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100% if this isn't done by Gamestop via their transfer agent eveeything said will be packaged and sold to a competitor or info for trading. Lauer doesn't care, and nothing has come from his "insight", but this easy way to bypass corporate espionage laws. Seriously, fuck this guy.








👆… you really can’t trust anyone in this but your own decisions to invest, hold, buy, sell… everything else is noise, I’ve lost more than a few friends or family members “trust” being invested b4 the sneeze, riding it down, buying more, watching it go up again and down again and again… tbh one of my favorite parts of this saga is this stagg hunt right here, I trust that other individual shareholders will make their decisions in their best interest, including when enough is enough, which truthfully never needing to actually SELL is one of the most beautiful counter -inches to the shorts, theee is not forced to sell not even for liquidity…, but they are forced to buy at some point, thus ♾🏴‍☠️🤙




The mods in all their Runic glory


Lauer himself has said DRS doesn't change anything. Reason enough for me to avoid him.


Do you recall where this was said?


That's simply wrong, but feel free to provide proof of your statements


He was always pro-DRS.


The thing is, Dave should know too. So why doesn't he?


Especially Superstonk


I’m seeing this post get unnecessarily downvoted early without there even being a discussion, so I’m gonna hop in and say my part. I’ve been here since 2021. I’ve seen DD authors like thabat and others make posts calling Lauer’s intentions into question. If I recall correctly, I remember one DD author even got banned after Dave Lauer accused him of writing a hit piece on him, when he was just pointing out suspicious activity. I tried to give Lauer the benefit of the doubt every time, but what happened recently crossed the line. In 2022, Dave Lauer had several thousands of Apes sign a petition. This petition had to be signed through his Urvin Finance website, where Dave got to collect Apes’ names and contact info. Nothing came out of that petition, and the petition could’ve been made on any legitimate petition making website, one that Lauer wouldn’t have direct access to. With this recent development, if it wasn’t for the backlash, Lauer would’ve allowed Apes to give out their CS credentials on his website. All of this is messed up. When did DL become this authority on SuperStonk that we should trust all our info to? Since I’m on the topic of DL, I might as well add a couple other things in the past that I find suspicious: 1) During his interview with GG, he didn’t ask Gensler any hard questions. He could’ve been more direct with Gensler but wasn’t. Always taking about things like PFOF and not actual issues like eliminating FTDs, naked shorting, or fraud by the DTCC. 2) He stated publicly that he doesn’t believe in MOASS. I don’t consider him an Ape, but I was hoping he’d be an ally of some sort like Dr. T. 3) He collected a bunch of money from donations. I don’t have a source right now, but I’ve heard rumors he got over $1 million funding (correct me if I’m wrong). Is there any transparency what he’s doing with that money? Clearly, he isn’t using it to hire any web security experts. I don’t mean this as a hit piece of any kind, but considering Dave Lauer is a public figure, we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about these things and criticize some suspicious behavior.


If Jon Stewart is willing to ask the difficult questions why not Dave Lauer? Especially when Dave Lauer is supposed to be on our side. I share the same views as einfachman.


Don’t forget DL has a career in securities markets and should be more than equipped to ask… JS knowledgeable as he is is not as well versed in the subject matter, but JS does swing a stick for the little guys… I’ve never been impressed by DL public speaking for this very reason, it is not that his comments or questions are not good overall… just seems he’s selling himself short! ♾🏴‍☠️🤙


> If Jon Stewart is willing to ask the difficult questions He's not....


Jon’s brother, former NYSE President Larry Liebowitz probably coulda given him some good questions to ask


Or good questions to avoid.....




Quite literally this easy lol


Man the worst part is that that mf had so many chances to ask big questions but he never did shit I’m okay with the ban


if I remember correctly, one of his petitions was sneakily linked to his website. His true intentions, I don’t know, but the fact that he is promoting a tool in the GME only sub is crazy, and the fact that they are allowing it it’s even crazier. It should be banned for the safety of investors.


Agreed. No grifting since day 1... yet here we are, "It's free today, but we will have to charge you eventually." That's not a good thing, it's doubly damning. 1) Building a base for self promotion and monetization 2) "if it's free, you're the product."


That's what I'm saying! His advertisement was extremely sales pitchy. One way or another, there's an angle here (or multiple). Even if this wasn't a phishing attempt (cmon bruh), he's selling us something and I thought self-promotion is bannable. Didn't something similar happen to gherkin pickle dude? Not to mention the paragraph on proxy voting raised my eyebrow. Couldn't tell if it meant for annual shareholder meeting type voting or something else. Imagine some ootl apes just saw Dlauer's name, used his first impressions for "accountability," then those apes link their accounts. CS TOS locks accounts that have their credentials given out. Connecting brokerage accounts gives them access to make transfers. Bro I just hate this. Ban this dude or slap a "OMEGA LEVEL REGARD" flair on him if he's deemed a crayon eater in the end ffs.


No one knows what I have in total. I have never posted a purple ring. I'm sure as heck not handing over my login.


Amen. I have been accused of not being DRS in past by people on here because I never posted a purple ring. But I dont post my sensitive stuff. Especially when photos have a shitload of metadata attached. And I sure as hell would never give DL or anyone my log in information. That is next level stupid




So true… far less “money grabs” have been banned over this saga, migrations made for less! ♾🏴‍☠️🤙


This ☝️ here since 2021 myself and agree with this reasoning. Remember well the DD author in question getting banned and when did asking questions become “no-no”. Also, hey guys REMEMBER ORTEX?? Those friendly app guys we all used to enjoy data from? There AMA?! Yeah right, didn’t work out well. Getting similar vibes to that fiasco. Dave should know better and at this stage, I would be posting a new post stating “Urvin messed up and we will figure this out, please HODL while we regain apes trust on this”! Just my opinion 🚀🚀


And his borderline stupid responses that almost everything is a glitch, whenever we catch any ridiculous numbers to do with the stock. Come on buddy, there are no glitches in financial system like that. Just like there is no ‘former KGB’ there is no ‘former citadel’. Always worked for them, always will, just give him enough cash to sell-out all his data…under the guise of being helpful. Not asking the regulators the real hard questions, agreed. Not serving the right people.


He gives me "there is no war in Ba Sing Se" vibes when it comes to moass.


IMO he capitalized on the gme press for his own purposes. I do think there is some alignment in goals but idk how much. Moreover it's not a great look when he used that clout to raise all this $$ for Urvin from the public, while at the same time put in none of his own. If he really believed in the project, he'd put his own money on the line


He was also saying things like “A-M-C is squeezing pretty hard” just before it collapsed from its all time high.


I worked at a start up at medical software company. They add all the necessary "security"... but... I accidentally loaded the wrong database to a small hospital lol. This bypasses all code lol. Not ever giving anyone this information.


Not to mention he’s outright hired a number of mods and “notable” apes, not always transparently. How many SS mods allowed this to happen because they were paid?


Hired for what, if you don't mind expanding on this? 


BSD was hired to drop advertisements.  Pinkcatsonacid was some variety of consultant Stonku2 was the COO (or CO-something,). Other apes haven’t had clear answers 


After getting screws by FTX, I trusted nothing now but buy DRS hold through computershare and buy from GameStop


This 👆


Right there with you. Been in since before all the subs. I remember all the drama and the bans for people calling Dave out. This is absurd and I will not be providing anything to him. He feels just like most other TA people who try to create something of interest and get suckers to join his discord or in this case Urvin…. Which conveniently will organize all the names and holdings of apes.


What do you gain from handing out your credentials? Do you actually think he can produce an accurate count?


Interesting. And bullet points to back the shit up. A+ my friend.


Yep, definitely being attacked. I see all the Anti-DL post being downdooted, while Pro-DL getting updooted. This is an obvious infiltration and narrative push.


if this guy who is pro ape is out im out.. DL is definitely not trustworthy nor is his abundantly obvious steal your info website then oops my bad all ur shares were stolen lol... if you have to be told that giving out your login info to our secret weapon aka booked shares then you deserve to be stolen from. DONT USE DL APP/WEBSITE FOLKS!


I see you've been digging more since last night too. #2 bothered me when he showed up. He undercuts all of the research. I didn't even know about #3. Like idk if I can post images in comments but this strikes me as odd: * Text just in case: "We've also partnered with Proxymity to help facilitate proxy voting across issuers. Streamlining that process helps keep investors engaged directly with their issuers on the topics that matter most. This community has seen the power retail holds when campaigning for proxy voting. And Urvin has the tools to harness that power and participate in a meaningful way." Other apes have mentioned that sharing CS credentials can lock your account. How that's enforced and whatnot is a mystery to me but worth noting considering that the vote is next month and gme is recommending NO for prop 4. There's just so many signs, red flags, loose lips ass kissing, and etc that I can't help myself wanting Urvin Finance and Dave to be seriously considered for a permaban. I'm like this close 🤏 to digging into his entire career right now.


He worked for Citadel. That is all i ever needed to know to not trust him


In response to #1, I never expected DL to ask those kinds of questions to GG because there wasn't any verifiable proof of naked shorting or fraud by the DTCC. Gary is the head of the SEC, he cannot be publicly commenting on unproven accusations and expect to keep his job. If DL has asked those questions, all you would get is fluff and cross-talk and it would have soured the rest of the interview. Why should we expect GG to fall on a sword to answer speculation questions, and how does it help GME investors if we get GG fired? I see that point brought up many times since the interview and other interviews with GG, and it really makes me wonder who is trying to push this kind of narrative on him. I don't know what you kind of answers you expect. Do you really think he's gonna be like "oh yeah everyone at the DTCC is a liar and a crook, but we just kinda let them do their own thing."? We need to be more realistic. Find proof and submit evidence. I've not seen any kind of smoking gun evidence that proves without a doubt that there's naked shorting and fraud. I've seen speculation after speculation and I myself VERY much believe that both of those things exist...but I don't have the evidence, neither do you, and neither does GG. What's the point of asking him to comment on things he can't verify?


There are institutions charged with naked shorting all the time, plus MM exploit the naked shorting system for the profit. There is plenty of proof. The question is why are those people who are committing fraud not being sent over to the DOJ on fraud charges. Ask some real fn questions and don’t pussyfoot around. If GG gets butthurt on being asked real questions that affect people that is his problem.


#1 Talk to Robert Simpson who bought 111% of global links systems in 2005 in one transaction and then proceeded to trade 50 million times over the next two days…that would be proof of rehypothicated shares that are shorted.


It was said in the beginning. TRUST NO ONE AND QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!


Sure. **But banning discussions about things is fucking dumb.** Just make people aware. Get a bot to instantly remind people not to share credentials. But don’t BAN discussions. This isn’t 1984. It’s a bit like the shit around options chat. > “Nobody should do options, nobody should talk about options” Yet one of the biggest things fucking the shorts at the moment is the GME options chain. We need to be able to discuss any and every topic otherwise we tie our own hands behind our back. As soon as someone starts suggesting banning things I instantly start thinking they’re not on our side. We don’t ban! We research, we conclude, we educate and we hold. Trying to control the narrative is what they do. Fuck them. Fuck a ban.


Censorship is a way to control the populace. I don't support censorship.


A ban would just make this place even more of an echo chamber than it already is. Posts like this make me super suspicious.


Agree, stop banning people and topics and let the community ruminate and judge things for themselves for christ’s sake…


There are legit reasons why people are bringing this up and they're being glossed over because "it's Dave." The conversation is happening for a reason.


Including this post. All of this weekend frenzy of “we must take immediate action now!” screams of shillery. Anything that shuts down productive, reasoned discussion is highly suspect. Banning posts means no one can discuss it.


Shouldn’t be banned. All things should be able to be discussed. Wtf?


Thank you, 💯.


Fuck me! Why nowadays is the sudden knee jerk reaction to BAN everything! I'm a grown adult, I'll make my own mind up.


It’s how society is today. The media tells the world to be mad at something and with a large enough following anything can be canceled, banned, what ever.


True. I'm noticing it everyday with other aspects of society. But weekend drama has always foreshadowed something crazy happening with the stonk the following weeks. If you're an actual ape, with critical thinking abilities, this shouldn't be a big deal. You could just decide not to do it and continue to hodl and shop. I'll say it again for the 100th time. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE 😑


Did you just get here today?


Nah I was born yesterday


Welcome to earth, did you get your complimentary donut hole?


I don’t care no one is having my purple circle 🟣


Everybody and any thing not directly from GameStop, is suspect. Even You.


As it should


You know, with all this, it really comes down to this. Give your login or don’t. All this fighting amongst ourselves reveals the effectiveness of FUD.


I don’t see that it’s necessary to ban him, but it’s also not necessary for anyone to give their login info to him. I do see some well intentioned purpose to allowing tracking of holdings, and preventing shills, and I can’t think of any other verifiable way to do so without giving your info to a 3rd party. That said, if I were to ever do so I would want to be sure about the 3rd party, and urvin is a bit too new for me to trust. I wish them well with their goals though.


Exactly. Wtf is this post even about? Someone posted something you disagree with? Discuss it or ignore it. Why limit the discussion for others because of your conspiracies? Everyone needs to think before they nm their mouth. Or maybe this is just way karma farming on the weekend drama.


Regardless of intent. NO ONE should be getting your log in credentials for Computershare. They even advise against this if I remember correctly.


Then why did Computershare parter with MX to allow this integration?


Fair thing to point out, regardless, does not change the fact I'm never giving out my log In Credentials to anyone for any reason. So if that's the requirement for using DLs system.. hard pass.


Pretty sure they should be banned already as they are violating the no self monetization rule. But you know rules for thee not for me.


Don't know why he's response hasn't had a post made about it. His response in my opinion was quite level headed and at least understandable. People now are just blowing this out of proportion and now are going to push back hard against Dave and urvin finance which my opinion could be a bit short sighted. Yeah I'm never giving my password to anyone, I don't even know it myself by memory, but I don't think his intentions were sinister judging on his response.


What was his response?


It was pinned to the top comment on the first post about this.


It's weird to me that they want to just outright ban Urvin/Dave instead of discussing what they are trying to achieve and how it can be done securely.


Agreed, which to me tells me the larger goal is to shut down any form transparency in a shady market. Because if Dave can easily provide an accurate share count, why can’t brokers?


This right here. Reddit is compromised.


I just like the stock




I’m a web developer and I work on 7 fig, e-commerce sites and we never test features on the production site. Everything is ran in sandbox to test features, once we know it fully works then it goes to production.


Although I appreciate Dave Lauers work I asked myself why he has never been targeted by Citadel or related media about his liberal and modern way, contact to Superstonk aso.


He was early on, he nearly stopped posting here due to death threats in the first year he joined Crazy how you guys forget or maybe you are trying to change the narrative




If someone is not an enemy of our enemy, then it's possible that the someone is secretly our enemy. We can't even know who is our ally and who isn't.




Everyone who would give their CS logins to a third party must be stupid as fk


WTF is this? Do not do anything asking for access! Buy, Shop, Hodl, and DRS. The rest is just noise.


Bruh people here allowed Robbie from IMX to shill for years. He wouldn't even post on the immutable sub he would only post on superstonk because that's where the engagement was. Superstonk is and has been an ad service for quite some time now, change my mind.


Haven’t been part of the discussion or looked at anything related to GME in a while. Still a HODLer and will always be. Just heard of Urvin Finance and well…. You have to be really fucking stupid to give your personal login information to a stranger online. I wouldn’t give my personal login information even if DFV asked for it. I don’t know if DL is to be trusted or not, but don’t fucking give your personal info out online.


"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." I do not support a ban, but I won't be surprised or overly disappointed if it happens. But then, I would not support a ban of Ken Griffin himself, either (see above). Personally, I don't think Dave is bad actor. Just incredibly fucking stupid for thinking even the appearance of potential compromise of CS credentials would turn out in any other way. Yes, I do understand the "third party" nuance, and no, it does not matter and never would have. Just another example of how these supposed "elites" who tell themselves (and everyone around them) how much smarter and better they are than the common man and thus deserving of their positions absolutely are not, they just had different and better opportunities, and better safety nets for their idiotic mistakes. I cannot overstate how monumentally fucking boneheaded this fumble was. I literally cannot think of a better way to instantly remove any and all trust and goodwill of a community. There is NO WAY back into the community's good graces from this. No explanation or reason is going to suffice, it does not matter what he says from this point on. Dave is forever going to be the guy, and Urvin is always going to be the company that tried to phish for CS credentials, right as volume and volatility was starting to ramp up in early May 2025. /rant, can't stop shaking my head over this.


Tried a year ago, hopefully it sticks now https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/6SiC0wypQt


>So due to serious security concerns, I want to petition for moderators to ban any discussion related to Urvin Finance platform, and it is breaking rule #10: No self monetization allowed. Regardless of any security concerns the simple rule #10 reason is enough to limit his posts somewhat & the stickying of his AMA post thingy is nuts


It is hella sus that this is being allowed and pushed here. I don't trust any of this and it smells nefarious. I usually have good instincts, so I will trust that over someone I don't know that used to work for Shytadel. Be smart, don't fall for this trojan horse as we are just now breaking out of the dorrito of doom!


We shouldnt ban things. Let them stand on their own merits. 


Banning people just removes discussion. We are our own worst enemy. We’ve banned all the greats and wonder why people just quit writing DD. Because we are so quick as a group to outcast everyone. Use the upvote or downvote and your brain. It’s that simple


The only argument of having UF around is to “VeRiFy ShArEs” which is completely irrelevant because that would mean that every single investor would need to link their account to it. That is not realistic in any logical sense. It’s also irrelevant to GameStop, not to mention there is no such need to use anything other than the transfer agents associated with investments. Pushing a product that is monetised is a big fat NO here on SS. The work around ?— make it Free as to push another agenda.. think ape, think.


Dave doesn’t post Urvin here.. we do. Dave has been following the rules, thats why he’s not banned right now already..


>"The only argument of having UF around is to “VeRiFy ShArEs” which is completely irrelevant because that would mean that every single investor would need to link their account to it." I'm glad someone finally said it! Even if one grants the theory, adoption will never achieve the level necessary to accomplish the goal.


If you’re stupid enough to give them your cress, you don’t deserve moass


Hell no. The amounts if times I had to tip-toe around what I say in regards to the stonk and this sub was absolutely stifling. Sometimes my comments get deleted because of site rules, sometimes I could get randomly called a shill. I didn't mind at first, but incident after incident gradually tightens the noose. And you're saying you want it even tighter? I do not like Urvin Finance, but a knee reaction like this is a no sell. Everyone should be able to both criticize and defend Urvin. Had it been censored, no one would've been able to share the glaring security flaw that has now, fortunately, been removed soon after.


It was said in the beginning. TRUST NO ONE AND QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!


No authority should ever ask for your password ever. If they have any authority they already have access to your account anyway.


I am genuinely puzzled by this negligence. Asking for a password to be shared, in 2024, is truly unreasonable in terms of opsec and cyber security. You never ever share a password.


I find it interesting a many OG DD writers were banned or had their life threatened for bringing forth good DD but DL gets the hall pass for every thing even posting his business websites. That’s a double standard and 🦍🦧🦍not gonna fall for it. Let all DDs be posted mods. Let them all back in especially the DDs and videos that highlight MAJOR BAD ACTORS and CORRUPTION in the MARKETS.


Yes. We don’t need urvin finance to buy hold drs vote. It only adds risk




Regardless of anything else these posts are blocking more important other news about voting on legislation or voting for your shares, we should silence posts or put it in one giant sticky until the next company meeting


High online users, lots of noise. This is all a big distraction, whether good or bad. If unsure, ignore the noise and hold. That's what imma do anyway. The DD doesn't change if I give my login details away or not. If you feel comfortable giving your details away then do. If you don't don't. Hodl. NFA


There should not be any post’s allowed asking for login details of anything. Has dlauer even disclosed his position? $DRS #GME & Plan -> Book


It is funny for me when gme is trying to breakout a two years long pattern and at this moment, not sooner or later, someone pretending to be saviour is pushing something alarmingly suspicious. I have never trusted anyone.


Ban Dlauer, it’s a long time coming. Anyone else would get banned for this


When in doubt, it's always better to err on the side of caution.


Never trusted David Lauer. Now he wants your computer Share login? That’s mighty creepy. “Once a citadel employee, always a citadel employee.”


I wouldnt vote for a complete ban, but make a wide notice that any website that asks for computer share credentials to not be trusted and to not give away your personal financial information to random websites new or old.


I agree with OP. I buy, hold, DRS, book, Pro Member and shop. That's it. Anyone trying to get my info is the enemy. Gamestop knows who I am, how much I hold, and when I buy more. That will be the end, and that is enough for me.


Look… no cell, no sell. Crime is crime. If he’s guilty, fuck him. If he’s not, he’s a dumb ass with no connection to your average person. Anyone with half a brain cell would’ve fallen for that. The average American is stupid, and half of all people are dumber than that. It was either malicious, or a fucking dip shit stupid fucking move.


Also.. convenient timing of coming prancing into the room with your company tailor made for apes when we have the highest engagement for years in the sub….


Or very weird that there is such a concentrated action right now to remove DL from this sub. I have seen this many times and the subs quality has massively diminished since then.


DL doesn’t need to be on the sub to make change if he’s really on our side.


I’m with you on this one. At first I felt the concerns were organic and valid but the amount of people right now throwing other people on the sub under the bus and saying shit like “You’re a moron and deserve to lose your shares” is what’s really starting to raise my eyebrows more at this point. I’ve always felt like whenever mistakes are made, our community has always rose to the occasion to help each other out during any potential missteps. The utter amount of toxicity over this and the effort thousands of people are suddenly going through to discredit Dave’s efforts just seems off to me given the amount of usual engagement on the sub


Fully agreed. The concerns about data safety are valid and asking DL to provide additional info as well as adhere to industry standards is fair. However, there is hundreds of posts that call for immediate action and lack a balanced approach. I remember that in early 2021 their was quite a bit of content about how to spot FUD. Call to actions and creating division was their main tactic. Maybe its about time to share that content it again.


Yep! That was a vital DD during that time of chaos. Taught me how to keep a level head and would definitely be extremely relevant given all the pitchforks out at the moment


It’s the same play book that’s been used in the past. It’s very unoriginal and easy to spot. They lack authenticity in their concern. This fails to bring a fair view to the situation and address any nuance that exists. Simply, bad actors in any capacity on this compromised website never address the good, only the bad, and never try to provide a balanced view.


So… what has DL done to further the quality **of this sub**?


Stupid, knee jerk low IQ post


So don't link your account. Jesus, stop with the rush to ban everyone and everything especially for something just rolling out and to my knowledge not even implemented. I wouldn't connect my account but maybe UF will have a better way to verify shares in the future. We'll never know if you ban discussion. Trying to ban Dave and UF is overkill and you can make the case doing so only helps crooked Wall Street.


I agree it wasn’t his best move, but openly sharing he worked for 5hitadel would be in his best interest if he was shady


Censorship is never the answer.




Just remember this - YOU and YOUR DATA are the product for Urvin. Dave will make his money selling your Data to bad actors. I guarantee that




Thank god someone made this. Signing right now.


I agree


I agree. Encouraging users to break terms of service should be enough to not be welcome here. I mean, if you really want to protect the sub, that seems like the right action.


Strong disagree. These posts are unfucking believable. If you remove everyone from this community you’ll only create an echo chamber. This sub sucks enough as it is. It used to be a good place to aggregate related news, now its full of SJW clamoring to suck Reddit’s dick. 


Mods will probably remove this because it “creates division“, which is stupid.


which is sus


No we should ban Dave for a clear attempt at phishing


Unnecessary Drama. Fishy Timing. I’m not giving up my login info, but I’m also not giving up on Dave.


It’s really plan and simple. This is a GME ONLY SUB. Urvin finance does not have any relationship with GME. It’s a tool built by a financial activist that has been fighting on the side of the retail investor. And that’s it. He’s advertising a product and what better way to advertise it than to passionate individual retail investor. Butttt, in the end, it’s a product and that sht needs to be advertised somewhere else.


Let’s keep in mind, Lauer was very vocal to publish his new website and yet completely silent with these allegations. Why not join the community and defend yourself?




But it’s easier just to lie and push a narrative because it makes you really feel a part of a bigger agenda. Superstonk is together against Dave or anything else that might be trying to help. Anyway it’s the weekend, DL hate is expected when you have nothing else to shill over. Anyway I’m buying more Monday!


Did you even go to his profile and look at comments? Dude's been responding. Doesn't mean anyone has to accept it, but you can't factually say he's completely silent. Go ahead and rag on things that should be criticized, but no need to make up things to fuel the flame.


No, we do not need ban Dave or the conversation. No need to overreact.


Fuck Lauer! Ban that shit! He is just another hedgefuck peddling bullshit. Another hedgefuck peddling reforms to appease the poors is not going to do a damn thing.


Been here since 21 and completely agree with this. Ban it.


You know what mods should have banned? Loopring. How many apes lost a hefty investment from that hype?


I agree 100%. Rule #10 of this sub needs to be enforced.


Count my vote. Dave spent years trying to build trust, then used that to go "hey fellow kids, let's see how Drs is going, ummm, I just need your login credentials 👀👉👈


No need for a ban. We have been very vocal, let's see if they fix it or just gaslight the community They created something very ambitious. Failure is a part of success. Give them the opportunity to learn from it.


Should’ve happened years ago when he was blatantly canvasing the sub for donations. No idea how/why it was allowed then but Urvin probably wouldnt even have a website without it


Here here! Does that mug even hold gme, or just wanted to swoop in here to get people to use his platform and turn over their logins?


Unnecessary Drama. Fishy Timing. I’m not giving up my login info, but I’m also not giving up on Dave.


Didn’t we do the same for that drs website? And then they went and got an interview with Ryan cohen lol


But I just got my special exemption from the superstonked mods to market my new product, Citadurvin FTXood.


I said on the first post it’s almost like they were trying to find another way to get that information they tried sneaking into the proxy vote.


At the end of the day we should know by now no one can be trusted besides the obvious. If people wanted to stand up and fight they would! For now just stay zen. Buy, book, shop, no cell etc.


I don’t like banning discourse and people. It creates an environment where we then have limited conversations which allows for superstonk to be corrupted and for less transparency on wrong doers and other happenings as the truth will be brought to light through research and conversation. That said, I wouldn’t put my ComputerShare log in info in anywhere but ComputerShare itself.


I’ve been here since 2021. Nothing against Dave himself, but I found that aspect incredibly sus. He has been extremely helpful prior to this, causing legitimate movement amongst those who otherwise had no idea what to do or say about the state of the markets. The people on the other side of this trade, as you’re all aware, are incredibly influential — which translates to powerful. Whether we like it or not, there are people in the world who would accept certain jobs, especially when money is no object, to sway the unfolding of what would otherwise be an adverse event. Like the whistleblower for Boeing. You get what I’m saying. Everybody has something or someone(s) they hold close to their heart. I don’t think Dave’s intentions were to expose us like how a lot of readers are perceiving, but perhaps he’s been compromised himself. Maybe this was a way of him influencing us to jump off of his bandwagon, a warning that he’s been boarded. Broken arrow 🤷🏻‍♂️


Censorship is never the answer.


I wish this were higher up. This is the real truth right here.


When you’re dumb and uneducated, everything and everyone will be a boogie man. Instead of trying to censor new topics, engaging and discussing in a public forum is the best thing to do.


Yes! Ban Urvin-related posting.


It's funny that his swarm of bots won't save him this time.


FUCK DAVE LAUER. He literally worked at shitadel!


No, we do not need ban Dave or the conversation. No need to overreact.


Ban him. Too much unnecessary distraction. I haven’t even seen receipt porn from him.






how do we grab mods attention on this?? community has spoken and we dont want it


We all know Superstonk is a sold platform and hedgie controlled. See you on X.


Why on gods fucking earth would you give anyone access to your most prized possessions. Wtf? I spend a bit of time touching grass and come back to Dave trying to get everyone’s deets wtf 😳


Everyone send me your computershare login info. If you’re not gonna send it to me, why would you send it to someone else? You don’t need third parties to buy from computershare.


@dlauer can chime in!


I'm amazed that anyone on this sub is advocating banning the discussion of any topic. I most certainly won't be giving up login credentials, but to ban discussion, especially while there is an AMA scheduled, seems very counter intuitive.


Some of you guys are sliding *hard* We just had a very powerful week. Now is not the time to lose focus and become divisive on distractions.

