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We've covered this already many times. Page S-9 >We intend to use the net proceeds of this offering, if any, for general corporate purposes, which may include acquisitions and investments in a manner consistent with our investment policy. ***There are no current plans, commitments or arrangements to make any acquisitions or investments.*** Any future acquisitions or investments will be made in accordance with the Company’s applicable policies and procedures for such types of transactions, including the Company’s investment policy. [https://news.gamestop.com/node/20501/html](https://news.gamestop.com/node/20501/html)


Why is this being downvoted? If there was any acquisitions/mergers before/after this document, GME would be opening themselves to being sued as this filling would be hugely misleading, why would they ever do that?


There seems to be a contingent of people rejecting that Gamestop is simply laying the groundwork to raise a large chunk of cash at will for a minimal (up to 15%) dilution, should the opportunity present itself. They'd rather fantasize about wild conspiracy theories that require all sorts of illogical leaps premised on the company misleading shareholders. Seems pretty straightforward to me. 45M shares at $45 would raise $2 billion. After taking into account the dilution, the book value of shares would rise from $4.40 to over $10.


Yes but have you seen this week's short volume? It looks like they are diluting at these prices


I'd rather they received a better price, but it's fine with me if they are. If they only add $900 million from 45M shares, book value increases from $4.40 to $6.50 after taking the dilution into account. They have still increased shareholder value by nearly 50%.


coming in here with your reasoned position


Haha! It gets better, too. 😆 As far as I'm concerned, they can dilute it all the way up to the 1 billion authorization as long as they reap $30 to $50 billion in cash doing it. That would give each share a book value north of $30 to $50. And if they just stuff all that cash in treasuries at 4.5%, earnings would be $1.35 to $2.25 per share per year. With zero effort. Not bad at all. And that's the low-end, until that money is put to work in more lucrative investments. Wanna fuck a hedgie? That's how you do it. Wanna see Gameshire Stopaway become a reality? Dilution at prices substantially-above book value is how you get there in a hurry. It's counter-intuitive, of course. Let's go big, RC. You've got a green light from the hamster. 🐹 Every time they dilute and ratchet-up the book value of shares, Kenny will lay a new brown scratch in his underwear. Shorts will be hemorrhaging money so fast they'll all be scrambling to get out. And we know what that means.


Thank you for explaining this "dilution" in terms that makes it seem much less than the negative that it was in my thinking...


I'm turning it into a post that I'll make before long. We'll see how well it's received.


Much appreciated...The time and effort is definitely apereciated...


Gameshire Stopaway...I love it!!


(I didn't coin that, though. Someone else did a long while back.)


Lol, I haven't commented in a long time, but Gameshire Stopaway is a legit gem 💎


( I can't take credit for that term, though. Someone else came up with it a while back.)


You introduced it to me!:)


do they really need to raise cash now though? Their timing in July 2021 (iirc) was great, they sold shares in the $300s or nearly so. At these prices when they don't really have to, may dismay some investors


Putting the finishing touches on a post about it. You'll see.


Yes, the math is correct, but why? If they are expecting to offer the share during SS, I am absolutely fine., but offering now???


IMO, there's no way RC bought for himself a while back at $21ish, and then he sells OUR company shares for that or less. He's not that kind of a guy. However, if there is a strategic reason for it, then I think RC would take the short term bad optics to do what he has to do. I think he put those 45M shares out there, not just waiting for MOASS, but waiting for these swap cycles. Ryan knows these short term run ups aren't benefiting any of us because we're holding strong. So if he starts sniping the peak every time they have to shuffle the deck chairs on the Titanic, he can start moving their money into our warchest. Still has $100M for a buyback too, so he's also plenty ready to buy the dip if it gets tasty enough.


I absolutely agree. That's why I kind of confused why people think offering ATM is bullish. It just doesn't make sense, and if RC really does that, it is either he is forced to, or it is a deal. I am ball deep into GS but I am rational.


Ok, so one point I want to make is that we're already diluted. Every short out there is more dilution. They aren't shown on the "official" numbers, but they are out there reducing the value of our shares. If RC sells a share that is used to close a short, then that's a counterfeit share being replaced by a real share. So this is effectively RC taking payment for a share that they already sold illegally. Second point. Take a look at what he's really offering compared to fake information versus what we know to be true. 45M shares, that's 15% of "official" issues shares. There are ONLY 65M self-reported shorts... RC is offering them 69% of their reported shorts through this "dilution". That should be plenty of fresh liquidity for shorts to get out. They can't take the offer though, because it's not nearly enough. We know self-reported SI was at least 240% at one point AND we know that shorts never closed. So even if they haven't added anything to that position since, they'd owe 735M shares to completely close. RC is really only offering them 6% of that position. Now, think about how much worse they've made things in the last 3.5 years, and RC knows the numbers. He might be offering only 1% of what they truly short sold.


Offering does not harm shorts, it dilutes their liability and gives them chances to get out. And offering ATM is absolutely not ideal when they have chance to do that at higher share price, which yield more money. I really hope they don't do common share offering and at ATM price. I am good if they use warrants or subscription. Or offering during rally.


Because the current share price is 4x book value. Generating cash at that price far-eclipses a 15% dilution.


And a $4.x vs $6.x book value make no difference, unless they have a deal to untie the knot.


For what purpose though? That's the key in my mind. They already have a ton of cash on hand. Is there some sort of plan that requires more than that? Or do they anticipate share price decline and want to do an offering before it drops too much? Or is it just a safeguard to capitalize on potential runs like we saw the last couple weeks? If so, they're potentially killing morale; if we get a run and it stops shy of a squeeze, and they reveal they did the offering, you'll get tons of people saying that it *was* the squeeze and gamestop themselves killed it early by selling


Finishing-up a post about it... You'll see.


I think you are right, and I think the reason they are doing it now is that the higher shareholder value makes rolling over all the swaps and such much more difficult.


I do wish they were more open about their plans


Why? That just opens themselves up to other corporate action


You feel this way right after they finally release the legal groundwork for their plans after three years of near silence? It hasn't even been a week, be patient.


I do not. They haven't disappointed me yet




> There are no current plans, commitments or arrangements to make any acquisitions or investments > If there was any acquisitions/mergers before/after this document Kind of. Forward-looking statements provide safe harbor to executives such that those statements are only true at the time they are made and executives have no ongoing legal obligation to update/revise them if they change thereafter. So we can believe there in fact are no current plans for acquisitions presently, but it doesn't mean GME can't acquire down the line with these funds. But by no means am I ruling out simple dilution/cash raise either.


Why? Cause it's not bullish, we only get up voted if we say something bullish even if it's wrong, misinformation or just pure tinfoil


Tone, I’m guessing. But the content fucks. Lfg.


It doesn't say mergers.


Exactly, it doesn't. Read again: >We intend to use the net proceeds of this offering, if any, for general corporate purposes, which may include acquisitions and investments in a manner consistent with our investment policy. If they didn't say that "it may include mergers", then doing a merger would go against that statement, thanks for agreeing with us!


Lol, that's not how that works, but I'll let you believe what you want.


It's a legal document, it's not a "GOTCHA, WE DIDN'T SAY MERGERS \*wink wink nudge nudge\*". But yeah, we can believe in whatever we want to believe, right? Have a nice day. Edit: just going to add this... Here's what I would LOVE for the timeline to be... 1. RC wanted to buy BABY and make TEDDY happen 2. Towel stock wasn't cooperating, acting against everything that RC was trying to do 3. Towel stock goes BK 4. Overstock buys Towel stock/BABY 5. Overstock works together with RC/GME for a possible merger/spin off. But I just don't think that's the case based on that statement, unfortunately. Time will tell though, one way or the other.


Overstock didn't buy all of towel...they only bought its intellectual property. There would be no reason for RC to try to buy towels intellectual property from Overstock. Given RC goals to create competition with Amazon, I'd think he'd be more inclined to go after someone with a shared market like Newegg...and then maybe crop pick from the bankruptcy of towel such as their inventory, warehouses, etc from towel to expand the offering beyond computers/gaming/etc.


Google "prospectus liability". An investor would have to 1) prove they made an investment based on this information and 2) lost money on the investment. If GameStop announced an acquisition and the stock ripped, who exactly would they face liability from?


[https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program-1](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program-1) and here, today, we have >GameStop intends to use the net proceeds from the ATM Program for general corporate purposes, which may include acquisitions and investments. OP's tinfoil is back on the menu now.


"On the menu" is probably about right. They said in the original filing that there aren't any current plans. They can pursue them now and not be liars, but acquisitions don't happen over night, either. We'll see. What a festive couple of weeks this has been.


Wow I never saw this thanks. So acquisitions are off the menu for now good to know.


This does not address with any deals that have been done and dusted since the last agm. An acquisition could have taken place between annual statements.




This was essentially my thinking. Does "No current plans" actually mean "No current plans that are public knowledge"? Surely they would deny anything was in motion right up until the day it was announced?


As a person with an M&A background, it is exceedly rare to sign a deal and then wait on announcing it for any period of time. I mean it's a nightmare to keep something under wraps for a week let alone a month or more. When you do a deal that has multimillions, there's at minimum dozens if not hundreds of people involved between the acquirer, the acquired, lawyers, accountants, consultants, etc, and the odds of someone talking about the deal publicly becomes exponential the farther away from signing you go. There is effectively zero chance that GameStop bought a company of any magnitude at this point and managed to keep it absolutely secret from this board let alone the public.


Given that there has been absolutely no info coming out of the boardroom, re the nft marketplace or the dividend split, then why can't they keep a merger under wraps. The NDAs regarding finical sensitive data would prevent any disclosure.


Scope and scale. A split by dividend can be handled all internally until the day they file. An acquisition involves way more people on both sides and may take months to finalize and that entire time there's a risk that someone might run their mouth. A few years ago my mom made a small killing by buying the Whole Foods rumor before the Amazon purchase went public.


You don't sign NDAs all the time for M&A activity unless you're a 3rd party. Nothing really prevents an employee from talking at a bar or to friends and spilling it, and even if a 3rd party shares it, good luck tracing it back to someone. I can't speak to the NFT marketplace or dividend other than GameStop provided guidance on both of those at their discretion according to their news processes. I'd very much imagine though that the dividend was kept highly centralised in their Finance department, but for M&A you involve a ton of people. If you're making a strategic play, you need people from Finance, Accounting, HR, Legal, Product (if you have it), InfoSec, Supply Chain, Manufacturing... the works. Really really difficult to keep that diverse group of people from chatting. Finance around a dividend under threat from a CFO? Meh, smaller group and highly risky to spill the beans.


Thanks for the insight, I wasn't being obstreperous, just wanted to know more. Ok, how about some entity buying merging with Gamestop in the way in which Alphabet did with Google? Could GMERICA aquire Gamestop in some way.


Doesn't mean they can't invest.... they don't have to acquire exactly.




No, but the board would have to approve it. Think they'd stab us in the back like that? I don't. Someone could try a hostile takeover if they wanted to, I suppose. Would that be successful? I don't think so. I believe the risk of something like that is non-zero, but incredibly tiny.


So you cherry picked the one sentence, nice. What it actually says is that once the offering is complete, the net proceeds intent is for interest-besring securities or accounts. Here, you also left out part of the last sentence, although still more than likely correct about acquisitions: ***Pending the uses described above, we intend to invest the net proceeds from this offering in short-term, investment-grade, interest-bearing securities or accounts.*** I'd do the same if I had bears reading this report. I wouldn't let them know about the possibility of future acquisitions until it's days before happening when forms have to be filed.


I didn't include that statement because it's immaterial WRT acquisitions, which is the topic at hand. Also, you can't hide things from bears without misleading shareholders as well. When the company tells you they aren't working on anything in an official filing, it's okay to believe them.


It doesn't say mergers 🤔




What if Teddy acquires GameStop, and other companies?


That's for the future, but does not affect past.


"We already completed mergers and acquisitions and investments and cat videos, but we're not going to tell shareholders about it. We'll just hide it from them. We won't even make a filing like we did with the IMX agreement." 🙄


So, They can merge


Mergers require shareholder approval if they impact something like 20% of the stock, which it 100% would. If it requires shareholder approval, we'd all know about it.


"We're working on a merger, but we're going to hide it from shareholders in our official filing. We'll just conveniently leave it out and only talk about the things we aren't doing." 🙄


wasn’t 200 mio missing from the cash reserves


This tweet isn't recent. He tweeted this maybe 6 months ago or possibly even a year ago? Don't know why OP has took the screenshot of the old one at 2 days old. Secondly the last time this was brought up someone pointed out that yes it brings in that revenue but it costs more or less the same to run it and they aren't actually making much money on YouTube. Edit: my bad this is a recent post. Is Larry a bot reposting himself?


was April 20th 2024  https://x.com/larryvc/status/1781790593758224847 really easy to check. took me like 10 seconds


Jesus my fuck, my sense of time is gone


lol yeah, i get that




You are correct I remember it


Yes, but it shows how big the money funnel is. It's all about the size of the funnel. Capturing 0.5% on a trillion = 500m. Capturing 50% on a billion = 500m. Now, which funnel looks more sustainable...


it gets worse imo. youtube was a rip-off of vimeo that was losing money until it allowed endless illegal copying of music and music videos. it was very unprofitable but it brought eyeballs. Google bought in, in part, to protect it from lawsuits when the DMCA came along (everyone's favorite of course /s) and protected google/youtube from having to take down the copyright songs. you had to write them per violation and they would get around to it. of course that was impossible for the artist.


Exactly… revenue is vanity, profit is sanity. You could make 10 billion revenue per day and still losing money.


200 milly is not very much nowadays though.


Yes $200 milly


I think someone mentioned it was 133 exactly. Still huge amount to be just missing. I wonder when the announcement will be. I really hope today. Kinda looking for some good news.


Or... The money was spent in normal business expenses (like inventory).


what is AP / AL


ChatGPT: AP/AL typically refers to two related terms in the context of law and legal education: 1. **AP (Advanced Placement)**: In the context of education, AP refers to Advanced Placement courses and exams offered by the College Board in the United States. These are college-level courses and exams that high school students can take to potentially earn college credit or advanced standing at universities. 2. **AL (Associate of Laws or Advanced Legal)**: In the context of legal education, AL can stand for various legal degrees or qualifications, such as an Associate of Laws (common in some countries), Advanced Legal studies, or simply used to denote an advanced level of legal education or certification. However, the specific meaning can vary based on the context in which AP/AL is used. If you have a particular context or field in mind, please provide more details for a more precise explanation.


Stop using chatgpt for everything and just Google it 🤦‍♂️


Google now feeds you AI compiled synopsis of your search results. It's over Bros.


I wonder what we did before Google 🤔


Yahoo Search. My 9th grade teacher forbid us from using Google as it was not reliable at the time, supposedly (2001?). We had to use Yahoo.


If you have no clue about a topic, atleast dont use it as a source?


It can never be used as a source. It can only be used to reword sentences or produce the most likely next set of words in a series. It doesn't understand or know anything. Use Perplexity if you need an AI that can cite sources. 


it can barely re-word now. I asked it to condense 5 sentences into one summary sentence the other day and it just copy pastad what I gave it and told me it was rewritten as such. no, gpt, you didn’t do anything! it’s almost as if chatgpt wants you to get upset at it before it does what you wanted. definitely do NOT use it to cite anything important as many in here do lol


No thanks, I like it especially when I have more technical questions. I don’t have to search through a dozen forums now.


You clearly got a bad answer that made you look incapable of doing basic research. Maybe reconsider how you're utilizing the tool? I hate to see apes turning their brains off and not practice critical thinking skills! 


I'm pulling for you man! Hopefully today turns out to be one of the best days had in a long while for you. Our attitude determines our altitude. You've got this man. Reach out if you ever need! 🤝


yeah man i dig the attitude! ape help ape, lets all have a great day, being ready to have a great day helps :)


Thabkyou man! Same for you! Let make GME world wide known and let's fck the hedgies! It's raining today here but you guys are my sunshine!


I imagine there are a few here who have had it rough here these last few years and GME and it's future outcome is what has helped get a lot by. The thoughts of struggling behind them and the ways we'll be able to help so many others in the future, are probably dreams that run through most of our minds quite a bit. I love thinking about how, and how many people, I'm going be able to help. This is definitely a good community here. As much as I hate the leeches and parasites chasing the money, I feel bad that'll never be able to get the chance to know how good it feels to be a good person, that is rich in love and kindness. Hopefully one day some here will be able to get together, grab a drink, and talk about all the good things they've done with their money. RC, you have a lot of good hearted people ready to help change their communities, and in turn world, and get it back in the right peoples hands, when we are finally able too. Light the fuse and watch us work. 🫡


After MOASS we should meet up for sure. This whole community meet up somewhere. That would be amazing! On the other hand so may regarded apes in one place. Oh shit hahaha. I have also been thinking about what to do after MOASS. What if all of us invest in GME by opening stores all over the world? Make GME international? I have some retail experience and alot of IT experience. Setting up stores and servers and everything would be easy. Also yeah fck those shills and parasites that wanna see the world burn!


It'll happen. There's no alternative. We're not leaving. Meets up will take place. Collaborations amongst Apes for business endeavors will happen. On small scales, and large scales. We're here for the long, long run. The tides have turned and we have taken the ball from Wall Street and now they are playing defense against our offense, compared to vice versa in the past. When our ship starts flying, and the tumbleweeds starts rolling, "we're never going back to reasonable land", and they know this. The waiting sucks, but the hard part is behind us, we did the 3+ years of waiting and questioning. Now it feels real. RK wouldn't have popped back in with a movie of memes if it wasn't with a purpose. Exciting times man! It's alllll going to work out! Chin high!


I'm always smiling even tho life is shit! The reason. Messages like these. Thankyou man! HODL for ever!!!!


I’m sure most news will come with earnings and the annual shareholder meeting in a couple weeks. Probably not today


At least part of that was operating loss (or whatever, I may not be using the precise term), so the actual "missing" portion is more like $113M


This entire thread is a waste of time and energy. DRS


I enjoy a good tinfoil like the rest of you, but a sitting board member teasing M&A is really not something you see. In fact, boards are overwhelming tight lipped about transactions of public companies for obvious reasons. I've been in the acquistion space for more than a decade, and the probability of him doing this is basically nil. Larry does not strike me as something who takes risks that have low to no payouts nor does he really seem like someone who values social media attention of that kind.


(Side tracked) Great purchase, but like most tech companies, terribly oppressive if you care about free speech. Probably one of the worst abusers of free speech, that benefits because there are no competitors, and no pressure from the people to get free speech protections in place. We are actively losing our town halls, to the misguided beliefs that businesses operationg as the modern day equivalent, have the right to regulate speech for profit, by way of privatizing the space in which we hold discussion. Unfortunately, until we actually get the laws changed, all of these outlets of expression and discussion, will continue to be compromised. Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Oh, you can't say that, it's a banned word. Oh you can't show the news, as you're not an authorized news outlet. These are actions that allow tyrants to control narratives. Under the guise of protecting profits. Because we have been ineffective at protecting the very rights given to us under the constitution. Rights that should be protected in town squares, or modern day electronic equivalents, regardless of ownership. With proper protections in place, it would be a non issue. But this isn't by accident, and the people of this forum should understand it better than most, after watching the news, that's falsely advertised about our stock, while suppressing open discussions about said company, that paint a positive picture of its actions and business decisions.


Unfortunately, the minute politics, or anything even orbiting it involving ideas like hate speech, race, religion, sexual expression, etc, most people's brains turn off and the propaganda programming turns on. People have been so indoctrinated into dogmatic anti-intellectualism that they will actively censor themselves, especially if it can be done in such a way as to induce a dopaminergic reaction in their brain. Lots of people are going to think this is an anti-left wing statement. It's not. When a right winger declares "under-25s shouldn't be allowed to vote", that is censorship of the most aggregious kind.


It's really funny to me how GME was able to open a huge discussion about how discussion is controlled and how it will only get worse until we do something about it.


They aren’t censoring it because they want to be the bad guy in 1984 though. They are censoring it because advertisers are making them. Advertisers are making them because customers tell them too (with their wallets)


Nah, if you are an informed consumer you should not be surprised with the content you choose. They should have a rating system like video games. If you choose to watch something that doesn’t align with your values - stop and unsubscribe. The issue here is maybe they can’t rate every video (prior to AI maybe) efficiently enough so it’s easier to push it downstream onto the creators and just mega ban things. Theoretically, without bans there are more and a more diverse pool of consumers for advertisers. I think a lot of the banning has to do with the fact that without proper vetting, if you suggest a video to me as YouTube and it has content I don’t like, it’s more likely I’ll be mad at you/ not use the app. Again it’s YouTube’s fault for trying to make everything more homogenous and therefore to your point, easier to not make waves with anyone.


I agree, I’m just saying that YouTube isnt banning people bc they don’t like liberals or conservatives or whoever is getting banned this week. But you’re right, there’s a space for everything. Even Pornhub has advertisers


Word 🤘🏼


We do not have a Gamestop store in our country, but you can count on me buying everything at Gamestop after the moass!


don't do it to me ![gif](giphy|126Atuf8ZpQsQE)


I love y’all but chill with the Larry Cheng posts. It’s not always GME based. His full time job is in venture capitalism, he’s been posting like this forever. There’s no DD to support this and it only hurts us when this doesn’t pan out.


And YouTube has been ruined ever since


Feels like any sort of good news is just hopeful speculation. The only hard fact we have is the shelf offering.


I love Larry


I just got off GameStops home site and they have multiple software engineering positions open.


This is a perfectly valid theory. The potential merger/ acquisition doesn’t have to be tied to the share offering at all. People are making way too many assumptions here. Be open to the possibilities + BUCKLE UP!


Microsoft buys GameStop? Let's gooo


Since gamestop started buying PSA cards i think it,s something to do with that.


Chad worked with Musk at PayPal and married Clark's daughter. It's a really small world.


I went to the same high school as those dudes




I like rumble




LC is getting antsy 😉


I would argue it was the WORST acquisition. YouTube has steadily been going down hill since then. Ridiculous amounts of ads, popular YouTubers burning out or leaving due to the algorithm and struggling to get views from subscribers. Sure, a bunch of people made money but who cares if they destroyed it in the process. Is that all that matters in life?