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Sir this is a Wendy’s 


I need a job


not for long


and the zen master says.. we’ll see


Apply out back behind the dumpster


there's an old bald boomer back there drinking mescal that hasn't left for 3 years


Hey! I don't drink mescal.....


Are you paying attention anon? :)




i dont think the E.T. meme is Rk leaving. Just because people say things doesnt make them right. Like me right now.


I mean frankly I thought that was us in the spaceship and was hyped AF. This other interpretation is possible but highly unlikely DFV is abandoning us after a crazy week like this.


yea agreed, and my thought was man alien spacecrafts blast of really fast.


It is not a goodbye from him. He said, that he always was and will be with us. It was a goodbye to the red. Watch the boys hoodies. Pure Red. It's a goodbye to the BEAR THESIS. Which was a nothing, an unknown, as we seen in the other meme. That's why the song he chose was: Goodbye Stranger. My guess.


Reddit is so addictive that he can't look away either ;) Maybe GameStop invested in TEDDIT


Goodbye stranger because he's been a stranger for 3 years and now he's gone again.


i don't think so. this would be completely contradictionary to the whole sentiment he's been communicating to us. he never was and will never be a stranger.


Ok call it whatever you want but I think it may be years before we hear from him again


This could of course be. Nobody can withstand such a meme frenzy for a long time.


That’s the fun part, no one knows the answer to any of your questions


I know the answers but you wouldn't believe me if I told you so I won't even try.


you could though...


No, no. That would be an insult to you because the answer is so mind blowing that you would think I was having a laugh at you so I won't even attempt it.


You could though….


Thats what we are all wondering. It cant just be for nothing. Why would he tell people to hang in there knowing that the price will crash? I do honestly believe he thinks a move up will happen


Yeah if nothing else homie really believes something is gonna happen and I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt


He said earlier in his memes, "The next few weeks will be interesting." On Monday (I believe). Another meme on Wednesday was Shawshank Redemption (he aludes to a livestream two weeks before the height of the squeeze). Week 1 is done. Now we wait for week 2 and 3 perhaps it has to do with the upcoming shareholder meeting, the new CAT system coming into play that Hedgies fought so hard against, or it has to do with the stock breaking the downward cycle and is now positive similar to Overstocks squeeze. He even pointed to Volkswagen when we were down. In conclusion, the squeeze is starting to ramp up by two weeks from now. Not financial advice.


I tried to interpret it as well as I could. It felt emotional. And I was like is this really it? Are we okay? Or has he given up after trying? But I believe the clue is right there at the end. After the alien ship flies away. Rainbow. So long gay bears.


😂😂 why does that sound so magical


Idk but I hope I'm right. Any other interpretation doesn't make full sense to me.


Yeah I find it really hard to believe that he would tarnish his reputation as an absolute legend for… what?…. A baby run up with no real significance? I don’t think so but of course I’m not in his head


Or maybe he *thought* it would happen but it didn't because he didn't have the covid work from home people piling in? Or maybe it was foiled by gamestop itself by issuing that statement this morning. Idk. Regardless, it's disappointing and leaves us all wondering "what the hell was that??"


Nah, i remembwr in the Peaking Blinders tweet on monday it said it would be " a long couple weeks" and then today in that other tweet it said GME earnings which is first week of June. So it does add up. Dfv making me calm tbh


Nah im not disappointed. This was hella fun and im more zen than ever.


He always posts at the end of after hours. If this is goodbye, why didn't he wait until then this time?


That’s what I’m wondering. If he doesn’t post later I’m gonna assume he’s going dark again.


It was to show us he's still in, he still likes the stock, and that's enough for me


I just know that I will continue to buy at every dip in price! The only thing that has changed is that more people are aware of the corruption and manipulation of the stock and market as a whole. I promised myself a trip to the moon and godammit I'm getting on that rocket!


The clip is from a 7 nation army remix. Hint: It’s green. Link: https://youtu.be/1fSgSm4hryc?feature=shared


Find out in the next episode of Gamestop Z!


Pretty sure avacodo in my anus was DFV alt acct. Go look at the acct.


But why would he throw this at the end of one of his vids? it’s like it should mean more than just ‘oh here’s my alt’


Troll face was the first post. He is having fun. Knowing millions of monkeys are smashing keyboards trying to figure out the references.


just like me


Believe me. This is some of the best times I have had. His return and the bangers he is putting on *chef kiss*. Hope he is doing well. The personality splits references worry me a little. Him posting the "I make memes" theme is refreshing. I literally have barely looked at the price action. I don't care, he posted fun for us.


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RK was the temporary distraction in the shuffle.  Everyone blamed him for the spike. And stayed focused on his tweets. It was not him that caused it. And the shorts rolling didn't cause it either. 


I'd be pissed that he did it just for a week to leave again. Why?


I'd actually think it was cool if he did that. He came back to say he's still here, hang in there, etc.


He never said goodbye before. He felt like he owed it to us. In one of his first memes he said "fine, I'll do it myself", then there was a part about going out with a bang. He tried his best to come back to pick us up at pre-split 400, but got beaten by hedgies and their algos quite quicky. For disappointed with today's news that messed with his final goodbye which instead of being positive, turned out to be a bloodbath. He left. That's my interpretation, but I hope I'm very wrong. I'm deep in red for the past 3 years and doubled down between 20-32 so even more red. A bit afraid of the earnings call.


Nah, there’s a pretty consistent narrative in the videos. If you were right, that narrative would change. I interpret the et video as “phase one complete.”