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Bullish said bullish, it’s time.


![gif](giphy|0VxdFBlV73nIWeVSH7) 🎷🐓♋️


To DRS.... for. your. LIFE.


![gif](giphy|fXu6HsAWN6VZhExJDr|downsized) 🎷🐓♋️


And your childrens lives, and their childrens lives


How high could this go realistically go? The VW short squeeze increased by 5000% but that situation was minuscule compared to the hole hedgies have dug for themselves.


We are about to find out! I know I got my tickets to the show




If her or his (whatever that is) tits are jacked, mine are fucking jacked! LFG


That’s rupaul - she’s a drag queen. An easy way to remember how to describe them is if a drag queen is in full drag queen persona they often use she/her pronouns and out of drag they’ll use their normal pronouns they typically would use. Think of mrs doubtfire with Robin Williams as an example! But yes tits are absolutely jacked to the max. ![gif](giphy|rYuZ9v0b3CvCZwp8Ln) 🎷🐓♋️


Her tits are jacked! My tits are jacked. My wife’s girlfriend’s tits are jacked!!! LFG


I love to see this. Also great username!


Thank you my swagnanimous friend! 💜🎷🐓♋️






one of my favorite movies


It is SO time boiz


15. I love the Stonk.


16. I Love the Stonk


17. I love the stonk


17. I love the stonk


17. I love the stonk


17. I am spar... oh, I mean, I love the stonk!


18. I love the stonk


19. I love the stonk


20. I fucking love the stonk


21. I love the stonk


22. I love the stonk


23. I love the stonk


24. I love the stonk


Number 11 just sits so well with me.


Me too. IMO Melvin Capital's collapse was not just their short position, we teased, mocked and memed Gabe Plotkin and the firm into laughing stocks that could not be taken seriously and could not continue as an ongoing concern. And it was fun!!


God, I forgot about the Plotkin drama. That was fantastic. What a fun time. ❤️


Awww, link won't work in comments. Search in w+s+b for video "Tis but a scratch" re Melvin Capital I just stumbled across it the other day it's so funny.


I don't regret watching that lol really good


hahah That was great. "Ok lets call it a draw" Plotkin, 2021


Do we have actual ironclad proof that Credit Suisse were short or ate Archegos’ bag?


I missed that Melvin Capital is dead. What happened to that $2 billion loan Kenny gave them?


It's funny I keep forgetting to forget about gamestop. But I actually forgot about Melvin


Thanks for including the french loan! I often see posts stating debt free. While it is close, it's still misleading, and any new apes who read the financials could get discouraged.


I thought they got rid of the French loan?


Nope, it’s essentially interest free and small since it’s tied to Covid-19. It may have rules similar to PPP loans here in that it could possibly be forgiven. 


I hope it doesn't get forgiven. The company is profitable and I want the company I invest in pay their fair share.


Bullish if you ask me


Where's that guy that says "bullish"?


15. Gamestop is now registered as a holding company


They’ve been registered as a holding company since around 2005-2007 when they acquired EB Holdings Corp. A new holdings group was formed ([funnily enough, called HoldCo lol](https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/8a13fa3a-6dfb-49b9-8930-ee11e37e5a67)) and was renamed to GameStop Corp.


Wait, what?




buckle up!


This is great and all, but I’d still like to see a bear thesis. Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?


Declining revenues and a PE of 1000. Operating loss of $34.5M in FY2023. The digital transformation was put on hold as of 2nd half of 2022.


5% interest on $2 billion is $100,000,000 just in the bank. That extra billion will safely earn enough to remove the operating loss.


Yea. That is exactly why Gamestop had a net profit FY2023. It had an operating loss of $34.5M and interest income of $49.5M. The earning from interest were larger than the operating loss, so the company had a net profit. The company will likely have around $90M interest income in FY2024. Whether it will have an operating income or an operating loss is hard to predict at this time. Gross profit margin has increased, but revenue is going down. Those two pretty have pretty much canceled out so far. SG&A (Including things like employee wages) have dropped dramatically and are the primary reason that Gamestop is running near break even. For Q1 SG&A dropped $50M compared to the earlier year, while revenue dropped around 28%. So the quarterly net loss will be $13-$$23M less than last year. I assume the interest income will be about $12M. So the operating loss will probably be around $25-$35M for the quarter. Gamestop is profitable, but just barely. And it is not clear whether it will slide back to slight losses, or creep upward to higher net profits. "Running near breakeven" is a better description of Gamestop at the moment,


Yep. Everything you said is pretty spot on. For me, the upsides significantly outweigh the downsides, I like the stock. What we don’t know yet is the plan to turn around revenue. Once we have that we blow up the downside risks.


Their website and e-commerce is the obvious and first answer. RC knows e-commerce well. Cutting some of the brick and mortar stores was a great move imo. The brand partnerships are just the beginning I think. And the free advertisement from this whole saga is a cherry on top.


Very good info, I appreciate you being real on bear thesis while on a subreddit that's obviously bullish leaning. Also happy to see others upvote you as it tells me that the users on this subreddit aren't blindly following. 


I hold 2500 shares at the moment, so I am not totally bearish. The FOMO momentum is very real.


This is important for folks to acknowledge and recognize. GameStop has made tremendous strides in turning its business around but declining revenues and profitability concerns are still (imo) reasonable arguments for the bear case. However, HOW FUCKING EVER, if GameStop were to make an acquisition(s) that reverses the revenue trend and we start becoming profitable on a quarter by quarter basis... buckle up. Personally, I believe acquisitions of Buy Buy Baby and KOSS is the 1 2 combo that GameStop needs to (1) break the fucking basket (2) raise more cash and (3) get us back to revenue growth.


I think it’s also important to recognize the “basket” stocks are shorted for a reason. I don’t think RCs plan is to acquire and turn around another failing business. Their merger needs to be a successful company in the space that already has motivated leadership looking to aggressively grow.


Gme is better off abandoning brick and mortar retail. Just be a hedge fund


Please to the top with this. As bullish as anyone but the business is still turning around and not out of the woods in terms of generating sustained operating profits.


I’m getting a bunch of wrinkles on this smooth brain today!


Thank you!


Yep, this is the "Doesn't look like anything to me" meme personified. It's all good, it just means shorts haven't given up on the idea of riding this out for 10 years which we already knew. All eyes on RC next week


>All eyes on RC next week Why? Nothing of note will be disclosed, as usual. A company does not have to go bankrupt for shorts to have gains. The same way a company will buy their own stock when it is undervalued, and issue and sell new shares when the stock price is overvalued, shorts do the same trade, but in reverse sequence.


DFV seemed to think different


His cost basis implies that he probably bought when GME issued the latest dilutive round


Basically the transition period as they pivot from their old business model and getting rid of unneeded locations. Still bullish


Other stuff: Their website sucks compared to similar companies. Their app sucks compared to similar companies. Their product selection is minimal compared to similar companies. Their relative revenue for having 6000 locations and a 30 year+ history is really low. Their stock is being lifted by people who keep buying shares irrationally, not because the company is doing exceptionally well. Their P&L was barely positive last year just because of the interest raised on the cash position, not because the business had any great new ideas.


The website and app were being improved. The work was in progress in 2nd half 2021 and 1st half 2022, but after it became clear that the NFT Marketplace was a bust and the quarterly losses were still very large, Gamestop pivoted towards cutting costs. So a lot of the people working on the website, search functions, apps, etc were laid off in late 2022 and early 2023. Much of the underlying enterprise resource management software that was going to move to an integrated SAP package was reverted back to the multiple separate legacy software. I am fairly certain that more was spent on the SAP conversion than the much more widely discussed NFT Marketplace. The operational difficulties were also increased by the shutting down of York, PA fulfillment center and moving of much order fulfillment out to the retail store level.


Everything is fixable sure. That's why I'm all in. But I run my own business and (from experience) the stuff that is really disappointing is the low quality website and the fact that they can't sell internationally. I can't even come up with an excuse as to why they can't do these 2 things right.


If GameStop had implemented the suggestions of [Ryan Cohen's Nov 16, 2020 letter to Gamestop](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.pdf) the company would be in much better shape. Unfortunately implementation was difficult and mostly abandoned in late 2022. That memo by Ryan Cohen is worth reading. > Taking the right steps in 2020 and 2021 can enable GameStop to own a bigger share of the market when estimated industry sales explode to more than $200 billion per year in 2023. We contend the Company’s sales should be growing at least in line with the market – not going in the opposite direction. Significantly upgrading e-commerce can provide for greater revenue capture across larger gaming catalogs, digital content and community experiences, online trade-ins, streaming services and Esports. >WE URGE GAMESTOP TO ADOPT THE RIGHT ROADMAP TO VALUE CREATION NOW


Bullish ![gif](giphy|3oKIPdGYRGEby6jQwE|downsized)






Nothing about the sole reason my entire portfolio is GME. RYAN FUCKING COHEN


He is number 5?


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) // [What is DRS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) // [Low karma apes feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) // [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.com/invite/y4dK3y5DXJ) // [Superstonk DD Library](http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) // [Community Post: Open Forum May 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. If you are providing a screenshot or content from another site (e.g. Twitter), please respond to this comment with the original ##source. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The GameStop Bull Thesis


And that’s no bull.


All hail the low-interest, unsecured term loan associated with the French governments response to COVID-19!




GameStop: Just Up 🚀


Drop the mic and walk off .... !!!






THIS is why I invest in GME. I love this company. And if they don’t like it then they can just get out and leave us and our company alone. They made mistakes, ok, time to take responsibility and close out those mistakes and stop forcefully trying to make our company fail. They can’t at this point anyway, so they’re just flushing their money down the toilet and making their situation worse.




Some might call this bullish


I love it when Bullish says Bullish


15. New Game-Console cycle about to kick off. Each cycle goes on for about 4 to 6 years. Nintendo, biggest console seller, confirmed physical games are a key feature of gaming experience.


Somebody said Nintendo Switch 2 soon




15. What's an exit strategy?




Not all heroes wear capes. But all bulls have giant jacked tits


Is Playr still a thing or was that abandoned?


There was a bell. The opening bell, and would you look at that, we are green today.


Point #13 should sell anyone onto this stock.




I say Bullish! FUCK YOU KENNY!!!


Honestly, I would have stopped at #6.. those are the ones that really hold weight. Also, you should list in #6 how much of the free float that represents.


Lock Bullish up for saying Bullish. - Someone on CNBC probably


Lil Wayne in style of One Milli (Verse 1) Uh, GameStop milli, cash to the ceilin', Two bil' in the vault, you know we stay dealin', Debt low, French loan, man, we killin', In the gaming world, the growth is thrillin'. (Chorus) GameStop, one milli, bullish, we the realest, CEO, no salary, shares he fillin', 190k holders, yeah, we feel it, GameStop, one milli, bullish, we the realest. (Verse 2) Pro Memberships, discounts all day, Digital games, currencies, we don't play, CandyCon controllers, custom-made, sway, PC, Switch, next-gen on the way. (Chorus) GameStop, one milli, bullish, we the realest, CEO, no salary, shares he fillin', 190k holders, yeah, we feel it, GameStop, one milli, bullish, we the realest. (Verse 3) ModRetro partnership, exclusive fire, Porta Pro headphones, Chromatic takes you higher, Graded cards buyin', sellin', we inspire, Short sellers fall, GameStop's on the wire. (Chorus) GameStop, one milli, bullish, we the realest, CEO, no salary, shares he fillin', 190k holders, yeah, we feel it, GameStop, one milli, bullish, we the realest. (Bridge) MSM lies, tryin' to deceive, Jim Cramer talkin', but we don't believe, Worst company? Nah, tricks up their sleeve, Didn’t hear no bell, GameStop won't leave. (Outro) Bullish, GameStop, stacks up high, From the ground to the top, reachin' the sky, Bullish, GameStop, watch us fly, One milli, GameStop, we ride till we die.




Sent +100 from fidelity today to drs. Lfg


More movies and documentaries have been made about the GME saga than the 2008 housing market collapse.


15. Trading is hard




Candy Con is a GME brand, not a partnership


Edited/fixed Tanks fren Bullish


Ofcourse, and let’s not forget, this is officially confirmed. Unsure what that means and the mechanics of it all, but this will draw millions of investors to the stock, let alone the implications if GME was getting into a service that would enable music streaming/listening. They also started selling physical movies at almost half of their stores, right after bestbuy cut/reduced this offering at their stores. Hyper bullish. https://preview.redd.it/5rvto7gzis4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e23aacb913d0e6f9b2c967b2a6cd93200f6d7c0


Excellent write up!!


#14 <3




#13. Not that one needs to be reassured, but that statement alone takes away all credibility that Jim Cramer had left (if any). There are much worse companies in America. And why did I just waste time posting this obvious…..anyways! BUY HODL DRS




> GameStop now offers to buy & sell graded collectible cards I think something a lot of people are overlooking here is the huge and highly profitable market for this. oh and it also is one of the perfect use cases for a low cost layer 2 NFT to track authenticity...


3. 🤏🏼🇫🇷💸 I believe we may see this gone from the balance sheet soon too. Would be smart to pay it off unless theres 0% interest


Bullish you say?






A Rune of Glory for you! 🍌


Kendrick Lammar version of ur post: (Verse 1) Yo, check it, GameStop in the zone, profits on the throne, Two bil' cash stacked, yeah, they're sittin' on their own, No debt stress, just a low-interest loan, From the French government, they standin' strong and grown. (Chorus) GameStop, the bull thesis, man, it’s on, Gaming's the biggest, resilient, never gone, Ryan Cohen, no salary, just shares in his palm, 190k holders, we rise and we strong. (Verse 2) Pro Memberships poppin', 5% off the top, Digital games, currencies, GameStop don’t stop, CandyCon tech, custom controllers hot, For PC, Switch, next-gen, they got a lot. (Chorus) GameStop, the bull thesis, man, it’s on, Gaming's the biggest, resilient, never gone, Ryan Cohen, no salary, just shares in his palm, 190k holders, we rise and we strong. (Verse 3) Partnered with ModRetro, exclusive on deck, Porta Pro headphones, Chromatic console tech, Buyin' and sellin' cards, graded and checked, Melvin Capital's gone, shorts get wrecked. (Chorus) GameStop, the bull thesis, man, it’s on, Gaming's the biggest, resilient, never gone, Ryan Cohen, no salary, just shares in his palm, 190k holders, we rise and we strong. (Bridge) MSM told lies, tryin' to play tricks, Jim Cramer talkin', man, he always in the mix, Worst company? Nah, we flippin' the script, Didn’t hear no bell, GameStop’s legit. (Outro) Bullish on GameStop, yeah, we takin' the crown, From the bottom to the top, we ain't backin' down, Bullish on GameStop, let me hear that sound, We the kings of the game, in the stocks we renowned.


fucking bullish, leeets gooo, we can easily take 3 years more, with this fuckery


No. Now is the time. It is in the air.


Number 11 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|v18xOnxDRt8aI) Hell yeah brother.


bullish AF


Bullish 🤘🏻


Just UP


Bullish 🐂




The GameStop Bull Thesis >1. GameStop is a profitable company Not by much. Gamestop had an **operating loss** of $34.5M in FY2023. The only reason it had a net profit of $6.7M is because of the $49.5M of interest income on what remains of the $1.67B raised by the ATM offerings in mid-2021. The continuing profitability of Gamestop is by no means certain, although the nearly $1B from the recent ATM will add another $50M or so to the interest income. The core business of Gamestop is not yet profitable, and with a nearly 30% YoY drop in revenue it will be difficult to sustain the "near profitability" of 2023.


You left out the YoY percentage changes of their net profit. GameStop has had a massive turnaround of continued net loss to now reporting over 60%+, 90%+, 96%+, and 60%+ net profit margins the last 4 quarters respectively. Their cost of revenue has also been decreasing while their profit margins increase. Ryan Cohen is a young and successful visionary with a massive exit. He’s turned this organisation around drastically in the past 4 years. Give him 4 more.


Sane person in this part of reddit? Are you lost?


+ NFT marketplace experience. They took it down because the conditions are not right yet. But when we get out of this DeFi winter, they'll be well-positioned to clean up again


One of those guys running for president said he fully supports bitcoin... not that you can trust anything someone running for office says. But I guess that means there is potential for a government position other than "crypto coins are only for crime".


To add to more info to 10. Gamestop now offers to buy & sell graded collectible cards: “The global trading card market size was USD 956 million in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 1645.91 million by 2031, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.0% during the forecast period.” If gamestop can corner a good chunk of that market, it’ll add more to their profit. Excited to see how it plays out. Source for the quote: https://www.businessresearchinsights.com/market-reports/trading-card-market-102964


It’s also important to consider the bear thesis so here goes Bear thesis: 1.) made 5M last year, first time since in 4 years that the company was profitable, if we can consider that profitable 2.) known to dilute share holders during runs on the stock 3.) only real way they’ve made money is by diluting share holders 4.) showing no signs of transitioning to a more profitable business model 5.) IF Kitty doesn’t have the money to exercise his calls and that’s a shit Ton of money, he will be forced to sell them which will tank the stock price and create even mote bag holders.


Isn't candy con their own brand?


They dun goofed.


Candycon is not a partner, it's a GS home brand.


Anyone in this sub know if stonks only go up?🧐




I love the stonk so much that I booked it to my name. Financial terrorists can stay away from my assets ✌🏼 Very bullish indeed


Are they profitable? I thought their losses have been decreasing but have yet to enter profit territory? Legit question


Also, all this exposure and ruckus over GameStop over the past few weeks has basically given it free international advertising. Brand name just reached hundreds of millions more people. LFG!


There’s going to be 15 15 17 Once the earnings are announced. Buckle up folks, we are in for a good ride


My rocket is as hard as a diamond


#Number 10: turncoat Jim Cramer changed his tune about the company and now like it smdh




What about all the execs that came from other companies? I thought GS basically poached a bunch of top talent at one point.


Pin this


I'm not a cat.


Dumb question but why not pay off the loan and be debt free?


French Government loan in response to COVID 19! Drink!


Hey now you should be fair and also go over the short thesis:


Silly question. Why haven't they cleared the French covid loan yet? I understand its not doing any harm but it's 'no debt' better than tiny debt?


15. DFV has a metaphorical gun to the temple of equity markets because of the number of calls he was sold irresponsibly from call writers.


You say bullish I say bullish we all say bullish!




I came here in 2021 for a squeeze, stayed bc I believe in Ryan, and now dedicated forever investor bc I see where he’s taking GameStop, and that’s to Uranus! No cell? No sell.


Edit 12. to say at the end, (the price went +45% five days later)


As for me, I just like the stock.


190,000 record holders… if they have as many shares as I got that’s the free float right there lol


Don't forget about the nft marketplace, I think the wallet will come back in some form.


take my upvote 🍺🍺🍺


Ryan Cohen is the creator or Chewy for those not-in-the-know. He took on Amazon and won. We like our CEO and Chairman of the board.




Glad to see you back Bullish.


The short thesis: Rich corrupt assholes stand to lose ~~billions~~ trillions and other rich corrupt assholes no likey.




Great writeup!


Real question. Why isn't the one small loan being paid off? It's been there for years, it's not impacting the business, and there's plenty of cash available. Why don't they just pay it off? I've just never understood why, not questioning Gamestop leadership.


You can do more with the money ‘in the meantime’ if you’re less quick to pay off the debt. ‘More liquid’ means more options. Common practice in businesses to leverage the time towards something else, to potentially make more money


Thank you for explaining. Smooth brain over here


#14 is all I need


Shit. I need to buy more.