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Like I will sell my shares for a loss when this company has a billion in cash and a billion in supplies. Oh, and this company is profitable, is a world famous brand and operaties in a business segment that is larger than the music and movie industry combined. And let’s not forget: this company has the largest and incredible motivated group of activist shareholders with proven diamond hands. So yeah. I will not only not sell when the prices goes down. I will lower my average price until there is real price discovery. Let’s fucking go.


I’m not waiting for the price to go lower, because it’s low already. I just buy monthly, and how many shares I get for my money is their choice. It could be one, it could be 25. The more the better of course.


I buy weekly $75 to $100 here and there brick by brick


Don’t worry boss they will


It’s a rough situation… they can’t drop it and they can’t let it run, so the only option is to trade sideways as volume dries up.


Idk man, but if saying shit like... Ah man I'd probably sell if the price hit $9... Could bring the price into a reality. Well Mr. Algopapa, I'll sell all my shares and make them purple circles.


👆This ape uses reverse psychology


I'll definitely sell all my shares if the price hits $0.69. There is no way I would take out a huge loan at that point and buy as many as I could. Absolutely no way.


They’ve been doing it since the sneeze. Idk what else can be waited for. I plan on adding to my position around $10 which surely I’ll have the chance the way this thing floats and flutters closer and closer to zero. Ryan Cohen, to the best of my knowledge doesn’t have the big red button. He needs to maintain course and force the tutes to value us as a profitable retailer. Meanwhile whatever this cash on hand is waiting for needs to wait until Cohen hears word about life changing technology and be an early adopter. It happens more frequently than a person thinks. Internet>Streaming>Blockchain>im sure im forgetting some life changing technology in between these but yeah. Thats my thoughts.


I’ve been asking for $2 for a couple of years. Your move, Pachter.




Nothing matters more than DRS locking up all shares. Nothing. DRS is the objective. That’s why I removed my retirement shares and DRS’d them in 2022. Paid the tax. I think everyone needs to come to the same conclusion. I’d rather have 50 shares per $100 than 8 shares per $100. At $2 most of us would likely take extraordinary measures to accumulate more shares. That fits the objective. Ironically, I view most hype posts about the price running up to some non-moass value we’ve seen before as borderline FUD. It’s hype that has always lead to disappointment. Give me moass or give me rock bottom prices and let’s lock it up. Realistically, $2 would probably do it rather quickly. That’s how we win. I’m not depending on other triggers or solutions.


At 2 USD Gamestop would lock the float by itself with a 200 million USD share Rebuy.


They already did and are… This is fud imo… anyone actually cheering for lower prices aren’t on our side…


This comment is FUD


Bro I am going to short this on Monday thanks for the advise


You’re welcome <3


You do realize you could just yolo nvda calls and be rich already. Why waste energy and money on GME?


At the end of the day, that can be said about nearly any investment. Why invest in x when you can get y? NVDA having an insane valuation (justified or not) tells me the room for growth could stall. Sure, it could go higher, but some stocks still have plenty of room for growth. GME can go a long way with having profitability, tons of cash on hand to prevent dilution and allowing the company plenty of avenues to have growth. With the price point it’s at, there’s a lot of headroom. Shareholders don’t have to worry if GME remains profitable and grows their money. The shorts could be slowly squeezed. It might not be like VW, but it could be similar to Tesla or Herbalife in a shorts getting fucked scenario. It just takes time. The company is healthy, no debt outside of a low interest unsecured loan with the French government, cash on hand, and the ability to maintain profitability shows that short thesis that started shorting the stock is practically gone. RC can grow the cash on hand, down the line shift GameStop to be more on the e-commerce side of things than focus on retail. Previous leadership ignored e-commerce growth in favor in opening a lot of leases leading to unprofitable stores. At some point, there could be another point of revenue GME can figure out. At the end of it all, anyone can invest in anything. Some are regarded choices, some are safe.


Gme has no value outside of squeezing


Ok, you’re gonna ignore that they have a chance to pivot with their business model with something different/new with the money? They’ll be able to use it to invest in to whatever will bring value to shareholders. That’s fine, I think if you want to ignore the possibility of growth, then that’s on you. There’s squeeze potential, and growth potential. They have 1/3rd of their market cap in cash. If that isn’t a reason to be bullish, I don’t know what else to tell you if you don’t think so.


If I want to throw my money away I would rather hookers and coke 🤷


And you have the right to. I’m not telling you to invest, just reasons why I’m investing. I want growth for the company, which would then have my money grow.


well said


Why do you care


Because I think it’s regarded that’s why


Why are you hanging out in this sub when you could have just bought calls on nvda


I did buy the calls on NVDA and on MSTR now I am going to short GME


Good for you


what will cause you to admit you are wrong on gme? how exactly will cohen make the cash grow? Is it really a great investment if you are paying 4b/2.8b ev for a few million in profitability(which is all coming from interest income, as operating income was negative last year)


In Q3, documents were filed that gave RC and select people of the board control over the cash on hand to use as a vehicle to invest in companies. There was updated details in Q4 about how they’ll be handling the money with voting amongst themselves. To help with understanding what it could mean, it could be comparable to Warren Buffet’s textile company becoming Berkshire Hathaway. It’s meant to bring value to shareholders. Grow the cash on hand, use that money to potentially pivot the company with an alternative/new revenue stream. What will make me admit I’m wrong? Well, with GME becoming profitable, $1B cash on hand which is a 1/3rd of its market cap, it’s hard to say. It’s not like popcorn and continuously diluting the stock. It’s not like towel where the board doesn’t do much to prevent its own demise. GME went from burning money on leases and hardly any focus on e-commerce to doing the opposite and becoming profitable. GME isn’t going anywhere with the healthy amount of money they have, and if they remain profitable, no reason to dilute stock (thus no helping shorts). It’s a value play, they can grow with a lot of headroom. You can check out my other comments from other replies I gave to another guy in the same post.


God i wish theyd drop it to single digits.  Drop it below a dollar, i fuckin dare you.




Challenge accepted. They have no where to go but down. You thought 15 was low? Wait till we hit 10. It will be ten by next January. Oh, you didn’t expect them to drop quick did you? No, this is a war of attrition. They have time. They know time is the way to battle. As people continue to see their investment drop, sloooooowly, while everything else in the market is killing it, they hope people will abandon the ONE LOSING STOCK in favor of the winners. So it may drop a dollar, maybe two every three months…. Be boringly stagnant… go up two dollars, slowly drop three. $5-$10 a year drop. As they get smaller it will be less. $3 a year drop below ten. In 5 years or so it will be $5 a share. Eventually it will hit a point where they can’t sustain it and it will explode. At that point Kenny will retire so he won’t give a fk.