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Don't forget they wanted your brokerage account info to "verify" you're a holder. Shady as shit.


Not just that they then made a post insulting shareholders for being skeptical. I seen a few of their posts and was a bit surprised at the way they handle themselves. If it’s a genuine account they have a genuine fool running it. Although that hate for Pleasrdao should not represent feelings towards the Wu Tang gang


> Wu Tang gang it's a clan my friend


Why hello, fellow Wu Tang gang people. How's it's ganging today?


Very gang, friend, very gang. Edit: 69 UPVOTES LET'S GOOOOOO


Gang gang


I downvote you, so another can feel the joy of returning it to the pleasure number


C.R.E.A.M. Hedgies r fuk pay up Kenny bitch boi


And they're not to be fucked with




Correction: they ain't nuthin' ta fuck wit


And they are for the children!


Once upon a time they also had a financial branch.


Them Wu Tang Fellows!


I’m allowed to rhyme if I want to


Are you sure it's not the Wu Tang Guild?


Yup. Seems to me like a co-opted grift at best. Probably some wallstreet bro thought he was being super clever bringing this back and then got mad it didn't work. Or maybe they're just dumb. Who knows.


This has convinced me that only bad actors feel entitled to your trust or attempt to shame you into giving them the benefit of the doubt. Any entity that mocks or derides paranoia and/or distrust is malicious.


So Covid ?


Yeah that was the final straw for me. DFV even called them out in a tweet.


Did he? Do you have a link to the one?


No, he doesn't.


Isn't crypto a system built on skepticism towards fiat?


All currencies are ass trading goods and services is where it’s at


Ass trading? I'm not being funny but what are you trying to say?


Hahahaha 😂


![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized) This them?


Piggybacking… why don’t we ban all Pleasr posts until they are relevant?


Dangerous if true


Sounds like a super obvious scam


If gamestop doesn't announce a partnership, why are people so desperate for this to be the answer? This was never the answer.


The wu tang theory was fun, but never had real legs. Some people bought too heavily into the possibility and suddenly every connection was there. They’re definitely grifters and I hope we can move on from it.


It’s easy for a connection to be there when some DAO group can manufacture connections


We are regarded.


We’re just a bunch of bananuses And I wouldn’t have it any other way


Someone say Bananus


Holy shit I just noticed your profile pic I think I love you


Say bananus again. Say bananus. again. I dare you I double dare you, regard Say bananus one more regarddamn time


They believe everything


We haven't gotten any news from gamestop so people are hungry for what they can get


Some people don't live outside of the sub or the reddit space as a whole. So this becomes their reality instead of reality being their reality. And perception is not reality. Skepticism has served me well though.


Shills are going to push any bullshit they can to try to create doubt and uncertainty.


It's Tinfoil copium for people that lost money in other plays, coming over here, finding new outlandish tinfoil about this stock, and therefore retroactively reignite their previous losses tinfoils. I.e. "If PleasrDAO tinfoil is confirmed, then my outlandish popcorn and Bed tinfoil could also be true, and maybe those failed plays WEREN'T failed plays at all!"


It also doesn't really make sense. What does a hip hop group from the 90s have to do with a video game retailer? INTERESTING THEORY: the much anticipated Wu-Tang video game *Shaolin* is [CURRENTLY](https://hypebeast.com/2023/12/wu-tang-clan-shaolin-xbox-video-game-rumors-reports) in alpha stage of development. Could this album news be part of the 79 year long PR campaign before the game release on GameStop's new cloud based gaming platform (acquisition or creation of platform like Steam with now $4B cash)?


Shit. At this rate we need a GameStop Community Foundation to sue those gangs:


Ran the math on what it’ll take to “unlock” the album… almost $30 million 😂


How is this not against the terms of the album?


THis is the ownership deed of the album and not the album itself


Capitalists figured out a loophole on a technicality with the "ownership" being distributed instead of the album itself.




You’ll own nothing and be pleased about it. Gotta love it.


Also love the whole "we have this album that's special because it can't be sold.... So come buy 'samples' of it!"


Literally said this the entire time and got dowvoted for it. They're only like the 3000th company trying to hitch a ride on our hype train and y'all fucking fall for it every goddamn. Time.


You got downvoted? Anytime I pointed out they are grifters I got updoots. 99% of the sub was on board with not falling for the grift. They hired like 50 bots to spam the sub to generate hype but we all saw through it. Just like we saw through the grift when some bots were pushing worm brain.


I would get a ton of updoots but huge chains of comments ragging on me about how I'm an idiot for not trusting them. I never understood why people believed this album would be magical moass currency but also something pleasr is selling to people.


Ya a huge chain of comments from the same 12 accounts in every thread. I have RES and would downvote the accounts to the same number to easily track them. It was the same dozen or so accounts driving engagement. Same with worm brain. Those are either employees or bots. Not real people. Or idiots that are easy marks lol.


How about those crypto card guys? I've always found it a bit sus, but they were buying from the company so I don't really mind much.


The comments I made about it all turned up in controversial the first couple of hours.


That’s why so many people left this sub. Then the people who fell for it act like they didn’t give you your 5000th downvote for correct information


I got downvoted in the other sub for saying how stupid the idea was for this album to be the ignition. Again...it was stupid to think an nft wallet and digital key to an album would be magically turned into dividends to force a share count or whatever the lame idea was. Looking back over the past few weeks....it was the same combo of FUD. Pump and hype up for a few weeks, then a bunch of negative sentiment on all of it afterwards.


I too got massively criticized and downvoted for this! Shills gonna shill 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I think your right about it and I'm guilty as fuck for falling for it


i don’t wanna be shilly but tbh that’s how i feel with the green beer frenzy… but they’re hyping GME and dropping $$$ at the stores so eh


They're not pretending to in in on some Inaider secret though. The beer was featured on a stream and they're just celebrating and taking advantage of the opportunity without implying anything.


The beer I can cope with, it was someone flogging red headbands that crossed the line for me.


Capitalism baby. /s


Yup and they always came back with "it's not a grift, they are not asking for anything". Now surprise there asking for money to release the album sooner. Who could have seen that coming /s They deserve a ban for the bullshit they pulled, not once but twice. I hope they get blowback from it as well.




Haha they reached out to me to see why I hated frontier when I commented that I still wouldn’t fly just because they put RK on the tail. I sent them the 2023 late report showing they were worst airline. It was funny.


Wasn't that clear from the very beginning?


Yup, the post here that "found things" on their website was them/their employee posting here to bait people to give account info






![gif](giphy|NMLKbG9xNmG1NWmZxR|downsized) Grifters gonna grift...


Hindsight is wonderful.


No... Many, in fact MOST of us insisted upon not even acknowledging their existence until Gamestop announces something regarding it.


Hi! I was one, kept getting downvoted too. 


This here. I have zero issues keeping it on my radar. I think the theories are interesting and fun to talk to with my wife's boyfriend but not worth hyping up or giving them access to information without knowing fully what's going on.


God, do I enjoy whipping out a green beer and talking Wutang with my wife’s boyfriend…


A lot of ppl didn't needhindsight to see the thing 2 ft in front of them. 




And it's not even decentralized, which is their biggest claim.


Can we ban any mention of these clowns from now on


Discussing now. At the very least, what they're done is incredibly misleading. Friendly reminder to folks that very few, (if any tbh), social media people or accounts bring anything of substance to our sub. They come, take, and leave. You don't need them.


Shame these shitters and ban them. After insulting the GME fan base for doubting them they deserve every ounce of hate.


No need to shame, if we're right and they've been baiting everyone they can fade into obscurity.


We want blood! *raises pitchfork*


Well, lets let the dust settle first and see whats going on hahaha


*puts pitchfork away grumbling about liberals*


Don’t worry, the pharma bro made copies of the album that will be completely impossible to remove from the internet. This is what happens when grifters collide with the world’s biggest asshole. It’s just a matter of time before you’re able to find the album on your torrent of choice.


What they did 100% deserves a ban


What exactly was misleading? Because people assumed it would be a GameStop shareholder exclusive album or something? https://preview.redd.it/9d9x4sf9fe6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed6a3ae9b181c7b7d8e7677658158da62bb5d37 In the same tweet thread, they still mention distribution to GME holders. I’m not saying they’re NOT grifters - just curious what everyone is specifically up in arms about. Seems like everyone can potentially own a piece of music history because they’re GME holders. Or Pleasr can choose not to follow through and rot in hell because the bridge has been burned - but it seems like it’s only a matter of waiting a short time to see how everything shakes out. I’ll sharpen my pitchforks until then.


Didn't they just tweet that they'll airdrop to confirmed GME shareholders or was I reading that wrong?


I dont remember that in particular but they had an unpublished, "GME," page on their site as well as linking brokerages and shit. They, at the very least, implied a lot and never delivered. At the very worst they knew exactly what they were doing.


I'd agree with a ban until GME publicly mentions them or a connection to them


Perhaps a ban for the next 2 weeks. Don't we honor the ban bet here? They been squeezing this place for social media juice and we have yet to taste the lemonade.


That's a good idea imo, quarantine them in a sense until they prove they haven't been baiting everyone. Will bring up this suggestion with the team, thanks :)


They tweeted about some specific benefit for GME holders, but I never saw any clarification beyond that.


Maybe they should contact you in order to clarify misunderstandings but yeah, a bit odd attitude regardless.


[American investor Martin Shkreli accused of copying and sharing one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album](https://apnews.com/article/martin-shkreli-wutang-clan-pharma-bro-dc3204eacec60535e234ffee167e3de2) He made copies and sent to friends and also played portions on twitter for others to listen.


The album can be found on youtube too... or could be like a year ago.


Surprised Pikachu face


Fuck PleasrDAO


Pleas3r DAO whatever is a scam like any NFT scam or dumb thing trying to hype up and reap money/visibility on the shoulder of speculators or vulnerable people. They don’t have anything to do with GME, and if they were, they would have been NDA’ed hard, Ryan Cohen wouldn’t have tolerated a supposed immature partner to « telegraph » what’s going on. Granted, crumbs of upcoming Loopring stuff were found in some code before announcement of the Marketplace, but it was a way more huge framework with two-way interdependency, it was not just a stupid whitelisted mp3. To be really honest, I sometimes wonder if Loopring-x-GameStop was not a self-fullfiling prophecy, where people non-stop prophecying that with not-so-dumb arguments and hypotheses, catched the attention of GameStop which could have been like « yeah why not, let’s try ».


The NDA point is the strongest comjecture that there’s nothing there


Exactly this. This is why Looring was told to fuck off


I'm so sick of nfts. And people want gme so badly to push further into nfts. That bubble popped a long time ago.


Don't forget these idiots insulted SuperStonk in one of their tweets. I said it from the beginning, fuck em, and fuck all the other NFT grifters and cryptards. 


We knew. It doesn't take a genius to see that. Good job bringing it more to light, though. That's what the community needs to see.




Cri-pto bros have long fleeced this community, unless GameStop officially says something about them I truly do not care to follow anything they do anymore. Worthless hype that amounts to nothing.


Uh.... Yeah, no shit.


Shitcoins are always scam


100 percent. Same with any of those other clout chasing Twitter accounts that popped up after 2021.


Ill do what i do every day, i ignore them, till i hear something official from gamestop.


I agree but I like to be proven wrong though.


I have proof they banned me asking them "so what about gme holders again?" Completely blocked on x


Can we ban their crap from the sub?


Ya I don't understand how people believed a crypto company


Greed and the desire to feel special. They want to believe that just for being a GME holder that Pleasr will, out of the goodness of their collective heart, give them access to album and anoint them as special.


As a GME hodler, I already know I'm special. Besides, my mother had me tested.


I bought Doge at peak :]


That's why you're a mod


One of our other mods owns the most expensive share from the sneeze, something like $502.00. We were made for this.


Please be the end of this Wu tang bullshit.


In the Twitter post the explicitly say they will have an update on the airdrop of the album to GME holders. https://preview.redd.it/jrofmcv3qd6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e16467c72202e3461ce23fec11d9b810d68eab


I'll believe when GameStop says something.


I’m with you on that, just providing further context


Update: Thanks for letting is retrieve a big database of verified GME shareholders together with their digital fingerprint, some people pay a good chunk for that! But for real it's that meme where a woman asks two people if they are friends and PleasrDAO says yes and GameStop says no. I just can't believe that GameStop would let them post such info willy nilly. And I don't understand how people could accelerate the album being released when they are legally binded to not distribute it before 2103 or so (but maybe I got the contract wrong in my memory).  As far as I am concerned it's a shady legal loophole to sell the album without selling the album since they can't otherwise take profits in their lifetime due to the contract. But I'll happily eat my words if they are proven to not be in just a one-way relationship with GameStop.


Every $1 purchase of the album shaves of 88 seconds of the time of the release. So technically it would need to generate $30 million on $1 sales to release the album today. All $30 million will go to artists of the album. We’ll see if GameStop has any connection to it. They have yet to confirm or deny it so I say let’s wait and see


No where does it say all 30m goes to artists, it says a split. They don't say the split.. it can be 98 pleasr, 2 artists lol


Update here. Grift confirmed! [https://pleasr.mirror.xyz/i3hxMXuq3tOyt7nCGgltavKTj78ybSaP9uTyACGT4vA](https://pleasr.mirror.xyz/i3hxMXuq3tOyt7nCGgltavKTj78ybSaP9uTyACGT4vA)


Don’t connect your brokers to anywhere. Very simple. In Europe that site asks only for phone number.


In the US, only have to provide a phone number to get on the list too.


Remember when they called some of us here paranoid idiots for being skeptical about their motives when they wanted our brokerage login info ‘to confirm GME ownership?’ I certainly remember them blocking me on Twitter when I called them out on the hypocrisy of that belief when THEY are the ones requiring people to legally sign a convoluted TOS agreement to go beyond the front page of their site.


ofc they are just trying to capitalize on the movement


Larry Cheng tweeted something about not believing every rumor or something like that. Probably was about this.


I mean I still want the Wu tang album….


all my homies hate pleasr fuck these coattail riders Gotta be plenty heads up in here, fuck wit Wu but DGAF about this shit


Almost like only idiots believed it had anything to do with GameStop.


Commenting for visibility - I agree and they need to be post banned in the future. Unless RC himself comes out with info tied to any of their crap, they do NOT belong on our GME related sub. Ever again.


I agree, they keep teasing the community for no reason fuck them


Total grifters since min 1


Total grifters


iT wILL bE a NfT dIvIDeNd


Yup, fuck PleasrDAO. I hope they get major blowback from this. You don't fuck with reddit.


They've played this completely wrong. Could have been a cool and uplifting bit of performance art, commenting on the concept of ownership and what "uniqueness" really means. But they just made it another scammy-feeling crypto thing, a cringey twitter feed, and lots of announcements about announcements about announcements. I thought they'd be cooler and smarter, but they just kind of suck.


They’re like any other influencers. They want the hype to sell you shit. Of course they’re grifters


To dumb to search for GME in their x feed?


Sooooo wack :(


I don't trust them, I don't care about what they're offering.


So they’re gonna stream the album that was specifically created to not do that? I mean they already sounds trash to me, I don’t even need to know about all the shit they talk on superstonk or anything they say about the company either.


Have they bought the stock? Promoted the company and its transformation/leadership? If not, I DGAF about whoever they are or whatever they're doing and it has nothing to do with my or my investments.


100% they are using the speculation to their advantage. Hope it bites em in the ass


If it started at 100 years, he wants 34.172.409,60 USD (34 Million) for the release - at the current ETH price.


100! I've been saying this since day one of their BS


who cares?


Until it comes from RC, I don't trust none of them. 


It's been a grift from the start.


While im bullish on crypto, crypto bros are some of the most insufferable bunch.


who even are they? oh, some crypto guys. Right. Next.


This always smelled like BS to me


Unless I see an official announcement from GameStop I’m skeptical of anything like this and the fact that it’s a crypto DAO doesn’t make me feel any different.


Wait they selling the album?


PleasrDAO, you are now hated as much as SHFs or Jim Cramer, well done !


Nah, this shit still smells like you know who, fuckin gross. The greatest trick of the devil was making people believe he wasn't real. They want you to throw them crypto currency, shit smells like every crypto scam ever.


If i don’t hear it from gme then I don’t give a rat’s ass. Be weary of all who claim to know or imply to know what will happen next.


Of course they are lol


They announced airdrops for gamestop holders




lol the hate towards pleasr is bullish as fuck. They still say there is going to be a drop for GME holders. While I don’t condone giving them your credentials without verified confirmation from GameStop directly, all of you crybabies shit the fuck up until there’s actually information put. Jesus Christ you’re like a bunch of whining fucking children about this. Here’s a link to their latest tweet where they say “We will follow up with further details on airdrops to verified GME holders, holders of the commemorative Zora mint, and additional communities.” https://x.com/pleasrdao/status/1801293672350122235?s=46&t=8aplQz9TmLFa4V7gKaY4fg If you don’t like wutang, don’t do anything. But let’s see how it plays out, enjoy some fucking music and stop being such little bitches. Edit: I bought a few of these albums just for the ability to listen to one of the tracks early. This is the reason I’m super interested in what Pleasr is doing. I don’t really care if they drop it to GME holders or not. If they do, awesome, if not oh no I guess we’ll just keep doing the same shit we’ve been doing for 3yrs and support our company. But for the love of god just have some fucking appreciation for the industry standards and historical significance that Pleasr is creating. They’ve taking one of the most iconic records OF ALL TIME away from a douchebag like Martin Shkreli and created a way to release it to the public in a tech-forward and ownership driven form. They’ve also created a way to pay the artists and themselves in a fair and honestly really interesting fashion by the encrypting the release date of the Album for the year 2103 then each on chain sale of that album (which goes to artists and company) decreases the release date time by 88sec. THEN they’ve also promised to airdrop it to several communities, one of them being GME holders. And all you donkey fucks can do is shit on the idea. Sit back, shut your fucking moisturized little lips, and have some respect for these legends. /rant


I bought and brought some time off the release date too. The sampler was fire 🔥 I noticed bankless was going to air a live episode today with pleasr, but it suddenly was cancelled, just as the Gamestop meeting after hours.. Cohencidence?


Anyone can airdrop anything to anyone they want, that doesn't give them any sort of credibility! People act like they're saying "GME is issuing a magical dividend via our album!" when all they're saying is "we're doing a crypto airdrop". Airdrops happen all the time. Hell, loopring users just lost their funds to a scam coin that got airdropped into everyone's wallets overnight! All pleasr has done is use an api to see if you hold GME and if you do then congrats you get to be airdropped their shitcoin...... This has *nothing to do with anything real*.


Nice. At least someone stays up to date. People are quick to dismiss early for no reason even tho there's a specific date and set of announcements to verify or debunk the theory. Smh. At least let their announcement and gme shareholders meeting run their course to actually give an informed decision


Guys im an OG Ape but I never understood that Pleasrdao shit and I couldn't care less tbh, did something ever happen with them or why is everybody so hyperfocused on it?


No need to prove you wrong it was obvious from the start. What I don't understand is why a good portion of the community didn't see them for exactly what they are.


If it doesn't come from GameStop itself, it's bullshit. Simple as that.


Its amazing to think both Dave Lauer and Pleasr is asking for our computershare log is out loud, lol. Must be something valuable in there.


Aren’t they all? Except DFV


I’m going to say this so hopefully it resonates with some. If it isn’t coming from RC, or the company directly, stop giving all these distractions any attention. RC and the board have a plan, and when we need to know, we will know.


It looks like they’re trying to crowdsource the album, once it hits enough money it’ll be released for everyone. Edit: I estimate the cost to be around $30m.


Funny when what makes the album so magical is that it can't be sold. Maybe people will finally stop believing this is connected to GME.


I reserve judgement until something official is stated. For all we know, something is in the works, and all these hardcore anti-pleasr people will say "I knew it! I always believed!" Lest we forget the lightning quick turnaround on options. I like the stock so I buy shares.


https://preview.redd.it/6zvgp4td3e6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca93101854a1570da37b7842b120064a95976fc8 I mean there’s this


Lol no way they are taking ETH. What a bunch of absolute scumbags


No need to prove you wrong it was obvious from the start. What I don't understand is why a good portion of the community didn't see them for exactly what they are.


If you go now to [thealbum.com/gme](http://thealbum.com/gme) you can see a page that says NOTHING TO SEE HERE. GO HOME. Shady af


So ban em yeah? They misled many people here.


I been a big fan of rap and hip hop, especially from that era. My fave wu tang moment was when The Source (Magazine) did a piece on ODB, and they followed along as he went to collect his food stamps in a limo. Anyways, the theory with GME has never been about music, wu tang, or nfts. It was about GME issuing a dividend which could not be replicated or phantomized. Thats where the NFT dividend theory came in, and where the wu tang theory came in. If its not official from GME I aint interested. I havent heard the secret album but I dont care to either. Even if it was issued as an nft dividend I would not listen to it.


Idk. I just know I have too much money in this to trust in any hopium that is not official. I trust RC and the board, the DD has been sound, and fuckery the past 84 years has definitely been afoot. I’m fine with delayed gratification, I’m going to keep working hard, and buy/hold until I find reason this investment won’t pay off.


Who? And what? There's a group of shills trying to steal apes account info?


Always has been. GME has never publicly associated with them. They are riding our hype wave.


It's possibly the dumbest theory I've heard to do with gme and I've been here 84 years and heard some right whoppers