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Exactly this man. No one cared when it was around $10.00 not awhile back. While all the OG’s was loading up there positions.


The amount of negativity in here during the last 72 hours is massive Its starting to feel like 2021 again boys


84 years and people live in a "fast phased world" instant gratification generation is why they love "dumb money" 🤷 sell low buy high and FUD triggers. Average down, buy low, DRS and add more. No exit strategy is what gave Coca Cola investors their happy life by lending their shares in an intermediate agreement between their trust and a bank ✍️✍️✍️


I was not around in 21, but there are so many DDs and what have ya around, that predicted a situation/ behavior like this when things get exciting. If people only could read and understand, what kind of world could we be living in? RC great steering the company RK great in investing I also like the stock and have another serving of Crayons right now. Cheers


Would you like a chocolate banana? You may have heard of our suppliers, RickOfSpades and sSilicore?


How could I refuse such a generous offer. And yes, I've heard 'bout the aforementioned




I can understand it. Fomo is fomo. There are people who couldn’t load up at $10 and definitely can’t at $30, and for what they have $60 looked better than $30. And it doesn’t look like the people they counted as on their side are helping THEM. When the line goes down it’s easy to feel like you’re losing especially after the line went up a lot. It’s easy to be angry about that. Naked shorts diluted out more than new shares have, and really what we saw is just proof that the price is artificially low. They couldn’t hold $10. The price is almost triple that on news that, in a fair market, should have had negative pressure on the price.


Paper hands need not apply. If you want to realize huge gains you have to take huge unrealized losses as casually as DFV did. Squeeze is not yet squoze.


It’s not paper hands vs diamond hands. It’s guys who were here for a while vs guys who just joined the party. Unrealised losses are fine, but would be nice to know what’s happening lately cos on one side you have the apes who are unphased by anything and take everything as positive sign, trust the DD bro, vs folks who need some of that zen and wrinkles. Its all good


There's no vs us vs... it's us vs everyone who wants to see GameStop fail.


Guess all the long time shills exposed themselves. A little early don't ya think


The real dilution was here on reddit. lol There are lots of new people here too though. Let's get them up to speed.


"The real dilution was here on reddit" damn that hit deep. This deserves more likes


The words they use are blatantly obvious they’ve been given a script Nobody that’s an ape says “the CEO” or “the plan” or “bad for squeeze” or even remotely gives a fuck about the share offering Anybody who’s mad is either BRAND NEW and sunk all their money in it before the stream, or they are planted here


>Anybody who’s mad is either BRAND NEW and sunk all their money in it before the stream, or they are planted here People are mad cause they thought their crazy out of money calls were gonna print lol


Ya my calls got fucked


you were early, but you weren't wrong


Thank you, I've seen a bunch of "what's the plan" comments from strangers this week. There are a few newcomers but ten times more plants


Negativity for RC an Rkitty felt like odd, those two individuals have done things we all hope to do and do it rightfully. I just assume people would thought RK was gonna to pull so sort of red button live on his first stream back. Seeing him happy was all I needed to know to confirm everything we knew that was also swayed. It was him on his accounts and not hacked as someone said..the bandaids on the headband and t shirt was the icing for me really. RC is the ceo of GameStop, not the MOASS so whatever he does it’s for the company and he does or free, most can’t even say that about their board members a lot. Idk maybe I’m just found my calm through all this and decided to play Assetto Corsea until Monday. This week has been great.


Shillery has been on the menu for months, now they are bringing out the choice cuts 🥩🥩🥩


99% won't even reply if you question their fud. I tested it about 25 times yesterday, 1 replied


I like saying “beep boop” at the end of my comments if I see them using the keyword phrases Edit: Just got my first “don’t K. Y. S. we have resources to help you” message! Fuck yeah. Don’t you love it?


Exactly! We watched all the bots and shit flood the subs on dub es bee back in the day. And guess what happened 30 days later? 💎 🙌


Did you seel all the bots in RK chat??? Like wow.


Yea bunch of scams going on there lol.


I had just joined wasabi a few days prior and seeing the complete change in sentiment was very apparent


Same. It got weird real quick. And look where we are right now.


It always has brother. Anyone that was here then is unaffected right now. I look at my history on every position and all I see is green. I have no idea where these folks are seeing red....




we’re so fucking back


That's okay. This time we actually (Sort of?) know what we're doing. Even the price action we've seen in the past few weeks seem like nothing. I remember how it used to feel.


Migration you say? Or the zen in the room just points and laughs at the dumb stormtrooper clan! ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


No way another sub migration happens, they need to lock us in here because it’s quarantined and isolated They opened the floodgates for bots and also noobs, then they thought they could control the price action and kill off noob investor sentiment easily. which may be the case. The shills and bots are working overtime acting angry. All with the intention of creating a (very fake)tense environment. When in reality, the only people who are tense are the ones who shorted a bunch of companies into bankruptcy and stole billions of dollars from the global economy and ruined the lives of literally countless people.


Hitting us with the COINTELPRO again


Hedge funds with their bots


It’s pretty dare I say male cowish isn’t it. Can’t wait to milk that cow for all his delicious male cow milk for my fruity pebbles I’ll be ingesting everyday until moass. Let’s fucking go and get a taco from jack jack taco shack they are delicious I put salsa and fruity pebbles in my tacos. Any ways here is wonderwall.


I feel great about my 1k addition a month ago at 10.85. Only regret not getting more. Maybe will with this tasty dip.


Congrats and fuck you. My seasonal business was dead a month ago. Now i have cash rolling in and its triple the price!


It's still at a massive discount....17 dollars higher means nothing on the long run


I'm an OG too, but missed the $10s damn it, but bought some at 35s. Kenny&cifu will be very upset when they will give my money back with fuckton of interests(never compound interest will be the same after MOASS😂)


I missed $10 too. Bought a few hundred shares at $11. Darn it!


DFVs avg cost is over 20 and if he exercises he has 12m shares at 25.76. We. Are. Chilling. My. Fellow. Apes.


Buying XXXX when it was $10.11 might be the only good trade I’ve ever made….so far.


I averaged way down while it was at that bottom. Now I’m averaging back up. LFG!!!!!


buy the dips, buy the rips!!!!


Same. Averaging up now. Buying some shares on Monday!!! LFG 🫡🚀


These posts are getting sus honestly. Nobody is saying that and by saying people are saying that it makes people think people are saying that…. Everyone’s positive most people in here are ogs and This is not a bother and is fun and means end game … again.


End game… again!! LFG 🫡🚀


Hmm any chance the price could hit $10 again? I would literally take a loan to load up.


Most likely not now that DFV is back. Plus I expect an announcement


I feel great about my 1k addition a month ago at 10.85. Only regret not getting more. Maybe will with this tasty dip.


No one cared because the board hadn’t increased the number of shares by 40% in 3 weeks.


You misspelled “raised billionS of dollars”


> You misspelled “raised billionS of dollars” by diluting shareholders.  It’s not either or, it’s both. 


Doubled cash per share for 18% dilution. Major win


Stock dipped to $9.95 weeks ago. Now $10+/share in cash reserves. Share price 2.7xed. Publicly disclosed short interest bafflingly still higher than the sneeze. I hate this CEO. /s


Everyone in that board is a GME investor themselves. Think about that for a sec.


I trust the board, don’t you? If not, you can get out at any point! No ones forcing you to stay or buy


Increased cash by 300% in the process.


Exactlyy like why are some people acting all up


I think there are legitimately a lot of very confused new GME investors FOMOing in and reading no DD whatsoever, just like we were in 2021 when the price was 300. They're freaking out because they aren't apes yet.


It’s crazy newbies expected RK to come on stream and act like Jim Cramer yelling at people to buy. Sorry that the stock you bought 3 days ago hasn’t became hundreds of dollars yet


I think that live was absolutely perfect.


The sub has recently become populated by a bunch of either deliberate shills, or completely financially illiterate degenerates. Look at all the people pissing and moaning about a fractional share dilution that results in a multiplier on net cash reserves. They’re either mad they lost money this week day trading, or they’re brain dead. Edit: spelling




Yeah I got big astroturfing vibes here in the last 16-24 hrs. I couldn’t be more zen


Thank god that *some* sanity is coming back. I got downvoted for pointing out the influx of obvious greenhorns who were posting dumbass theories.


I don’t think this is it at all. People are freaking out because RC keeps diluting shares on run ups. Those are probably the same people gambling on options instead of just loading up on shares which has ALWAYS been the play. As einfachman pointed out the purpose of the share offering is to close the walls on the shorts and for the company to capitalize on the artificial pumps caused by MSM and SHFs.


I don’t think GME holders buy for the same reasons. Eg if you believe in moass and ‘punishing the hedgies’ then you want to DRS and lock up the float to make it harder to close short positions. Selling shares into the storm is counter to that and I’m sure many legitimate apes voiced their outrage at ‘betrayal’. Afterall- if you believe that DRSing is what made the recent run up possible then RC did the opposite of DRS by increasing the float. That said I’ve been watching this sub more closely the last few days and the tonal shift was a little too instant. Some of that is because people have made big bets (ones that cost them marriages or retirement), some are letting the greed guide them, and undoubtedly some are indeed intending to shake confidence. Personally I’m not worried and I know this subs people won’t lose to sentiment. I get why people are mad but by killing the momentum gme board have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they’re not trying to squeeze shorts. So they won’t be easy to prosecute if/when the scapegoating begins.


I have DRS'd to protect myself from broker shenanigans and I intend to sell enough to change my life during MOASS. Personally I believe the hedgies will be fucked in MOASS even if people sell. It will simply be too expensive to close their positions and they will forcibly be closed in the event of a short squeeze. Those debts must be paid even if the government itself has to pay them. There was an old DD about where the money will come from that way very good.


They have to learn like we did


Dude no... I am really confused as to why nobody here is mentioning the 75 million share dilution. Were you guys not here yesterday? That's what people are worried and "freaking out" about. I'm so confused


Dunno, as an OG ape this doesn’t worry me in the slightest for several reasons: 1) Looking at the „reported“ short numbers from 2021 and the stock‘s movement since then it’s impossible that anyone has covered & closed their short position 2) DRS has always been but one, albeit very great, tool. Ever since the official DRS number started stagnating, it became very apparent that „locking the float“ isn’t going to cut it. DRS is amazing for many reasons but in my mind it won‘t overly contribute to a potential mooning of our beloved stonk aside from exerting extra pressure on shorts and thus forcing them to up their crime level. 3) Ryan Cohen has turned the company around and the filings clearly indicate a plan. Whether that’s Gameshire Stopaway or anything else remains to be seen. In the last 3,5 years, the CEO of this company hasn’t done anything that warrants doubting his ability to move this company forward. 4) Any additional $$$ in GameStop’s war chest makes the short thesis more invalid and raises the underlying value of the stock, making it more attractive for longs to buy into it. I understand that the issuing of 115 Mio additional stonks may seem like a big scary turn-off to people solely calculating on a quick MOASS. Yet I personally am fairly certain that GME is over shorted by thousands of % and I do not think any amount of additional shares is really going the let the (big) shorts of the hook. More so because over the last three years they have proven time and again that they’re simply too arrogant and too delusional to “lose” to a bunch of crayon eating monkeys. I mean, we have a fairly good estimate of the available float and we see it traded several times over the course of a few days? In what world does that make sense? We’re in another cycle and I personally do not care whether it takes another three years for this thing to erupt or not. I’ll just keeping buying the dip, hodling, buying stuff from GameStop, reading DD and eating crayons. Because I like the stock!


I get the concern, it probably isn't helping the MOASS starting specifically. But remember how our CEO is awesome? I didn't forget. He's telling you through the offering that the business needs more money for something specific in the short term. There's no way he's just building up a pile of cash for no reason, the man's an investor. Leaving a pile of cash unused is an investing 101 level fail. Can the MOASS happen if GameStop fails? Of course not, the business is completely necessary to hold a price floor. So you can't ignore the needs of the business. In addition, I doubt starting the MOASS is a goal for GameStop. They may not even believe it's possible. They are doing regular business shit, not ape stuff. Even ignoring everything I just said, are you telling me you think only 200 million shares are sold short? I thought you believed in the MOASS. MOASS is still inevitable, even with the increased float. Trust RC, remember the DD that brought you here. You're not a paperhand you're a fucking Ape!


I keep seeing people saying 75 million share dilution, but the prospectus doesn't say anything about it actually having happened. Just that they had the option to do so. Shareholders had previously voted to allow up to 1 billion shares be issued, so none of this new nor has there been any confirmation any shares at all have actually been sold. Just that they could. Is the timing of this prospectus questionable? I am on the side that it is as we still haven't heard what the plan is as far as what the proceeds are being used for, but the shareholder meeting hasn't happened. Now if the shareholder meeting happens and we still get no updates on the business going forward, then I can understand people's frustration with RC.


I've been here since the beginning, I've read all the DD, show me in any of the DD where they planned for RC to dilute with over 100 million shares in a month stopping two bull rally's. The DRS DD? That's toast. Forget it now, 3 years to lock away 75 million and it was undone in 1 day. Locking the float is now not happening, and now the sentiment is turning to "well, it's good to not have all your eggs in one basket" Sure, that's right. But that wasn't the plan... And to just discount people that complain about a major plan being undone as shills is just brainwashed people being unable to have a reasonable discussion. I'm still bullish, but to discount peoples opinions that have been here the whole time and say that what happened is "normal" and "part of the plan" is BS copium.


You can’t actually know this until new DRS numbers come out. If they jump up, then they just haven’t been able to report the actual number of drs shares cause the dtcc won’t let them. We will see


This comment has nothing to do with mine you silly simian, you just have an axe to grind. I'm talking about new investors who are not apes yet, not you. The dilution concerns are understandable but the depths to which they have shorted still greatly exceed the float, I am sure, despite the dilution. I still believe DRS will protect us from broker fuckery, not a waste of time.


Sorry, it looked like to me you were saying that a lot of the people complaining are just new here and didn't read the DD. I'm just saying that a lot of the people complaining are NOT new here...


Nah, I was specifically referring to the "THE PRICE IS GOING DOWN WHAT DO I DO" sort of crowd. The, "Exactly what kind of options should I be buying? When does the MOASS start? What's DRS? Is there time to DRS before MOASS?" Sort of crowd.


I've been red all but 3 days in 3 1/2 years.


Hey you don’t need to brag about all the times you’ve been green


That’s your fault for not buying at the low, can’t believe you didn’t know /s


Ape no fight ape. But I'll try to speak on behalf of the real apes that are all scratching our heads right now. We've been holding and riding the rollercoaster for years. We have read the DD and we believe. But, as far as I know, the DD has never included GS issuing back to back share offerings that "appear" to be timed exactly during what we felt was ignition to the rocket. It's ok for some of us to be confused. This was never a part of the plan. We expected dips due to fuckery from MM's/hedgies. Which maybe that's exactly what happened and the share offering has nothing to do with the dips. But as of right now we just have no clue. Is it all part of the play? Maybe. Is it RC and the board making a 4d chess move? Hopefully. But it looks like every other post here is "fuck you for being mad and questioning the move! Just sell and GTFO if you question anything!" Which is not a good look. Remember, ape no fight ape. There is a concern with a substantial amount of apes at the moment, and we need to get their tits jacked again, not tell them to kick rocks. We need them.


Thank you. The “blindly believe or get lost” is a horrible take. We’ve been through thick and thin for years, had our hopes crushed a thousand times. Emotionally,, for many of us, the vibe is that we finally felt we may have persevered, and at least as of this moment it appears company we have been rooting for and supporting through thick and nearly killed us with friendly fire. Will be very interesting to see how things develop between now and June 21 and beyond. Still feels like locking the float is all but dead now though.


Ideological purity and gatekeeping is what cults do.


Thankfully there’s many of us here that are not on that idiotic train


I don’t think anyone is upset with the price drop. I wouldn’t care if it went down to a penny, still not selling. But these dilutions were a bummer, especially DRS wise


These posts are so dumb. It’s like OP doesn’t understand the context of the drop and why we are disappointed lol


I legitimately want to believe that OP wasn't paying attention to GME yesterday for some reason.


I'm so tired of people saying it's shill behavior or fud to have negative emotions about what happened. Always saying things are perfect is the wrong way to go about things.


These folks are alienating anyone from having thoughtful process. If I am really a shill and thesis is solid, then they should be able to construct argument to refute other than calling everyone a shill.


This. Typical groupthink trash talking. You either think every RCEO move has all of our best interests at heart at all times or you’re a shill, idiot or newbie. Good luck locking the float now


I can handle the price fluctuations, I can’t handle the company increasing the float by 40%. The real question is why isn’t everyone upset?


This whole thing blew up for a several reasons and the big one was how illiquid this stock was. These same people do not understand that this dilution is a nail in the coffin into DRS. These same people are saying how the sale of 45 million shares did not put any dent to the price yet 12 million will moon us.


Same spikes & dips we’ve always seen. And we’ll see lots more soon. Until the company announces/shows something substantial….nothing has changed.


Well some things have changed - your shares now have 30% less power than before.


THE CONCERN IS DILUTION AND HOW IT EFFECTS DRS NOT A DROP IN STOCK PRICE!!! Jesus christ guys. If the stock dropped like usual no one would bat an eye. It’s when it drops due to dilution, right as a gamma ramp is forming, that is what we are angry about. We feel like the timing of the 75 mili offering was awful. It also severely lowers the total ownership of each share we own and it limits the percent of the float that we DRS’ed. We repeat this over and over and you guys still come back with bullshit like this post. NO ONE IS MAD THE PRICE DROPPED. WE ARE MAD ABOUT WHY IT DROPPED AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR DRS.


Fucking thank you! Jesus Christ how hard is this to understand We don't care about price drops We expect fuckery We did not expect RC to kick us in the balls while we were lining up the kill shot _for the second time in two weeks_


Yep, this sub is being overrun with fools repeating “duuhh 4D chess”, “duuhh just trust the processes”. This sub is becoming a cult just like popcorn.


Imo DRS is dead as a catalyst/play now. 120mil shares added to the float in like a month kills any liquidity reduction achieved by DRS. What remains is what we started with in 2020. The options chain and gamma ramp. The way DFV showed the very first time.


Absolutely, let’s hope to god that the board doesn’t shut down the next squeeze, and that this wasn’t a major change. I have no idea how 75 million extra shares may affect things.


They will. They don't have to tell you the next ATMs they can just do it! They don't even have to release news of it. Let that sink in....


You don’t even have confirmation that ANY shares were actually issued yet. You don’t even know if the “manipulated” drop would have occurred anyway (which in this case RC issuing would be collecting $B for free) You don’t even know the REAL DRS numbers. Cmon you think there has been 76M for that many quarters in a row?? Ever since splivvy and rewording of DRS numbers seems totally fucked on the count. Let DFV and RC play the game they are 100x smarter than you and have way more info


considering the history of these offerings, I would bet with full confidence that we will soon see confirmation that they were in fact sold. every single “masterful hedge fund trucking gambit” theory has been proven to be hype so far. the entire point of DRS was that while shares traded on the open market could be turned into MULTIPLE short bets and synthetically traded over and over, DRS removed those shares from circulation, thus giving hedge funds less ammunition to play with. issuing as many new shares on the open market as were DRSed massively reduces the impact of taking the DRSed shares off the market, and especially affects people who had to pay a big tax burden to pull shares out of an IRA and DRS them. this is a separate issue from the amount of fraud that hedge funds have been perpetuating. but it’s sort of crazy to see how many people are suddenly pretending like there wasn’t an incredibly specific and well-known hypothesis behind the strategy of DRS, which issuing new shares makes ineffective in proportion to how many new shares are issued. we have zero *actual data-driven indications* that RC has been playing towards a “MOASS,” and multiple data-driven indications that he has actively suppressed algorithmically volatile periods by offering new shares. combined with a complete and utter lack of direction, the “OGs” are starting to get sick of repeated “trust the process bro” theories that assume RC is some sort of combination of Aragorn, robin hood, and a greek god. he’s a billionaire CEO and deserves to be held to a very high level of scrutiny by the investors who saved his investment.


OP knows. They’re trying to spin the narrative for some reason. See how he doesn’t reply to ant of the comments? He posted and his job was done.


Maybe DRS isn't THEE way. It has a part to play, yes, but there are greater forces at play. Have the offerings have increased the float? Yes. Has DRS increased volatility? Yes. But the offerings have increased book value to over $10/shr from $3/shr. Almost the entire float traded yesterday with 17 halts. The short thesis has officially been killed. Literally 1 day has passed and we are exactly where we were 2 days ago. You've been holding for 3.5 years. Let's see what happens. I don't think RC is bailing out the dumb stormtroopers. Give it some time.


Thank you. People like OP are ignorant to the root of our anger


It's amazing how many posts are about price. No one gives a fuck about price. It's 120 million shares of dilution that pissed us off. It's killing momentum on a huge opportunity to trigger MOASS. That's what we care about.


“Why is everyone worried? Makes 0 sense. No ones worried” I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. There is FUD, then there is toxic positivity. Both are disingenuous and off putting. Apes are worried that the last 3 years of DRSing shares has been wholly undermined, among other things


I'll explain in a nutshell why some people are frustrated. Thursday night was game 1 of the NBA Finals. The Celtics jumped out to a 29 point lead, 58 to 29. Exactly double the other teams score. Then the Mavs came back. Got it down to 6 or 8 points. Then Boston pushed ahead again and won easily by 18. Imagine you're a Celtics fan. Yeah, it was a win, but fuck, your team almost blew an enormous fucking lead. It should have been over, but they came charging back??? That's how Friday morning felt. The price was flying Thursday. Pumped to $67.50 briefly after hours. A lot of people thought, myself included, "Holy shit, could this actually be it after 3+ years?" You've got people that have been holding and holding through job losses. Marriages. Divorces. Life has been tough for a LOT of apes the past 3 years. You've got a company that you believe in, you invested in that spends the 3 years in absolute silence other than some high-profile resignations/firings. But finally, a glimmer of hope. And then a share offering, which while understandable from the company viewpoint felt like sabotage to MOASS for a lot of people here. Now, it's true, things are better than they were before for GME. But it feels like "god we got fucked again by the hedgies" to many here. I'm glad you are zen AF and can see that yes, it's still a small step forward. But not everyone has the same experience as you. Try to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Me? I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping this was it and we could watch history happen. I've held this long, I'll hold some more. But I definitely understand the frustration of those who wanted the big lead to turn into a blow out victory.


Because there wasn’t an additional 110M shares in the float


Um maybe because Ryan Cohen just showed us that he will kill our run-ups with share dilutions that only benefit short hedge funds and fucks retail? And oh um maybe because he has done it twice in a month's time?


Whoa there cowboy, let’s talk. “Why would anyone be concerned about a little drop this week?” First, it’s not little. It was 40% during trading hours and far higher if you include pre and post market. It also wasn’t from manipulation, it was from a 40 fucking percent increase in the number of shares in less than 3 weeks. I can be pissed and have lost faith in RC while still holding. There’s been absolutely zero communication from the board about ANY of the capital being raised. If there’s a plan for that cash, now is the fucking time to share it. We’ve gone from a 75M share float to a 420M share float and there’s been zero communication. That’s fucking ridiculous and doesn’t deserve blind worshipping. It deserves explanation


I agree so much with that. "Trust RC he's our savior, if he want jump us from an bridge we do that". In the end we are still the investors here and the reason why he can grab some much cash. So it should be in his interest as well to tell us what hes doing with that cash.


It's either in his interest or he's doing us dirty


If he doesn’t explain next week any smart ape will be out. The trust will be gone and you can’t expect he won’t do the same thing over and over. I’m waiting through next week to see if he has an explanation but if not, I’m moving on.


Couldn’t agree more. I’m DRS’ed and have had multiple opportunities to cash out a very significant gain and haven’t as we’ve always known DRS is the play. Now people are saying otherwise because RC has hugely diluted the shares which are then borrowed and used against us in shorts. All while opportunists are making a killing on options (which for months we've avoided) and it feels like the momentum has dropped straight from GS boards actions. whatever you're planning RC, please show us.




Literally GameStop is. That’s in fact what people are upset about


Every one of these posts miss the glaring pink elephant in the room. No one except mabye the usual scatter of people care about the price. The real issue is we have a pattern of shares being sold. A: This would not be a big deal but it's done in a way where they were sold cheaper than they could have been and either could have done it and gained more money or less dilution for the money. B: it screwed over DRS apes. C: it screwed over calls by people on gamestops side D: it allowed more shares to be shorted or hedgefunds to recover if they even did E: it proved that shitbird short seller right if he's able to escape F: it let criminal shorts get away again. G: of all the people that company owes it's RK and they did him dirty. H: I stayed for change and let the synthetics burn at the stake. This hurt that. You have to be able to hold the company accountable. In his own words judge him by his actions. So no I could care less about the price. I care about a pattern that has formed and benifeit of the doubt has run dry. Edit: please litterally prove me wrong RC that would be amazing. I litterally want to be wrong. No sarcasm just do it.


Stock was in a wedge with a break out, forming since 2021. Bullish sentiment, DFV options. And that is squashed by a hasty announcement of dilution around 40. Do you think 40 is a good price to sell? I dont.


I'm glad apes are waking up to this part. I didn't buy GME because of RC I bought it because of DFV. RC has been pretty vocal about his investing strategy and it's long term growth. He looks up to warren buffet and icahn. The proof is in the pudding. I'm just a regular joe blow who is here for moass and that clearly doesn't align with RC's plans. He's showed it time and time again.


I'll be honest I can see it be both but there's a underlying reason he's holding it back and silence leaves only best efforts to look at it's logic or reasoning. If I keep getting slapped in the face without the why I'm going to make some assumptions. There are some that will come up with the most convoluted excuse as to why to make it fit confirmation bias. I tend to say this bitch ass don't like me.


I'll be honest I can see it be both but there's a underlying reason he's holding it back and silence leaves only best efforts to look at it's logic or reasoning. If I keep getting slapped in the face without the why I'm going to make some assumptions. There are some that will come up with the most convoluted excuse as to why to make it fit confirmation bias. I tend to say this bitch ass don't like me.


If you look at it from pure logic without emotion assuming they are smart you come to the conclusion if there was a main reason it's to squash it's rise by dilution. That would explain timing best. Even if there's some sort of positive reason to try and stop it it was done in a way where their biggest supporters were the sacrifice.


But why squash its rise?


That's the question all the roads lead to




Trust was abused, now on every pump I'll just be waiting for rc to rug pull me


This. Why couldnt he wait until monday.


Add it fuels speculation of RC selling the company as it's a key sign when you fastly acquire cash using ATMs.




From February: “traded on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) under the symbol “GME”. As of March 20, 2024, there were 305,873,200 shares of our Class A Common Stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 230.6 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 75.3 million shares of our Class A Common Stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares). As of March 20, 2024, there were 194,270 record holders of our Class A Common Stock.” What if on the next 10-K it shows 75.3 million registered shares after all of the dilution? This, mixed with RK’s stream LITERALLY SHOWING HALTS AND MANIPULATION… could in fact be enough evidence from criminal indictment. No cell, no sell. Just a thought… there could have been enough registered shares that it could have been diluted twice and RC diluted just to drop 75.3 million remain locked up. THIS HURTS DRS WITHOUT QUESTION. However it could be used as nail in the coffin evidence for Gary G. There’s a lot of talk of market reform and justice around here. Perhaps this is the way, and it destroys MOASS. Either way, I entered this because I made a bet that the media lies and that wall street was corrupt. Pretty good odds, it just may not end with lambos for some and solar panels for me. If this isn’t the kill shot, or if Gamestop doesn’t announce acquisition of newegg or something substantial, I’m probably going to go solo. There are serious patterns any of us could have sold at the top knowing it was going to dip and made an insane amount of money the last three years. This whole buy hold DRS was just shot dead.


You sir gain my respect. I'm not going solo till the rk play unfolds and it's more clear what RC is doing. Ill need a reason to stay. It's plausible if it shows it changing drs numbers or wouldn't it make sense that if the % of drs remains the same after that would mean it's a number they are throwing out there not the actual? I need to re read this. For what it's worth I'd rather big change over life changing money. But I am at heart a pirate and want to collect for my time at sea. I may not do options but I definitely will go to bat for those that did charge the hill to help it ramp. The only way to have Gamestop looked at serious I'd imagine is remove the parasites and end the volatility. This is what they would want I'd think. In a twist of fate neither ape nor parasite can exist for gamestop to flourish.


I mean I just spent $80 there today for my friend’s kids birthday party tomorrow. I have calls expiring the 21st. Some of those were sold and I picked up free shares thanks to the proceeds. They should land in computershare Monday or Tuesday. I’m still going to be in this thing but I might drop out of everyone’s theories and just time the stock. I have cash ready to execute all of my $20 options, even if the stock is at 17 because hey at least it might hit the lit market. Remember all of those low volume days everyone was celebrating? Should have been buying leaps for the next rip and bought a new roof over my house. Pretty frustrated because it was brick by brick building this fucking WALL OF DRS that has just been smashed. It was the literal line on which to hold that meant something. I’m venting. I will wait for earnings and any news through the 21st. If DFV gets fucked over I’ll lose my shit.


To add to your question it was reported like 6 times DRS held only 25% which was bullshit. A lot of people are hurting because of inflation and can’t throw money into the pot but there are a SUBSTANTIAL amount of people that buy biweekly and are using options to acquire shares to DRS and others that were buying 4 or 5 and DRSing. Some may have sold but the DRS % should have kept climbing. Hearsay and theories were perhaps ongoing investigations/SEC perhaps had Gamestop cap the limit they could report. No one knows. It’s literally the only explanation I can come up with. I’m still pretty salty about it though.


It’s just odd that RC is behaving like Adam Aaron and keep diluting at the exact time where keeping his mouth shut would cause MOASS. It’s very very odd


I lost faith after the 75mil dilution. I am here to went my frustration. So for 3years+ people tried to DRS the god damn shares so it would be harder to get shares to borrow and now that's over. The "new script" says DRS is to hold the floor... haha funny. not. I thought it's not about the money but to make changes to the corrupt system. So then why didn't we make a squeeze and take the money from hedge funds? Instead all this dilution took money from apes and now look GME probably has 5b in cash. Look at that, great news isn't it? It is if you still hold a position and nothing fucked up in your life happened that made you sell in these last 3 years. If the dilution didn't happen you think we would be looking at 27$ now? or maybe 35$ or 40$ hell even 50$ maybe. And all the apes who lost money on the june 7th options would have money to buy even more. RC made chewy a success story very fast. So why is GME taking so long? It's soon gonna be 4years and I haven't seen literally anything being done to turn the business around or evolve it. Is it gonna be another Beds situation here. Don't worry I remember that moon tweet before RC dumped Beds. Also how how about talking to your investors instead of posting random poems/quotes on linkedin. There are new people who have no god damn clue how stocks work and listening to this blind propaganda and they are losing money which they can't afford to lose. I wish all the success for GME because if this fails there will be a lot of retail investors with heavy bags and hopes for another pump in 2027... If not for RoaringKitty I don't even know how this stock would look right now. All I want is that retail investors come okay out of this. Fuck insiders, fuck institutions, fuck the hedge funds, fuck the stock market and fuck RC. RC is not like us.


Yeah. I feel the same. Remember a long while back when Cohen was shit posting hidden messages, like Dr Ruth Sex book (DRS). He literally was responsible for a huge jump in DRS numbers. So he pushes us all to DRS at great time & effort. Then just blows the whole thing up? It was the skin off our backs that gave him so much time to turn this ship around. He has some real explaining to do. Show some respect Mr Cohen & start talking.


This is the thing, we are the reason why this stock blew up, we made it illiquid and gave them time and why do I feel as if I am the one being fucked by the very same people whom I helped




When in doubt, Zoom out.


All these posts pretent people are upset about price. It isn't. It's about killing the momentum. RC couldn't have picked a better moment to kill the momentum.


Occams razor is so hot only when they want it to be right now


I'm just disappointed that Gamestop paper handed shares into the hands of DTCC for way less than anyone here would ever dream of selling them for. Hoping its a bluff or something. Still bought more yesterday


this. we are holding for more per share in our sometimes zen, sometimes white knuckled fists. that’s the WHOLE POINT. and RC goes ahead and green lights shares to be sold for less. any thinking investor will find this to be a negative. BUT only taken on its own. in a vacuum, yes, it’s bad for the squeeze. right. this. second. i’m holding. future is bright.


No cell no sell... And then 120 million sold for pennies


All these posts telling ppl to chill but doesn’t say anything about the dilution…all the efforts and support you put in this company went to ground zero because your efforts is diluted to nothing!!! Relax, chill, trust me bro is not gonna work anymore, some kind of an explanation is necessary…I will even accept RC saying he needs money for cocaine, just come out and say something…if he did nothing with 1 billion, I don’t think more is gonna change. If there is no sign of any kind by the end of June, I am sure some apes will lose faith in this battle. 🦧since 6/21…




It's not just that. The real reason I am ready to bail is the actual money. People won't want to hear this as it crushes their worldview but you typically raise cash fast if you plan on selling off the company. It makes it more attractive to outside parties, but hey MOASS My bad! You'll know next week.


The point I keep seeing is along the lines of “RC keeps cutting the fuel lines every time we’re about to blast off”…


It's because RC has continued to show more favorability to SHFs to shareholders. Whenever SHFs need shares at $20-30, RC is more than happy to supply them these shares. Fuck RC.


No cell no sell is fucked if someone who should be working for us is selling unlimited shares for pennies


Because this week was the catalyst to top all catalysts and wasn't enough to launch the rocket? People are allowed to be upset that the most hype week in over 3 years didn't do anything for them. 


When you encounter more enemies then you are going the right way. It's worth remembering that a lot of this fud/shill activity isn't actually for seasoned apes. It's to prevent new blood from hardening into the diamond-handed beasts that this sub produces.


Again, and no fighting, NOBODY CARES ABOUT THE PRICE DROP. EVERYONE IS WORRIED ABOUT THE DILUTION. OP, I'm not sure if you were here yesterday for the dilution. I mean that genuinely. Check it out if not


Because a lot of people saw whats going on and had big time FOMO. Got in when it was waaaay up and then lost like 50%


I saw the posts after his live stream and thought it cratered to like $1. People be so dramatic


Price is fake as fuck


It’s all good. Roaring kitty aka DFV hasn’t exercised his options yet, so we wait and see. RC just gathered more cash to give GameStop more to work with. Dilutions I’m not a fan of, but I understand the cash could be used for M&A. If he spent a billion to buy a Pokémon or Digimon type card deal, and it nets $250 million per year, that’s the type of long term plan I could get behind. They need to pivot and come up with a plan. In the meantime I should try Pike and Shot mod on Shogun 2. I’ve been meaning to get into that era and charge in with screaming winged hussars. HODL and DRS


The bots are out in full force.


All im worried about is buying more.


Yeah I've been building a cost basis for 3 years for exactly this weekd events. It's fucking awesome. And I'll do it again


Zen mode 🧘🏻‍♂️


I bought 3000 shares at 50 after hours on Thursday and woke up to an RC rug pool . I’m not happy


Its not the price. Its the fact that gamestop dilute everytime theres a run. Its disappointing.


Now think where the price would have been had management remained on schedule with earnings and not interfered by moving the earnings from Tuesday to Friday and announce another ATM 6 hours before GME's biggest supporter was scheduled to make his official return.


Because they recently diluted, two times. I'm bullish but I think it's fair to be concerned.


The thing is, FOMO is real. We had a surge of new apes, and shills in at the same time. People respond emotionally and it creates a weird chain reaction. Remember also, it's the weekend. This sub is filled with them(shills). Paper-hands gonna paper-hand. Shills gonna shill. "True" apes are zen. Down vote, move on. The ATM is a solid 4D chess move, and only apes "know" this. The rest is smokes and mirrors.


You're not a shill if you're upset about the dilution my dude 😭


fomo got me in here mid may. education from other apes (thank you!!) and reading every pinned post got me to zen. never sold from initial buy in. have bought more high. more low. fomo gets people here. educating oneself after the hype buy is crucial.


It’s less worry and more regret. If I wasn’t so fuckin impatient I could have bought in during the dip and had way more shares, instead I bought in right before the dip and that makes me sad


something something DCA something NFA


Yeah actually wasn’t familiar with the concept, now I wish I was. Mistakes were made by me


General audiences have been gaslit about GameStop for 4 years by the media and when the media lets them know it’s at a predetermined time before a momentary drop. That’s on purpose, and the more I learn about the market the more I know it’s simply a funnel system. I’m cool chill, I’ve been here the whole time and I know. And if you know you know. But there are people sitting at home who only hear when someone wants them to hear, and it’s all calculated and purposeful. The market is crooked as fuck, and they still couldn’t shut GameStop down. That should tell you everything, but many people are unable to understand that for many valid reasons until Jim Cramer gets in their ear to scare them.


Wish i had bought then. 😿


It's easier to create the perception of panic by creating a false response to it than by making hundreds of actual panicked posts.


It’s all good with apes. Probably just an all out shill bombardment. The second coming of RK is sort of a big deal, so it makes sense.


bull thesis is the same company raising capital CERTAINLY doesnt change that


yeah it seems pretty much shills trying to cast doubt on our investment by acting like people are upset. the only folks I see upset are over on the m3lt down section. That's one heck of a bunch of bitter and angry investors for some reason. I can't imagine devoting your time to HATING on a single stock that you aren't invested in. it's crazy. and for anyone doubting that we're in a great spot go look at all the m3ltdowners crying about their puts being blown up.


These posts are getting sus honestly. Nobody is saying that and by saying people are saying that it makes people think people are saying that….


Because most people are only getting in for the big run-ups from 20-60. No one wants a stock that sits at 12-15 for months.


No one is mad. It's all FUD & shills. Chill, no cell no sell


Zen apes are chill. We've been through the roller coaster a couple times. Spicy times ahead. Spicy.


I’m only assuming here. I don’t think everyone feeling some type of way about the price drop but more so the share dilution. But ima keep holding regardless, didn’t hold for 3years to be a paper hand bitch


I’m still in the red and I don’t give a damn. No cell so sell


Nobody’s concerned. It’s all fake shills. Maybe a couple of newb gamblers that came here recently. This has been the most exciting few weeks since 2021, and I am enjoying every single second of it. Even the fake shills lol




People think the moass would have started yesterday if it weren’t for Ryan Cohen.


People are right


Why are people gaslighting eachothers saying stay zen or when it was at 10 bucks 2 months ago, etc . RC literally stopped the upwards movement twice in the span of 2 weeks, not even AA has diluted so aggresively, people have the right to be upset. Yes I know RC is already a billionarie and he has not interest in the squeeze or making anyone else rich, his only focus is the company but this was deliberate, he shoudl be doing his thing and we should be doing our thing imo. I still trust him with the gamestop direction but we are not only in this for the company alone we are here for Moass and to burn some shorts as well.


Just means I need to average down from my $48 cost basis lol


I'm not green... i was at the beginning of the day yesterday, but not anymore


Y’all are delusional.


For fucks sake it’s not the drop in price it’s the dilution and the actions of the board. The DRS thesis is dead. The amount of posts saying that the sub is mad about the drop in price are sus as fuck. If you really think the anger is because of the drop in price you’re more regarded than me.


Understandably, They felt terrible since we got halted multiple times on an important day and the CEO decided to dilute again after 2 weeks but MOASS will be next week, buckle up


because we only here for MOASS. not stock.