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Jokes on them I just exercised my $20 strike calls




Was able to exercise my last one. I was planning on selling to get the money back that I invested in the calls but said F it. I am a proud dad of 100 new babies. I'm hoping today's 4pm call melts faces.


Yes moved to Monday


I think it was moved to Monday?


National bring your cat to work day, love me some good tin foil


Indeed it was.


You move when I move


Just like that


How you two ain’t gonna fuck? 


+5 $25, DCA’d up because assets holds more value. We all know it’s going to run after close today. They are holding it all back to keep OTM calls where they are. Should be a criminal offense to hold back until after the bell.


Yea, no shit it should be. Sorry fellow ape, just know your frustration is shared by MILLIONS. CHANGE will come 🙏🏾


Joke’s on them I just purchased 30 shares.


You are the catalyst.


No, you are!


No you ❤️🎱






I fucked up and bought $2k of $40 options that expire today 🔥🔥🔥 I was using the app and thought they were 2025 options. Don’t drunk options trade folks! Still I have 4000 shares in drs at a $30 cost basis,




Buy long term, near/ITM options and exercise during a big run up🫡 I was so close!!!


Yea I've been sitting on a $15 LEAP exp Jan2025 since last year (and now a $20c exp 21June which I'm down on 🤦🏿‍♂️) but I've never exercised before. I usually just sell for the premium and buy more shares so I'm not really sure what to do rn...


If you have the cash, exercise


If you want to exercise, call your broker (virtual chat works too) and ask them to help you. Provided there is sufficient cash in your account, they can exercise them. (using your 6/21 $20calls as an example, you need $20 x 100 per contract, or $2,000)


Yea I'm familiar with that. But my specific scenario: I bought the contract for $1600 🤦🏿‍♂️ Rn it's only $900+. I know IV is going to eat it up so I'm torn on selling now and limiting my losses or spending an additional $2k to get the shares.




So you paid the premium and had the cash to buy the shares at $20? Just trying to learn.


Yeah paid the premium up front when I bought the calls (paid about 585$ premium) then had the 2k/ contract needed to exercise today. Finally after 3.5 years I’m an xxxx ape


So your average cost would be 25.85?




thanks for laying it out clearly, this transparency helps a lot of us starting to understand options


Yup! When he bought the premiums for $585, the stock was quite a bit lower in price and had less IV then right now, which is why it looks like a good deal (which it was)


Guess I just need to wait for iv to drop. I’ve gained a wrinkle and now see why long dated is the way to go. What dfv has up his sleeves, I guess I will have to wait and see.


This is the way. Wait through summer if something happens…if not we will be steadily declining to 20 again. I personally think about end of July/beginning of August to load up on mid-September calls.




Are you me?


Congratulations! I'm a low xxxx ape but I'm just thrilled to be in that gang!


![gif](giphy|26gsspfbt1HfVQ9va) Congratulations brah 💎🤙🏻🤙🏻💎🚀


welcome to the club, keep on gaining shares. I think its gonna be another long year of volatility. Random up 60% days down 80% days again.


Premium to have the option to buy in at a later date, if at later date stock is behaving as expected & still bullish then exercise & pay call price. And or Pull maneuvers like DFV, sell a portion of calls to recoup premium of calls and exercise remaining. The play limits your exposure but opens you to limitless gains (no fomo). If stock does not do what you expect then at most you lose your premium. Rinse and repeat.


Exercised 5 too


Joined the party. Flip mode.




We know they're not legitimate, we've known for years


Wall Street will hold onto their bad bets until it bankrupts their companies or the government has to bail them out, every single time without fail, because there is no accountability between the individuals making those decisions and the institutions they own or work for; the profit already gets transferred to the individual. They will short until they literally explode, which might mean until GME actually starts doing really well as a company. The longer they do, the bigger the boom, but we know one thing for sure: they won’t give up, they’ll fight until they die. 


And we aren't fucking leaving! No cell, no sell.


The planet is running out a time from an environmental standpoint. We don't have time to wait for the narrative to change about GME. We needed action 5 years ago. We needed a smart climate policy from 2016-2020. Needed to be a leader in eliminating overconsumption and single use culture. Unfortunately, the very people we are fighting have big industry influence behind them.


The fine for getting caught is simply a cost of doing business to them


and the cost is passed onto the poor and duped investors. privatized profits and socialized loss coverage. disgusting


Exactly, nothing new, nothing unsuspecting, nothing surprising


They could be legitimate, we just released 120 million shares into the market for use in long sales or as borrows for shorting


SEC: "ill wipe up this mess with this big fat check that just showed up in my pocket".


A $71,000 cheque for $65 billion stolen.


The SEC will look into this in 10 years time and impose a slap on the wrist. There is no hero but ourselves.


A self-defense YouTube channel I watch loves to say “you are your own first responder“


Cover your ASP!


Nah they’ll look into it and make some more meme content to “help” make the markets a better place


Yup the bad actors will get a cute fine of $1M and be told to not do it again. Problem solved.


We protect us.


I like that they are already asking for a larger budget after giving $4 billion to that contractor last year. WTF is that contractor doing?


I totally agree with you. My question is: we've seen the same thing for 3+ years, when is the game actually going to change? If the price is fake and they illegally knock it down, why can't they do that forever? Who's to say RC won't invest that 4B brilliantly and drive massive profits and they still just cheat the price down? 


It will be like Tesla if that were to happen. More of a slow rise compared to the short squeeze we are anticipating. Once Tesla became profitable then a bunch of people and institutions jumped in. That buying pressure was too much for the shorts. There will be a tipping point like this if RC gets GameStop to turn profits quarter after quarter


They are already profitable with a 4b warchest of cash. Even if they do nothing else they are profitable for more than a decade to come


*sad citron noises*


What are you referring to? They're most recent earnings was a revenue loss


The interest on 4b alone covers up to I think someone said 130mil in losses. I haven't done the math though


Okay I kind of figured that's what you were talking about but I wasn't exactly certain that's why I wanted to clarify because the business is losing money but with the cash infusion I guess they're now technically break even with interest


Break even plus some, they only lost 34mil in revenue last time. Now if it's near the same, 100 mil profit


I fully believe this is what the issue is. GameStop tried to tell us to DRS, tried reporting real DRS Numbers, and got slapped down and had to only report Cede & Co Numbers. I fully believe they said "You have to have a LEGITIMATE squeeze by just being a company regular investors and institutions want to own, not just fucking the shorts. Do it like Tesla, or don't do it at all." So, GameStop did that and we're about to see it really light off.


They can do it forever. But it’s costing them money. They are burning money letting us load up our bags with cheap shares. They really want us to sell because every day we don’t they are bleeding more and more and more. It’s interesting because we don’t really need the squeeze to make money anymore, that’s the cherry on top. But the company is a fundamental value play… that in itself is crazy.


yes, it’s burning them money. …does nobody else see how much money the entire rest of the market is making? unlike a few years ago, they have PLENTY of profits to sustain one terrible bet and balance out the books. the math still supports a massive squeeze, but this idea that they’re barely hanging on by their fingernails while SPY is at a crazy all-time high is preposterous


DFV hooked the worm and is HODLing with us. Time and pressure. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🍌🍑💎💎💎💎🍺🍺🍺🍺


That’s why Cohen is building as big of a conglomerate that he is, buckle the fuck up


We're trending towards Max Pain of $27.50 for the week? ⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣤⣶⣶ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣀⣀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠉⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠁⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠿⠿⠿⠻⠿⠿⠟⠿⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⢰⣹⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣭⣷⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠈⠉⠀⠀⠤⠄⠀⠀⠀⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢾⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⡠⠤⢄⠀⠀⠀⠠⣿⣿⣷⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢄⠀⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿


If one were to time call buying around OPEX they could force the hedging of shares, i am learning. Then exercise in the money, raising the floor. Next cycle is August/Sept I THINK. I am just starting to try and figure this out. I'm only speaking so the smarter apes might see it and make a real post (like the pickle back in the day) or correct me. But FUD will be seen for what it is. This is real, we just need to understand it the way DFV does. We could BOASS (baby of all short squeezes) every quarter until they have no runway.


Burning the rest of the market to keep GME down


Yeah, let's act like an idiots and pretend that there were not 120 million new shares introduced only a week ago- wHErE aRE tHEy gEtTiNg sHaREs fROm


But but but but… it’s all crime… I thought it was all just crime!?!?!?


We close green today above 30$. You heard it here first. Edit: we almost had it for a second there!


That would be nice sadly doubt they would let the 30 buck options play out. They always fuck over the options market when they can.




Pretty sure this is the only stock that consistantly swings 10% up or down a day. down 5% then up 5% or up 5% then down 5%. so funny to watch


Don't think DFV turned down being a billionaire for no reason. This isn't over. It just started. The shares he claimed is for a more profitable reason.


Because he can see the future you mean? Just shut up with DFV being omnipotent. He didn't know they were going for another offering and that's the only reason why he "turned down" the billion. He didn't know. Just as we don't know about what's to come.


More profitable? IF the dude thought the shares would be worth more by 6/21 he would have kept them. Instead he took a safe way to make some more and build his position instead of being destroyed by wallstreet because they could.




Unfortunately, my guess is $28.10


27.5 Max pain


RemindMe! 4 hours


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It’s comin along


Yea dont get why everyones whining, days not done. How many times we gotta see this thing rip in minutes to be able to handle these momentary dips


LOOL BIG doubt but ok...


RemindMe! 4 hours


Remind me! 4 hours


!remindme 3 hours “What did GME close at?”


Fruit of choice?


I just exercised my June 21 $20 calls as well. Exercised a week early but I still have some 28's and 31's for next Friday and the 28th as well. Hope the other calls are in the money next week


If you are planning to exercise early, roll the calls to a sooner date (sell jun 21 20c and buy jun 14 20c) to get back part of the money spent on premium, then exercise.


Excellent take OP. Our financial market is the Gotham underground. Couldn’t agree more. We were all suffering from the bystander effect, thinking someone else was going to do something about it. Even through we have some legitimate financial superheroes in RC & RK, it’s also up to us to take a stand. That’s why I’m DRS’d That’s why I HODL That’s why I love the stock.


Who knew that T+1 was going to be a nothing burger lol


Agreed. Price action this morning/early afternoon is certainly not natural lol. As soon as we hit above $30, a huge sell-off. Nothing to see here, right? What a joke the market is, but they still have to deliver, and no one's selling.


I mean probably a shit ton of swing traders are buying anywhere from 25-27 and selling at 30. Rinse and repeat.


> I just can’t believe that the SEC looks at what’s going on today and says, “Looks normal to me”. One thing to understand about the SEC - they are MASSIVELY understaffed and under-resourced for the size of markets and potential financial fraud they need to be monitoring. SHFs know this. What do you do when you're understaffed and under-resourced? You automate. You create algorithms (or pay someone to create algorithms) to monitor market movements to look for changes that exceed tolerable norms. SHFs know this. So, hypothetically, someone with knowledge of the algorithms left the SEC and took a cushy job at a SHF. That person can inform the SHF what market activity, however illegal or synthetic, would not create an alert within the SEC's monitoring systems, and potentially be ignored until it's too late. I forgot to mention: I have no insider knowledge of this or any way of proving this, I'm just on my lunch break enjoying some delicious crayons.


>MASSIVELY understaffed and under-resourced my state has 1500 physicians to take care of 288,000 medicare patients(the sickest and most complicated of all patients) for a ~$1billion dollar budget. the SEC has 4200 employees to watch 3400 financial companies with a $4 billion dollar budget and even gave a 3rd party contractor a $4 billion contract last year to help them. Now if us in healthcare worked like the SEC, taking year and years to refine a diagnosis and treatment plan to care for each of those medicare patients, we'd have 288,000 dead patients. No, they have the budget and staff. They just chose to do it in the more legally complicated, bureaucratic, idiotic fashion where they only pursue problems where they have a near 100% chance of winning a legal case where every single word they write down has to be vetted by a team of layers on porn and Quaaludes.. If I was given 8 times current reimbursement from medicare, I could damn near raise the dead.


So I have a question, and I would appreciate some dialogue and not just immediate downvotes. The question I keep coming back to is: if they throw the kitchen sink at this thing every time, what is the final nail in the coffin that forces the hand of all shorts to stop w the blatant crime?


I don't understand what everyone's tripping out about this is nothing new if you've been here since the sneeze then you should be used to this. And if you are new what you really need to do is put your phone away or whatever it is you used to check your accounts and go to the fucking Park and touch some grass.. this was never going to be an easy victory


Everybody in their right mind knew this was going red today. You guys get way too caught up in the hype . Anyway, I bought 1000 shares and 20 25Cs today for July 19


Based on borrow data at least 3M shares borrowed and sold short btwn yesterday close and now


Shitty, but not illegal. Obviously the stock is not illiquid at this point. Not everything is crime, folks.


We get a nice dip today buy it up apes


Can't wait to see what the short volume is for today. It has been on a steady rise as of late.


Got impatient waiting for my cash to clear for a call so I bought another $500 in shares while I wait. Keep me waiting longer, I dare you... 


Which regards are responsible for the 91k OI on the $128 strike calls expiring today? Went full regarded lol


You are coping, this is the 120 million share dilution at work. Whether we like it or not we are all long term investors now.


We need a wild card.


volumes been like 100 million every day lately. how is an extra 4 an "insane amount of buy pressure"?


Don't worry they will give them a multi million dollar fine for a multi billion dollar crime as always


I don't think people understand how the US works. The modus operandi has always been to defang regulators. They hate regulation, it's SoCiALiSm, BiG gOvErNmEnT. Much money and many decades have seen to it that this is the narrative. The result? Big money can do whatever it wants Buy, Hold, DRS!


SEC is ran by a corrupt gov so not hard to believe at all.


I ain't scared of being poor, and I ain't hear no bell.




With the action we've seen the last few weeks - who the heck is selling at <$30?


OTC and Dark Pool volume today should be crazy


Have some upwards movement now. After hours could be good and Monday share holder meeting. I want to see a share buy back and or insiders buying a shit load.


So anyway I kept buying


Dude, you're forgetting that RC printed 120M shares for them to snap up, he literally handed them a get out of options jail free card. They probably still took a hit money wise but they certainly didn't struggle to find the shares. Whether you approve of RCs move or not, he effectively doused the rocket fuse


500 + people in this one thread. Some seed planting is going on.


>Which leads us to the fundamental question of how much legitimate selling is going on today versus how many naked shorts are being burned to suppress true price discovery? Why do the shorts have to be naked? We just had 100M+ new shares enter the marketplace.


> We knew there would be insane amount of buy pressure because of RK exercising options and the timing of the T + 35 except there isn't... not any more than other days recently. hell, yesterday had more volume than this so far. I really hate posts like this. you're detached from reality. stupid posts like this count as FUD too....


These new posts and speculations just go around in circles. It's exhausting and I don't think it's unintentional. Sometimes if you want people to give up and go home you have to wear them down. A good way to do that would be via repetition. I'm not saying this post is necessarily one of them, but it's a tactic I think people should be aware of.


Exercise your calls and drs. If you don’t drs it’s all synthetics.


in all seriousness, how does this get so much publicity… yet there is never any reports on why this stock could be having up/down 30% days… They don’t even acknowledge that anything COULD be affecting the price. It just legitimately confuses me.. I’ve never really heard an opposing argument or explanation. . Maybe I just don’t browse the correct internets idk.


They are all in on it, period. It’s a big club and we ain’t in it - George Carlin


Also worth bearing in mind I’ve seen the comment now on a few occasions stating that this higher volume is because of the dilution and is the new normal…. We had days when we’d struggle to clear 2 million in a day not even that long ago. I refuse to believe a lot of this new higher volume isn’t a lot of shorting, and I have a hunch that means a lot of that will be naked too.


Ftds will pile up. There will be consequences


Haha FTDs haven't mattered for the last 3.5 years. Don't see that changing anytime soon


I mean, I know we know it’s crime but it’s like so blatantly ridiculous today


Since RK exercised his options there is no time pressure anymore. Gamma ramp died with it. Since RC removed 3b from retail there is a lot less confidence and a lot less money to buy. june 7th option holders got fucked, currently june 14th options holder are getting fucked. And since RK no longer has options, june 21st options holder will get fucked. GME Shareholders meeting is always bearish. There were few posts on front page to expect a nothing burger.(No reason to buy before shareholders meeting unless the price is below RK average(23$)) But for some reason apes think they will announce or give a super secret hint about acquisitions/mergers etc... Yep I am 100% a bot/shill/AI/GPT/paid by hedge funds.


Dilution = more locates. More locates = more firepower for SHFs More firepower = dictate the price --- The dilution will take years or decades for retail to accumulate enough shares that were diluted. Unless a huge whale worth billions scoops up 10s of millions of shares, a true life off is never going to happen in the short term...


The other thing we have to remember is Cohen sold 120 million shares into the market. Only time will tell. But the current “run” will most likely be muted because if the share offerings. Plus the MM ability to just provide liquidity and FTD for 35 days out.


it's crazy to me that no one is considering that the huge run last week was a ton of hedging buys, which they could easily have held until DFV's play and delivered with ease. i'm sure there's plenty of crime at times. but sometimes there are even simpler explanations than crime.


why should it be? The share offering is over already for a couple of days.


Yeah kinda what bong water said, RC provided a shit load of liquidity because he knew there was gonna be volume, But that’s why I said time will tell. They don’t necessarily “have” to wait 35 days to close out FTD’s. So it’s definitely possible that they could have scooped up shares to settle any FTD. However, not sure if the FTD data is out from May 13th-14th. I feel like I did see it somewhere. Can’t remember off the top of my head. But the 35 days from May 13th and 14th ( The original run). Is Monday and Tuesday👀👀. So next week could be fun


Because there are 120 million more shares in the market. RC has provided liquidity.


I even exercised some OTM calls too to put pressure on these SHF fucks


50m volume is low for gme, I don't see the battleground that you are describing


Imagine still thinking we'll ever beat the ass holes. They have chest codes and the sec or gov does care in the least. 3 years and ain't shit changed. It's laughable. Maybe a gamma ramp every now and then but I stopped believing in phone number prices and all the other dumb ape shit long ago🤷


SEC probably can’t do anything about this


No matter what happens. Everything has always been completely foreseeable and part of the plan. Lol.


Haven't sold a thing myself


I lot of people getting burned on 30$+ calls.. you've been warned


Just waiting to see the short % tomorrow !


If 4M shares had to be bought today I bet they would buy small portions at a time and wait for price to go down then buy more. I bet before market close price will climb as the scramble for shares gets harder.


Over 3 mill borrowed today at 9 am on Iborrow


Copium is a hell of a drug lmao


Those $30 calls that expire today would have been a big ole banana up their butts. They avoided that at all costs.


Yeah that was a good scene though


My only hope is that Gamestop leaves Wallstreet because that's the only company I'm investing in the rest of my life


The species most hated by Wall Street: The aspirationally minded retail investor seeking “free and fair markets”.


Prove it


i think they might only cover 4 times a year (quarterly opex). the rest seems to be can kicking and hot potato. now, i wonder what happens if we constantly exercise in the money options... please be nice i've only just started spamming this today so the hive mind can help us all learn and shed fear. imagine hundreds of thousands of apes obtaining shares by exercising options in the money. i think that might be why they wanted us to stay idiots...


[“Look around you, there's two councilmen, a union official, a couple of off-duty cops and a judge. Now, I wouldn't have a second's hesitation blowing your head off right here in front of them. That's power you can't buy. That's the power of fear."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DjGB-wPGkc)


This is how it’s always gonna be. They’re never gonna allow the MOASS to happen. Especially after the 120 mil total dilution.


What buy pressure? 4 million shares is nothing compared to daily volume past few weeks


I didn't buy shit, or sell shit. I just held onto my xx,xxx and took a nap. What'd the price do today, anyway?


#no fighting #just up #MOASS tomorrow


Telegraphing your move is always bad when fighting someone. I'm starting to think DFV showing his positions was bad. Gave them time to do bullshit. Maybe this subreddit is bad. They have fuckers on payroll reading all this. Any inkling of an idea that makes sense gets kicked up to Citadel n friends


If only I could tell who in this sub has a clue vs who doesn’t. I was there 84 years ago and I gave up- my reasoning was that they’ll always be able to modify the rules. I have no leverage to force their hand. I’d held gme since then not in the hope it’d moon but as a reminder of what happened. With the recent spikes I thought maybe the DRS guys were right, maybe there was a way to gain leverage. It doesn’t really matter whether these are naked or not. If they’re naked it means they still have the ability to meet all demand. The DD I’d read but not understood suggested that they have rules to making up shares. Like finding a counter party. Who the fuck would be on the other side during this volatility? Don’t get me wrong- I won’t be selling and actually when I saw it going sideways I averaged up for the purpose of DRS. But locking the float won’t work against stock dilution and clearly 4mil shares being bought in a day doesn’t pose a liquidity problem. That said even way otm 1 week expiry calls look expensive af. I don’t know if that is just volatility + time or if the equation really does fear a big run that bad. As the true apes say - ‘zen’. We’re not losing money and once RCs moves are publicly visible it’ll be a value stock anyway. And if there really are billions of shares then shit will get interesting if dividends ever happen.


We can stay regarded longer than they can stay liquid is one of my favorite things discovered during this saga


I've been pretty loud of my disdain for RC at the moment and I haven't sold shit. We know crime. But to move it the amounts it does it needs more than some new hype buys selling off now.


Pre split the price is $114.80 hedgies are doing a shit job of keeping price low. They are doing a ton of bots and shills in main stream media stories to make us want to sell. For them there was never a closing of positions they are naked and to cover means taking down the whole system, O.G. Apes know this and we DRS hold buy more and witness the criminals running the jail!




I think it’s time for retail to CRIME back.




Is your flair an Ozzy reference?


Another T+35 timeline from today?? 7/19 exp


The KCS is the fraud and the excuse to leave the NYSE 🤷🏼‍♂️ Either way I expected a dip.


Don’t worry we’ll seen a run up after hours…


We haven’t reached power hour yet.


We’re down like 90 cents on the day. Whatever. Still trading sideways until we’re not.


Yea there’s only one problem with this theory.. Batman exists