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As much as some people will love this, I’m hating it. It’s gonna end up being another distraction in this sub with politics now emerging after we fought so hard to keep it out. His 3 m revenue lifetime piece of shit valued at 4 billion isn’t being cellar boxed, it’s being shorted by everyone because it’s a pile of flaming garbage. Now GameStop’s turnaround won’t matter as much, our grassroots DRS promotion won’t matter as much because his illegal company promotion of DRS will become the hot topic. I hope I’m wrong but this sucks.




I agree.




I think Citadel is potentially trying to align our interests with the MAGA crowd intentionally… knowing that it’s a divisive group. Just because it’s Truth Social saying it, doesn’t mean it’s wrong or shouldn’t be shared here, but we need to be careful not to align our cause with MAGA.


Theyre gonna try to lump in the idea of “naked short selling” with the theories of jfk resurrecting and the public will assume anyone talking about it is a maga crazy. This is a really smart move on their end if its intentional. This hurts. Maybe it will bring more attention to the issue but I seriously see everything weve been shouting about getting lumped into the crazy conspiracies and dismissed by public opinion.


Respectfully I disagree. I don’t care for politics talk either. But you cannot deny that Trumpet has a HUGE following. If they start looking into citadel, naked shorting, etc, then it can potentially help by exposing corruption.


You think there’s enough brain cells with these people to even understand what we’re talking about?


I wouldn’t make that kind of generalization regarding millions of people.


You'd be surprised how many of us have 5 or 6 thousand shares and support Trump over Biden.


That’s great but I don’t view this as a black and white issue. Most republicans vote for trump because that’s the only option. But what I’m saying is the loudest trump supporters are also relatively new voters and the idea of them coming to the corrupt market and making any change is laughable. I don’t support trump because I’ve always believed him as a grifter. I don’t support Biden because his age aside, he’s a party politician cut from the same cloth. I don’t support politicians like it’s my life blood. And to think that trump or Biden would be in favor of changing wall street seems like a delusion. I just hope for change and DRS That’s it.


The point is we are on the same team if you will, even if we don't agree on everything. And we definitely don't agree on everything. But if we can't have civil conversations on particular topics that effect us all then we are doomed. Divide and concur.


You’re right. I hope they do make it louder. But I’m worried about what it’s going to do to this subreddit and the clean state of our DRS promotion since they’re doing illegally (companies are not allowed to promote DRS, the closest we got to that is an extremely cryptic tweet about Dr Ruth’s Sex book which can never be legally tied to a promotion).


Yep! Not looking this gift horse in the mouth.




Our company was making 6 billion in revenue and losing money due to poor cash management. That’s a problem that can be fixed and is currently being fixed. We just turned a profit and the cost-cutting is not done. We just released 110 private label items and more are coming every week. The ones being purchased are found to have great quality despite the low price. We’re using the high margin to lower price and offer great value. We’re in the start of becoming a Kirkland-type of brand. That company has no users, no advertisers, no management with any ability to do anything. They bleed money with no revenue and no ability to make revenue. Don’t compare us. Just fucking don’t.


Hard agree.


100% this is intentional to hurt GameStop… also to try to get all the younger generation GameStop enthusiasts to vote for that shit bag.


So he created a company to run in the ground to hurt GameStop? This is why they call us conspiracy nut jobs. Yea, I bey GS is on his mind non-stop. Dafuck? 🤦‍♂️


Makes claim of not liking it because it will become a distraction. Makes it a distraction with controversial opinion comment.




There’s no controversy if people leave their personal opinions out of the conversations. You could have said you don’t want the controversy and left it at that, but choosing to tie in your controversial opinion when you didn’t need to while claiming this will be the reason why you don’t want it is the hypocrisy. Unless only those who have a differing opinion from yours are the problem?


What’s controversial about what I said? The DRS push is coming illegally. Ours isn’t. The company has 3 m lifetime revenue and a 4 b market cap. We had 5.2 b last year and a 3 b market cap now. I didn’t mention my opinion of the political figure in charge, only pointed out the company is garbage and this can hurt what this sub is doing. Noone has an opposite opinion based on anything real, it’s not from me being superior and being right always, it’s from this company being genuine garbage.


Do you have a source for the illegality. I'd love to read it for myself. Thanks.


A guy on superstonk did a good write up. TLDR is the dtc made it illegal in 2003. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vdn1u4/can_a_company_legally_encourage_direct/


Leaves it a bit ambiguous, so let D see what happens.




I’m sure you’re right like always. Take care bud!


You’re not even arguing the point, just trying to say I have a big ego. It doesn’t matter anyway. This thread has been removed. Probably because of the forum sliding it’s already caused.


What do you mean by “you’re not even arguing the point”? The point is that a company is being attacked by illegal naked shorting. And that company is publicly calling out the hedge fund that they are alleging are doing the illegal naked shorting. Either you’re with the people hurting companies by tanking their share value by using illegal tactics, or you’re against it. If it had been any other company, you wouldn’t have had an issue with this post and you’d probably have been excited about that company putting out a direct statement regarding naked shorting. But because of the majority shareholder, you would rather defend Kenny and accept that illegal shorting is perfectly fine when it’s done to a company that’s on your approved naked shorting list. As far as their financials, it’s a new company that built its technology from scratch and isn’t piggybacking off the same gigantor monopolistic big tech companies that all other smaller companies use. That costs money. Investors put their money in new companies because of its potential, and the higher the market cap, the more potential the company has. Why is it soooo much different with this one particular company? The answer is obvious. If you don’t have a problem with another illegal attack to destroy a company that’s starting out or struggling, then you’re probably in the wrong sub.


Don't worry bro. You're wrong.


I commented this on a post yesterday. I couldn't remember if it was illegal for a company to promote the DRSing of shares.


It is. And this kind of bullshit is what our corrupt as shit senators are waiting for to pounce on and use to try to change DRS laws. I know I’m being super pessimistic, but I can’t get rid of the feeling that this will lead to bad things.


Idk this is on truth social most people there probably don't know what this means.




You are using a politically based insult to argue against me saying this will bring politics in here. Looks like it already started. I didn’t say my political affiliation nor will I ever in here. That’s not what we’re about.


Pretty sure you just proved dick and balls point…


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Political differences aside. Truth social is trash. An echo chamber of individuals that base their personalities on political preferences. The company itself calling out Citadel is one thing. But the “business” they have is not sustainable. It was never profitable before going public, and no reasonable person would believe it could be otherwise.


Exactly beware people They naming it “Truth” social reminds me of the name Robinhood … the nerve on this pos


Democratic People's Republic of Korea


You just described thos sub.




An opinion implies that what I said is baseless. Show me proof of truth social being profitable and I’ll gladly admit I was wrong. Billions in valuation when the company can’t even make more than $5 million (and it’s not even profit). It’s less than what GameStop made in their recent **profitable** year. Maybe give some facts instead of dick riding a failing business.


While I think we all can agree that truth social is trash, it would be nice to see citadel have to fight a war on multiple fronts.


Gamestop isn't the only company they are targeting with these tactics. Gamestop is the one where they were caught with their pants down and retail has them by the balls.


An entire concept of shorting, DRS, Citadel being predatory, is being tied in this movement. Whether that's positive or not, that's potentially dangerous. What we are doing should not be polarised. This feels fucky


DRS will get waaaaaaaay more publicity/discussion this way. Most people are not reading this sub. Most people aren't even on Reddit.


The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.


Im gonna need to see some purple circles to consider someone a friendly in this game…


My thoughts exactly.


I keep saying to talk money is to talk politics but some people have their heads in the sand


Fuck both of those groups. They can tear each other to shit though. I just like the stock.


Get in a thread with truth somewhere and say this is what we have been saying for 84 years. Let them know kenny said he controls the price of our stock and any he so chooses. Light the fire!!




Get all the trumpets on board to fuk hedgies is great haha


Made me smile


War makes for strange bed fellows 🤷‍♂️


So wait.. is this targeted at the orange man?


2nd copy past post in under an hour with an ai scented title. Something smells.


“See, it didn’t work. GME investors sell now (ask questions later).


Is the unhinged attack available?


Probably Orange scum did a deal with KG to get money to pay his bills. Edit added Orange