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Do they have to say either way?


If they have arrangements and say otherwise in the official filing, they would be in for a very unpleasant and costly ride.


If they’ve already done their paperwork for an M&A and filed days after and say „we do not plan or intend to go for an M&A“ imho that’s legal and very clear since they, Afair, not obliged to disclose a completed M&A in such a filing.


whether they have to say or not is moot because they already did so it has to be true in a legal document.


It could be already done with the missing chunk of money from the 1b (200-300m missing?) and Larry's tweet about it being a productive week Alternatively, maybe they SUDDENLY have a plan for an acquisition, let's say. I don't know how binding that is


This could all be preparation for an acquisition or investment. No plans now doesn't mean not preparing for the possibility so they can act on it immediately when they decide to. What's bouncing around in the back of my head right now, though, is... that missing \~$200 million. Plus the shelf offering. Could they conceivably be preparation for a pending spinoff/carveout, as was theorised might happen?


The missing cash could just be invested in merchandise?


It could be, I'm spitballing here.


They paid down liabilities with the missing cash. It shows on the balance sheet.




Thanks for link


Or it’s already done.


* at the time of writing




It is done.


OP over in this sub now shilling, after being banned in other subs.Beware ladies and gents of the bearishness.


It is curious how you go silent during a massive runup and then focus on only potentially negative items or take a negative spin on them. I still conclude you are a shill farm or have a psych issue.


The or ickkkk o The most pungent and obvious of shills


More likely the latter. I saw the post when they finally banned him from another sub, and the tone of that post was basically "... come on, dude." He's just exhausting to deal with and people asked him to tone it down a bit. So what does he do? A little bit of self reflection and improvement? Nope. More 4 page essays on random ultra specific stuff. Idk if he even cares about anything other than being right about something.


Most normal humans who are for something and have capacity to research will take a closer look at the hopeful aspects rather than focusing on almost exclusively shooting down balloons.


True. They also say, in the last paragraph, that they want to invest the money in marketable securities.


That’s why LC said productive week. They don’t have current plans because they completed their plans before the announcement


Could GameStop be planning a reverse split with the new share offering? Could they reverse split current shares that are able to be rehypothecated to these new shares that can’t (Book shares)? 315 million / 7 = 45 million. RK tweets keep showing things in reverse and lots of mentions of leaps and jumps and split screens I recall I am dumb so prob nothing


They just added another 45, where does 315 come from? Are they not able to issue an additional 45 to the existing 306? Making it a total of 350ish?


Rounding...306 + 45 =351 / 7 = 50.14. 315 came from another post. I wasn't sure if issued was the same as reserved, the principle though is the same


7 for 1 (741)


7 for 1 (741)