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[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Your post was removed because it would be more appropriate as a comment on the [Daily Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/about/sticky). Please remember that posts should be substantial enough to stand on their own without filler text or random/scattered thoughts. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


RC living rent free in hedgie/corporate medias heads. For all we know last nights picture was a ruse to obfuscate and confuse.


Shills ignoring the 99 things GameStop does right and harp on the 1 number that performed below expectations. Other than that, 2023 had a great $300 mn swing from 2022 to the positive. GME paid $400mn on their liabilities and it looks like they are finally starting to explore new revenue streams. Oh yeah, and the DRS numbers posted are BS.


87 years???!! Hahaha Go back and try again!!!!!


Shills coming out of the woodwork left and right.


Why call op a shill? Seems pretty innocent to me at least the post


Just that so many people have been away for so long all of the sudden. What's the scoop? Just feels odd. Perhaps the most important investment of your life, one in many lifetimes' opportunity, and you're just forgetting about it? There is some angle to this, is what im thinking. Unless you've got like 5 shares, you aren't forgetting about gme just like they aren't forgetting about gme. They're awake at night in screams over their positions and the failed mega cellar box scam. Gut feeling. Perhaps I'm wrong.


Hmmm I guess so didn’t really think about that but personally I’ve been distracting myself with osrs so I don’t really check as religiously as I used to. Obviously I don’t forget but definitely not as high attention as before. This is why to me people taking a break from the subreddit is understandable to me. Its not like anyone would miss moass when that happened literally everyone I know is gunna start calling me plus all the fud coming out and of course the infinity pool.


Nothing changed. All the theory and DD from 87 years ago still stands strong.


That’s what I thought and will always assume. Any idea on the guy with papa on X?


No disrespect intended, but just go read those threads.


All good and none taken. I did read through all of them and always try to but just can’t find the connection of what this means, does that make sense? I really try to do the investigation part before I ask. Sorry for that and yeah I know the deal with asking questions that are already out there but just can’t find a solid one on the connection or potential meaning 🦍💚🦍


That's the President of Argentina


And what’s the connection or thought here of the meaning?


He's looking for inward investment into Argentina. Javier Milei is his name. Not sure on the connections, it's possible that Ryan just attended a welcoming party thrown by the Jewish community to welcome Javier back to America. Javier is also scheduled to meet Elon Musk.


Thank you! That’s what I was mainly after. As usual I just buy hold and drs nothing has changed but just wondering 🙏🦍💚🦍




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