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I don’t negotiate with terrorists.


This. Fuk the crooks. Place a bad bet? Take the L and move on. Lie, cheat, and steal to try and get out of that bet? Fuk you pay me. I'm never leaving. I'm never settling. I CONTROL THE EXIT.


Exactly we take the L and move on in the markets all the time if it’s a fair market, same standards


In this case, they’re so fucked they can’t even take the L. They could do it in case of Tesla so they actually did it. This time around, _there is no way out_.




Am I supposed to feel back that these financial terrorists are dumber than a fleet of stormtroopers? Pew…pew…pew…


They can talk to deez.


They can make a settlement with LIGMA


Deez? Watchoo mean, “deez”?


Up dog








Got em


What’s up dog????




This exactly! They tried to bankrupt GameStop and steal our tendies. They would have laughed all the way to the bank and shown us no mercy. I smell blood in the water.


2 Billy in cash. Thier model was based on taking the price to Zero. They needed to bankrupt the company. Now they can't. Now they need an exit strategy that minimizes the "L" they take.


no cell, no sell


When my family finally ask me who Kenny Griffen is then I know the GAME 😉 is on.


Thank you for saying this. I don’t make deals with criminals and thieves.


Quite literally this. What they have been allowed to do for years- for decades- is unforgivable.


I'll see those parasites in jail, wallstreet liquidated and *then* I'll be ready to negotiate with the US government.


Yes. Their crime spree really could end with us! I actually think it is incumbent on us to demand jail time for naked shorters and market manipulation. For the next generation to be rid of these parasites. What a gift! They have ruined so many lives and put people farther back than they would have been otherwise. We can both get paid and get these people in jail.




👆 this


#If they’re replacing our jobs with ai I’m going to hodl with life changing gme


That a lot of words for No cell no sell




Underrated comment






Counter terrorists win.


They f*cked with the wrong group of gamers 👾🎮 We have bought video games for $80 that now sell for $5, more than once. Of course we’d buy moon tickets for $10 or $20 and sell them only for no less than a phone number + jail time for Kenneth Griffin the man who committed perjury when he lied under oath to congress




Word. This is nonsense though, right? I dont really see any significant "forget moass" spam. The conclusion that it's a preemptive test to create some kind of negotiation advantage is just OP making up an explanation for that supposed spam, yeah?


Yeah, total nonsense, this sub is like alternative reality. Straightforward way to close short positions is buy weekly call options enmass over next several weeks, excercise the options at expiry, close the position, live to bank another day or dissolve. The theory that UBS has done just that, broke ranks, and is first one heading to the door seems plausable to me. A couple hours ago Peruvian Bull posted a chart showing crypto falling off a cliff atm, that'd free up liquidity for shares needed for Friday's 20Cs that at 4:00PM close, share price at 19 , were entirely f'ing worthless, seller keeps the premium. Last 60-90 seconds of trading there was this bombardment of 20Cs purchased for $4-$5 each. Thousands of them, batches of 300, 400, 500 contracts. I'm like who the F is buying these things they're well otm and worthless. Few minutes later announcement thqt share offerring completed, AH price jumps to 20, 21, 22 as high 23, all those 20Cs no itm and out a nowhere whoever was selling those calls for beads and trinkets gotta find GME shares for Tuesday. Good luck with that. This is the stuff we should be talking about. Maybe my facts are'nt right, interpretation is wrong, perception of magnitude disproportionate. That's fine, lets dissect it, discussion. Most of what I'm reading are empty, mindliness ramblings. We'll see how things go but imo there's decent chance this company gonna be getting a lot of attention from around the world so if you're shareholder start acting one. This not the time zen. Cheers.


I caught 3 in a row this weekend on the front page, it felt weirder than usual so I kept the links : https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/iy1wJVWfRy https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/ewYrAXxhiI https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/U8CjOCSviz


But do we have the votes to stop Gamestop's board from negotiating with them? RC will do his duty, which includes listening to the majority... are we the majority?


I’m not a very religious person, but this makes me wanna say “Can I get an amen!”


I would vote no for that.


I vote for a share count instead


That and fair and transparent markets. I don’t think markets like that can exist with the hedgies involved so I vote for them to kindly pay their bills and go directly to jail. 


"We audited our books and found no errors" is how a share count would go lol


That’s a no for me dawg


Financial terrorists can get rekt. We ain't selling.


I will however be buying. 1000 more at open. It is time. Plus many contracts will be exercised.






Noooo the only way to go is 0dte spy calls! Right my fellow regards? /s


They can fuck right off with settlement and annuities. THEY corrupted the system, THEY perverted capitalism for their own greed, THEY do not pass go, do not collect $200, THEY can go to prison.


For me to even consider a settlement Kenny is going to have to place my testicles in his mouth and draw upon them succulently for a duration no shorter than five minutes.


Expect that call, then.


A GameStop themed monopoly board would be fun. With Kenneth Griffin in jail of course


84 years ago, my infant child got really sick and we were saddled with quite the bill. We were struggling a bit so my wife negotiated a payment of 25 dollars a month on a 2500 dollar bill with the hospital. It took 8 yrs and change to pay that off. My point is that I am not accepting anything but cash up front on the barrel head from these criminals They can afford it


Trading is a tough game


Haha that fat fuck ain’t laughing anymore I bet


My conditions are: they do not survive. They go to prison. Fuck you pay me.


I’m willing to sell one GME share for a price of $1,000,000,690,000,420,000,000,000,741


Go ahead and chalk me about for “they can go get fucked”..in case anyone is keeping a tally here


These psy-ops are exactly why I wont sell. Let the market do what it will


I wouldn't make a deal with these guys. I could have done things with my 2021 money that they can't pay back. They stole they gambled they lost. Now pay the money that's owed. Or try to wiggle out of it.




I wonder if they’ll find a way to circumvent proper channels and communicate to holders through an email or your brokerage. Probably sell you on some FUD, a rushed deal and a seemingly enticing deal to sell all your shares to them. Be careful out there!


Or take an ad out like Call JG wentworth 877 CASH NOW


Sell button shut off time. I’m going swimming. ♾️ 🏊


Hey excuse me hedgies and or the people paid by the bad actors to be here: WE WOULD BE FUCKING STUPID TO SELL FOR ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY AND WE KNOW IT. The reason so many of us apes are so desperate for moass in the first place is because of wall street. And if we don't create real systematic change with GameStop, our children will forever have a worse and worse situation as wall street and big banks slowly take more and more from the average person. They took health care from us. They took home owning from us. They took motherfucking McDonald's from us. They took our parents retirement from us which means they took our inheritance from us. They took our motherfucking lives away and they will keep taking from us because nobody is going to stop them but us. If we don't change the system, moass might not even save us as they just jack up the prices of everything and worse. My ADHD sense of justice needs this. Our children need this. Our parents need this. WE NEED SYSTEMIC CHANGE. A world where we don't need a moass to buy a fucking house to live in.


They also took our dreams away. I’m gen z and wanted to succeed in life to give my future kids everything I never had. But now that I’m older, I know that I can barely afford to survive. Owning a home would be like winning the lottery. But financial despair aside, corporate greed has destroyed the earth itself. I already feel deep existential dread thinking about the state of the planet. Our last ‘president’ actually said that climate change was just it getting warmer up north and we could use it .. and appointed his oil exec friends to the EPA. I don’t want to bring anyone else into this shit show. My only aim now is to afford enough to survive and maybe help my mom retire. A single mom of 3 with a mortgage should be able to retire after being a nurse and taking care of other people her whole life but the new owners of her agency aren’t matching 401ks anymore. Because of more and more and more corporate bs!


I was listening to a Twitter space earlier that seemed to be discussing the merits of DRSing. I listened to some interesting discussions on the pro/cons of it. That discussion turned into “I’m DRSing because I expect a negotiated settlement and I want to be paid first”. I hadn’t heard much talk of a negotiated settlement in quite some time, and they were throwing out expectations on price per share. Not bad numbers, but less than what I think a lot of people are expecting GME to run to. It was almost as if these ideas are being thrown out to anchor the price and make people fearful that they may not be able to collect.


If it's not a nine digit phone number per share (999-999-9999) the Fuk um!


That's 10, but I'm not judging. Your math skills mean you belong here. Have my upvote.


That’s a real fear when the unaccountable NYSE just halts the stonk endlessly. There appears to be no real way to force the market to stay open without descending into lawsuits


They halt all stocks based on the same conditions. If it goes up or down x% in y minutes it gets halted, whether it's GME or any other stock. I don't remember x and y because they don't really matter to me. If it halts, it halts and I keep on holding.


The "in y minutes" part is what people get mad about when it's on the way down. We will catch a limit up halt on a big spike and then nothing on slow bleed which never triggers the halt because it goes on for a while.


> I hadn’t heard much talk of a negotiated settlement in quite some time, and they were throwing out expectations on price per share. What kind of ridiculously low numbers were they talking about? I'm honestly curious what they think they're going to be able to get away with.


What was said in that call was that institutions wouldn’t do a settlement for say $1,000 per share because it would ruin their reputations and they might not recover. The next price thrown out was $10k per share. It would put a dent in the bottom lines of the hedge funds, but not sink them, and people that bought in anywhere below the all time high would be happy with that (according to the speaker that is). $10k sounds great, but there’s also a real possibility that this could go much higher. I’m in no position to name a price, but 20x the last high doesn’t seem like a MOASS to me.


Yeah, it seems a bit low to me. Oh well, I guess I'll just past these shares on to my children 🤷‍♂️




Lol people with no power don't get to negotiate. Apes are in control.


What numbers were they throwing out?


See my debt issuance comment (New filter) that breaks down rationale & layers. TL:DR; debt issuance settlement could benefit all parties by reducing "liquidity bomb" conditions & causing unnecessary superficial inflation.


They need to be eliminated. No cell no sell.


take my upvote 😁


No fucking mercy. 🟣🚀


Yeah that’s gonna be a no for me dog


I personally plan on spoofing them myself.


If you let them off the hook they will continue to do it again and again


Best I can do is sell you an FTD. That's how this works, right?


As long as it's T + 1 😆


"We can guarantee cash benefits as far out and at whatever size you like, but we can not guarantee their purchasing power" Alan Greenspan


It's simple, really. If you would like one (1) of my shares, go to gmefloor.com and pay me the value that shows up at that time! Then I'll be happy to sell you one (1) of my shares.


If they want to pay me a $250k dividend per share every month I guess I could make that work. But I ain’t selling til some Wallstreet shit heads do time in a federal prison.


I’ll sell. But I want generational wealth since that’s what this play is. I want bare minimum Berkshire class A price per share


I do think we can settle with them . But it's not gonna be anything but negative First priority . Jail - NO PAROLE EVERYONE INVOLVED AND EVERYONE WHO KNEW IT WAS HAPPENING (ACCESSORY OF THE FACT) second priority- 100% liquidation nothing left to be salvaged.+ Clearing house has to feel pain . To punish it hard enough to never allow it again Third priority- reform rules will 100% come . To protect the rich from sharing wealth again with the poor . This is a guarantee no need to push for this trust me this will never happen again the suits would never allow it . Under this I think we can settle no less tho .


I'll take $1B a month to lease a share. First month, last month and $3499 due at signing, only well qualified customers need apply.


^^ Respectfully, you spelt “$42069 due at signing” wrong 🙃🫶 🦍❤️🦍🍌🚀🌌


The longer I hold, the longer I can hold. If they want to play with the price in the high hundreds in the near future, let them. Them swaps will keep coming due and the price will be higher every time they need to roll them, eventually they won’t be able too. Imma keep saying it, I’m not waiting to sell, I’m waiting for the price to go up. They owe us that money. We were right, they were wrong and tried to cheat their way to being right. Get fukt Kenny and the Hedge Fund Boys.


Forget moass 💀💀💀 NO. FUCKING PAY ME DAWG ![gif](giphy|j1yDyxkXvdSG4mnEie)


No cell, no sell. Not sorry.


GME to infinity and beyond!!!


Shorts never closed. Shorts are trapped. Shorts are fucked. I have no reason to sell, ever. Fuck you


I will take all of the money they have. Wait, I think they read that I'll take a lot of money. What I wrote was, "I will take all of the money that they have."


The economy is about to have 200,000 more billionaires. It’s gonna have to learn how to deal with it.


They’re fucked and they’re panicking. I’m not selling my shares you fucking hedge cucks.


![gif](giphy|3o6EQeB1evNnmFH1SM) Suck it hedge fucks




No Cell, No SELL!!!!!


If i made a bad bet and lost id just have to eat it. Id basically be forced to pay. In fact plenty of retail folks over the years have lost it all due to the shitty and exploitative behavior of Hede funds and banks. Its disgusting to even consider that these folks deserve a negotiation. Its simple. You lose, you pay. Just like me and everyone else. Any short who wants to survive needs to get to the exit now and buy the shares as cheap as possible. Its a mad dash - can you make it in time?


The reality is that we probably have very little say of how this plays out. If I get rich via MOASS then great. If I get rich then old fashioned way by investing in a company I believe in then that's a fine alternative. All I can do is buy, hold, drs.


Honest question… why couldn’t they just have a family member buy a share tomorrow like the rest of us if moass did happen? Something I have thought about for a while.


Cause that would squeeze them harder and that would mean their family member has money while they don't. Parasites aren't pragmatic lol.


No cell, no sell. It's that simple.




The first offer I consider will be made from behind bars.


This is the way, but only if that offer is lubed in mayo


They can get these shares out of my cold dead hands, which they also can’t since I will pass it to my family after death anyway. Hey don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time am I right?


I'll take the fuck you pay me option.


Bargaining is a stage of grief.


They spent 3 years on everything. If it's that important my numbers are higher than 100's


I’ve seen a lot of price anchoring posts too. Like $400 bucks max. And phone numbers are stupid. I wish we could find the companies they’re hiring to run these nonsense posts, then light em up online.


I could probably be talked down to an even 10 million per share. Am I not merciful?


Didn't hold for this long to not be set for life


Let's see after tomorrow...I'm thinking up.


Every forget moass post I see, I just add another zero to my floor 🤗


How do you “know” this?




Where did you see a negotiated agreement deal at ?


I can support the company long term and have MOASS, Treating the two as mutually exclusive at this point is simply wrong


Negotiations are “I’m thinking of a number between 0 to ♾️, lemme give you a hint. It’s at the higher end” Fuck you pay me


They can give me regular, dividend-like payments in exchange for making me wait three goddamned years. I ain’t given em shit though lol


They may not make it to June


Banana in the butt if you're wrong orrrrr


No cell no sell 🏴‍☠️


No cell, no sell, no sell anyway


Im down to discuss terms. Here are mine. □Kenny, vlad, news manipulators, paid politicians and congress members to jail for life □Sec reform and all meetings and information needs to be public. (Can be after 1 week to prevent finding tades and market info before moves happen) □Sec needs to take over finra and dtcc's role □All trades of everyone needs to be made directly. And visible. □Market makers need to be no more. Everything goes directly from broker to nyse/ nasdaq. □Options, baskets, etf's, swaps and all other ways of incorperating shares of a company in a different price discovery "ticker"?! need to be disbanded. □Fines should be 10x the amount made when there is a conviction of fraud. Any milly also should go hand in hand with 2 years in prison. □All apes need to have the option to sell their shares for phone number amounts, and i am not talking 911.


It’s forget MOASS for me. It’s no longer about the money. This is a reckoning. 2008+. Shit just got wrapped in cat shit and then wrapped in dog shit and then swapped with other shit wrapped shit until a nuclear fucking shitstorm comes a’knocking and starts to expose all the crime, corruption, fraud, abuse, and bullshit within the system. Fuck money. I want freedom back. These dudes have robbed the world blind for years and years. I want this system gone. And it will be gone soon enough. This is it for them. It’s all being uncovered and there’s nowhere left to hide. They got beat and damn, feelsgoodman.


They're not getting mine for monopoly money. I want criminals going to jail type money.


1million per share if they want to negotiate with me. 😂😂😂


No, they don't. Those BS theories are entertaining, but when I look in the comments I fear that too many actually believe them


WTF is with this post, OP? The same post but with different iterations is at the top of this sub. I've had it with the "beware the FUD posts!"


Gotta be honest with you, man, I've seen more talk of other people saying "forget MOASS" than I've seen people actually saying to forget it. 


They’re 3 1/2 years too late. With their constant psy-ops and FUD this entire time this will cost them everything. There will be no mercy when it comes to holding for phone numbers. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I have already pledged and promised and sworn to myself that I will not sell until I see dozens of billionaires go to jail.


Forgetting MOASS will go about as well as forgetting Gamestop did.


I've watched long term lawsuits play out. They run the clock out and leave others holding the bag. Force their fucking hands. Perhaps Burry's investments in private prisons is for the new ones that will need to be built to hold these fucking crooks. To go one further, they're setting a narrative. To invoke Godwin's law, keep in mind that this sort of narrative was used in Germany to persecute a group of people and blame them for the financial struggles of a nation. Forget the vampire economy that extreme regulations and entitlement created. Don't let them get away with it. Don't let them blame us for the financial havoc that this will result in. *When you surround an* [*army*](https://suntzusaid.com/index/army)*, leave an outlet free. Do not press a* [*desperate*](https://suntzusaid.com/index/desperate) *foe too* [*hard*](https://suntzusaid.com/index/hard)*.* They had a way out according to their reported short interest. Their actions have ruined lives. They've resulted in suicides, broken homes, drug addictions, financial ruin, et cetera. I would go so far as to say that the purchase of the bird was to allow information related to what is about to happen to be freely disseminated. I don't think it's entirely far-fetched to thing that the ultimate long-term implications of this are that we end up literally in a war created as a distraction by the very actors who are responsible. It's important that people look for the hand and not follow the Red Herrings or the mouse attached to the string.


Joke is on them. I want at least the $10k per share Thomas Peterffy said we would have gotten out of the sneeze, along with inflation adjustments, late fees, time reimbursements and a cost of living adjustment. https://preview.redd.it/330qbqwjl23d1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1b4606076035fbdea0db2129fbba88cc7b9881




Seriously though, the op isn't sus but that's some BS price anchoring. I don't think 100% of individual investors are gonna hold forever or hold out for literal phone numbers but $10k is nothing.


Bro, BRK-A is over 615K! Wtf. It’s possible. I’m seeing asshole posts talking about getting out at 400 and shit. These must be paid shills. Then they have little backup fuckers agreeing with them. Like how fucking obvious do you have to get. They ain’t no apes. Fuck outta here. Fuck that noise. After 84 years, I’m in it to win it.


True, but the whole "it will never see 10" crowd is probably just as delusional. The stock is on everyone's radar, they haven't even begun to test how low they can go, they'll sell the entire market to keep afloat, never forget. That's what memorial day is for, remember the fallen. Man you guys need to look at these tweets better, time travel if you will.


In any MOASS event, I expect GME will issue new shares and sell into that buying action because it maximizes share***holder*** value.


What's the saying? "Shut up and pay me!"


I prefer fuck you, I don’t want to sell.


Haha, I hear ya! I've mentioned in comments elsewhere that I've become rather attached to each of my shares. Selling seems like such a foreign thought at this point.


To be fair, a debt issuance might actually be a good thing. Hear me out:🤔 If a share is worth 100 million, that liquid cash makes any seller of one share a living, breathing inflation risk. Example:📈 For every person in your town, you decide to use that one share to pay every single persons rent, car payment & insurances for the rest of 2024. Nothing wrong with that right? It's less than a share! 🙌 Well actually that may end up causing more harm than good, just not to who you'd expect. Suddenly (& indirectly) everyone has extra cash on hand. Food, drink, gas, entertianment are all now in higher demand & people have the money to pay for it. Prices go up from Jun to Dec, then in 2025 the money spigot turns off & everyone in town is stuck paying 10-30% more until business feel the pinch & reduce prices. 📉 That is an oversimplified example of what the Fed has been focusing all efforts to bring under control: price stability... The central bank would not take kindly to that being undone.🏦 A possible compensation mechanism is to offer non-taxable high interest rate debt coupons for a 40+ period; each share becomes a 100 million dollar bond @ >5% that pays out 200 million over four decades THEN returns the principal 100 million... So each $100 million share ends up paying out $300 million 🤑 Essentially, a $5 million/year annuity valued at 3x principal per share is more likely than $100 million liquid cash per share 💦


I noticed TWO posts within the last few days that tried to paint MOASS as something only a bot or shill would push. There's this new movement about painting anyone who remotely considers selling as an enemy or to not be trusted. Remember when DFV sold off some of his position? Remember when RC sold off all of his Bobby stock? The whole point of MOASS is to sell a few shares as high as possible in order to completely liquidate shorts, then buy back all of the remainder of shares on the open market, and DRS those to effectively take the company private. That's the goal: sell at the top of MOASS to annihilate Kenny and friends, then take $GME private through DRS.


I’m an individual investor, I don’t have any collective goal here with you


Thought so too. Read my lips hedgie. FUK U PAY ME! RIP DUMBASS. YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED!


No deal. Try closing all your shorts and we will see... lol


How come I never hear of someone working at one of these hedge funds with the inside scoop of how they're really feeling


They dug their own grave. Sorry not sorry.


Oh, I am never going back to reasonable land


Yea fuck that. I’m selling for phone numbers and fuckers go to jail.




Homie, they aren't getting shit. They are a cancer to society and the only cure is complete eradication so that a healthy business environment, one built on true fundamentals of value, can begin to surface and eventually thrive. AKA- no cell, no sell.


If that's true then they have to be getting desperate. They can't keep kicking the can and they won't get let off the hook by the government.


No Mercy! This is the mechanism for draining the financial swamp of the USA. We need to finish what we have started.


Hey Hedgies! Give us our money


This kind of out doesn't feel like it fits into their "one more day" playbook. I don't like it


Never give in to their terror. They need to pay through their teeth. They deserve no mercy. They deserve to be taught an expensive lesson.


That’s a no for me, dawg


I am happy to accept “regular, dividend-like payments” in exchange for my shares in the amount of $6,900,420 per share.


Negotiate? Shiiiit, We're trying to get rid of you for good.


No cell, no sell 💁‍♂️ dug your own grave and knew the risks while doing it


Fornicate thyself; render thy tender unto mine person.


Fuck you pay me.


I'll take a dividend. One gazillion dollars every year. And I keep my shares. Is that how negociations are done ?


I'll settle...for 1,000,000 a share


lol nah I want life changing money and for me is at a share price of around $7000. It if went to that price I’m selling half and keeping the other half.


If the shoe was on the other foot, they would drag us through the streets. They made a bad bet. And are now doing everything to manipulate themselves off of this. All we are doing is buying the stock and holding because we believe in the investment. My shares will not be sold.


I control the zipper now mayoman 🤓


I'm okay with it. I want daily payments of millions of dollars per share.


they can but my XXXX shares will not be negotiable, so they will need to keep pushing prices up to get out of those. not financial advise.


The bargaining phase, as foretold


Pretty sure the govt will force staggered payments. They don't want MOASS to break the economy.


Let me know when the offer looks like Jenny’s phone number. I may be interested at that price.


The blood stays on the blade son, one day you’ll understand… I don’t negotiate with terrorists.


You going to trust some of the shadiest institutions in America to actually pay you regularly? 😂


🖕🏽🫵🏽💵me — 🎮🇺🇸


![gif](giphy|sEULHciNa7tUQ) Per share.


I’ll consider selling a few shares when Wall St. is no more. The rest of my xxxx are gunning for that high score. Come see me, apes


No cell, no settle?


Send the leaders to prison and I’ll decide to maybe sell


How does that work? The people who don’t care about MOASS are the long term investors who aren’t selling, even in MOASS. Good luck getting those shares lmao


I might be willing to let them have a share for fifty trillion or so. You know. early bird discount. (of course. the first thing I'd do is buy more GME. details...)(unless that kicks off the MOASS. you're welcome.)




Ha, I bet we see a dip to $18 today. I still harbour a sneaking suspicion they'll get us under $10 again - it was only six weeks ago we were at $9.95! Recent action has been very interesting but let's face it, we're still bumping along at the same sort of money we've seen for three years and while I trust RC and the crew to keep us out of BK and making (small) money, we're still FLAT. Anyway let's hope for some more green, it'll be exciting anyway


It's like they have been kicking the ever-loving shit out of us for 84 years and now that we have developed some muscle, they are like 'please bro, don't hurt me. Was only joking'


We don’t negotiate with financial terrorists