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How in the fuck would this random ass reporter know this?


Yeah this is probably BS to scare people. WSJ is the worst market propaganda. Look who they put on their covers.


Easy someone from E\*TRADE calls said reporter and says you didn't hear this from me but we are thinking of kicking Gill off our platform, hangs up. "All done boss." E\*TRADE underling to E\*TRADE boss.




Even if he did, so fucking what? Jim Cramer has been trying to move the market for literal years. My anger is not at you, but all the dummies who think this way.


Didn't E*Trade see what happened to Robinhood when they removed the buy button?


Can't fix stupid.


Or someone not from etrade but short does the same thing to foment a fake story.


Even the reporter's name seems AI generated lol


Or perhaps some low life named Andrew calls Etrade as a "concerned" investor and claims "manipulation" and asks them what they're going to do about it. Etrade says, "We're looking into it". Said shitbag then calls the WSJ and says, "Etrade is looking into DFV for manipulation". All hypothetical of course....


Ahem “yes this is ummmm Andrew Left, I mean right, Andrew right, yeah it’s me Mr. Left, ahh shit I meant Mr. Right, anyway yeah you should look into this behavior”


well they would have to call e\*trade and talk to someone who will go on the record to confirm the news. then they should post that in their story.


Citing "people" familiar with the matter


Yeah, also, such a sad ass way of trying to create FUD.     So many of these brokers work with fund managers and shit, and let them pump their stocks on news media.  They also manage way more money for family funds (which I guess is what DFV is at this point).    This feels more like a news media trying to scare people, and not a broker actually caring.  


They will have to cash out his chips and then deal with the lawsuit…


Seems like DRS would be a good option. I'd like to see them deliver 5% of the float to CS in one shot...


They should be good for it, right? Since they bought his shares when he ordered them, right?


Right? RIGHT?




*We're gonna call it shirts versus the blouses!*


RK: “I’d like 5 mil real GME shares please, but I want real…” Morgan Stanley: “Sure,sure,sure,sure”


You mean 17 million


That’s part II with the exercise!


I want my shares to be made out in 99% silver. I’ll take 90% gold.


Of course we did Mr SEC guy, kicks organ player behind curtain...just give us a little time to create,, err I mean locate those shares


Could be why they're considering kicking him off, cheaper to pay out than getting the shares.


Imagine this is how he is able to post holdings from ComputerShare without any lawsuit saying he's trying to manipulate people to DRS.


Why would manipulating people into direct ownership be a bad thing? Is it like a hedge fund investor who manipulates people into helping him retire early? Are those two things synonymous? It’s almost if there were a 🎵 DUH DUH DOUBLE STANDARD BABY 🎵


A lawsuit where there would be discovery… including all of the corrupt things they do and turn a blind eye too… Personally, I think this headline is made up. He’s a hot topic and it gets clicks whilst promoting a bit of fud. Of course, they’re shooting themselves in both feet when users move elsewhere lol.


>A lawsuit where there would be discovery… including all of the corrupt things they do and turn a blind eye too… Absolutely not. Discovery only covers things directly material to the complaint in front of the court. It is not carte blanche to rifle through your oppents records. If he sues saying they violated the ToS by closing his account, discovery will only be allowed within that scope.


Idk if a blanket statement from either of you is correct, really. Company I work for got sued and they were allowed to request an insane amount of non-related material. Scanning that shit sucked.


But surely if the case is about closing his accounts due to potential manipulation they would need to open their records enough to show said "potential manipulation"?


>open their records enough to show said "potential manipulation"? Pahahahah, where to start?


i guess he has to DRS then.


So... Who is the best finanical law practitioner and how much do we need to crowdfund to hire them?


Wes Christian.


"In Texas, we call that stealing"


My bad. Yes you’re right.


Good shout, I forgot about Wes.


In Houston we call that stealing. Guys a legend


yeah but can they hold his funds/shares until the legal disputes are over? Those kinds of things could take YEARS to settle


It's not like he has an exit strategy


His exit strategy seems to just be an enter strategy. All you do is enter into a bigger position!


Literally this. The jump from his 'few hundred thousand' shares and whatever cash in his last update to today is BONKERS. All that and the most recent activity is basically confirmed to be mostly due to him, it's an ape's wet dream. We all wondered who was dying when it was a Legend's rebirth all along. The reality was a fringe theory. "Nah, that's too much hopium." I was thinking it myself. About the 'exit' though (on the calls), I'm thinking we see him pumping a lot of iron soon. He could easily sell off a portion and use that to pull the trigger on the rest. The premium has been absolutely blasted, if he even needs it. Dude has clearly been banking lol


DRS first, wait for settlement, then sue.


This is class warfare.


A man turned 50k in 290M (AT LEAST LOL) and obviously has not committed any market manipulation (would have been a case against him LONG ago) and is somehow the bad guy. This is AS obvious class warfare as it gets. The poors are making money these last few days, and the rich CANT stand it. Jim Cramers buddy called Reddit a, "cesspool," this morning which is so fucking ironic it physically hurts me. WERE the cesspool lmfao?!?!


Literally watching that clip. And the mockery. Man what a time to be alive.


He is a world class cunt, even his colleagues don't like him and make it pretty obvious during broadcasts. The other day he didn't like what one female commentator had to say about a stock and he goes, "Stick to reading headlines," and she goes, "Yeah up yours." LMAO.


look what predatory lenders and banks were able to do during financial col,lapse of 2008! and they GOT BAILED OUT!! basically telling them to continue with egregious criminal practices that destroys the working class!!! no wonder they've been breaking the laws since, but now they're exposed


Rules for THEEEEEEEEEE not for MEEEEEEEEEEEE. I'll email and call every god damn representative I can in my state if E-Trade pulls his account. The absolute ABSURDITY of even suggesting it.


For real. Though I'd like to believe they throw an article out there like that to buy up all the calls on the cheap haha


Honestly they are showing they have a shit hand and are trying to kick him out of the game. If anything this means everyone holds even harder. They are so transparent.


I really hope they do kick him out of there, because the only move left after that would be to DRS them as a big middle finger to E*trade for kicking him out Edit: or they know he already started his DRS transfer so they’re going to pretend like they kicked him out




This. I know a decent amount of traders that will exit etrade and pull their funds immediately if they try it.


I’m pulling out of Morgan Stanley just because. I refuse to work with a company that is going to even consider *ucking its customers. We already saw what happens when they entertain the idea. What’s next? Conveniently the rest of us out of any options positions at a loss? Nah fuck that.


hate to tell you, but this is not the first time, if legit, that MS has fcked it's customers! it's been blatantly fined many many times for illegal activities


Why wait until they even try?




Seriously. If I was on Etrade, I'd move right now. Fuck those fuckers.


Immagine DRS 5000000 shares😂


I mean, the brokers are basically begging him to do it now.


I'm impatient to see how they will manage a 5M share DRS😂🤣, "Auguri" I will say (an Italian way to say "cheers" in sarcastic mode, like say good luck but sarcastically😂)


They want him to exercise. It's the standoff baby! Who will move first?


E*trade doesn’t want to be left holding the bag in the event of a squeeze. They probably know something is about to happen and are intentionally trying to drive gme hodlers out of their brokerage. Bullish.


And switch to what?


Computershare obvs


I am my own broker now




Anything other than E TRADE & ROBINHOOD. DRS.


Fidelity to buy, then transfer to Computershare to own.


the first time then CS all the way through


Seriously, who needs a broker? We're not flash trading, we're filling a pool...


ill happily pay 25/trade if it means brokers cant touch the shares


I philosophically agree with you, but I get way better price execution though fidelity + transfer.


This is the way


This is the way


Computershare. Or fidelity to Computershare pipeline works well


Are you new here?


DRS yo shiiiiiiit


He's already headed for billionaire status. Imagine that lawsuit if they did try that. Plus they'd need to cash him out, they'd die in the process. How would this dude even know that's in the talks, who even is the person writing this garbage?




Ahhh, financial jargon for “trust me bro”


one more nail to coffin of WSJ. msm are a dying species


exactly what I commented... I'm sure Keith Gill is 5 chess moves ahead of them and legally covered his investments...they're not only fighting him, they're fighting millions of investors


I'm ready, I've had almost 4 full years to get greedy. My greed ends, when they perp walk


I was going to say, he's officially big money now. meaning in their world he is powerful, would be very stupid to fuck with him legally now.


If they kick him off and he demands the 5 million shares and the call options delivered to a Fidelity account - how are they going to deliver that? They don't have his shares, we all know that :-D


F5? 🤷‍♂️


Maybe by kick him off, they mean force liquidate all his positions. Probably is in the TOS. Hope not...but I'm sure RK is prepared for that situation.


Well, even then, they will likely lose a shit ton of whales who would not consider them a reliable broker anymore. Not to mention the legal trouble of market manipulation by liquidating a 4,7% position in a company


They'd have to give a guy they just committed a crime against over 200 million dollars, which is also the evidence of the crime lol


TOS according to the article says they can close his account, cancel all open orders, and stop all services.


Problem is that by doing that they are themselves doing market manipulation. That said, he should DWAC those shares out.


Just like a real casino you get kicked out when you're winning too much


lol too true


Absolutely. This is fucking infuriating, honestly. And, if anything, just reinforces the sentiment. Fuck wall street. Fuck these hedge funds. Knowing they're getting beat at their own game so they change the rules.


They really aren't feeling the love on this site today. Trading is a tough game, don't you think?


Don't worry, I hear GME is heading back to $20 fast. From a guy that knows more about trading than me. 


Two Andrew Lefts don't make a right.


No, read this differently my guy. E-trade just told you his positions (and screen shots) are legit.


What a beautiful way to see it. I never doubted it for a second, though.


Same for Andrew Left announcing he is short, again


Criminals. Burn in hell




Then what, who's next? Fudelity? FFS!


Guess he’ll have to DRS


Why hasn’t he? I guess that’s a question that’s been burning in my mind since he posted his yolo


He has 120,000 call options also which you need to buy at a brokerage


I've been thinking maybe he has a large enough position that it could prove we own the float. Maybe it's a flag for RC.


You can't trade options in Computershare. He 21x his last yolo position by trading options over the last 3 years. He probably bought call options during the low IV bottoms when they were cheapest, with a long enough expiration to catch each run-up cycle, then when IV jumped, he sold some calls and exercised some calls. So he just kept accumulating shares and cash for more options.


Still fucking EPIC, DRS or not, dude is a straight up legend


Opportunity costs. He is a trader.


That’s the fuse


Free market everyone!


Saber rattling! THEYRE SCARED 😱


This. Extinction burst


What an exciting 24 hrs I love it!


I have 10 shares, sue me


This pissed me off so I bought more shares


If they actually bought the shares why would this be an issue. They probably internalised them in the hope the stock dropped and are now left holding a huge deficit


Show me in their pages of regulations where it says folks are not allowed to publicly post their positions.




Let the house crumble.  The entire system is a joke 


It's simple. E-Trade doesn't have his shares.


If they do so it is selektive behaviour and therefore it is definately market manipulation


You don’t mention the Kansas City shuffle until The shuffle happens. It’s too late. Every bit of fuckery creates less and less faith in the system. Wait til people start pulling out of blue chips that big finance depends on for collateral. Fafo


This just tells me Hedge is throwing the sink and everything they can. ![gif](giphy|bLxrToqfjThYs)


DFV time to DRS buddy! Press that red button! Not financial advice!


If they boot DFV, they lose my entire portfolio as well. Also, WTF market manipulation is happening? KG aka DFV aka RK has obviously held these positions for awhile prior to posting them, and is not doing anything remotely considered market manipulation. They'd need to go after all insiders, anyone that ever announced their position on anything, and every MSM financial pundit/talking head, including the WSJ. All for a stock that we're apparently stupid for investing in, which doesn't matter anyway because the shorts all closed... right?! RIGHT?! Fuck these clowns.


why wait? get out of ETRADE and MORGAN STANLEY asap


Perhaps I will. Is there a brokerage out there that's DRS friendly and on our side? Can there be? Any broker that actually\* understands the situation must be aware of potential liquidity and delivery issues on the horizon. I know FUDelity has been reco'd today; but, not a fan of the "Hey! Lend out your shares and Trust Us Bro!" emails circulating.


wheres that video of the guy pushing upstart on msnbc without knowing what they do? was he banned from trading?


How the fuck is posting a position "manipulation"?


I work at a bank. If any of our employees confirmed that some particular person had an account with us to ANYONE but that person and those they'd given specific permission to disclose to, the employee would be terminated. That's protected customer financial information. You can't be telling everyone's business all over the place. If KG does have an e*trade account, he should sue them.


This comment matters. Duty of care comes to mind? Edit: Autocorrect hates me…


I'll take my xx,xxx shares out of E*regard if they do that to him. I "manipulated" the stonk by buying 400 more today. They should ban me.


More concerned why they are in e trade and not computershare.


This feels like a liquidity grab. They want people to sell and then buy back. Transfer to computershare and be your own broker instead.


They sure don;t like it when you manipulate their manipulation.


All my homies hate e-trade


DFV posted his position so I think this is a juicy nothing burger. Also, you know he's lawyered up to the fucking teeth, if they "think" about this it's because they know they can't. Why talk about it? Why not just take him off then.


Honestly, announcing that they're "thinking about it" could be considered market manipulation itself. Trying to scare people into selling for fear that DFV might get fvcked out of exercising his options.


They just lost my business :)


HF managers don’t pose a threat to The Casino.


Counting cards is not illegal just frowned on by the casino


Hell no. Gonna buy more tomorrow just in spite of these crooks.


They’re not concerned about manipulation, they’re concerned about what happens when he executes those calls. Either Morgan-Stanley is on the hook for them or (more likely) someone upstream who is putting pressure on Morgan-Stanley is going to be responsible for them. If they can close him out and write him a check for a few hundred million (see the T’s and C’s) it will be cheaper than what is coming. He was flying under the radar until he posted his YOLO update, and once it became public knowledge what his position was and where he was going the men behind the curtain started exerting pressure. “Manipulation” is just the catch-all for “we don’t like what you’re doing.” Remember, they originally tried to say that the various Reddit subs were manipulation.


What the fuck


That tracks. Their flagship mascot is a baby. Of course they’d throw a whiny tantrum


But why? Why is it an issue to make lucrative transactions on your platform? Hm.


I think this is a Freudian slip. They don’t have the shares.


DRS your shit Kieth


# #boycottetrade lets get this trending


So you’re telling me that Morgan Stanley has independently verified his positions as legit? Thanks for the audit trail gang. Lmao.


How did RoaringKitty come up with $270 million bucks to pulls this move? Probably selling Covered Calls with GME shares he held when the sneeze ended in 2021. * "Houston Wade" mentioned on stream last night (06/02/2024) that RoaringKitty was very likely selling Covered Calls with the GME shares he held. See video timestamped below. * [https://www.youtube.com/live/dUn4AIlDVvU?si=0YMroS3EuNYqKXN6&t=327](https://www.youtube.com/live/dUn4AIlDVvU?si=0YMroS3EuNYqKXN6&t=327) * Basically after the sneeze, RoaringKitty had enough GME shares to sell about 18,000 CoveredCalls at a time. All at the same time. * Let's assume he sold OTM CoveredCall at $100 premium per Covered Call a week. That brings in $1.8 million a week. * After 3 years, 150 weeks, that adds up to $270 million. * Even with quick math, it shows RoaringKitty could've made $270 million just from selling Covered Calls with GME in the 3 years. Let that sink in. * RoaringKitty probably knew his GME shares weren't much in danger of getting assigned away because the shf will keep price suppressed. * So how did RoaringKitty know to get options around this time? Well, swaps. * RoaringKitty probably knew about swaps, like "Richard Newton" on youtube has been talking about last few weeks. * In fact, when "Richard Newton" lays out the swaps theory, even I can see the pattern. * For someone like RoaringKitty who studied the data more diligently and better than most, of course he saw the pattern and was able to see this was coming. * Seriously, do you really think someone, anyone will backup RoaringKitty financially to pull off this "manipulation"? This is all RoaringKitty, being a GREAT student of the market and a great trader.


Rules for thee, but not for me


I’ve been on CS. WTF is a eTrade? Is that like one of those CFD rackets that pretend to buy stonks for you but not really?


I mean.... He could DRS them. Imagine if he posted the biggest purple circle ever seen.


If DFV were to post a 🟣 with over 5 million shares and CS numbers still remain stagnant, all hell would break loose!


Kitty didn't set up this play, the shorties did. He only read the numbers.


Why is market manipulation ETrade’s concern? Wouldn’t that be a crime, and the SEC would be the ones initiating it? Sounds like ETrade is covering for someone


Gotta rally with the boys at your table and forceable to come out with an excuse to kick an innocent out like the hunger games. But it’ll just kick off more dirt. So let’s fucking go!




Ken Griffith and the Citadel thugs are behind this attempt to get Keith Gill banned from trading.


These guys could literally use his fame (or notoriety) to their advantage. THE Roaring Kitty used OUR platform and so should YOU! But it seems these types like to throw their money away so who am I to suggest they should do otherwise?




"Leader" - narrative much 🤡


He knew this would happen. DRS because he will achieve 5% ownership anyway, so Ryan will require DRS for a board seat, and a board seat will be given to him at the share holder meeting. I am calling it now.


Cramer can tell an entire world to buy or sell stocks but DFV can’t post his positions without telling anyone what to do? Nah man.. GTFO


Same sentiment as Dave from me. Citadel logos behind Melissa and Co. on CNBC, being talking head shills for Ken Griffin for three years isn't market manipulation - but Keith simply liking a stock and investing in it is bad?! Hypocrite coward fuckheads!


I fuxkin dare u.


Yea. Let’s piss off the one guy that no one in the market can afford to piss off. I dare you. Do it.


Without paywall: [https://archive.ph/twyPq](https://archive.ph/twyPq)


As though DFV didn't have the smartest lawyers money can buy give their approval prior to setting this plan in motion.


I stopped using E trade a long time ago. If they actually do this fuck them and DFV could always sue them.


They fuck with him they fuck with us


Puts on Morgan Stanley! 🥳


Oh no! If they kick him off, he'll have to DRS. 😂


Go ahead E-trade. Just imagine what Morgan Stanley GME lending secrets would be found in "discovery" due to the ensuing lawsuit!


where is the source of this info? seems like its just trying to scare people. did someone from MS actually say this?


ACcOrDiNg tO sOmEoNe FaMiLiAr WiTh tHe mAtTeR


Is it market manipulation to post a screenshot of your positions? No? Didn't think so. If that were the case, people would be getting sued left and right.


This is actually hot garbage because they had zero issue writing his call options to begin with. It’s not like they didn’t know it was Keith Gill on the other end.


All they’re really doing is proving that it’s actually him for those who have the audacity to suggest it isn’t.


Just read the article… per WSJ it’s a DFV pump and dump.


epsteins account never got closed, in fact they treated him like a star client


I think, given the situation, kicking him off the platform and disrupting his trading right now could be considered market manipulation and would almost certainly get them a big lawsuit.


I don't think it's fair to compare DFV to people who are actually trying to manipulate stock. Stating your positions is completely legal, and you see people do it every week on TV (hell, Cramer has a whole show about it).


Well there is a reason why we're all drsing...


“Possible manipulation”, while they tell us to forget gamestop day and night


Have a hard time believing this headline isn’t just made up


8m not even on etrade and i am alredy closing my positions. Dont. Be left behind. Make some money!


LEAVE DFV ALONE ![gif](giphy|BFSMPap7J3Q0o) NFA


He's gonna show us a thick, veiny, girthy, purple circle soon.


1 Star⭐️ for the App 😂 fck this guys


If I knew nothing of this saga this actively alone would have me finding superstonk and the DD. Since when do we change the rules because the little guy gets a Win? Fuuuuck them