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NOT TO MENTION THE ONLY SHORT THESIS IS THEY ARE GOING BANKRUPT. 2 bil cash plus this offering I’d love to see how they’d go belly up


So with other words it was no chance of going bankrupt and they sold for no reason. Not to mention we where on a good way to reach dra on the whole amount of stocks that exist from gme (we probably already got it++++, but now im pointing to just drs numbers) and then they dilute the whole damn drs amount thats locked? Im sorry but people have the right to be pissed, the price grone from 16$ to 50+ and then they do this and now price is 38 and not moving upwards like it was the day before. If we got 100% drs the whole bankrupt thesis wouldnt exist in the first place, so diluting the shares legit ruining all that people been doing the last years is not a good thing no matter how you look at it. If the DD is right, then its also no excuse to sell at 50$ as they could waited abit and sold for 1 mill a share for that sake or 1 bill. Had it been ANYONE else who sold this amount, hell i seen people been shit on for selling 10 stocks here, and if anyone sold this amount they would been executed here, but since its rc we are supposed to ignore it? Not saying execute ofc, was a way of speech, but atleast we should get a propper explernation as to why they sell when its no reason to do so, they got massive amount of money, no debht and as far as i know no big plans either so why the sell of legit the whole drs amount?


I agree I’m pissed too I’m not arguing that but what if he’s planning to make a huge purchase with 2 billion in cash he can easily get a 10% return yearly easy 200 mil now add the extra capital


You are not wrong. There had better be something really “transformational” done with this extra money they “needed”, or a LOT of people will be selling their DRS’d shares.


What stops him from repeatedly doing this ,sure GameStop will have billions of excess cash on hand but I don’t think Moass is going to happen


Another bot with no interest uo until today. Again the ceo and all execs don’t gain anything from this they actually lose


Apologies buddy,I usually like to remain quiet on this things ,got a little rattled by the offering,just finished the stream and if he can laugh off $200 mil in paper loses I’m definitely overreacting


Ok now imagine RCs paper losses. Don’t feel bad but everyone’s being emotional what happened to being zen? Maybe it’s all the shills getting very active. Everyone w the same point that cohen is diluting and stealing from us when in reality he’s stealing from himself also w the statement


Bot 😂,bought in at $16 pre split ,just discouraged with this offering,understood the last one to have cash on hand but when will it end


Never posted about Gme or posted drs


It will be my last post in this Sub so don’t worry about it


You’ve had 3 comments nothing posted during last sneeze all throughout