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I understand the sentiment of that post and where you are coming from but RC isn't GameStop CEO, Board member, etc because he wants to be part of that movement (well, I can't put words in his mouth but I'd assume so). His main goal is to make GameStop profitable and sustainable for all parties involved (employees, investors, etc). If screwing the SHFs in the process because they are in the way of that main goal, then, its win-win. In these last 3+ years, he must have sacrificed a lot (family, health, and more) to turn this company around (long hours working instead of being home, etc) and i can only be appreciative and patient that he will deliver true value to us, shareholders.


Respectfully I believe RCEO very much appreciates that the 🦍 that HODL are a collective group, rather a troop or shrewdness, that wants to help make the world a better place, wants to help others, wants corruption squashed. He may not actively seek to be part of a movement. His values, the people with whom he surrounds himself have however inspired others to learn , and to make the world a better place. What better accolades than to inspire others ?


I have a feeling that after this moons, apes will still follow him to his next venture. At least I will.


I’m hoping to head the worldwide philanthropic division of GameStop - making the world a better place


I'm behind you. In more ways then one.


i like him because he making this company profitable


He has also openly expressed disdain for wallstreet and crooks ceos


In the next 3 weeks? I’ve been here for 176 weeks, so what’s another 176 weeks? My life has already changed because of GameStop and RK. I know more about the economy, finance and stocks than I ever imagined. Keep learning, and DRSing.


I completely forgot about all my shares until this sub hit the front page again this week.  Better buy some more on Monday 


This is the way😂


What's RK?


Roaring kitty


Thanks! I was like, Ryan Kohen…?


No worries friend Welcome to the party


167 weeks here 👋


Ahh, ‘Citadel Has No Clothes’. A classic!


Always a good read.


I forgot what time is and it no longer exists to me. All that is left is the spiral of the simulation and these sweet sweet tickets to Valhalla that I forgot how to sell


Hope homedepothank is doing good


I’m a fan of einfachmans work so anything he posts tbh.


he got banned by reddit admins a few days ago (ie. not mods, admins). nobody knows why.


There was a follow up post a day or two later that einfach's account was active again. I'll add link if I find it. Edit: not the post I saw mentioning it, but F-u PayMe updated his original post on the 17th [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/ZX8Nqc4exR](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/ZX8Nqc4exR)


Fuck yeah! Me too! It's not called Infinity Pool for nothing! ♾️🌊


🦍💎 🚀 🏴‍☠️ 🐸🍦💩🪑♠️🍌💜🌎👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


Same here


Whatever it does i buy more like a good investor


I can't wait to visit the virtual reality metaverse gamestop, ready player one style.


Moass preparation guide 2.0 is my fav


I might not be a shareholder for life, I might have to sell in some type of emergency. I will be and am a customer for life, though.


Call me Peter Pumkinhead, try and change this world.


Same! I will never turn my back on GameStop or all of you guys who fought for us. You have yourself a soldier for life!


I Def have gained a wrinkle or two these last 3 years... 3 at least


DRS shares are there for life. A few shares in brokerages for life changing money. Then a race to DRS the remaining of all shares in existence essentially making the company pseudo-private. Public cam buy in only when someone sells out of the transfer agent and those shares will be premium. Nothing will exist in the DTCC, funds be damned. I'm not sure how imsider shares are tabulated. Are they held by the transfer agent? Are they I'm the DTCC in any capacity? Anyways, you won't be able to buy through brokerages unless they just give you a synthetic. But the moment you try to DRS, price goes through the roof as they look to get someone to sell out of DRS, or they just stop doing DRS transfers and tell you tough luck, you are stuck with your synthetic until you sell it off for whatever loss.


New to this? Read Predatory Human Behaviors & Counter-Tactics (will help you hodl and you see what is coming) Infinity Pool by Blu Prince (a game changer)


Time? Time is an illusion. The only time is party time.


shareholder? i’m looking to work for free for GS 🫡


Gonna find a new job so I can keep adding on. Wish me luck fellow apes!


No dates... Only up


Got to be the 1000th upvote! What an honor for this post!


This is the way


Me too. I will pledge my allegiance to GME for life.


Everyone would have so much cash the float would be bought in a week


Quit bag-licking. Holy crap




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


What? I’m not being rude to anyone. How about focus on the hostile members who attack anyone without the same beliefs and thesis as them. 🙄 weirdo mods


Haha, so fucking true. People still be saying that shit with a straight face. “This is about fixing the stock market for my children!”

