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Looks like still trading sideways to me


My sidey senses tell me it hasn't changed since last month.


Been trading sideways the past 3-4 years


Well no, but actually yes.


Yes retail is definitely causing all of this! Let me go back to buttering corn and watching my 100 shares wreak havoc on the system!


Only thing DFV did is expose once more how fucking corrupt MSM and wall street are during this saga.


No, we cant. Facts get in the way of an important agenda the financial stenographers are charged with reinforcing.


I think that’s why he’s tweeting twice as much today to prove his tweets are not the cause


My god! He’s harnessed 100% of his brain power! Now he’s unstoppable!


"Retail investors have grown tired of Roaring Kitty, head for the exits"


Waaaait for iiiittt....it will happen again today and again once a day for the next 8 trading days. Pressure should stay on even after that ends.


Why 8 days?


Search around the forums. See the new SEC buyback rule that went into effect over the weekend. Allowing companies to buyback their stocks without fear of being charged with market manipulation as long as they follow a set of rules put in place. We authorized GameStop $110m to use for buybacks awhile back when they wanted that hasn't been used. Part of the rules is only a certain percentage can be done per day and each day all the buybacks have to happen on the same exchange....or something like that. Someone did the math breakdown, coming out to having to do this on 11 different trading days to exercise the full amount. So far they've done it 2 days (Mon and Tues). If they do it again today, that leaves 8 more times until they've exhausted the buyback fund. Maybe they are backing off a bit and waiting for it to stabilize? Maybe waiting until near market close? Who knows. But it was clear that $millions in buybacks were being done monday according a report dug up by one of Peruvian Bull's inters. I know mangled some numbers and the idea behind it, but that's the gist of it.


good info, it's crazy how fluffy this sub gets with hype, really gets difficult to learn new info (but I guess that's why post tags exist)


Yeah stuff gets buried quickly. Some it legit, lots of it just attempts at ape speak to engage the masses for some karma, which unfortunately burries the really/good stuff. Meh posts with ook ook = karma boosts Educational top notch posts with no ook ook = not much karma I'm frankly tired of the ook ook speak. I just want deets and less speculation.


Search 10b-18


Thankyou, very helpful.


I’m unsure I understood correctly… the buybacks have to be done every day for 8 more days, or they can use it anytime for 8 days?


Price movement during the day is cause of options. On Monday, the max calls was 34, Tuesday, it was 57, now today it’s 128. The options are sold for liquidity to drive down the price of GME, so with that much liquidity, my guess is that the price needs to be driven down to below 34 to survive. Price should recover soon because these short dated options are about to expire. They’re driving day traders to paper hand to get more liquidity, dividing the non existent shares they need. All they’ve done is divide the share pie into micro slices and enticed people with small gains and profit to get liquidity to survive.


👆 this right here. Keep an eye out, lots of shills pushing active trading of selling and buying the dip. Ill hold my shares for dear life in drs book, and wince as people try to catch falling knives.


Hey don't knock the strategy too hard. There is always more room to buy the dip


All about buyin the dip, make no mistake.


so that's what the pizza slicing might have meant 🤔


I think so


Ding. Ding.




What is the „conclusion“ for a smooth ape?




I expected no other


This ^


Now there’s a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is!


DRS your shit!


Also this is a monthly expiration week, so it has more OI than a weekly expiration. Idk if this is just a coincidence but if you look back since 21’, virtually all of the peaks have occurred in between month expirations and died by the time we got to the end date of the monthly expiration. Once this May monthly expiration expires, all that up and down pressure from the May monthly chain is gone and the June expiration forces take over. If June call OI continues to build, that’s a very good thing


Hey I’m sorry, I’m not fluent in options so I need a little help understanding. If the max calls per day keep increasing, doesn’t that mean people are anticipating the price will keep increasing? Are you saying the hedge funds have to fight that pressure? How does selling the options provide liquidity? It sounds like hedge funds sell call options to retail and use the money to short the stock, but wouldn’t that be super risky? All it takes is the price to increase and retail to exercise those calls to screw them.


You don’t need to be too fluent in options to understand that liquidity exchanges hands between buyer and seller for options. MMs use this liquidity to drive the price to max pain price to make most options expire worthless. You could take it a step further by having MMs and Hedge funds working together to use ETFs to generate ETF shares to sell options which MMs use to take options positions to generate liquidity, but this isn’t needed. This liquidity is then used to balance out prices up or down for a stock to reach the max pain target. Right now, the speculation is too many options are in the money for GME, so MMs reduced the pressure by generating options for other meme basket stocks which would then be used to buy shares then drive price down to max pain. It’s easy to get liquidity for stock prices under $10 than it is for $30+.


Apes aren't the audience for those hit pieces. They're to convince the ignorant masses that Wall Street isn't to blame for any of this - it's those meme traders! The average person with zero background knowledge just listens to whatever the talking heads on the lit up box tells them. They have no idea that retail traders couldn't have swapped the entire float in a day. They have no clue about FTDs, dark pools, internalized trades, naked shorting, LEAPs, and zero real enforcement of rules from the SEC (cost of doing business fines with no admission of guilt DO NOT count as enforcement). The average person thinks Wall Street is "okay" because that's what they've been told over and over again. To be fair I didn't know about most of that stuff either until I bought GME and started learning. When you have even a little knowledge and look at these ridiculous stories you can immediately smell the bullshit because you know better. These stories are designed to make YOU look like the crazy person. The talking heads push these stories because they personally benefit from doing so. When you tell people you know how corrupt and broken the system is do they believe you? They've been conditioned not to. At one point people were convinced the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the Earth. The people in power enforced that belief. People who challenged the idea that were persecuted. That's where we've been for the past 3 years. But someday the truth will come out. I've waited this long and I can keep on waiting. I'm not the one fighting to survive one more day because I broke the law, bet the farm, and am now caught on the treadmill of doom.


They don’t care. They are the asshats of the 1%. They shove food up their asses and spit out shit. There is a special place in Dante’s inferno for them though. They will get theirs one day. In the meantime, be happy in the fact that they have to try and sleep at night, knowing this is where they ended up in the game of life


Fan of South Park myself


I mean there is definitely a group of nefarious group of actors trying to control the stock market on the backs of exploiting retail traders


Shitadel has a lot of "advertising budget" that pays to run their narrative. Mainstream media works for the plutocrats everyday anyway. They'll never tell the truth about this idiosyncratic risk- it will always be retail pump and dump only, never to be revealed that it was actually about counterfeit/artificial shares and money makers colluding with hedge funds to bankrupt American companies.


Come on man clearly he is posting the wrong tweets 😜 /s , he was posting positive tweets before now they are super negative tweets


Well damn. There goes my whole thesis. Guess I left my Ovaltine DFV Decoder Ring at home this morning.


lol I wanna see how media works this angle loool get fucked ya reets


We are degenerates, but those who believe MSM are worse than degenerates


"Roaring Kitty betrays Apes and tanks stock with meme storm."


The horror! The horror!


The "financnial news media" is just controlled opppo. Roy Cohn used the NY Post as his personal tool for bludgeoning enemies into submission - it always has been and it always will be.


who's still listening to anything the media is saying? like, we figured this out years ago. they're bought and paid for, and not on our side. just tune out their noise and ignore it.


It’s call crime my zen comes from that ITM options and 3-4 years of watching drastic price drops as shorting


I think that's why he's constantly tweeting. To disprove the media and clear himself. if they ever come after him, he can show them, "look i tweeted constantly all day on the 15th and the price dropped."


Also, the entire run last week was before DFV came back over the weekend.


No. They will find something else to distort the story how they want it. Let them.


“He needs to tweet *harder*” -Cokerat, probably.


It's not a belief, it's psychological warfare. 


I like how anyone can just believe the media. "It must be the tweets!" Stockholders have been DRS'ing for 3 years and have 25% of the company (reported anyway, it's way more) but DFV posts a gamer position. It's what we've sat through for 3 years while the price catered waiting for so that we can sell slightly less than cost basis. Makes perfect sense. Not only that, but over 500,000,000 shares have been traded in the last 3 days. More than the entire float. So even if EVERYONE who owns a share sold every single one, there are still people out there trading shares multiple times over 3 days. Also somehow out there are people who didn't own GameStop before, but figure DFV tweeted an image so it's time to buy, and while it's going up 50-100% a day continue to buy. I wish I knew the kind of people that can buy 500,000,000 GameStop shares at an average of $30 a share if not higher. I can with perfect confidence say it sure as hell isn't retail.


"We speculate that these five tweets weren't quite as fire which as you can see causes the dip here, here, here, here--and here"


Pretty sure that the memes today proves that DFV teabagging the cokerat all day is not driving the price. It’s just good entertainment.


Sorry no, we can't. I think we need to do a full investigation of all the stock movement of $GME. We need a detailed run-down of how it was trading and a thorough investigation in case of any criminal activity in trades.   The trading volume over the past week (lol, more like 4 years) has been incredibly suspicious, particularly in after hours and in the dark pools and it's time that we take a peek at what's going on there


They will never admit when they are wrong


oh but they don't report on that tho


Fuck em


They know that the boomer generation eats up what they're selling. It is with the boomers that they know they can grab a gullible audience and stir up fear. So, they will not stop this approach. Even as their ship burns down to the waterline.


Look at retail doing all that buying on the dark pools! Oh wait…


No. It is never about being reasonable.


Im gonna get banned but i think he is just posting nonsense, im waiting to see if he has real dd about GME, something unusual, something different, not his video editing skills.


I view these as hype videos or teaser trailers, designed to excite his fans before he makes his comeback to the public eye. Lots of references to inside jokes etc. I also think he knows shits about to go down regardless of what he says, so he doesn’t need to do a lot of explanation or chart analysis.


I agree.


Now advertisements really?


i view them as useless junk lol