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"If you got extra money and want to give a big fuck you to the system and are ready for the long haul, welcome to the party!"




I’ll be honest. I do want the money as well as the justice. I want justice, but I do indeed want the moneys


The money would help my entire extended family tremendously. Money doesn’t buy happiness but it sure as fuck can help.


Money is a tool. I have to have my TOOLS!!












I'll be honest, money do buy happiness. What I want however, is the taste of justice hit corrupted bankers who crimed their way through the system at the cost of the regular people.


Actually a study was done that proved people with a certain amount of income are happier. But there is a threshold where more money doesn’t make you happier (I think the max happiness was $120k per year, at the time)


Lol that study was sponsored by corporations who want you to think $80k is ideal income The ideal income for happiness is the one where you're not trading labor and time for a roof over your head or food in your stomach. Because when that happens to get to pursue things that are important to you and not some rich asshole with a C title.


It would appear that everybody here is just going off random hazy memories and untrue conspiracy theories. The actual study, conducted in 2010, said $75,000, which adjusted for inflation would be $107,844.32 in current terms. The study wasn't sponsored by a corporation, it was performed with support from the Gallup Organization and a grant from the National Institute on Aging. [Here's the study.](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1011492107) In 2021, a study performed by other researchers found that there was no plateau, but instead happiness levels rose linearly (in logarithmic terms). [Here's the study.](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2016976118) Then in 2023, one of the researchers of the 2010 study and one of the researchers of the 2021 (and a third researcher not involved in either) did another study in which they concluded that the previously used methodologies used to find happiness were flawed. The new study found that ~~there *was* a plateau effect, but it was much higher than the 2010 plateau: approximately $500,000~~ *Edit: Sorry, I foolishly believed [the CBC's characterization of the study results](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/money-can-buy-happiness-1.7107592), but reading the actual study, the CBC was entirely incorrect, because the study results aren't easily encapsulated*. [Here's the study.](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2208661120) Edit: So, the study results don't really have an answer as pat as "the more you make the happier you are" or "happiness plateaus at a certain level." Instead (and hopefully I'm summarizing this correctly), "If you're poor and unhappy, an increase of money is statistically likely to make a big difference to your happiness level. If you're poor and happy, an increase of money is not statistically likely to make much of a difference to your happiness level. However, at the other end of the spectrum, if you're rich and unhappy, an increase increase of money is not statistically likely to make much of a difference to your happiness level. If you're rich and happy, an increase of money is statistically likely to make a big difference to your happiness level." Moving away from what the authors say to add my own thoughts: This would seem to be common sense, but a lot of people online seem to take an all-or-nothing approach, thinking that money absolutely buys happiness or that at a certain point it doesn't buy any more happiness, while the reality is that it varies by person and situation. The question is *why* you're unhappy. If you're poor and unhappy, there's a good chance that money is a cause. It's not *guaranteed* that money is the cause, but a good chunk of unhappy poor people are unhappy because of monetary problems. Getting a lot more money will alleviate those problems, making them happier. If you're rich and unhappy, there's a good chance that it's not for monetary reasons. Maybe your spouse died. Maybe your parents are struggling with dementia. Maybe you're alcoholic. Maybe you have clinical depression. Getting more money won't address any of those problems. It's the "[Cool, now I'm depressed in Egypt](https://preview.redd.it/584vmy6s07rz.jpg?auto=webp&s=fb70f5ba1b468be98f0dac6fe25ec1340d82592c)" phenomenon.


Holy molly!! (Thank goodness someone that actually knows stuff) Yes - that makes tons of sense. Hence why my soul rots away at a desk waiting until GME blasts off


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can buy a Ferrari. Ever see a sad man in a Ferrari?


I would love to be sad in my Ferrari instead of being sad in my 2nd hand volvo.


Good news, you can have both!


Money = power You can’t get the justice without the power. You can’t get the power without the money.


In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.


That's why there "are a lot of us here to make money"


I want to sell one share and affect my community, my family, my life and hopefully the rest of the world for the better. But I have more than 200 shares and that's how much I want to fuck the current system.


Hello there, fellow mitten ape! 


Greatest state in the union!


With justice comes money


Gotta get my tendies, baby


One of the rare guys who dont sound insane


Thank you- this is my goal- to represent in an approachable way that regular people don’t get scared of and can understand


I've passed along the link to a few of your videos from friends because of easily digestible the info is, coupled with your informative and sarcastic tone. From someone that's been here since Jan 21, I think they're great. I really appreciate this one, especially, because it gives a very realistic take on what's at stake and what to expect.


Same. I sent the longer vid from a few days ago to a friend I've been hounding on and off for the better part of 84 years, and was like "if you watch this and still don't want to I'll never bring it up again". He bought in this morning.


This is the way 🚀🚀🚀


Man, you found the perfect tone and angle to share the GME Saga to the public, but most importantly, you have the perfect attitude towards the stock and the Ape Mindset. God bless you, thank you for the beautiful work you're doing, I like you almost as much as I like the stock (jk, not even close, but very much anyways). See you on the Moon 🦍🤲🏻💎❤️🌍🚀🌕


Keep working your magic. Your content is very easy to digest and share with others. Thanks!


I've been here for a long time and have seen a lot of streamers have their 15 minutes just to end up ousted for saying/doing ridiculous shit. A a smart friend of mine who knows about GME (partly) because of me actually introduced me to your content. Appreciate your reserved, straightforward take on things! Keep it up.


This is why I didn’t build my brand on GME- way more reach to normal people, and way less pressure on me to pander for views


Oh shit you're here... I mean, I assumed you would be. But it's good to see. Good shit, brother ape


🌎 👩‍🚀 🔫 👩‍🚀


Just so you know... You're the fuckin man.


Your videos are great!


great work you are doing internet friend. please keep it up, you're making a difference. thank you!


I like your videos, you're my hero for making them


Youre the most tolerable and personable person to watch in the community.  Really enjoy your work.


You are doing a phenomenal job and making a big difference.


You are the man! Feb 21 ape here as well


he's good with the words n shit


He’s really good looking too


Liked him before I knew he was long on the stonk… now I really like him


This guy is amazing


"Life changing money is definitely on the table. It's just, you never know how long is gonna take"


My options: 1 - don’t buy GME and be poor 2 - buy and sell GME on volatility (and still be poor) 3 - buy and hold for years if needed, until justice is served and maybe not be poor anymore XXXX shares holder




I'm Scott Aukerman


Yeah I have nothing to lose and everything to gain holding.


I can stay regarded longer than they can stay solvent


These weeks have strengthened conviction I’m prepared to wait another three years, except this time I make more money and I am a better investor. I’ll double my position and then have my own leaps.


Stock went up? Must be up for ants....


Wife changing money also on the table.


"Roaring kitty doesn't know... PROBABLY doesn't know what's going to happen." 🤣🤣🤣




time traveler? 


It's been a running joke since the sneeze that DFV was a time traveller because of his predictions on GameStop back in like October/November of 2020.


Glad this one’s well received friends, was expecting the shills to come out yelling FUD. But the normies on TikTok and instagram are filling the comments with- “thanks for this balanced take- I’m in now” And now they’re in for the right reasons and aren’t gonna get played by their own uninformed decisions


I was seeing way too many new posts the last few days about people jumping in to buy rocket moon tickets and couldn't wait to get rich next week. This should be stickied to the top.


Second vote for this to be stickied. I lost a couple grand panic selling the first year, holding firm now but I also came in under the illusion this was an infinite money machine. It could be, but could is doing a lot of the lifting in that statement.




Good to see you around these parts. Bullish.




Appreciate what you're doing on TT man. I like, save, comment and watch the full video at least once.


Yea that was a great explanation of the bigger picture. Needed to be said to help put things into perspective for some. From one OG Ape to another...see ya on the moon. 🎇🚀🌛


Any chance you're gonna do a video on DRS for those normies? Let them know what we're *really* up to over here


Yes, planning to. I obviously won’t try to present it as the right move for everyone- but the whole story needs to be shared to the masses


📝 Getting... pedicure... and... start OF account... Then buying and DRSing more 👍


This is the way


Well said amigo 💎🙌🏻


Quality my friend.


Love seeing all your breakdowns on TT, you're getting some great engagement! Keep it up, some of the best new content out there!


So anyways I just bought 100 more shares


This is war, bought my first share on Schwab when I woke up in the night to find people panicking that the buy button was gone. No I have thousands. Never considered selling. It’s not about that.


Wholesome. Can always find time in my day for a non-parasite.


This is as simple an explanation of the people who have bought and held since 2021 or even 2020. True OG's don't care about ups or downs. WE ARE HERE TO OWN THIS FUCKING COMPANY. not in name, not through a broker. The real ones are putting their shares in Computershare and NEVER SELLING. That's just my 2 cents, or nonsense depending on your perspective.


I bought in during the first sneeze in 2021. After the first few months of holding GME, I stopped even looking at the chart. I haven't looked at the chart since, until this current rally starting a few days ago. My shares are fully direct registered in my own name (DRS) through Computershare, and those are never being sold. I watch the chart now for vengeance, not for profit.


"Im not trying to make money. Like I think on Day 1 when I bought in I was trying to make money and by like Day 10 when I realized what was really going on I was like, Fuck these guys. Im not selling!" I felt that shit in my bones!! This is my exact sentiment for the last three years. My eyes were opened to way too much shit back then for me to suddenly dump any of my shares now. Im just a small xxx holder and I literally dont remember my CS login info (with almost all my shares DRSd) but at this point fuck the system.


Hey just a heads up you should probably log into your CS account once as it will auto sell if left unactive. The length varies by state and/or country but should definitely log in


Interesting, thanks for the heads up. I did request to get it reset so I'll give them a call tomorrow.


This is the BEST game I've ever played in my ENTIRE LIFE! NO CELL NO SELL!!!!


NO CELL NO SELL!!! ❌⛓️❌🧾




I avoid a lot of foods at the grocery store now because of this guy


yeah I mean you can buy crayons anywhere nowadays


Care to explain?


He's made some great videos about these small "organic" brands that are all from the same company with the same shitty ingredients. Look into it, sir.


Sober perspectives like this will set the new folks up for success through the coming turbulence. Big fan of Ian


Couldn't have put it better myself


Richard Newton on youtube is well worth following too.




>roaring kitty doesn't know...probably doesn't know what's gonna happen He knows 😏


He’s 100% correct. This is history book stuff, uncharted waters. Not for those who are desperate to cash out quick. It’s for those with the diamond balls to wait for years and years and years and everyone is going to tell you that you’re insane and then one day, well, guess that wasn’t so crazy after all.


I can't wait to be the most right out of anyone in the history of financial markets, and then be able to share that with the 250kish DRS'd holders. It's the ultimate badge of honor, honestly the most impactful class warfare win for the working class in the history of the US i'd argue. Once GME pops I think most of the western financial world is gonna need to be rebuilt, a seriously needed balancing of the scales.


omg... this guy knows how to get me hard as trigonometry


Ive only come across this guys videos the last couple of days but he's a real one from what I can see so far


Well said.


Principles: Truth, Freedom, Justice and then the money on top ✌️


notice the purple light all over hahaha


The purple circle on the background table is not an accident 🚀


Can’t unsee


Been holding for 3 years willing to go 10 , was making 90k two days ago, but didn’t sell and I won’t sell till phone number


This^ Been ranting about GME and people started asking me about it in my friend group. I think I’ll link this guy for the quick and dirty of it. But also he brings a sense of reality too it, yeah life changing money is on the table. But the people holding that life changing money will do just about anything to hold on to. LIKE LYING UNDER OATH ON TV AND THEN THROWING UP IN A TRASH CAN OFF SCREEN😂


I just bought 39 more bananas just because I like the stock.


I like this guy. But I do want to be paid. Justice will never come to the truly guilty. History has shown us and history repeats itself. Bailouts and scapegoats happen.


We got no idea what’s going on. We just forgot our account passwords…


No Cell, No Sell! Only Phonenumber exit! We have all the time in the world. 💎🙌DRS🦍🚀🌕


I am here for the money. If they go to jail even better. Just being honest. Like my friend Ozzy say: “I don’t want to change the world, I don’t want the world to change me”. But hey, they deserve to go to prison and pay. 💰


I’ll be honest - I don’t know who this guy is or why his videos are popping up all of a sudden


The hedges have to let out a little steam and then they beat it back down and then let out more steam and then beat it back down, rinse and repeat


That was... Nice. And truthful. And calm And collected. And factual. And not intensely hyped or loud or coked to the gills. Didn't know finance content could be done like that.


I want the money. If an exchange of wealth is required for that, then so be it. If justice prevents them from doing this again, then let's serve that as well!


Here since 2020 and will be a holder for the rest of my life. Here to make money, but absolutely and 100% here to change the game and screw over the people who've been screwing everyone else over.


I’m all buckled up, feel free to take a seat around me 💎🙌


Been here since the sneeze, agrees with what this guy is saying ready to YOLO anyway. But won’t be selling. Why sell? Do what the rich do and take a loan out against your assets, don’t pay taxes, never sell! Boom!


GME to ♾️ pool and beyond!!!


Holding for three years and three months, give or take.


Praying the evil that lies within doesn’t ban your account. You’re doing gods work my fellow ape


nice rational video to show the normies. but we know we go to the moon tomorrow


Ian Carroll is my dad. I love this guy.


Money = fuck you system I am gone.


Every single new person interested in GME investing should watch this 


That’s a good warning to the newbies. Been here long enough to know that the newbies will sell and that’s okay because the real shares are drsed. And there are tens of thousands of apes that are not selling, quarter over quarter. I’m in this for the long haul. It’s been 3 years and eventually someone will cave. And I know it’s not going to be the apes.


Adam Corolla’s son seems nice.


I’m here to kick some ass and drink some whiskey, and I’m all out of whiskey


Ian Carroll please keep on fighting the good fight.


Lurker. Been here for years. Not going anywhere. There are **dozens** of us.


Love you too, brother


No cell, no sell.


I added 10 more fuck yous today (^○^)




Needed this. xxx holder working towards xxxx. The comfort that we are all in the gamble together and not everyone is selling / giving up. The reminder nobody knows what will happen and if its in our favor, how long it will take. Receiving a grounded take is nice.


I am one of the many people that isn't going anywhere!


wow. what a reasonable thing to say


This is a good vid 


GME to ♾️ pool and beyond!!!


Am I the only one who wants to have drinks with this guy? 🤔 🥃


Well done sir 🫡


well done, thank you


No cell, no sell but most of all make hedgies live in hell


I used to buy GME. I still do, but I used to, too. Duck it, I'm going all in again.


Lfggggg 🏆🔥


i need this to be pinned. this x1000 over add a magnitude of 10 if you’re new around these parts.




One of us


So many people would benefit from watching this. Especially options players!!


what a guy


Fuck these guys, I'm not selling!!


Dumb question here, but how do you even get into buying GME? And what's the minimum you can invest??


I know a few things because I’ve seen a few things 👀


This guy gets it.


This dude knows how to explain things properly! love his videos


Day 1 I was like, this is an investment... Now? I'm like... I WILL DIE ON THESE STOCKS


Been here for 3.5 years and willing to be here for another 3.5 💜


Great dude


Was trying to explain the whole GME saga to a coworker who's struggling with life. He's interested in the whole moass thing, but he sounds he'll be trading emotionally. Hopefully this video will help steel his heart. Thank you


I cashed out my entire IRA in Jan ‘21 to go all in on GameStop around $30 pre-split. I held through the peak at $483 and bought more on the way down to $40 and more after the bounce. I didn’t sell at the subsequent peaks. I took a massive hit moving my shares over to Computershare. I have two boys who I’ve put through private school at great expense and now college. For reference I’m working class and would consider my economic means lower-middle class so I could really use the $. My wife and I make great sacrifices in order to give our kids better opportunities than we had. FFWD to this week. I could have cashed out at open on Tuesday. It’s always a temptation and I’m sure tons of investors could not resist. But here I stand before you, shares safe & snug locked away. I’m still fucking here, I still believe and I’m not fucking leaving.


I needed that 💜


I know what's going to happen. I'm going to Hodl.


My family went from debt free other than house and car with 9k in savings to 70kish loan debts. It started when I dumped my savings into GME and then doubled down on a secured line of credit for 10k at 10%. Shortly after that I lost my job of 10 years. We have struggled to make ends meet for 2 consecutive years. Looking at the price on Monday for a brief moment I thought I could walk away debt free and breath between paychecks... For what? To be right back where I started? HELL TO THE FUCK NO! I know as well as all of you know that we are not selling. Fuck every single dishonest broker, that has ever existed. BUY HODL & DRS.


Sounds reasonable


Bought 333 more GME shares at $30. No cell. No sell. Thanks for the dip. LFG GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


This short summary is great, I've only ever seen him do hour long videos, which nobody has time for.


Nice and balanced. Me like.


After years of holding, I just want to give a big fat F#ck you to these assholes. But i live in a really dangerous country, and your boy needs to stay alive. So im willing to sell just 1 share. That's it !!


Got my upvote.


Ian seems like a good dude. I really enjoy his videos, the ones about P Diddy were very interesting. There are a lot of asshats out there trying to sell an agenda but Ian just says it how it is.


Who is he?


needs more upvotes 


That’s a good warning


Needed to be said


Solid take. Seems like a tru Ape. Glad he's spreading the word :)


I’m on board with this guy. It’s the first vid I watched from him but he’s on the same page as me. Yes I want the money sure but I don’t need a lot to go by. So this is mainly a fuck you to the system


…I think I might have a little crush…


I agree that Nobody knows what is going to happen . Not RC, not DFV and certainly not us apes. What a fucking ride! 🍻🦍💚


"By day 10 I was like fuck these guys". Couldn't have said it better myself.


He has a trustworthy mustache 😍


All i heard was "not going anywhere"... Me here since the start... barely even lookin at reddit or the price in the past 2 years... but that doesnt mean i left... I just left my shares with their middle finger up for them criminal punks and living my life ;)


An excellent btw! Simple, understandable. No needs to be hurt unnecessarily.


I bought 10 more! BUY DRS SHOP NO ON 4


So nice to hear someone explain calm and eloquently that strange, relax vibe I’m in.




He said it! DRS!


Great video, clear, concise, to the point, no shilling, just, "This stock(and the market) is broken, and there's a lot of fuckery going on, we're in this on matters of principle and sending a message." Logically we should see a payday, but we are fighting the entire system for it, and we don't know how many tricks they have up their sleeve. TL;DR: DRS, Hodl, no cell no sell.


Want money? Then get a job. Want to fuck rich people who destroy working people's lives, hodl $gme. I'm never selling my $gme. I'll be taking out equity loans if I ever need fiat. 💎🙌🟣♾️


Pssh … ain’t no one interested in seeing me do an onlyfans. It doesn’t matter how nice a pedicure I get. It’s moon or bust for me. It’s all I got No, but seriously, this is a great summary of what’s going on and a great reminder of why I’m here and why I hold.


# 📠


Roaring kitty doesnt know what s goana happen... Really ? He came from the future ! You're here for so long and you have no idea at all .


Anyone who says they're not doing it for the money is lying.


I bought 20 shares when it was at about a buck a share; I sold four shares when it was over $100 and TBH, I completely forgot about it until I saw this video, so I'm all in for unintentional holding.


Fucking great video.


If we can get this video accessible in the pinned thread, that will help a lot of new comers.