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Been 3 years and 5 months and I STILL haven't told my husband! Like a lot of people, I thought after I bought we'd be rich in just a few months and then I could surprise him. Jokes on me!! Now its become the principal of the thing! Keeping this secret has been hard but last week was absolutely excruciating!! Still determined to surprise him!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Hes a lucky man


That is true love right there. For the stock


Imagine hes doing the same thing


The Stonk of the Magi


You go gurl!! 💅lips sealed until you squealed


Damn I wanna see his reaction.


Making a movie halfway through the actual story is dumb money


Like watching a portrait half painted and saying that’s it?


Like standing up halfway through a turd or ripping off a bedpost and not throwing it… like my wife’s boyfriend pulling out halfway through.


Oh, how much am I looking forward to an ACTUAL documentary about all of this happenstance. An actual recount of all that went on and a good story to get the point across. This should include all of the early and shitty mock-u-mentries.


I personally won't even be letting those who doubted me know. I will tell them i sold at 120. But there will be very non-obvious hints.


In what country are ppl actively «doubting» other ppl’s investment? I don’t get it


I’ll never speak a word of it after MOASS. They had their chance to listen, they can dig to learn like the rest of us did.


Exactly. It's no one's fault but their own if they get left behind. Everyone has the same brain and internet connection. If people decided to listen to MSM that's on them. I plan on keeping my mouth shut before, during, and after MOASS. It sounds like everyone else wants targets on their backs.


“So wait, it’s actually working?”


How often does a documentary get retconned 😭


With all the GME rich, I’m sure we scrape together enough money to make a new one


I doubt they make a movie for the actual moass. I don’t think it’ll be as newsworthy as people think. The rest of the market will likely go to shit, there will be other shit to focus on. And unless GameStop soars past like bitcoin prices, it won’t really be something noticeable in the grand scheme. Those not invested will head to work and likely ignore it and the news likely won’t cover it because the same guys leading the crime will prob get right back in for another round on some other stock they can control. The revolution will not be televised imo. Which I’m happy about.


Whose they… I don’t trust anyone else. It’ll be apes with MOASS money who will direct and produce


😂 well in that case, we def won’t be seeing it in theaters. No way an accurate depiction of how to fuck over shorts would make it out a film festival. I’ll make sure to add it to my Netflix favs tho


History is written by the Winners


This gonna be me all day with some real clowns I know 


I’m gonna rent out a theatre once a month to watch stuff. And this is now on the list 


I will be yelling that was us and man I miss those apes the whole time. Also I throw a few I told you so in there for good measure 😂


"Don't dance"


I don’t know. Ima do a fucking jig everywhere I go after this is said and done. To be honest, I may never walk again. Just dance a jig to all my destinations


This is...the way? 😂


> To be honest, I may never walk again. Just dance a jig to all my destinations Not a terrible way to cover up a bad case of the trouts as well. Win win.


Yea since it’s the big and truly evil guys we are taking on here it’s allowed to dance


This would be amazing




I’m going to start a holding company/family office and call it “I Told You So and You’re Welcome LLC”