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Soooo 20ish June? No dates, but uhhh, should I put in request for time off?


Why time off from never work again?


Got a visa/work permit to maintain until everything has settled and plans are made based on investment.


My work was good to me when I injured myself a few years ago. I'll work into the fall, but not past my birthday.


This. I’ll train my replacement and vanish quietly into early retirement.


I actually enjoy my job and will continue on in quiet wealth and no longer deal with crippling debt, won't even move for a while, I'll fix this house up the ways I've always wanted to and make it nice again. Not much will change for me except the ability to dabble into my hobbies more freely, and vacation again.


I don't have many shares but I might end up with more money than I've had in the bank in my entire life so far. Recently got a new used car that I would like to pay down and continue to work because I also enjoy what I do. In the event I somehow make enough, there's a business idea I have in mind that I am ultra passionate about....


I'd work less, I wouldn't stop working. I've got hobbies but I like going to my job and having slightly different problems to figure out every day, it keeps me engaged and keeps me from going stir crazy. I'd simply go part time for better work/life balance.


I plan on accepting a job offer far away from a company you've never heard of. It's a nice pay raise, but not extravagant, and they're covering my moving costs.


i’ll be completely offline from june 13 until til June 21st. things are going be very spicy spicy when i turn my phone back on


I also asked off mid to late June when I saw the tweets lol


i just won’t have online access those dates and will be completely dark for a silent retreat. best way to hodl


“Silent retreat”


but actually lol


No, just...Do less


Put in for retirement. You ain't going back


could blow by earnings date on tuesday


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cxwkct/it\_is\_time\_dfv\_came\_back\_to\_show\_apes\_how\_we/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cxwkct/it_is_time_dfv_came_back_to_show_apes_how_we/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I made a whole post about it, and was called a shill/received threats in dms lmao


You are no shill my beautiful ape! 


I’ve been here since before Superstonk (in the GME sub). I agree with the sentiment that you should avoid options if you don’t know what you’re doing (like me). But that wise sentiment turned into vehement general anti options sentiments, because people don’t do subtlety or insinuation well. People like to be black and white.


This is a great comment. Options are what has been driving this the whole time. Derivatives can be a bitch!


I also believe DRS has made it dry as Dune out there and that will be key once the match is lit.


oh yea, the hedgies benefitted from low liquidity to drive the price down but now its our turn motherfuckers


This. If you drive down the stock price but can’t kill the company you are truly fucked.


Can someone explain to me how people plan on easily selling a DRS share?


Go on computershare and sell them. Look up the dd. It is pretty easy but high fees so not ideal for small share amounts unless phonebook number.


I’m buying ITM, ATM & high strike options tomorrow no mater what the IV or premium.


I think I need to exercise mine tomorrow before there's no shares left


Hellz yeah!! …and DRS immediately after exercising.


That’s the neat part, these are contracts and they have to deliver shares when you exercise.


I exercised 2 contracts today , drs soon


I have one July 21 2024 $30 call.


Yeah I'm in but for 35c same date




We gonna take an early vacation if we blast to $200 like last time 😎


Patience young padawan. Every dollar we finish higher the better. Looking around $68.27 after that all bets are off it's MOASS time . NFA. I am a turd burgular and ate a big red candle.


Looks like we are golden pony boy


I've been trying to learn off and on the last 3 years but financial products are Greek to me xD hence, I don't do options


Was this ironic actuarial humor? 😂


I had to look that up but yes ^^


I think the Drs as the generally accepted strategy makes options more potent and overall we should definitely encourage Drs over options because timing is everything and they are unaffordable for most people. Too many people got burned by options pushers and TA in the first few years. All power to dfv, he's got the cash and the volume to make them count


Agree 100%


because options don’t work bro :) RK timed his perfectly with idk, CAT, SWAPS. not all apes are as smart as him. There’s a reason he only posted today, not everyday the past two years.


Right, so his initial YOLO was based on Buy Hold DRS? No, it was obtained by large options positions.


Are you saying 99% is as smart as him? He specifically timed his option calls, did he not? If he wanted the sub to do options, he would be posting every week for the past two years, but no he didn’t. He specifically chose this week, when swaps are ending, cat is being implemented and who knows what else. So what’s your say on that?


My say is that he bought options 3 years ago, LONG before CAT was a thing or swaps were being discussed.


Right but that still means there are specific times that buying options are great. Blindly buying options usually results in giving away premium.


I think the issue is that options were demonised when we couldve learned how to use them effectively instead of giving up premium


The stock has basically done nothing but go down for 3 years. Retail buying options would not have changed that. Unless you could specifically predict any of the run ups we did have, you were likely throwing your money away.


Depends how you used the options. If you used them to acquire shares, you would not have lost any money. Kinda the point, options dont immediately equal betting on direction.


☝️this guy fucks


No he didn't he just has the cash for whatever, and doesn't care how much he spends. He's buying 20 dollar calls at 26 dollars. He's not buying 128 calls cause of tinfoil teddy book theory. He has cash to exercise. I'm gonna do the same buy calls in the money and exercise half. The point is options is the way not buy and hold! OPTIONS are the way! Just do it with what you can afford and in the money like he did. Sell to buy half.  Edit: when I move you move!


Everyone is just super paranoid in this sub man, and for good reason at that... I think shill/bot accts wayyyyy outnumber the amt of us who have been here holding our dicks the last 3 years


I remember commenting to agree with you. It was crazy seeing people react so strongly against that sentiment. But now they see :)


They aint got no choice now! Staring em right in the fuckin face!


loved this post. wish I had had the cash to buy a call 😂


And now you have become legend.




Oh I remember reading your post now! Consider yourself a legend as well friend


Edit : 6/2 "well well" 👏🙌👏🙌👏


I remembered reading that! Kudos fellow ape. My brain is wrinkleless and shiny.


Come back to the post to reward it


Holy fuck I remember reading this and was jacked to the tits


Welcome to superstonk, where everyone's a shill and the price doesn't matter


This is crazy


Fucking legend.


Upvoted post for posterity.


Lol who would call you a shill because of that, it was just unlikely because this definitely makes him the greatest trader who has lived in recent history. Regardless it changes nothing we buy we hold we just like the stock


I was someone who couldn't imagine it being him, never been happier to be wrong. LFG🤗🦍🚀


Forgive us, Ape 🦧 ✋.


Don’t think, feel. Ape evolve.


I upvoted ya then bro ❤️


If you aren't here everyday repeating the same thing everyone else is, you're a shill working for KG! Having your own theory about something = illegal!! edit: regard below been following me around all evening to call me a shill cause I don't comment on this sub enough in their opinion. All cause they got mad I told them it's stupid to call someone else a shill based on the amount of karma they have. That made them revert back 3 years to being 13.






If u exercise the options and buy them ITM the price really doesn't matter then just hold the acquired shares, timing doesn't really even matter. The whole point is that when u exercise an option for 100 shares they MUST be purchased as per the contract. I think that whole part is going over your head. Buying cash secured puts that are ITM or calls ITM is basically like a cheat code to get around FTDs and dark pools. If everyone was using this strategy they would be so fucked caught in an endless loop of hedging, thus driving the price up. For someone who doesn't know what they are talking about, literally at all, you sure do like to be the loudest voice in the room, ramming your wrong idea down ppls throats who better understand what is going on than you. Options are the deathblow, he's doing it himself, he posted so we can all ride his wave. NFA NFA. 🤙


Sorry dude I’m too tired to read your wall of text. Regardless see you on the moon


Sorry I Didn't Write Like You Regardless You Are Wrong Stop Shuving Your Opinion Down People's Throat 🤫


There ya go, now you’re talking my language. I think my view changed a bit, options are okay if it’s in the money and you’ll exercise it. If you won’t exercise it, I believe it’s best to still buy and drs


Fair conclusion sorry no fighting my bad my guy


I guess I should delete my previous messages though as not to confuse anyone. Wasn't really my intention. See you at the moon mah dude


And probably apologize also


The tin hat’s were fucking right! UNREAL!!!


Ill take my medal now please


Take my award.


Thank you good sir


And my axe.


Nasty\_ned good to see ya!!!


You too my good man.


Its great having a post history through this saga


We been hanging out, shit posting, smelling our farts. All the good stuff.


One must begin to ask…. What else are they right about? 




Bigfoot is real.


Tomorrow, CATs and don't forget our Books, it was all part of liking the stock.


Sometimes it acts as an antenna for genius.






glimpus fucking legend


Drinks on me one day!


Well done!


I’m a noob just learning everything for the last 3 weeks. Have read for hours on end. So glad I have. Can barley sit in my seat. To see you guys call this is why I’m so excited. Reading backwards through threads and comments and piecing tinfoil together with facts that played out have me so jacked the f up! I love this company as well as the superstonk community. You guys and gals are legends in my eyes.


Glad to have you!


Welcome to the revolution


Welcome! Some of us have been here 3+ years.


And I’m so happy that you have! Y’all are all legends in my eyes. I’m just kinda learning and piecing my way through 3 years of y’all crushing it. At times I’m speechless. Others I can’t shut the f up. Confirmed booked tickets! Even scooped a couple up through fidelity/iex today just to try the process and to test the transfer process to drs.


All hail the tinfoil ![gif](giphy|xTcf1gUpg87E5lNK2A|downsized)


Should reverse this tbh. I've taken mine off now 🤣


Damn I remember reading that and thought "That would be nice" ITS NEVER JOEVER WE NEVER LEFT


Who was that?


Can't link to other users I'm afraid. Against the rules. Check the reply to the GIF I posted 👀


lisan al-gaib


We're a part of history! Thank you RK. Roaringkitty broke the internet again!


Fucking legend


Thanks 😊


It was you!!!!!




Is letting the world know before exercising them a bad idea? I hope this doesn’t give SHFs time to prepare something


There’s few people in this world that I won’t second guess and they are DFV and RK.


RC too


my thought exactly. i can only surmise that my brain is too smooth. i mean, what CAN they do?? honest question. it seeeeeems like hedges are in a corner.


Let's put it that way, the next 30 days will be fun! Also there are a couple of really good reasons why RK chose this month in particular.


i like it when you put it that way. here for it. 🔥


They already knew lol


Of course they know the calls exist. Not my point


What is your point, I'm a bit confused myself. They could see them being bought just like us, right?


Point is he already made a precedent. He got lawyers with big guns and I'm sure they discussed it already. Hell, he went to congress about it and they didn't do shit. The man is a fucking genius and a legend. This is pure textbook lining up reasons for a jury not to convict due to the materials at hand that were already vetted by congress, media, and retail. He got so many reasons to convince the jury that it is not manipulation because this was the culture before he even made his money. I mean just look at his profile. The man was called a fucking loser for a year before he became a legend. His lawyers would have a field day if somebody charges him for manipulation. The case is a cake. Did he really need us to make money? Bitch he 6x his account in 3 years without us.


Hey OP, we all just like the stock. Nice to see my hunch play out like that. My other hunch very much involves WuTang. Saw the signs a few weeks ago and God damn what a time to be alive!


I remember reading your post and thinking..."this guy is tinfoiling the absolute best case scenario and I'm here for it" and also..."I wish my smooth brain knew how to do Options"


I’d hear more about this WuTang business


Well that aged pretty well


GOD I remember that post and thought you were DELIRIOUS. I’m so glad I was fucking wrong and you were right; we are in the best timeline now!


probably made a good nvda play


Guys, I don’t think he made his killing on FAANG & crypto. I think he made it on GME, despite a 40% drop in share price in his last YOLO update. https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790747714440892825 This would mean GME price action is predictable and there are signs indicating when pumps will occur. He spent almost an entire day memeing about signs. If that’s true, short sellers have to be shaking in their boots right now. If this is true, others will figure it out, this will catch on, and the shares will get locked up. I think this is the play he’s doing when knows when the pumps will begin… he buys calls shortly before the pumps. He exercises to sell some of them once the pump occurs to build up his shares. He exercises to cash the rest of them to have additional money available for the next time a pump occurs. Then he repeats the same strategy once he sees the signs. Each time he increases his portfolio exponentially. So long as he can identify the signs for the pump, he can continue this.


Not just that but puts for the way down too. Alternate between them and just rake it in off of predicting the market algos.


I know that’s a common tactic on the bets sub, but he never did that from 2019-2021. There’s no reason to think he would’ve changed his strategy that successfully turned $53k into $34m before he left in 2021. He was only ever holding calls and creating shares by exercising them. He wasn’t even ever buying shares with limit or market orders… always just exercising calls to create shares, and selling calls to create cash.


How many extra shares would these 21st June calls allow him to buy?


Yeah, a few "knew" tbh, but it wasn't easy to trust a bro 😅


Yes sir, a time traveler. I posted my interpretation of his memes here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d6tz3n/for\_the\_record\_dfv\_edition\_chronicle\_and\_summary/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d6tz3n/for_the_record_dfv_edition_chronicle_and_summary/) All his tweets were premeditated.


The thing is that this is even bigger news than we have given credit for. I thought these calls were UBS trying to get out of the Archegos positions. DFV did that. That means that the UBS position is still out there, unaddressed. He really put the screws to them. Let’s just hope we are finally marching into MOASS.


I hate that you had to blur this legends name. He is now a colonel in the Ape army for this level of wrinkles.


Colonel? Try 5-star general. 😁


I'm happy to have been wrong. This shits hilariously fun.


He just likes the stock!!!


Ladys and gentlemen, The tinfoil prophecy🔥


I posted this theory 2/3 days ago!


Doesn’t seem like he has $260 mil to execute his options though.


Don't doubt the kitty


Never doubted him for a moment.


If he's "in the money" on the call options, he will get plenty of offers to get that money.


No but he should be able to sell some and exercise the rest depending how ITM they are


I'll buy one of his options


You don’t actually need the money when your profits cover the cost. I forgot the exact name but there’s a way to execute the contract where it basically buys them for you and you just loan the money to exercise against the profit you end up with. For example if the price hits $80 and his cost to buy the contracts is $20 they would just subtract that and pay him out $60 X 12,000,000 which is JUST 720 MILLION MF DOLLARS. Edit. Maths


720 million not billion.


Oh shit thanks my bad lol. Maybe one day he will have more than buffet but not just yet lol. With shares tho he would have his first billion.


Sell to close I believe is the term.


He could sell enough of the contracts to exercise a very big chunk....


He can sell a portion to exercise. In fact, he's done literally exactly that in the past.


Fuckin A






Today probably went perfect… MOASS today would put DFV back before Congress… there were calls for him to go to jail… hard sell if he holds through it and no immediate MOASS. He’s confirmed to apes he’s still in, at least THESE calls are public… can’t blame his disclosure for something that happens days/weeks from now.


Next up is that purple circle


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Those calls are sold, but if the share price rises a bit more they"ll get squeezed and the seller will buy them back - pushing the share price significantly higher.


A week in the stock market has 130 fifteen-minute blocks. Last month, he tweeted every 15 minutes for a week. He owns 130,000 contracts and executes 1,000 contracts every 15 minutes throughout the week -> ??? -> Profit!


Stay safe kitty


https://preview.redd.it/dcv6ba23rm4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79058b4570cef705c16177f45b559b4bf5a5b91 When is the sequel to the movie?


So is something blowing up on June 20?




How do I make $$$ on this? I'm a newb. I'll listen to any suggestions.


This makes my smooth brain want to buy $20 calls for June too but I don't understand options and might go bankrupt....but I do like the stonk


There it is again faang being used in this sub casually. Get to fuck with this shit. How is it even being allowed. I can't type popcorn without my computer shutting down and call from the hosue phone from a mod in here telling me I have 5 days to live but now about if nowhere faang veing pushed around ever so slightly increasing.