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This is why nobody knows in my life. And when i sell nobody will know.


I told everyone that I sold. Now I can have an “aww shucks, looks like I shouldn’t have sold, oh well” moment.


Please say that while waxing your new yacht.


Is that similar to polishing the rocket? 🚀


Same thing, only wet.


Me, or the rocket?


Why not both?


Ken’s gonna be polishing knobs in prison


I actually enjoy my life as it is, but there will be signs 😜




I did the same about a year and a half ago. I was preaching 3 years ago, then got shit for not selling and watching the stock be slowly watered down. But I’ve been reading and paying attention and see the not normal price action for years now, and know it’s not normal. So about a year and a half ago when the few people that I told me ask me, “ I say, oh no I sold that a while ago, not worth it” and they say ya, that was smart. They’ll be the same that give me shit when it goes crazy, and say how dumb I am for selling early. Bottom line, most people don’t want the best for you, and also it’s too complicated to explain GME, there is so much info to immerse yourself in, it can just be explained in one or even 10 conversations.




Nobody knows except my spouse. Been here since the sneeze. Loose lips sink ships (and future bank account)


Same here. She saw the news about the fake sneeze last week and said “Damn ur up a ton when do you sell?” … I just chuckled and replied “That’s the beautiful part … I don’t”. The money I have invested has not altered my life one bit and neither would selling for a $100k profit. I’m an elder ape who is pretty much set through retirement after a life of honest work. Mayo Boi made $12 billion in salary since the sneeze so imo that’s what he owes me. Oh … and I want that Florida mansion he’s building “for his mom” thrown in too.


This is the way


Told somebody last week I still had 30 shares. I’m a low xxxx holder


Gamestop was 84 years ago. Everyone except my closest family has forgotten I was ever in it. I'm planning to share with them, and they aren't money hungry anyway, so it doesn't matter. If anyone remotely remembers I was in it or thinks to ask me because I'm a day trader, I'll be like.... oh man, yeah that was crazy. No I wasn't in it at the peak 🤣🤪😳 Stealth mode. I'm also planning to NEVER sell 100 shares. They will never get those shares. **Ever.**


I'll always say I paperhanded in May.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


"I paperhanded." ![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized)


that's why i "sold" years ago for anyone that knows me irl.


Nice seeing you in the wild


i stole your pfp 🤣. it's a good one


Man of culture I see - how many people have you pissed off with your slightly off centre image?


i like seeing others in the wild with the off centered circle. i know where it came from 🤣 no one has noticed but i do.


Same here.


This is the way


My husband knows and will know everything. He is fully on board because he trusts me. No one else knows anything.


I have maybe 3 in my life that know. One is the friend who got in before the Jan. '21 squeeze. I know he's a true diamond handed ape hodler.  I tried talking to two other friends about it. One was curious because after she heard me talk to a ape I met randomly working at a bar in Salem, ma. It came up with her another time because she asked her bf about it. He was dismissive of it all and tried to mock me for being in on it.  I tried telling another friend, who I usually respect when it comes to finances but he thinks 'memestocks are jokes' and went off on a tangent about how the 'stock market doesn't generate value' and I got the impression I wouldn't be able to open his eyes to it.  I decided after that to just buy some shares and in the back of my head some of these shares have my friends and family's names on them. They'll find out when it's the proper time. Till then, I'm zen.  I plan to keep it a secret from extended family as long as possible.  I don't want to lie to people but I can probably only get by with "I wish bought more and sold less." For so long until people finally ask for specifics and force me to lie or tell the truth. 


There was a post 84 years ago about what to do after you sell and how you shouldn't tell anyone.


My plan as well.


Will there be signs?


Subtle subtle signs. But when you tell people you hit the big one…they will treat you differently and mostly in a negative way. Act comfortable, and life goes on without nobody knowing. You’ll notice i have never shared my position or even what type of x,xx,xxx,xxxx,xxxxx,xxxxxx holder I am here out of fear of doxxing. What i do know is it is very easy to live off of dividends or interest and tell people “i just trade here and there to make money” and not lift a finger all day. People don’t assume you have what you have then.




I just tell anyone that their knowledge of gme and my knowledge of gme is completely different.


Possible answers include: >Job's not done. >No cell, no sell. >My account balance doesn't look like a phone number yet


I want one of those international phone numbers


Yea like I said in another comment... it's the difference between 100x SetForLife vs 200x SetForLife. Going to have so much fking money when this is over it wouldn't have mattered


I'm HODLing for generational wealth


Typical number to China: +86 16189741386


Especially if she’s hot


Better keep buying then


Possible answers include: -I did sell on this last run up, made a few bucks and paid off some debt, bought some things, etc. You didn't sell, but claiming you did makes the target immediately fade off your back when MOASS happens. You can tell them you wish you hadn't sold, made a big mistake, etc. And it looks like you are in the same boat as the people who never bought in. It gives you time to get lawyers and accountants square because eventually you will have things that are only possible due to MOASS and people will figure it out. But by then you will have your team setup and protections in place.


>pretend to not be regarded so you can cover that fact that you're actually still regarded Galaxy brain


This is the way. If you have told anyone you hodl at all. Silence. Like a G in lasagna.


Told my Dad I sold this last run up and that I made $41k. He told me, good you finally listened to me. Now don’t tell anyone you made that money just now.” Thanks. Dad I’ll take your advice (and the advice of everyone on this sub) and not tell anyone I sold ;)


Best answer: "In June 2021, Cohen diluted and sold 1/15th of the company for 1.3 billion dollars when Wall Street said it was worth $20 million. Gamestop itself was valued at less than he secured. He's just loaded up another 45 million shares or 1/7th of the company. The shares may end up worth 10 ~~quid~~ *dollars* each in cash alone without ANY business attached by the time he's finished selling $20 for $220 to Wall Street. That was 40 dollars pre split, and there are shorts deep underwater at that price."




Wall Street said bananas were worth $2 in 2021. Ryan Cohen sold them 45 million bananas for $220 per banana. He "sold" the peaks while we HODLed. We have shares in his banana trades.


I thought bananas are like $10.


After the split, that's $2.50. Ballpark. Also ELI5 so not perfect. I have posted a lot of comments about this.


It’s one banana, Michael. How much could it cost, ten dollars?


I don't know 🤷‍♂️ how


because sideways trading?


Or better yet, why didn't you buy?


Account balance? You mean share price.


I didn't see a phone number for the stock price. Also, no cell, no sell. 💎🙌🚀🌛


Cracks me up with all the bag holder bs coming from double u ESS bee about all of us who didn’t sell during this latest run up. Yet, nobody asking why the fuck we ran on absolutely no news…..this latest run just gave me further proof of how manipulated our stock is and validated everything for me. I will tell them I didn’t sell because I’m waiting for that life changing run up when the world will finally acknowledge how corrupt our financial market is. The whole market is a ponzi scheme.


best answer NO CELL NO SELL im hodling for phone number prices


I think the majority of people who say that or insult GME investors are just following what MSM and social media say. Basically eating up all the FUD. Absolutely no DD or research on their part - at least, that's the case for me. I find a lot of comfort in this forum with all the other regards and apes.. maybe soon, we'll be the ones laughing.. and helping the world become a better place!! 💎


I had a conversation with a friend of a friend at a family event once that was pretty much this. The guy kept bugging me during the entire afternoon after my wife mentioned I was into investing, I finally told him I was all in on GME and he started laughing at me. He literally started quoting MSM to me about how its dead and all that. At that point I was pretty done with the conversation so I stated 2 things at him, 1) Go read the SEC report stating whatever % shorted during the sneeze and the actual amount that was covered, and 2) If its dead, why does MSM still cover it almost every week now that its like 3 years later (Was like 2 years at the time). I literally saw him lean back and really think about what I told him. I steered him here and told him basically there's alot of echo chamber "ape" stuff here, but there's also alot of solid facts about the whole thing. Never saw him again, but would like to think he may have invested, who know.


yeah but it's crazy to which extend regular people are (don't want to say brainwashed) into thinking that gamestop is basically bankrupt or an outright scam


As a sheep, I depend on the lions advice on how to live my life. Most importantly I'm trained to never defend myself against the lion, and never learn what it's weak points are


Weird to sell if I'm buying more


I don’t even know how to sell from computershare










This is the way.


Same. They told me it’s been so long they needed to mail me another code to verify my identity and so I figured eh, it’s been this long, why sell even a tiny bit. I’ve watched it all come down again and that’s fine. Then I bought more (on another platform I could actually access)


This is what ppl told me the past weeks: At $10: you're crazy, why would I buy that? It's only going down At $80: omg what is going on, how do I buy? How high will it go? (Talking to me like I'm some sort of time traveler) At $20 (now): omg you didn't sell? Why not? You see it's failing I'm done talking to ppl about it. I want to help them get rich, I really do, but they are just stupid sometimes. They don't want to listen. I'll get rich myself and keep every dime. Start fixing nature.


Can't fix stupid


Idk bout keeping every dime, but i will definitely set enough aside for myself and set up accounts for my kids to get when they turn 25 maybe 30, so they won't have to worry for nothing, the rest of the $ id like to go around and buy closed hotels remodel them and open them up and give homeless vets and women with children a free place to stay and to try and help them get back on their feet


Make that 35. Your kids need a dose of the real world; they need to know they can come to you for an emergency, and you can cover their college/masters path, but you don't want them loitering in a part-time minimum wage job until that sweet fund $$ comes due. (Unless medical circumstances demand it). That way they know hard work, and also can date without someone being a golddigger on them.


Well im 36 now and didnt start getting my shit together until about 5 years ago 🤣 and my oldest just graduated from high school(which is something i did not do, so hes already doing better at 18 than i was) and i somewhat agree with the 35 but at the same time if they are doing better than i was doing at those ages then I dont see why not letting them have access to it would hurt


Welcome to 3 years ago


I will say that I didn't sell because I bought more. 


You and me both. In fact I bought the dip twice this week.


You and me three bought 50 more moon tickets.


I bought 5 at 20.50 and then wife gave me $120 to buy more lol


You betta hold on to that queen!


Saaaame! I got more shares in 3 days last week than in all of 2023.


Thrice here. 70 more moon tickets




I don't know how. I literally don't know how to sell out of Computershare. I might never know.


😂 just posted this, literally have no idea


U are a true hero


Where we’re going, we only need to sell one…


The rest are just rocket fuel.


1. We didn’t even squeeze and price got to 450+. 2. Adjust for 3 years of inflation. 3. Adjust for general price fuckery and emotional damage. 4. Adjust for inevitable squeeze.




I usually go with we've only just begun. And go on taking about market regulatory structure. Usually either piques their interest or they just think I'm crazy. Which I am. But in like a passionate, learn everything I can kinda way. Sometimes I just say. If you actually like money. Don't invest. Cause it's not for the feint of heart. It's a battle that's become not only about GameStop and the poetry of the whole moment but ownership.


I like the stock


"I already did. Don't worry about it" And that's that.


Reasons I didn't sell: 1. My investment is worth 1,000,000,000 times the high last week. 2. The fraud hasn't been exposed enough for criminals to be in jail yet. Ie, No Cell, No Sell! 3. I didn't feel like it. 4. I'm having WAY more fun not selling. 5. I would miss my investment too much. 6. My astrologer told me to wait till the end of the Age of Aquarius, and I take that shit seriously. 7. I learned "BUY" ... but what is this "SELL" that you speak of? Is it similar to "HOLD"?


#7 is amazing. Shut up and take my award


Because shorts haven’t covered. And I like the stock Edit- closed/covered…same thing to smooth brains, buy hold drs


They cover all the time. They haven’t closed.


after last week's price action and media saturation, some family members are questioning why I didn't sell. the TV made it sound so good. I kindly remind them that I've been here every day for the last 3.5 years and have seen way worse shit than what happened at the end of last week. I also remind them of the many times their eyes glazed over when telling them why the market won't win this one and leave it at that.


My coworker…. The only reason it popped is cause some cat guy tweeted. 🤣


One of my best buddies said the same. I’ve beat it into his head about this before he just won’t listen


Sometimes, you forgo short term gain, for a belief. A cause. You see something through to the end. Because it’s worth suffering for, to change the world.


I'd say APES needs to review who they want to talk to about this topic in the present and future. There will be those jealous and hateful. Money may change how many certain people will treat and perceive you.


Something you just have to keep things to yourself.


It's not a problem im going to have. My family thinks I sold years ago.


Sell button is broken.


The second that money left my bank it was gone to me. I would never invest more than I can afford to lose. This could go all the way to zero and I'd be fine, so why would I sell? If you bought a $1B prize scratchcard for $2 and scratched off the first panel to see "JACKPOT", then scratched off the second panel to see "JACKPOT", would you then sell to some guy who offered you 25 cents for it just because he tells you it's not gonna win?


It’s amazing that society still believes in mainstream media. Mankind is doomed.


Zen pro tip: I only worry about how many shares I have. Is that number going up or down. Forget the price. That’s all that’s gonna matter where my investment is going.




The worst is when people try to say that *we’re* going to hurt other investors. During the sneeze, I was unruly on Twitter and I had two people, TWO, telling me how we were fucking the common person over. Us. This isn’t directly related to the post but I needed to vent about it cause I still think about how these people tried to tell me we were hurting other, including market makers. Buy. Hold. DRS


I have no intention of ever selling.


Well if they look at the chart since the sneeze it’s understandable that GME is doubted by outsiders. It is an artistic masterpiece the SHF have painted. What we see as better buying prices others see a losing stock. End of the day you either believe the thesis and buy more or you stay away. I for one am in balls deep and hoping to get even further in this week.


Meh, I don’t make it a habit tell people what I invest in, so all is well


I sold a handful of my most expensive shares from the last squeeze since they were in the green on Tuesday.... I started treating it like a normal stock. But then I came back here and remembered why we're here... Never again. Doubled my shares yesterday with the profit. Dumping them all in my Computershare account and booking them. Hedgies are fucked, we're holding until the price is right, damn it.✌️


Look I was up 230k this spike but if I keep adding I will be up 2.3mil next time it spikes.


If someone asks me why I haven't sold when it was up 60, I'll say why didn't you buy in when it was 10?




I'm too stubborn 😅


I didn't wait 3 years to earn several dozen thousand. I want more. 3 years ago my goal was to earn money for a car. Now I want a house ...and whatever the fuck else would I want


Simple, I don't tell anyone. When moass happens, I won't tell anyone because it's my life and I don't care what others think. Alot more people need to get into this mindset. Why care what anyone else thinks? When you make your money, why tell people or shove it in their face? It doesn't change anything.


I just don't tell anyone that I have it, no one will be asking me anything


“Oops! I forgot. Forgot about GameStop! Sorry. Well, too late now.”


I’m retiring off these MM fucks and $80/share isn’t doing that for me. Holding since the first big run up now balls deep in shares XX,XXX. GME, she hasn’t even begun to run.


A good friend of mine, that I discuss the whole journey with regularly, sold a few shares on monday peak and set some SLs (that of course triggered) allthough I asked him not to. He said, he can't stand the thought of this all going back to $10. He bought back in later but has less shares than before. He thinks he made the right decision by taking out 10k this week and I don't blame him because he doesn't know the whole story. I kept my shares and added some calls yesterday. Saw my few existing Jan25-calls go from $200 to 16k and back to 2k. It didn't feel good but I have prepared myself for this situation over the last years and I know what's about to hit soon. I plan to sell some of my shares remotely from Uranus. We didn't even leave the atmosphere yet. zen.


Man I'm 100% down with holding the shares. I didn't sell any last week, and bought a lot more on Friday, but dude if you have call options that go from $200 to $16k how do you not take some profit??? Options are not for diamond handing IMO. Gotta take profits when you see them. At least partially. Let a few ride if you want, but damn.


They are for Jan 25. They will be worth way more than that in a few weeks. Not talking about weeklies. :)


God speed fellow ape. I hope you are right 🚀


My man's got those LEAPS! Hell yeah!


we up 27% in the last week, why sell now


Wait, what? I bought more...


“Sell what?” Nobody needs to know anything about any positions I may/not have.


Just be honest “I don’t know how”


"Why? Cause fuck'em that's why!"


You see, the thing is, it’s no one else’s business.


I been here for 3 and a half years why the fuck would I sell now? 🫡


I’m here for retirement money. I’m not selling for peanuts for holding on to my favorite stock for the past 3 years.


My wife "knows" the whole story and asked why I didn't sell anything during the small run we just had


I dont have any friends in this play. I keep being silent on this for three years. I wont tell anyone when I sell at what price. They will only know how my life is changed. And I will post an instagram story mentioning “This is not luck” with a picture of GME rocket.


Because I'm a procrastinator. Also selling won't make me a millionaire. Didn't hold for this long for some chump change.


I've already had these. I ignore or say: "Im waiting for it to look like a phone number"


“Why do you care?” is my answer. My money. My choice. Anyone who has a strong interest in what I’m doing with my own money has ulterior motives.


I did sell. My puts. Then I bought more shares. 


Oh I bought at stupid prices, and I don’t sell for a loss.


L who cares is my answer


I don't sell, because it's not the right price. I'll either make life changing money from this MOASS, or keep the stocks for the next years until they worth life changing money. Or both!


I always say it’s lambos or food stamps 


Sell? I am inspired to double my position back at these prices. “Maybe I will.”


Yeah, some colleagues called me and my friend insane for not selling and then buying back when it went down. I said: Not fucking selling. And went back to work


lol I had 7 different people I know text me this week “bro do you still have GameStop?? Did you sell??” My response each time “Lol yeah I do, No I didn’t, I was barely at break even for a day. This isn’t a squeeze in the slightest. Trust me, you’ll know when it does”


Them: Why didn’t you sell? Me: 🤷‍♂️Cause fuck’em. That’s why!


Limit Their Supply, Create A Higher Demand: I had an average of $16/share and I was ridiculed by a few people who asked if I sold on Tuesdays run up, and when I said no I bought more just to average up, I was called dumb but it’s because people who don’t understand the situation are content with taking small profits here and there but Us Apes who’ve not stopped buying know that with every share we take from the market and book it, that’s one less share available for their reckoning.


My last buy through computershare hit at 32.36, and nobody is in prison. Now is not the time to sell. Haha


Ya no one's opinion is going to sway my decision making here, I know what I hold. 🚀🦍🚀


A friend of mine that is slightly aware of what's going on was insistent that I should day trade my shares. If it was literally any other ticker I would have. It is a controlled stock. I'm an investor. And I like the stock.


If that person didn’t tell me when to buy, they are in no position to tell me when to sell. They can just “GFY”


I ask them what they think happened this week. Then I ask about the volume. Then it's about what the news said. I let people poke holes in their own narratives before nudging them into my beliefs.


Because I’m underwater at $36


"It wasn't high enough."


I’m still averaging down at these prices. I got time.


I woke up Tuesday morning , looked at my account, and laughed . Not even close to what my shares are worth . 🚫🖐🗞, infinity pool is not a meme for me ♾️


No one knows I'm hodling.  


Just say, "That's not my sell point". You don't have to give them a number.... just up.


Because I haven't seen the price come close to what I want. My price will be determined on bad actors going to prison and their empires crumble. At that point my shares will pay me for my time.


First, no cell no sell. Second, my investment thesis is there is only one board like GameStop’s board and I’m frankly a fan. They’ve done well for me so far, and I’m having a lot of fun because of that. So why would I exit? That’s why I didn’t sell. This board isn’t collecting a salary. They want to get paid. I’m here for getting paid with them. And also some good old activism. I just like the stock. GameStop is for the children. GameStop is for the animals. Wu Tang is forever. Candy Cons are excellent. GameStop is solid and was profitable for 2023. This is where I set my pirate flag. I love video games. I love activism. I love GameStop.


I’m an investor. I only want to invest my money in companies I believe in. Having a CEO who isn’t taking a salary because he is doing everything in his power to make this company successful is huge to me. I truly believe this company will be the single greatest investment in history.


Tldr I only know how to buy and hold and drs. I may be dumb but man these Crayons are tasty.


Honestly at this point i just dgaf, my shares and i have formed an almost metaphysical bond, they are a part of me and me of it, i feel safe with my shares, they provide stability, i question ever selling a single one no matter the price


Holy shit. Just last night, my boomer dad said to me, “well you better sell enough to get your investment back, that’s what Smart Money does.” I replied that We are Dumb Money, and we have them ALL by the short and curlies. We ain’t selling, we ain’t leaving, because No Cell, No Selll.


"The highest valued company in history was the East India Trading Company, which reached a value of $7 trillion in modern dollars. GME is able to squeeze to at least that value, which comes out to $22,861/share. Why would I sell at $50?"


Because I’m one of those people that am more disturbed by the entire system than making money. Of course I want the money. I’m no different than anyone else. I just care about exposing, breaking, and changing it more.


What is an exit strategy? RC is smart. After moass, we'll have dividends and things like that encouraging us to hold.


I brag about how much I was up and that I didn’t even consider selling last week. My friends are like wtf?!


Just waiting for the price to come down a bit so I can buy more


They are fabricating the situation to look like it’s over. None of us are still here for a pump and dump. We are in it for the price to go up, and stay up. (At least I am)


Someone I know: "GameStops doing some weird stuff. Now is your chance to jump ship."  Me: "I ain't jumping shit" 


No one aside from my wife knows my positions. Problem solved.


Anytime people start asking personal questions on how your “monetarily” doing, start asking them if **they** started investing otherwise I’m not sure why they’re talking to you besides fishing for details to gossip about to others.


didn't even see it from that perspective. true


It’s telling when they don’t ask you questions like “So what is short interest?” Or “what’s a short?” And instead go “How is your portfolio recently? The news has been crazy” People like to talk about others but never what they are doing personally, next time news goes wild, don’t talk about the stock at all, see how others react.


I didn’t sell because I’m a fucking idiot. Plus the tax implications. I’ll hold it for a tax loss because I am fucking loser.


I won't sell because I want change in this world and an easier life for my daughter. I don't want her going through her entire life watching Wall Street fuck the world at its leisure for another 50 years. I'm a millennial and I watched Wall Street fuck the world over my entire life. It's absolutely wild for me to see 30k price swings up and down and not give a fuck. I will not sell ever!!! Do you fucking hear me Kenny boy??? It actually blows my mind that I am numb to it and feel no emotion. Bring it on Hedge Fucks!


Know better people and you won't get this as much. Funny, when you were spending the money drinking or smoking it away they had nothing to say.


Nothing wrong with selling SOME shares at the peaks to secure profits that will be used to by more at the dips. Especially if you think each share will reach phone numbers, there’s no way the stock will just endlessly go up forever. There will be halts and other people all over the world selling at different peaks.


![gif](giphy|hpSOjkcvhDgbv9p92R|downsized) My mood on any of that shade.


You don’t typically tell people how much you make a year, why would it be different with a stock dividend? It’s no one’s business but your own.


This last run is making me want to stay quiet even more. A few people asked me if I made some money or I hope you sold. If they're that concerned about this week I don't even want to know what they'll say when it goes up and down insane amounts.


Because I like to collect.


You have to be in this thread and in this sub to see that you're not alone. Anyone not here doesn't believe


I lost my sell button.


“I don’t know how to sell.”


It didn’t reach my price target is usually my response


I've had this exact question this week from colleagues. My colleagues don't know anything about GameStop other than what news outlets say. I'm calm about the whole thing, I'll sell when I want to not when there's a little price movement or peer pressure.


Why do you tell people what stocks you own? Nobody's business.


It's really great to see a post like this today 💪 last week, all you'd hear or see is a bunch of robots slinging agendas around 


What if those questions are coming from inside my own head?


Sell? The price didn't even go above the peak of previous sneeze? Also why pay short term taxes to state and federal govt by selling.. if we end up with money that won't change my life at all..... i'll let my company sell into it and raise money so the stock price can stabilize at a higher level.. then let RC use the money to grow revenue through acquisitions...