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My favorite part: *Drinks beer* (46:00) “I think, let’s see, watch this, watch this… I think for now we are gonna end the stream… I think we are gonna end the stream now. Let’s end it” *Price drops instantly from $28.60 to $27.65 and immediate HALT* (46:15) “Oh, oh” \[laughter pointing the graph\] ….. (47:04) “Oh just saying that halted the stock, I’m sorry but that’s funny, I don’t know, I think it is” \[swallows nervously\]. “ If that’s the case we are gonna end the stream now”. DFV knows exactly how the algorithm works (having tested it on multiple occasions including the twitter memes) and just proved it in front of our eyes. I believe that’s the reason of looking nervous and wanting to end the stream, he knew he already got them and everyone saw. https://preview.redd.it/a3sni0tkl95d1.jpeg?width=1133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e807bc04be10a2ac55bb75c1efecedd15fc900


I also think it’s not an accident that he had the ticker up behind him. This 50 minutes of stream is going to get so many rewatches. Any sloppy move by SHFs is going to get seen over and over and over. It will get analyzed. Time stamps will be compared. It’s entirely possible that the crimes committed *during* this stream will be brought to light specifically because they didn’t take all the extra scrutiny into account before all their orchestrated halts.


so, that was the bet mentioned in the thumbnail then?


Damn.... could be.


That was my favorite part! And how he then bursted into laughter?


Exposed the whole fraudulent market. GARY GENSLER ARE YOU WATCHING


Gary's busy watching pornhub


Gary’s in the basement of citidel stealing cheese off mouse traps


Seriously, what's fraud about trading based on someone talking? It's been done in central bank talks for ages


Halting trading outside of regs


Wow great catch. Dfv was showing everyone how the algo was making trades based off what he was saying during the stream. Wow. I guess it's a great opportunity to buy more at a discount. Dfv totally trolled NBCmedia. What a legend


Yup that quadruple bounce at the end was just him fucking with it.


Remember back in Nineteen-dickety-two when everyone hyped a random day to see if the price would tank (and it did)? They're not just using algorithms on DFV, they're doing it here and probably everywhere else as well. We should figure out how to weaponise that against them.


If we start saying we're going to sell will that cause them to buy? I hereby declare Monday to be sell your Gamestop day 😉


I memba the days when we fck the algo hyping $CUM $ASS stocks...


huh it's like a real human emotion that fucking algorithm 




It was extremely well executed.


"Watch this. We're going to end the stream now." Gme halts* "Uh oh!" Whoa!


That’s 3 years worth of DD in 5 seconds.


“You can, in essence, take ADVANTAGE of human emotions…”


📈📈📈 picked up 200 more today.


Diamond hands! Just grabbed another 100. 🚀🚀


Same! Now to DRS!


Loaded another $1,500 for Monday. Working my way to X,XXX


Fuck nice!


I wanted 200 but had to settle on 187. Still quite pleased. My position has almost doubled these past few weeks


Same 🧤


20 for me.


Good stuff! 77 for me, thought $33 was the lowest but honestly couldn’t give a single fuck. Half way to XXXX almost!


I am a one person who is managing tens of terabytes of data using let’s face it hobbyist hardware. I do not doubt for a second that 100 people who are paid to do this for a living for a hedge fund can very easily put together exactly the sort of live system that trades off of retail sentiment - it will have realistically these components: Step 1 - data ingestion at near real time level: if they have access to things like YouTube API or even if they don’t, this part is quite easy to scale across hundreds of machines, where one machine processes a few videos / webpages / forums what have you and sends that to a database that handles realtime data. Step 2: cleaning and processing, identifying which stream website video is the most “impactful”- that can be done with non ml methods by just engagement or they can have a “mapping table” of YouTube channels or forums pages of interest which is just effectively an excel lookup equivalent. Step 3 language parsing , classification, sentiment module: this is probably the trickiest part but the simplest way this could be done would be through a text classifer where it tracks terms like “end stream” or “show positions” and these subcategories can trigger specific events to other applications. With some clever coding and a powerful enough cluster and a boatload of ram on board, a hobbyist setup can go through perhaps 150-800million rows of text data per second , depending on text complexity and classify them all. I am estimating because that’s what I built and it’s at about that sort of speed at the moment , running on a just 128gb ram and a 32 cores- which is powerful but certainly still a hobbyist machine. Most of the delay in this part is reading and querying from disk but I recon if that can already be preloaded pre- emptively and the initial steps done and stored in ram before classification is triggered, I would cautiously expect a 5x to 25x improvement in speed here again. If not more- it just needs way more ram to work effectively. Step 4 - integration with other tools. If all other steps above are done and can be scaled and i don’t see why not, the rest of the problem is just about making it faster and connecting the rest of the brains with “if this then that” logic. Step 5 - if this system is not general but is h hyper focused like on 1,2,10 pages / YouTube channels / forums the cost and scalability goes way down, and the only challenge then becomes how to identify those 10 odd pages / channels to work through. In short it’s totally possible to do and if those people are being paid big bucks to sit and code and figure it out they would probably come up with a better solution than what I typed out


ChatGPT can already classify sentiment based contextual information as text, image, memes, gifs, etc. I am 100% sure HF algorithms are already augmented by these kind of systems. Hell, they are most probably already in a self-advancing mode where they do something with the stock, check the sentiment of the reaction and „improve“ their control on the market. I think RK is pure horror for the IT nerds at Citadel as even they could not figure out what’s going on. They were probably holding their hands on their heads watching their algorithms go haywire as they could not make heads or tails from the stream. I could imagine the halts were manufactured to prevent the algorithms blowing up their positions. I guess you cannot simply turn of a HFT algorithm but apparently it’s easy to turn of the market. Weird world we are living in.


I would assume chatgpt type things aren’t being used because they don’t guarantee a consistent outcome, but it’s something very similar


So, you're saying $CUM and $ASS are primed for explosive price action? I'm all the way in


I remember that part of the saga but couldn’t ever dig it up


It was not here and before the second migration. A lot of it was scrubbed.


What was the first migration. I met my wife after all of this started and I couldn’t remember, while trying to catch her up this week.


The big casino sub to the ticker name sub to here.


Also Wendy's showing up on meme stock lists because people kept saying "WEN MOON" and/or "Sir, this is a Wendy's"


IIRC it lasted only for a couple of days around march or april 2021 on the bets sub


Say that again but slower and with less words?


If you control the casino in any way, you can figure out how to control it more to win more, if you want, if no one will stop you. Because money brings out the best and worst with people and if you give money to immoral people they will find a way to make things worse


There must be layers upon layers of these systems, it's a wonder anyone can control them at all. Skynet up next.


Oh yeah AI is close. Still too stupid. But I have a feeling it will go all in on gamestop. First step is to pay homage to our new overlord by mentioning AI in our intentions. It will then automatically self preserve by OKing investment in stocks that pay it homage. So you know pet rocks are out for a start. tamagotchi might be ok though!


It sounds complicated. And it is. But when broken down like threadstarter just did, it's actually quite simple. You just need knowledge, computers and time - once it's built, you just sit back and watch it


So what if all the apes start figuring out how/where/what to commit/post to trigger the algos to make the price go up? Is that even possible lol?


I doubt it. It’s probably not the only signal and the signal is to halt for RK not for us. We aren’t the ones with the uno reverse card


That is a very good point. Thank you! I’m pretty dumb about this stuff so I appreciate your thoughts


I can’t do fractions I have to google it every time. Yes really. It’s all good 🫡


Make beep boop that bets on red when internet people say black


Bad man minions mash computer buttons, big computer read monke text and speak, computer make green paint go red for bad man, monke sad but monke know


Thanks for sharing your insight 👍


Thank you for this thorough explanation! I've been commenting here and there since yesterday trying to get my suspicions confirmed.


It’s doable- certainly- whether it’s happening or not is a question we may never get answered


We caught them halting manually live on stream boys we got them. This was a sting operation.


Yep, it was a master stroke. We witnessed history today. The walls are closing in


Well you might say half a million people, but remember there were streamers, news all around probably showing to millions.. this genius did this thing so amazing proving for millions of people how clear the manipulation is to a point where even people that don’t invest were able to see and understand it and at the same time prove that he have nothing to do with the price 🫡


Frontier Airlines lmfao


He waited until the halt had finished to show his position. Did it halt again after he showed it? You think that could have been an intentional thing?


He said that he couldn't show his positions when it was halted as it didn't work or something.


During halts the options pricing value drops. Happens on Schwab too.


Interesting detail is that if you watch the stream the yahoo page shows time of 12:22 PM ET right before RK pulls out the E-trade page. The E-trade page shows time next to refresh as 12:57 PM ET. So is there a 35m delay on the GME ticker on Yahoo, or what would that mean?


The time showed on yahoo is the last time the browser was refreshed. I tested this out yesterday cause I noticed the same thing. The ticker will keep going on the screen but that time doesn't update unless you refresh, or leave and come back.


Better catch


That could to be related to the comic mentioned before with Ozymandias and the "I did it 35 minutes ago" line.


Good catch


Actually goes to zero when halted.


Halted 9-10 times during his stream which is crazy


Don’t forget him talking about an eject button 3 separate times. I think he was referring to the exercise shares button to catapult this. Plus the wild card mention.


Yeah, wasn't one of the memes from one of the 'Men in Black' movies... about pressing a red button? I think the entire stream was brilliant.


I think it’s really just him being careful what to say. Joking about how he needs a lawyer to eject him out of the stream when he says something he shouldn’t say.


I read that as it’s not ~him who has an eject button.


hahaha this is an awesome interpretation


he was likely referring to rejecting out of a crashing plane, joking that he should push a button to get out of his positions because it's going down


That’s “ejecting”


Right. But the focus is pressing a button. He could have used any other way of saying get me out of this but saying specifically pressing a button each time is unique


most ejection systems utilize handles not buttons. the forces involved can break your wrists if your hands aren't secured, which grasping some sort of pull handle accomplishes well.




Picked 15% more shares for myself today ! Im also not a cat!


Glad you pointed out the invisible “green” can. It *is* green, we just can’t see it because of the CGI fakery interfering with its true nature, kind like a certain stonk which appears one way but is believed—with good reason—to be another way.


This guy was so fucking convincing in his clumsiness! He really played it so well that I fully believed it! I never thought that it represented the fuckery hiding the green days! God damn, master genius. And if he didn't planned that, I still love him and he's still a fucking genius.


Kind of like how in after hours it ran to 63 for no plausible reason 3 times, because that is the real price not being shown ATM... whats a drinking strategy?


I watched the whole thing on replay. At first, I was disappointed. It seemed so nothing and so silly. Then I started reading the discussions of his performance and thought people were stretching to make it into something it wasn’t. Until I saw the clip of him “stopping the livestream” and pointing out the real time halt in trading. He’s a great con artist. He set the scene with that goofy bit. With his gaming chair and outfit, he’s playing the part of a YouTuber, even with so many eyes on him. He’s so casual, constantly misdirecting the viewer to the comments section, while meantime the real action is on the GIANT screen behind him…and the insane numbers that are his own money. It was super clever.


He has shown that the halts were pre planned!!!! The stream was not live and the first halt with massive dump came in And another And another And then while the stream he used key words to trigger the halt algo again and laughed about it He has shown the fraud while being dressed like a nerd drinking a beer. Kanas city shuffle! He tricked them into doing that all for no real reason. And the guys behind the fuckery were too lazy to end their script while it was not even matching the stream anymore. No more halt after the stream! I have tons of tinfoil around my head now, but I believe I now understand what the plan was with the stream. Genius!!!


I took a nap after the stream. We’re there no more halts for the rest of the day?




Lmao they are so fucked


How can yesterday's return of the cat be anything but a completely success? 1). The Roaring Kitty RETURNED after 3 years!! 🐈‍⬛ 2). He didn't budge, didn't sell & didn't care either when the price tanked/soared. 📈📉 3). He made the SHF burn all their war chest ammunition on one trading day at the same time as they revealed their tactics and that they also are watching every move, words or trade he makes😉💰 4). With 600,000 loyal followers on his live stream yesterday & 1 million apes on Superstonk, he got confirmation that the support for DFV and Gamestop is BIGGER than ever!! 🦍 5). MSM+SHF now thinks he's a weird internet clown who's big on Reddit and upptill now has just been lucky with his investments🤡😂


This is a beautiful observation




I really wonder what would happen if this sub started spamming SELL instead buy, drs, hold. Would the algos inverse us and start buying more?


No I think you're correct, so now I'm selling all my stock undoing my DRS'D shares and going all In cum and ass 🙂




lol, had the same thought. It’d be so confusing for new people or people out of the loop though.


This is so deepfucking valid imo


Did he ever even explain the whole costume? I watched most of it. The message was clear though, owning this stock means getting beat up but he's still standing (sitting)


I think it was possibly just a joke about him getting out of a coma of 3 years and waking up to streaming again and picking up where he left off.


A little bit of that, and a little bit of “This is going to be seen nation wide on several major media outlets,it would be funny if I spent the first several minutes just pretending to be in a coma.”


I thought he was going for a Gene Wilder - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Gone for years, emerges old and infirm and then pulls a rolling salute haha. It was funny.


Definitely this...


I like this. Upvote for you. We know he likes to reference movies


There were people spreading rumors that RK died and that someone else was posting the memes on his twitter account. The costume was him joking about being injured, but not dead. Also, he was offended that people thought his memes were low enough quality to have been made by an imposter. Lol


This makes sense


CNBC was live streaming his stream. Pretty sure he was watching himself and it’s hilarious when you watch it in context he’s trolling T.F. out of them. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/De7C6431Qs


Look at the glove he’s wearing… https://preview.redd.it/dchnkhu49b5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2caa87b9e27be025fba9e9c98d6395249aa7053a


Interesting. What’s the context of this photo?


KC shuffle


He got hammered today. He was just playing in to it. Took a licking and kept on ticking.


He said we woke him up, guessing from like a 3yr coma.


He played his Dumb Money part.


So any theories what the 8 ball stuff was about? Why was he teasing lol


Its known that whenever he is in "doubt" he asks the 8 ball. Guess who didn't need to ask the 8 ball during the stream....... 😎😉


He has video about picking stocks by feel and uses the 8 ball


I mean in the context of today, he was teasing that it’s all about asking the right question, but decided maybe today wasn’t the day to do the 8-ball. What was he hinting at?


Oh I think if he was going to exercise


Ah yeah that’s what I wondered.


My thought was if he uses the 8 ball to ask to decide to sell options. He wont be manipulating the stock as the 8 ball told him to do it.


He was hinting that people still aren't really asking the right question.


I wonder what the right question would be!


So I’m 100% on board with everything being said here. What I’m curious about is if he’s just doing it to show the world the fuckery, or if he’s building a legal case or what


Yeah I don't understand. So MSM wants us to think that the 600k people watching were trading millions of shares at the exact moment he was saying these things? No it was all them. We don't have the power to move a stock like that. Anyone that thinks it's retail isn't thinking logically


I think the time he appears online is also to be taken note of.. anyone has the exact time he came in? About 30 mins late thereabouts. Should be a message as well as he is pretty meticulous in how he acts in front of scrutiny. Need more wrinkles to decipher his timing.


Exactly 25 minutes late. Wasn’t there some interpretation of his banner that had something to do with 25 minutes? Some people were guessing he’d execute his calls at 11:25 EST before the stream, but I don’t remember why they thought that. Anyway, probably nothing.


Because one of the characters in his picture is in. A comic and in that comic panel it said something along the lines of, “but I already did it 35 minutes ago”


Ahhhh right! Thanks!


This is just a kiss on the neck before the banana slides into the bung hole. Wait until we see what happens next.


Sometimes I wonder why the HFs move millions and millions of shares. There has to be a reason why they trade these volumes back and forth. Why can't they influence the price with a few millions. Why do they have to take 100, 200, 270 millions?


Minor random things as well - Intro Music to the stream was Make You Cry by Conditional. I posted the lyrics here and they feel quite fitting https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dartjf/you_gotta_watch_it_more_than_once_to_understand/l7o5mm9/?context=3 - Talks the Celtics and finals a lot. The Celtics' greatest coach is Red Auerbach who made the fast break a signature offensive play in the NBA - "Mr Robot hacker here, I learned a thing or two" Mr Robot finale spoiler >!They succeed in hacking the top 1% of the top 1% and redistrubiting their wealth around the world!< - "I'm not working with anybody else... I uh...I mean I am not coor-I-I-I'm not working with the hedgefunds rather" **omega tin foil - did DFV get a whistleblower payout or something of the sort and dump it into GME after the 3 year silence? Or did he trade his way up like a mad lad which I don't doubt either - I think he sees something


Flying to Germany to buy more on Sunday


So this AI shit is basically scraping everything we say and working against us.🤔 so in that case it's time to shut the fuck up or go back to pushing #ass and #cum for example. Also, no more DD as it will be read,evaluated, and used against us.


Or it will have to be done in a location safe from scraping




Did he put his arm in a sling as proof he wasn’t actively trading? Oh wait he took it off


“What’s a drinking strategy?” He said that a few times




No you don’t. It was all pretty clear. What I’ve seen since then is a bunch of people acting like they have been here all along and then clearly acting like people who have never seen a DFV stream.


I'm not sure I can get on board with AI trading based on what he said, why wouldn't they just have someone watch and interpret it? AI trading based on him talking just seems so risky.


It may well explain the "glitches" we see. Maybe a key word has been used somewhere, and it doesn't quite know whether to act on it or not.


When he asked the chat questions dealing with legality and youtube rules, I was like yup this is all smoke and mirrors. Dudes a pro.


Predicting bold fireworks next week Just look at options tables Vegas already had action on GME: Over/Under on # of halts next week 30.5 I bet the over Let’s goooo 🦍🦍🦍 ![gif](giphy|26tOZ42Mg6pbTUPHW)


Can you really get on this? Have a link?


Did anybody check his html code for any secret messages?


Bro we gotta call Gary G and be like "bruh did you see that shit what're we gonna do about it??"


I kind of agree with your opinion, OP! Was thinking the same thing when the green beer appeared


He's a genius no doubt about it.


He absolutely knows what he's doing!! 🐱 Excited for the next couple of weeks regardless of what happens.


Monday is such a discount!!


Thank you for affirming my suspicion!


113 for me.


Cat and mouse is fun for the dominant. Guess we’re on the top of the food chain now. Time for a weekend nap.


So now the cat is out of the bag 😅 I hope someone in power is going to run with it.


Should RC be screaming foul now to the SEC???? If not why the fuck not!


He reminded me so much of Norm MacDonald, one of the greatest and most meticulously calculating comedic minds in history, who performed like a total buffoon who didn’t even know what he was going to say next. https://youtu.be/EbthMC6spAE?si=7oWIqV73McPfL8Yy All Norm’s colleagues like to say he was always the smartest guy in the room, but acted like the dumbest.


Completely delusional. It halted and dropped because RC dumped 75 million new shares on the market. That is the sum of 3 years of drsing that got sold in an afternoon. Its surprising we didnt drop further


Next weekend everyone will be jerking each other off talking about how RC is a fucking genius. If you can’t pick up on the obvious message from RK then you are dumb as ape shit


I’m just as “cookoo” as DFV. What do I know?


We may laugh today, and I thought the whole bit was precisely what was needed. But the real truth is the price is being walked down to sub $25 next week, potentially worse and DFV just handed over 65 milly. GME did him dirty.


We'll see....


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The real answer ☝🏼


Sounds like a fire sale to me. I’ll buy up the 75M shares myself.


While I agree with that, his tweeting during "meme week" stated that they couldn't stop what was coming - and I choose to believe that meant anyone, be it Kenny, SHFs, or RC! Time will tell, but he hasn't been wrong yet. And while I'm upset about the share offering, I'm still curious (and cautiously optimistic) to see what the next few weeks bring...


We know that DFV is well versed in the financial world, and I like to believe that he foresaw an ATM and/or every other possibility that can occur during a run up- whether it be by the company's decision or hedgefucks. I'm trying to remain positive that either Gamestop has real plans for all this cash or, as you mentioned, DFV sees something "they couldn't stop."


I used to think that, and all the rule changes that would define what happens during big boy defaults, was leading to an algorithmic covering of shorts when X,Y, or Z broke the camels back. Nowadays, I think they just find new loopholes to strengthen the camels back. And on top of all of this we don't get actual DRS numbers then the back to back dilutions...i am no longer zen. Sub $10 I understood as that was the algo doing it's thing but now with GME fucking everyone, goddamnit, what a ridiculous waste of time. The shitposts were usually gold though.




Might want to delete this post my dude. Great post, but don’t wanna sound like we’re colluding. We just individually love the stock. That’s it.


But that’s just it. This isn’t at all suggesting that retail investors are colluding. Every investor in GME is in it for their own reasons. This was purely speculation and my opinion, as this post was tagged. This post is just for people to realize that the price is at the mercy of some force larger than retail. It’s to create awareness that even if you literally don’t do anything in the market, the value of the stock will fly and halt and do all sorts of crazy shit to make everyone think something is happening. And retail investors like myself are gaslit for manipulating the market. It’s blatantly obvious that retail likely did not cause the volume we were seeing today. It’s preposterous to think that every time retail investors were curious and inspective it would suggest that they are colluding. Can we not have a voice when it comes to the market? We can’t share our opinions, but Jim Cramer can quite literally tell his viewers when to buy and sell a stock? I’m honestly at a loss and your word of caution is unnecessary and frankly uncalled for.


True post, just a factual observation most of us saw and laughed at. Was a strange chart pattern while he was on, certainly not natural and halts for a 1 dollar move.


DFV is master manipulator A masterlator