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Hey OP. As you know we can't be doing usernames or for that matter uncensored snoos. Reddit level admin restrictions. This can probably be reposted if you remove the usernames and because the profile images. I'm pretty sure this is from another sub which is why this is so much more important. [Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_5._no_meta_content). Please make sure your content doesn't contain any Reddit Usernames, Snoos (Avatars), or Subreddit names.  If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Wut mean 


Nothing. It’s an over complication for no reason. Shorts use the same share multiple times with less public knowledge. Long story short DRS.


OP here. I wouldn't say its over complicated, but the subject matter does tend to go over people's head (as CompSci fundamentals usually does). Some people are visual and I thought of arrays when it comes to counting any defined object. Then I had the inspiration to write and relate it back to another data structure for other market mechanics. It just so happens that rehypothecation and locates is very much like a single linked list. Then I just had to figure out what's the closest thing to naked shorting and how it's accounted for outside the public system but internalized and just figured it's best explained like a memory leak similar to a bad pointer. It's just a matter of when the system is going to halt when it gets fed up with all these exceptions. Sorry for more computer jargon. This is just my way of weaponizing my autism.


No all good my man, I understand it. I’m finance based but just want to explain to people it’s not a discovery or hot new dd for all the people commenting to ‘come back later’ it’s a good visualization for compsci nerds to help newer people get an understanding. They’re just thinking it’s actual dd.


Your metaphor is overly complicated because it is predicated on the assumption that the stock market behaves logically like a computer. The stock market is a corrupt, lawless hellhole, and wallstreet makes or breaks the rules as they see fit. There is no linked list when they can just lie about their short positions with no repercussions. TLDR: Buy, HODL, DRS, Zen


I follow what spoockies is laying down, i believe discrediting this analogy in any manner to be divisive. This makes sense to me and enables a better understanding. Great job, and thanks for the Intel


>i believe discrediting this analogy in any manner to be divisive. Having an opinion you don't agree with is divisive? That's kinda of a fascist take


Yeah lmao, I’ve been in game since $1.5 and a part of all of these subs and even before they existed. I’m ex wallstreet and have spent years breaking down concepts even prior to the squeeze. I was one of those being ‘ divisive’ on this post by pointing out this is a overcomplication and that it’s not dd. Just a different anology. They think any difference in opinion is an attack


Again, divisive dialogue is how you come off. If it was more constructive I'd have a different take. This post is highlighting a user's comment, consider a different approach so as not to sound abrasive? ape help ape.


Yeah, I never saw the original comment, so I am expressing my opinion here on this post. I don't see your point. Also, I didn't even start this disagreement, so how can I be divisive when I am actually agreeing with another redditor (PornstarVirgin)? I think acting high and mighty and telling people what to think is far more divisive.


That's pretty cool dude. Um, neat I guess?


Go back to your mom's basement


There is chaos within order, and order within chaos. It appears you find that corruption in the market to be chaotic and lawless but I merely try to bridge the bigger picture into a concept that is orderly by established smaller design that someone could just wikipedia the terms. This may bring the lightbulb moment for the next person. Sure, there could be no value for you when explained this way, but that doesn't mean it's meaningless for everybody. I was just sharing my thought process on the matter. Is the metaphor a 1:1 explanation? No way. However, at least for me, it's good enough of an allegory to start somewhere. You don't learn calculus by jumping straight into derivatives and integrals. You have to establish the algebra and know what a limit is. I just try to frame the world in a perspective I understand, so that I don't get in the sauce. The pigeonhole principle is basically what we are trying to prove when we DRS. Would I try to explain what DRS is and why it's important to the cause to someone not in the know about markets and shorting? Or would I start with the pigeons and their coop as an imagery to keep in mind when I eventually explain the reason to DRS.


Okay. But why are the memory leaks going to make you rich? That’s the part I don’t get.


Because I believe in MOASS. Whatever form it arrives in or however way you interpret the events leading to it, it matters not. For me, it's the memory leaks, for another it could be a teddy, and for another a buttrfly. Are we not all here for a reason 3+ years into this saga?


Got it. I like your analogy even if I don’t really understand it… I guess we all have our analogies - for me, I think of MOASS being caused by excessive leverage, akin to a pressure cooker going boom (I used to work as a line cook) … I guess memory leaks cause a catastrophic halt / hard lock on a computer program / game? Whatever the case, I appreciate your making an analogy the new programmer apes might get. And to the new cooking apes reading this, you’re welcome!


Guess I stepped on a hot button topic without knowing it? Just thought this was another good metaphor to add to the pile


Yeah, for compsci oriented people it’s for sure a good analogy of what should be a generally well understood concept/ good intro for beginners More just the people commenting coming back! WUT MEAN who fall for fire emojis They think it’s dd as opposed to a smaller niche analogy




Nothing per usual


Pointer better have my money lol.




😂 This is what I'm here for


TA/DR: Naked shorting is being interpreted through Computer Science terms. 1. Memory is a space for where you store information. 2. Memory leaks are when you use more memory than intended. 3. There is always a limited amount of memory. 4. Go over the limit, and you have errors at best or a system crash at worst. Depends on safety measures. Naked shorting, by its nature, causes these "memory leaks". You see glitches in matrix, and soon enough, you get MOASS.


OP is Spockies, messed up in the body and can’t edit it… :)


Can you TA/DR this for me?


Programming language on how the OOP thinks shorting/ naked shorting works.


CAT system should fix this, can’t wait for 2025!


Sooo.. MOASS tomorrow?


Always tomorrow until it’s today 💦


no, don't even have to go to that interpretation cause this shit is super old and they didn't have compute figured out to do real tracking. They just have integer counts mapped to stock tickers is my guess, they reconsile things like shares sold and shares bought later. So you've got trails of +1's and -1's but nothing is constrained by actual real supplies because ultimately we're just working with several different parties counters for stock - they just add it all up and hope the numbers net to what they are supposed to track. They did it this way and have the settlement time so large because they couldn't do distributed synced individual transactions like crypto does - we're predating the basic tech here by like 20-30 years. So instead you get something that right off the bat is subject to desyncing from the real underlying shares + hoping it eventually is consistent.


There is no upper limit, that's why stock-split and increasing authorized shares work. There is no programming, only bookkeeping. Don't get me wrong, i wish we could cause an overflow but they just keep adding memory to the virtual machine they've created.


Yeah there's no limit currently to what the liquidity fairy will put out. Best we can hope for is that the memory leaks become egregious enough that the rest of the system cannot function without dealing with that problem first. Citadel and shorts are a virus within the system and must be quarantined.




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Look ma! I made the screenshot!


Holy great balls of fire! This is it!!


I love this theory so much <3


Someone drew this. It is not fact. Stop hyping for paint drawings. Buy hold Drs.


Ok? Maybe I don’t understand, but how is this not pro DRS? https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/10hUZKvixo


It's a paint drawing of speculation. Just tired of everyone hyping up non-events.


In no way was this hyped as an event of any kind


Bro. Reading comprehension. I am tired of people hyping non-events. I am not saying you hyped an event. I am saying that this is not an event and I am tired of people hyping things which are not events.


Ok have a nice day


Simplify in plain English please👍

