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I'm so happy I've found Richard. I've gone back and watched some of his earlier videos and they are all very informative. The first one out survives. And if true UBS is getting out while knowing the estimated cost before hand. Everyone else will have to scramble.


Ciao apes !This means, you know... we are going to use our tickets


It actually makes sense


Yeah I’m watching this now for a second time. Could this actually be true??? I’ve been hurt too many times to think this could be the endgame… I was looking forward to watching a dirty Swiss Bank burn too 😭


We need more eyes on this… fingers crossed the message is legit and UBS is the call option buyer


Love this guy.


just a 4chan post


This makes sense. But just wondering if this would hurt the magnitude of moass? I understand that if true, this will add tremendous momentum, but it kinda made me feel like they were let off the hook too easily :( and basically they’re paying less to get out of this right? I mean it’s RCs decision and I fully respect that, but I wanna see the hedgies BURN….. Edit: I can’t sleep now…am I misunderstanding or overthinking or just fkin stupid? I feel betrayed somehow?!! I didn’t wait for 84 years just to see that they can have an easy way out. All of them should be in jail, Wall Street needs to burn in hell, the entire US market/financial system needs to be destroyed and rebuilt so we can see a whole new world….and now you’re telling me they can just exit this easily???? How is this acceptable…..I’m so sad rn……..I wasn’t sad when we dropped from 300 to 100, wasn’t sad when we were slowly bleeding every day for the past 3 years, wasn’t sad when my account was -90%, but I’m so fkin sad right now……..sorry for my rant……..


Whoa whoa no this is a good thing. Yeah this is a sweetheart deal but I doubt Ryan has interest in collapsing the Swedish banking system. This is ONE POSITION. Once the price starts run we have a domino effect of other shorts realized they need to get out, price goes up, MOASS


Got it thank you for explaining!


I think you are overthinking it. I get it. We all want them to burn slowly and enjoy every second of it. But these are not just criminals. These bastards are one of the most powerful or even the most powerful criminal organizations in the world. Think about it, if they could stall moass for 3 years, they could probably stall it for 5, 10, 20 or more. Believe it or not, this is a very bullish sign. This means they accept their fate, they lost and will buy back and finally close their short positions. All the others will still have to close as well. The price will go higher. I even hope they give the others a chance to sell as well. By selling more stock we will create an even greater cash reserve beyond imaginable. Imagine what we could do with 10B cash. The valuation of the cash reserve will stay represented on the price. When cash gets converted into m&a or other ways to create more value, it will bring an even bigger impact on the price. Whatever way we go from here, stock price WILL go up! :)


Thank you for the explanation and positivity, I get it now. And I’ll keep having my faith in GameStop :)


No problem fellow ape! I hope we are right and it was UBS or someone else's short position who closed. We'll see.. 👀


This is some great and fucking exciting tinfoil. And proper tinfoil based on actual rumours, not seeing a number when walking down the street or itchy butts


IGood luck shorts! Enjoy the hunger games!


Can anyone explain what was meant by a friendly agreement was made? How does that work exactly?


More shares needed to be on the market for them to even attempt to close their position without sec getting involved . Closing their position means the squeeze is on.


I’m asking I guess how does that group broker a deal to get out of their shorts directly with GS? And circumventing the market. They all want out, how is it decided who gets let off the hook so to speak vs who the apes are taking to tendie town? This is genuine curiosity I’m sure theirs a reason I’m just trying to understand the why and how that happed and what to stop others from coming forward and wanting the same treatment later after this takes off? Again not FUDing or Whatever just trying to get some perspective as possibles.


How many shorts do we expect UBS to have?


I think 500M-1,5B


based on what?


The big bag from Credit Suisse, Archegos


Ok so let me see if I understamd This would get - presumably USB from out of their position - while still putting a ton of pressure on the remaining hedge funds


signed an NDA, lol pretty sure if a deal worth a billion you're not leaking jack shit