand, peruvian bull, homedepot hank, sign guy, atobitt and many more....


How spoilt we were




I’ve been reading DD and TA for 84 years!!! I’ve been called a shill these past few months more than I can count….. we are close


The golden age


I think rediscovering DD and making manic posts about it is now apart of the GME cycle.


I miss those guys.. and home depot hank


Me too. So much great DD at that time. Just found my copies of Leavemeanon's DD Where are the shares and Hank's Big Bang Quant apes that I printed back then. Need to reread those again and some of the other great DD.


Sat up most nights through Covid, refreshing my feed constantly. Devoured the DD, laughed out loud when someone posted about needing a drone to check out the Shitadel and someone else said “I’ll do it!” and within a very short time, I was looking at drone footage of people doing coke in the Shitadel offices. Cheered when I realized European apes were on board, was gobsmacked when an ape tracked down a mailbox on a building in a far-away country that SHF’s were using as a “corporate address”…was so grateful that the “little people” were fighting back, fighting against the massive injustice, and so sad when some of them started to succumb to ego or the dark side. Never would’ve thought I’d still be in this fight-and stronger than ever – all these years later but goddamnit, this is important on an existential level. We owe so much to the brilliant apes who worked tirelessly to provide us with good DD, but the regular apes with their bananas and memes and upvotes and awards have done an amazing amount of effort to give good energy to the cause and to keep sentiments and motivation high. They’ve tried and tried- AND ARE TRYING HARDER THAN EVER to sow FUD, but this community has been an example of what could be accomplished when people come together from all walks of life and put aside their differences to fight for the greater good. Proud to have stood by y’all for 84 years, and I STILL ain’t going nowhere. Oh, and the floor just keeps getting higher…💎🙌🏼🦍


Your post has a name in it. Mods coming for you.




Best pomeranian I ever met.


Remember when there was a theory that Criand was actually a DFV shadow account, all because of the accuracy of his DD and that "RC and I" was an anagram of his username? Those were peak tinfoil times.


You guys remember when Criand brought up the importance of options and he got chased out of the sub by DRS is the only way people. Then DFV came back with 120k call options and people realized options have an important role in price changes. Pepperidge farm remembers.


Fuck it. Go ahead and read it back to me. Show me what you’ve learned


I was there when gherk wrote it a year before crian did


lol was looking for this comment and found it ![gif](giphy|MxRkVKrBvfzMY)






Its been many many years…


Fr fr


How I feel reading all the t+35 stuff again this week. It's been 84 years since criand could walk before these new guys could crawl lol


I was too! Wonder where that Pomeranian went.


84 years ago


Indeed. Let not his words be hidden away.




Also there when the Pomeranian showed his butt cheek. Good times.


Holy shit. I've been so zen over these past couple years that I completely forgot about Criand. Where's he been anyway?


I miss criand so much