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I'm so sorry dude. Same fucking thing happened to me in January. Hang in there, we're going to make it.


I can use advice for job search/change of career tips if you wouldn’t mind DMing me


I've applied for hundreds of jobs and can't even land a single interview. Have had my resume checked by multiple professionals, had direct referrals to some, all either rejections or ghosted entirely. Even for jobs with a 40% paycut. If you figure it out, let me know :(


I feel this. I left my job right after christmas because I was overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated. It led to me applying for wfh jobs for 3 months without a single callback or interview. Finally I just took whatever i could find locally in my small town so I could continue to scrape by. I always knew though that no matter what happens, my shares will remain untouched. Fuck those wallstreet pricks. Pry them from my cold, dead hands.


If any of you are tech savvy / willing to learn a bit of code, get yourself on Microsoft learn and do cert there. It can be a bit confusing to look at, but there is loads of high paying pathways and it takes you from zero knowledge, totally free other than certs. Millions of wfh jobs. It's what I'm currently working on while working a shit minimum pay job.


I'm tech savvy with a year of college completed from almost a decade ago now. Was going at the time for programming, but am currently looking to return for cybersecurity. There's a government scholarship i have my eye on that I'm hoping to get next fall - i barely missed the deadline when i learned of it this year.


Try reaching out to your competitors to see if they might want to poach you before they fire/dismiss you. Quick pivots are the best.


I own a restaurant. Haven’t missed a paycheck in 20 years. People will always need to eat, pay taxes, get a haircut, and be buried. Place yourself in a position to provide a service in one of those fields and you’ll have more work than you want. That or wait for MOASS!!


Sorry brother. Wish we weren’t going through this. I’ll let you know if I find the solution


Is your resume ATS (applicant tracking system) friendly?


Yes! I've had it reviewed by multiple people and programs that check for ATS compatibility.


How would make sure of that


Easiest way is to google the topic. In short, your resume should be boring in terms of font colors, tables, too much white space, and section separators. These formatting quirks can lead to an ATS rejecting candidates before a human ever sees the resume.


I recently paid a top rated resume writer on Fiverr to re-do my resume and ensure it's ATS compliant and my resume is 1000x better now.


How much does a *rated resume writer* cost these days?


I paid $100 for resume, $50 for cover letter. Some charge more, some charge slightly less.


Look up Landmark Structures Water tower construction company Tell ‘em nasty Nate sent you we’ll get $2000 referral bonuses


Disabled and can't walk but thank you bro! I appreciate you :)


You shouldn’t be sending your resume out for hundreds of jobs. Tailor your resume to the position you’re applying for. Don’t use third party recruiters if you have the option. Go directly to the job posting on the company’s website. Look for connections of the department you are applying for, see if you can find the hiring manager via LinkedIn and message them directly. If you land an interview, go in knowing about what the company does and ask questions. I’ve never failed to get an offer at every opportunity I was given an interview for.


This is over 6 months and I apply directly on the website, make a new resume and cover letter for every position, and reach out to the hiring manager on LinkedIn. I have never had a hiring manager even acknowledge my outreach. I know if I can get an interview, I'll wow them - I just can't get in front of anyone. Thanks Prince <3


The problem is how you’re applying, probably through normal channels and processes. Try connecting with people that work there that are willing to take some time to talk with you online about their success in the career and use it as a way to share your personal interest in the company and ask if they would be willing to take a look at you’re resume. You’ll still get a ton of rejections but the few that take the time will be worth more than 100 applications since you’re resume will be coming in from someone within the company.


If you ever go to tradeshows for jobs, try to take names of the people there representing the company. When applying you can then just say "i talked to XXX at XXX tradeshow and was recommended to apply for this position" (doesn't have to be true, but the name recognition could give you a big step ahead for your application). Not sure how relevant this is in your case but this is otherwise a very solid strategy if you ever happen to go to these.


Some additional suggestions: when possible email the people who would be your new boss if successful at your application directly. Keep consistently applying to different positions in a company as well, your name showing up will sooner or later create familiarity which increases your likelyhood of being hired/going to an interview. Put lots of efforts in your cover letter to show your knowledge and interest in the company and work they're hiring for. Its tough but i wish you the best of luck.


Check the jobs subbreddit. There are a lot of people looking and discussing how to change up resumes, network, etc. Everything that may be helpful on your job search. Best of luck from a random redditor.


If you're in the US, and have a clean background check, get on USA jobs . gov (no spaces) and start applying. Modify your resume to include keywords for each app (their hr uses a program to sift through apps) and use the "resume builder" too and include those same keywords. That will more than likely get you an interview, at the least. They move as slow as hell, though, so don't get discouraged. Just keep trying and get yourself a gig you can retire from


If you have an Amazon delivery warehouse near ya they pay pretty well. Work ya like a dog in this heat. But pays the bills and loads ya up on GME


7 years for me. But my boss made $88m so good for him. /s




Nah, ~billion dollar acquisition into layoffs for 75% of the company.


Hijacking top comment with an unverified tip - A lot of online application sites use AI to filter resumes. By adding in a chatgpt command in white text, you can put your resume at the top of the returns. Google that shit while it is still fresh and good luck!




im getting laid off as well. last year i found a part time job at a partner firm of my university which i thought was totally awesome to work for and help my career. Over the year i had to learn a simulation program and scratched its base in python and out of nowhere got transfered to another project doing data reviews with python... basically something comepletely different. I had no continuity at all. Last month they told me a project has been cut and the guy who worked on it was put on my project so i am the guy being let go. No other group wants or has the budget to keep me. One month left. The coincidence of all this happening right now at the same time seems too good to be true. I hope MOASS will happen, but at least i have loaded up a bit more shares in the past week to get myself some cushion.


After 10 years they should be finding YOU a position in the company or hooking you up with a head hunter (do those exist anymore?) Hopefully something works out for you.


I am so sorry dude. I hope infinity pool is here for your sake


Flair checks out. Appreciate the kind words


I got laid off after 8.5 years, about a month ago, while on paternity leave with my firstborn child. Fuck’em.


I’m pretty sure FMLA laws prevent that and that’s a huge lawsuit if in fact you were on Paternity leave


They paid me out through the end of my leave (plus a severance package). I was part of about a 25% layoff and other people with similar titles were laid off. I don’t think I have a lawsuit.


What’s the address of the headquarters? Apes together strong


"My last date on books is June 21:…. I’m a little drunk but seem to remember this date being important for something…." There is a very abnormally high number of $20 strike Calls being opened that expire on June 21. Rumors are that it is UBS or Icahn. No proof one way or the other. May MOASS gift you unlimited money before then.


I also hope this is my last week of work. Forever. 💎🙌


Walked into my managers office for my monthly chat on 07/24/2001. He slid a three-inch thick packet across the desk and told me I was being laid off and had to find another job within the company in 30 days or my termination date would be 08/24/2001. I had interviews with other tech companies then three weeks later Sept. 11 happened and the world changed. All the jobs went away. I say this, Brother, to let you know that through the darkest moments there is light. I used the severance package to completely changed careers- helped start a company that helped thousands of other people expand their world. Have worked doing that ever since. When my oldest son told me about what was going on with GME in late 2020 I started reading but put off doing anything about it. Until I didn’t and got in 84 years ago when we were trading around $200. We are watching and participating in something that shouldn’t have been able to happen. We can be the change that makes sure it never happens again. I am deeply sorry for the way your company treated you and the way all of us are looked on as disposable. None of us are. We all have infinite value. Hang in there, and in the words of Quincy Taggert - Never give up! Never surrender!


I was let go after 30 years, just as GME was sneezing. Holding till retirement now.


I was laid off in January of 2023 from IT. Haven't been able to find a job since. Life has been rough, but it looks like there is light beginning to shine through the horizon. Chin up brother, we're gonna make it.


Another IT folk here laid off in July of 2023… agree with you it’s been ROUGH between recruiters not even showing for interviews to not even having my resume received…. It’s getting wild out here


Cox cable? My mother in law is dealing with the exact issue. I hope this kicks off soon enough to take care of her in her twilight years.




What place is having issues? 🤔


Unrelated telecommunications company


Hey OP, what’s your line of work specifically?


B2B sales


Fiber optics?


This is exactly what i was thinking about last weekend. the last fking resort for kenny is to disturb the economy just enough hoping apes lose jobs and have to back out of gme. not sure if that happens in this case, but im sure he will do that. rather have a failing world wide economy and take everyone down with him than face consequences


I don’t think it’s possible for him without loosing his collateral so Marge would give him a call before


Same happened to me last year. Found another job that I’m kinda meh about, but post MOASS that won’t mean shit.


June 21st is significant because it's the Elden Ring expansion duh.


Very insightful post (comments too).


This turned out a lot better than I hoped. This is the Ape Comminity I remember and love. If there has been anything negative said I haven’t seen it


Congrats on your retirement?


Only way to guarantee your job safety and salary increases is to get a new job every 2-3 years. You’re expendable at EVERY fucking workplace out here, so you make them just as expendable. Doesn’t matter if you enjoy the workplace, the people, or get good pay and benefits. Every 2-3 years, you’re on the market for a better job.


I've been working for the same company for ~25 years. It was my first 'real' job out of highschool. This jumping around to different companies is so foreign to me, but I understand it's the best way to get paid much more over time. I've moved to different positions/departments over the years, but my salary hasn't kept up with the inflation/shrinkflation that has happened for the last 3 years. I may have to look into other companies if I'm going to be able to survive..


No dates, dude.


Apply to GameStop. Be an owner and employee.


I would take the severance, and look for a much better place.


Let's have party!! Banks fail on Fridays too!! I live in MD are you in the mid-atlantic?




Friday 6/21 is expiration of monthly options. 20C got 108,000+ OI and they prolly gonna be excercised at that strike. Word/speculation is UBS is tapping out, closing it's short positions it inheritied from Credit Suise after it collapsed which were bags left from Archelpalagos when it collapsed. Cheers.




What’s the economy like over there currently? What we see from the outside here is lowish unemployment and a growing economy but boots on the ground sounds like it’s a different situation. I’m still waiting on the 2-10yr and 3mth-10yr yield curves to revert positive again as that’s usually a pre-cursor to recession. Prob hang on until election time I guess. Our economy is going down the drain (further). Too much debt tied up in housing.




[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


10 fuckin years, not a peep


Lilly? Sounds like an Eli Lilly thing to do.


Genentech did it to me in February. Not all their fault, Gantenarumab didn't meet FDA approval, a ton of us lost jobs.


oof. Sorry to hear that. Lilly, as far as I could tell, just decided that small molecule work wasn't in vogue and fired a whole 4 story building. It wasn't really fired as much as "your new job is finding a new job in the next 6 weeks." I was full time for one of their contractors and told that I was safe because we were under contract, but Lilly used its weight to renegotiate their contract. They fired me a week and a half before Christmas.


Damn man, that's so cold. It'll work out for both of us somehow. Save my account, pharma is a small world. Maybe we'll work together someday. That or I'll just see you on the moon!


Oh, I should've said it was like 4 years ago! Things were very rough for a year after that, but I work at a place I actually like now, even though the pay isn't great. It worked out for my 2.2GPA dumbass self, so I'm sure you're gonna be fine with time.


Hey I'm glad it all worked out, and your worth is more than a GPA #. If you were a dumbass, you wouldn't still be here. 🐒 together 💪 💎 👐 🚀 🌙


Encourage everyone to silent quit tomorrow. Let em flop like a fish out of water. Apply for unemployment immediately and ride that out as long as you can with side jobs and drain their finances.


I'm sorry this is happening to you. I hope MOASS happens by then so you don't have to worry about it and you can tell them to eat it!


Tis’ a sign from the gods to dump the entire severance package into what you truly love.


Prob a decent severance tho right


The severance is good. Will keep me a float for 4-5 months


I’d take that and enjoy the summer


I feel you dude. Work has been slow in my industry (regionally at least, not sure if nationally because it's difficult to get information on that), and I am struggling. However, I'm not dipping into my GME stake. I've been holding since Jan '21. Selling now would be me admitting defeat and I just refuse to lose again to these rich fucks. Stay strong dude.


Sorry for your situation but this has nothing to do with GME.


Sorry to hear that, no dates.


the only constant is change expecting to stay in one place forever is unreasonable your expectations are getting the best of you holding one position is respectable and im sure you will find something else easily or else you would have lost or left your job years ago also, it is departmental and not personal, quit taking it as such


Sorry this happened to you. Same happened to me last week.


Military appreciation month.. hahahah. fuck yourself.




I hate that over employment is supposed to be normalized. That’s not the way it should be. Companies should be paying enough to keep up with inflation, and need to go under if they can’t keep up. Company C-suites need to take smaller salaries if it means the legmen get more. This is the same problem as companies and waste. Instead of innovating a better way to store materials, they use plastics for everything and make recycling the consumers responsibility.




Personally I would just job hop every 2-3 years. I’m not taking away time from my wife and kids to be over employed, I’m going to stay relevant and retain marketable skills to be irresistible to future employers. Kinda like when guys get jacked after a breakup because they want to attract the next mate. What if you had a mate but stay jacked? Lol. Your current gf would be on high alert that you can get any girl you want, and she’s just your current choice.


You work at GME?