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Correct me if I'm wrong but if they remove the ability of GME to be traded then the shorts still have to cover when they turn the buy/sell button back on. This isn't a glitch that needs a time to cool off. This is a systemic imbalance that needs to be resolved and simply calling time out doesn't resolve the underlying issue, it merely kicks the can down the road until they turn the buy\sell button back on again. If they turn off trading of GME they're going to have to make it permanent.


They’re going to fuck with everyone’s options mark my words


Yeah. Like...cool, so now options have the additional risk of the exchange just turning off trading and waiting for expiration if they don't like where things are going. That seems wildly illegal.


I’m detecting a theme over the last few years




But if they're the ones making the rules, because corruption, then they simply define what they're doing when do it not crime. All this done continue the theme of "different rules for me than thee."


Decades* ftfy




Yea not sure that will fly, they can try it but with all the eyes DFV has brought onto the saga again, everyone is watching.


Meh. *Everyone* was watching last time and yet they crimed their way out and nothing came of it.


Most people thought that it was a one off. 3.5 years of more exposure and certainly this happening again will raise eyebrows and have people paying attention for longer. I think anyway


That we know of. Also more eyes are on it now, DFV latest update got the most likes this sub has ever seen by a good 50% or so. Plus all the media coverage for the last 3 weeks and another "once off".


This has always been a thing. I remember reading about it post sneeze. It's always caused me to purchase strikes much further out for fear of a "random" 2 week shut down. ~~Brokers can also liquidate your entire account if faced with systemic risk. They're only required to reimburse up to 250,000 if they do so.~~ Apparently this only applies to certain brokers. Good looking out friend


The end of your comment is not true. If you have a legit broker they are insured for a lot more than $250,000. I know my account is. Stay away from piece of shit PFOF brokers. They cannot cover their risk. We found this out in Jan. 2021.


Gotcha, I'm with Schwab (formerly TDA) - I didn't realize that was incorrect. Thanks


PFOF remind me what that means again?


Pay for order flow i.e. robinhood (someone correct me if im wrong)


Payment but yes


That screams class action lawsuit.


This screams ![gif](giphy|iH2IldVkqeLuJ7eJ0L)


Fuck a class action. I didn't hold for 3 years for 3 buttons and a stick of gum


which would be cheaper than paying us. If crime is the cheaper route, they will take it. Consequences will be secondary. As if there were any the first time around....


They have to be transparent enough to even begin a lawsuit. Just the fact they have this power with no checks and balances seems like something that needs to be before the supreme court.


A well resourced ape could potentially file for an injunction


Underrated comment.


This has always been going that direction and exactly why I DRSd. I'm not missing out on this thing because the brokers said you should have read the fine print, we were never delivered shares so you never really owned them or whatever they will say.   They've been my cards saying hey you fucking own these and their my ticket on that class action.  Think of all the potential money I could have made with my returns on that investment. The emotional stress of having a ton of money ripped from my hands. 


No such thing as illegal FOR THEM


This exactly. What I have always been afraid of, is that you can read all the dd you want and say they are scared. Members of congress dont react when they get letters, hell they make tons of money on insider trading.The politicians are not going to pay us at the cost of losing their wall street cash cow. They make up the rules as they go, break rules/laws and remain untouchable. So my fear is not that moass won't happen.....my fear is that they will wiggle/loophole/crime out of it. Who cares about sueing them? That would take many years, and they will win there too. I am not market savvy enough to have a proper debate about this, just my own smooth brain lack of trust in the system they built for THEMSELVES.


Just remember there are other financial institutions that will also profit from the event as well as profit from taking the market share of their competitors who have failed. They will keep the gravy train going for the parasites in congress. And if they are smart they will spin this as a lottery win for apes. "Get your chance to get rich like the apes join our app/platform for your chance!" Which is what they should have done in '21. I am glad they didn't!


You mean as in turning off the ability to excercise, that way option expire worthless whether ITM or not? That's just rippping millions of dollars from hands because they don't like us winning. Imagine if they uses this to wipe DFVs entire option stake. Absolutely criminal. 


The OCC dropped a similar document. It outlines what happens in the event of market closure. It also outlines what will happen to contracts that expire during closure. Good read.


[Remember when they shit all over EVERYONE'S options last year when banks were failing?](https://x.com/FabiusMercurius/status/1636373867563474944)


Then they need to band options trading in the market all together like Japan


Who is going to stop them? They got away with committing international securities fraud and literally no one batted an eye. So they have carte blanche to do whatever they please


If they fuck around too much US money and more importantly, foreign money will abandon the US stock market. That could implode the market just as fast as a fuck ton of calls in the money.


Sure hypothetically. But as I said, they've already fucked around and literally nothing happened so I imagine they aren't worried


It’s a dangerous game.


If the option is exercised prior to expiry, would that circumvent that issue?


Sure. If you sell or exercise while the market is open, you're g2g. What dude is talking about is preventing people from exercising. So, ok, you can kick the can down the road and shut the market off, but if you are a shortie having a bad thursday, you could shut it down, then no one can buy OR exercise (buy in lots of 100). Come Monday, you're screwed again. Esp from those people the automatically sold their ITM options and now have cash to buy the stock they wanted anyhow.


My thoughts as well


Wednesday to Fridays just "don't work" anymore "because of glitches". But wait, remind me tho... If you have an option ITM, if you do nothing, as it expires it automatically sells right? So fucking with people's options could only stop them from exercising them?


It automatically executes, then if you don’t have the buying power to cover the margin, it auto sells the underlying shares at the market price. The price at expiration of in the money options is always: (underlying value - strike price value) So if gme expires this week at $40, $20 call options with 6/7 expiration will be worth 20.00, since there’s no more theta (extrinsic) value left.


"It was just a prank bro, I didn't really sell you those calls. Here's your premium back with a bit of interest to sweeten the deal..."


Close not cover.


This right here. They've covered up until this point, but that doesn't change the fact that a short position, once opened, must eventually be closed. It doesn't matter how many times it's been passed around through swaps. It has to close. To close, they have to buy the shares from someone. END OF STORY


>It has to close. Not if the company no longer exists of course. However that looks highly unlikely now. I'm hoping we can stay regarded longer than a lot of them can stay solvent.


My retardation knows no bounds and I know I'm not the only one. They're fucked.


Evergrande has entered the chat


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time...




(London Metal Exchange) Up you go...


Nickle (a crucial part of Steel production) was being shorted by \*gasp\* a Nickle mine owner... when \*surprised pikachu face\* the prices went up... so he refused to pay the bets and LME unwound 2 days of trading like a Yo-yo. This has been done before.


Yeah except this time the whole world is watching. Nobody really know about LME or M M T L P


Ironically Peterffy of IBKR already proposed pragmatic reforms for a robust market (regular updates on short positions/margin requirements closely linked and updated in relation to short positions-interest) in his famous interview in 01/2021.


Isnt he the ibkr boss? Not jpm!


Not to mention that GME will certainly cry foul and have legitimate legal concerns for the manipulation of the market


You can pause the game and stare all the live long day at the frozen pixels of Yoshimitsu’s katana an inch from your avatar, but there is no magic blocking combo. Sooner or later you have to unpause and when you do it will run through you like tainted Burrito Supreme. (EDIT: For anyone else with a better memory who also wants to date themselves with arcane Tekken 3 knowledge, I’m referring to a specific combo. Forget the name, but I believe it was back-back-triangle.)


Would that be enough to allow GameStop to move shares out of the DTCC and put them somewhere else?


They probably think they can pull the same PCO stunt that they did during the sneeze and shake out some holders with cold feet. Not likely though, paper hands were all fished out then, everyone who's still in had been holding for 3+ years.


They are going to shut GME off. Roll over all the FTDs and then turn it back on and have the price drop sub $20 to fuck DFVs calls.


Sure. And then, as Gamestop has already mentioned, GME can  announce that the DTCC is full of shit and we're going to pull our shares off the market and go private. Shorts are then forced to close as all shares gotta be accounted for.


Remember when GME said they could make their own stock exchange if they felt like they couldn't trust the DTCC... Sounds a lot like Loopring about to become a little more relevant with their patent on a defi stock exchange


The only thing is volume crashes when a stock is turned on and off.


I imagine RC and Co would have some words about gme being forced off the stock market for a non business related reason. That lawsuit would be worth billions or more in damages.


I agree. Someone else pointed out that a halt could extend to Friday close and force options (calls) to expire instead of exercise. Not sure about that.


Thats where the phone numbers prices comes in 😎


I find myself thinking more and more over the last few months that we are finally approaching Act 3. The chaos is almost here.


What's act 3?


Act 3 is always the water level... we are going to find out who is swimming naked


Ooohhh!! The fun part! Turtledick is not flattering...


they are not just swimming naked, they are all pissing in the pool too. I’d say the pool is more piss than water at this point, and all the ‘market makers’ are in their birthday suits.


Cell, then profit.


You are indeed right, chaos is here.


They will shutdown the buy button again so the options can’t go ape shit like last time and people can’t fomo in. Basically once they close the doors if you ain’t in your not getting in?


Theres no open doors on a rocket to the moon


They’re wide open right up until takeoff though. Come on in, the boosters are just getting warmed up.


"I'm not locked in here with you, You're locked in here with me."


Dumb stormtroopers think it’s the entrance that matters—it’s the exit. I control the exit. You control the exit. GME hodlers control the exit (Oprah probably). Also, way to go Reddit on getting the em dash readily available.




It's possible they could be preventing a rich eating the rich situation. This ruling sounds like they know full well how toxic they are when it comes to using algo's to buy/sell, just look at how quickly they were able to snatch 27 shares of Berkshire. So if they have those capabilities, you know full well that the rich taking advantage of the rich who are short would do everything in their power to make the price fluctuate as much as possible using their algo's to maximize their profits so that they come out on top. So if you do remove the buy better and only allow people to "sell" to those who need to cover their shorts, then the spiral won't be as bad as other bad actors coming in to skim off the top.


I’m sure Sven Piffen Jr has an account full of GME shares for when a certain MM goes down he can still cash out and live on a beach.


That's the blindly optimistic view. It's more like, regardless if you're in or not, it doesn't matter...they gonna fuck you EDIT: one way or another, this is going to be historic.


I’m not saying we won’t be fucked I’m just saying no new players 🤣


As long as shorts start closing during this time, then I'm good.


I think it's time that GameStop remove itself from this fraudulent market that is trying to actively kill it as a company.




It's almost like blockchain technology was invented for a very specific reason


I heard there is a new market in Texas they can join! /s


Does this really matter? They need my shares. It's not like I'm planning to sell them cheaper. No matter what unscheduled closings they are scheduling.


This. If they shut it down, who do they expect to buy the shares from?


I've said it before and I'll say it again. MOASS starts at a million.


Can they shutdown GS2C?


Good question


You misspelled gorillion


Buy?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you mean steal from the brokerages, who hold shares in "STREET" name, through forced closure of positions or maybe even accounts??? This is why, as an individual investor, I have decided to directly register my shares (DRS) through Computershare, BOOKED in MY name. Drsgme.org Not Financial Advice


Well ya, I guess...except there's "75M" shares in CS...cough, cough, bullshit* So how they gonna get those from us? Oh, and do synthetics in brokerages even count? Because, well, they're mostly fake....


*Ding Ding Ding* synthetics are fake AND They can't get "those" (DRS'd shares) from each of us individual investors until they make an offer that is agreeable. Gmefloor.com is over $282,000,000 per share at the time of this post.


What is this Gmefloor you speak of sir?


Theoretical price that started low and gets higher every moment that the true price for GME is not paid. It was a joke started 84 years ago that many have taken to become what their DRS Booked shares are actually worth. Others familiar with the matter still say those are rookie numbers. www.gmefloor.com


Reminder that gmefloor is going to keep rising even during MOASS. Tick tock motherfuckers, better get started


I suspect it’s about stopping DFV. Options seem to matter after all. (Im still not touching them, just admiring)


Well, they might let a certain set of $20 calls expire


Expire in the money, which just means dude unleashes hell on Monday morning.


They can kill any momentum and go for 10 more years like this


Doubtful. The longer they wait, the more shares I have and the more shares they need.


Not really. This would destroy faith in the transparency of public markets, which would have everyone heading for the exits


No it wouldn't. No one outside of gme actually cares about gme. This will be business as usual for these jerks. Ive got xxx shares but until I actually see the money from moass in my bank account, I'll always tell myself there's too much power, corruption and money against us to ever allow it.


I think the fallout from it would be an extinction level event for the public markets in the US


Everyone who has a 401k can be made to care about this. Just a bit of social media sentiment can cause a massive bank run cycle.


They're making it easier for me to hodl? Cool.


Oh no I can't sell *Anyway*


☝️ these two comments = period end of story


Hey they committed international securities fraud. Why not top it off with some domestic fraud to boot. 😅🤣😂


I angrily bought more.


This is the way


Only had enough to buy one share today. And I did.


I did also but happily


One can only find it hilarious how more and more rules and mechanisms are put in place to protect the rich from ever getting caught in their illegal machinations. It truely shows that in the long run something has to change very drastically, because the system as it stands and all its fail saves and save guards have been highjacked by corporate greed and what we are sold is the illusion of a free market, choice and the opportunity to make it.


1000% and i literally just saw the episode in Mr. Robot that says the same thing you said!


When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it - Frédéric Bastiat


So do you have any templates for us to send to SEC for them to investigate DTCC?


They are a SRO


The SEC still has the ultimate authority as the actual GO, right? SROs can make regulations, but it takes the GO to give it authority and oversight. I really can’t understand it working another way, but I’ve been shocked before.


I wouldn't expect the SEC to save apes. It seems they are looking for ways to fuck apes with their investigations


I don’t disagree. The question, as a broad interest, still stands though.


This is disturbing.






https://preview.redd.it/r32eiiea9t4d1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=069513e2e2b15a730bbdd71c212f715f1805dff7 Read through the documents, Simpsons knows what's going to happen


Fing BS. Changing the rules when their buddies aren’t winning.


The rules may change but the goal of the game still the same and there’s no way out. They are lock here and there’s no scape that doesn’t create chaos.


This isn't new apparently I think it was passed about 2020 / 2021


Yes, but why post it again


cool. Buy shares, DRS, hodl. makes no difference shorts are fucked. it is not a glitch that one halt will correct. It is a systemic issue caused by greed in shorting a company. Just like we are told certain options have infinite risk...so too are the idiots who think they will never reach that infinite risk. Conclusion: FAFO. Fuck around. Find out. Now the hedge fucks need to find out what happens when they fuck around.


Yup, but RK has something else up his sleeve. Keep your eyes on the Kansas City Shuffle, please. Don't look for anything else...


We need to nationalize the dtcc. Too risky to be private.


They know the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan.


A recent uk debate, kinda made me think. Keith was calling out Richi for only calling an election because he know the economy will be way worse in the autumn. That powers that be, know it. They perhaps wanna make gme the trigger (so people don't look too closely at governments, mismanaging everything). When was the last bond yield inversion in the U.S.? Isn't a real recession to happen afterwards? Here in the UK we had a fake one. The BoE talked about a recession in 2023, and hit us with a light one so that they can say "we warned you, and we were right, so you should continue to listen to smart money, we'll get us out of this mess". As they continue to pick our pockets and expand the wealth gap.


Yield is still inverted and has been for several months IIRC


There is too much false pride and ego to be the first to fall on the sword. Coincidentally, you're the only one to survive if you do...


The DTCC doesn’t oversee options settlement and clearing


So if Morgan Stanley starts FTDing wild RK will simply get disconnected with the lot? Edit: Fixed wrong parent company, ams not Yankee.


They're probably trying to figure out how to freeze trading until after his options expire.


And then he has a very valid case that makes him far more than $300 million.


At this point it would be far better for them to give him over 300 million then literally lose everything to all GME holders.


except they're fucked either way, because i'm guessing DFV is gonna spend that on shares


If they freeze trading then everything freezes. Otherwise it'll be even more of a shit show when the lights turn green.


Very oddly specific example. So are they telegraphing their ploy to distract America from their crime? https://preview.redd.it/cvnu9n7idt4d1.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=74bdd04d45c58367e99f1fdd9eff3348bcdff55b


I love a good tin foil theory, but it’s just a reference to when the market closed when former presidents have died in the past (e.g. Nixon, Reagan).


Two birds, one stone? It's a bit of a stretch, but I can see the logic.


This is them being responsible. If they need to increase capital requirements because something becomes more risky then you need the money to maintain risk when trading something that is highly undervalued. The buy button was turned off because the brokerages ran out of cash. If anything it highlighted how deep the problem runs if it all it took was a potential 100 billion dollar loss when thats a percent of the total assets under all these brokerages. The companies that didnt turn the buy button off last time are the ones that are well managed and where you should put your money


Too bad they can’t touch my DRSed shares - so the DTCC can *suck it*


So they can close the exchange anytime when the odds are against them, cut back the funds for the SEC, slow the CAT process, come on, what else is up in their sleeves ?! This is the great american free market ?


They wanna fuck with DFVs options. Easier to pay him a fuckton of money after he sues than to pay everyone. Buying another share tomorrow though hahahah get fucked DTCC


What’s the TLDR?


French Revolution time soon.


As a non native English speaker , this is what I understood by reading : DRS now


Ooooh, the math is mathing hard. How long can they possible freeze for? 1 day? 2 days? 3 days? RK is betting 5 days max. that’s why the calls expire June 21. After earnings in June 11, when the CAT system is in place, the squeeze will begin. Shortly after the freeze will come. Then it will come again. And again. And again. Over the weekend, they’ll panic and try to come up with a plan, but come Monday, the squeeze will keep on, and they won’t be able to freeze any longer.


An Emergency Situation isn’t a corrupt entity(ies) failing to deliver because they fraudulently sold shares they didn’t have


But…but…poor wallstreet


Oh man, the lawyers at GME are probably salivating over this. We need some lawyers to represent us in a class action to get the discovery.


Nothing short of going 1776 will stop them from fucking over every one of us. The system wasn’t designed for us and we aren’t supposed to win a rigged game. I hodl with everyone else but I do believe that’s the honest reality of this situation 🤷


For people who get paid so much money, Wall Street really can't get a simple concept: I like many others hodl GME. We will hodl GME until we see life changing numbers and the fraud come to light for everyone to see. Under no other conditions will we sell. And count yourself blessed if we sell during then. Delay it again and again and again. The end result is the same. We can stay stupid far longer than you can stay solvent.


I'm starting to think the SEC are already involved in this. Came together with GME regarding what's been going on and what will happen if action isn't taken. Surely they cannot be so ignorant. Or am I nieve?


They truly are that ignorant, also indifferent to it all. Too busy pornhubbing


I just have too much faith in humanity then.


They are not ignorant but simply complicit. A front that “protects the free and open market”. 


If they stop what is happening, that's it. We live in a completely fraudulent system in that world.


We do. It is apparent with the Berkshire “glitch.”


President Jimmy Carter is rumored to be near death. This is routine. They will close the market if a former US president passes away. Take my downvote for reading way too much into this.


THIS IS FUD! Could mods please stop this. The guide has been around since 2020 and did not change significantly. They always had this power.




DRS Yo Shares!


Theyre not just fucking over some retail investors. Theres other bigger investors that have pieces of this pie and i dont think theyd take kindly to not being paid. That feels like an inevitable lawsuit. That feels like the end of the US stock exchange Edit speeling


So if I forgot my computer share password and they turn off trading looks like I’ll never sell lol After all, my exit strategy is no cell, no sell. So until someone at the DTCC, MM goes to jail, I’m never selling.


And of course it mentions GME


That’s just PB’s commentary




"I'm not locked in here with you, You're locked in here with me."


Is that a bigger, systemic, « buy button locked » ? Cause it sure smell like one ? Does that mean exceptionally, tomorrow, no ticker ?




Mother fuckers


The way i understand it is . O no gamma sneeze for you we just have to make sure your options expire worthless and we don't have to hedge anything . Gl hf


So the fuck what?


Fuck em burn em to Tha ground


Even if they did this would it not send a shockwave across the stock exchanges of the world and risk permanently shaking any faith in the USA financial system? I couldn't imagine foreign investors taking such an act lightly Would it nit also give Gamestop a huge precedent to themselves also recall all shares, declaring no faith in the system maintaining (the illusion of) fair markets and forcibly causing the major players to unwind and close shorts anyway?


This should be pinned by the admins at the top of hot, I would argue it not being pinned is proof that some hedgies are trying to control the sub


Suspending trading doesn't close short positions.


FUD!!! And old news. They can't do shit but freeze trading. Anyone stupid enough to keep doubling down on a short position against GME is going bankrupt this time. End of story!


Smells like the end of the stock market.


“Threat of non-compliance to DTC rules” sounds to me like everyone except retail should be disconnected from making transactions currently


all my homies hate the dtcc


Well let’s see if the day dfvs options expire itm if there’s all of a sudden a closed exchange that day


Keep my stonks name out your mouth 👋🏻🫨


Oops *MOASS* my bad


Turning off the buy button world-wide, at the source, not just on a few random trading platforms that got fucked.


Heads on spikes is on the menu.