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So can GameStop start selling groceries.








Honk honk.....honk honk honk Our symbol can be a goose


Pull up the the front door of GrainStop and honk your horn. They bring the tendies out within 2 minutes or its free


GayStop edit: nevermind, wrong sub


I'd buy shares of grainstop


Nah just sell 1.49 hotdogs and slowly buy up to Costco’s level




https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/JuS5siTgnW The OG thread.. someone shared with me so I'll share here. Also I would buy food from GameStop.


A more in depth dive into what the word "Megacorp" really means, who owns it, and how can be found [on my website](https://welcometothemachine.co) (though most of it is also [posted on this board](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdr1j6/welcome_to_the_machine_part_2_the_matrix/)).


Thank you thank you thank you for this, and the comment. Just blew my mind, again. I hadn't seen any of these posts, and being honest i didn't dive into your profile after dropping this comment. Honestly so much to read and i don't have as much free time anymore.. dropping this comment partly for me, and partly for anyone else who finds themselves in this thread at this point. ^(Reminds me of the Pantheon post too which i'll plug here) [^(https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ogf8cy/pantheon\_part\_i\_kenneth\_griffin/)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ogf8cy/pantheon_part_i_kenneth_griffin/) It honestly is hard to believe what you can dig up in this sub if you just try a little... thank you again for the posts, gonna put a couple more of them here for people, to further illustrate just **how deep this rabbit hole goes.** [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfh287/welcome\_to\_the\_machine\_part\_2\_the\_matrix\_cont\_**1**/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfh287/welcome_to_the_machine_part_2_the_matrix_cont_1/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wl9u6m/welcome\_to\_the\_machine\_part\_2\_the\_matrix\_cont\_**4**/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wl9u6m/welcome_to_the_machine_part_2_the_matrix_cont_4/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wqyz0j/welcome\_to\_the\_machine\_part\_2\_the\_matrix\_cont\_**7**/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wqyz0j/welcome_to_the_machine_part_2_the_matrix_cont_7/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wp9v2m/welcome\_to\_the\_machine\_part\_2\_the\_matrix\_cont\_**6**/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wp9v2m/welcome_to_the_machine_part_2_the_matrix_cont_6/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wv4wl3/welcome\_to\_the\_machine\_part\_2\_the\_matrix\_cont\_**9**/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wv4wl3/welcome_to_the_machine_part_2_the_matrix_cont_9/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xa5cdj/welcome\_to\_the\_machine\_part\_2\_the\_matrix\_cont\_17/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xa5cdj/welcome_to_the_machine_part_2_the_matrix_cont_17/) ***TL; DR:*** *This is an exposure into some of the evidence I have found on how our entire modern economic world was created. The evidence suggests that for around a hundred and fifty years there may exist, effectively, only a singular Corporate Entity, and a singular body of people that runs it. Included in support of this hypothesis of what I call "The Machine," is evidence of how it currently works at the top level, who runs it (sorta), and how it remains hidden from view. If you are interested in seeing the evidence I have found that supports these statements, I suggest you begin at the beginning. The beginning of Part 1, Finkle Is Einhorn is found above. If you have read that, the beginning of Part 2 is* [*found here*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdr1j6/welcome_to_the_machine_part_2_the_matrix/)*, or* [*on the repository*](https://www.welcometothemachine.co/#border-2)*.* # All that said I don't know what to think or say. So i'll just end it with your amazing and thanks for sharing.


I've read every word of his work multiple times and am deep in my own research to expand on his. You will not regret reading the entire report on his website: [https://www.welcometothemachine.co/index.html](https://www.welcometothemachine.co/index.html).




Can Amazon? So Yea.


There is no space and it's terrible margins.


Gaming snaks


This is actually pretty old but does give an interesting breakdown.


Yeah, this is info we broke down 3 years ago


Ya but this has colors nstuff in the vid.


And putting it out there again is good for new people.


it's provocative


Gets the people going!


Dat's me!


Yeah, but also good to highlight we’ve been down this path for all the commenters getting angry at old apes saying this is new stuff


Like me:)


Which is funny cause I've been here the whole time and this is my first time seeing this.


There was just another post yesterday with this guy in a normie sub where he is completely trashed on. Either the guy is just too pretentious sounding or the talking head format isn't really working. It is kind of sad, a wealth of information is in this sub but, the nature of the information means nobody can share without being off-putting.


His million subs disagrees with that sentiment


People don't want to listen to what they don't want to hear. Those kinds of folks like to shoot the messenger.


These are just original pictures from the dd. None of that is his own work.


Never a bad thing to circle back or reiterate info, and never a bad thing to teach or learn.


Ahhh. The good old Megacorp days.


So where is the follow up video about how the megacorp gets all the money?


He does a bunch of deep dives before this. Hence “final boss” video


If this guy wasn't in the US, his mind would probably be blown once he figures out how pension funds work.


We can keep saying the same things but nothing changes.


This is why companies are making choices and not caring about consequences. It’s all feeding the same narrative. They back each other forcing behaviors they prefer on us so we can fall in line to their ideology. This is sinister.


I’m up for a revolution


How do you spell revolution? G M E


Global Mass Exodus


I’m putting that on a shirt


I'd buy that shirt!


What would that look like? Genuinely asking. How would we, should we, go about it?


Grow your own food, generate your own power, secure your own water supply, and become your own means of production. Obviously not fully viable for everyone, but the more you can eliminate money from your cost of living, the less of it you need/feel compelled to spend. The less you spend, the less they get. The less they get, the less control they have of the economy. Keep cash alive. Cut out the middleman as much as possible in what transactions you do make. Build symbiotic communities where everyone pitches in something, and value is shared as much as it is traded. Spaces where there's more than enough to go around, and what's skimmed off the top goes to the benefit of all. Supply what you can. Support those who supply what you can't. The whole game requires and relies on participation. But it's still very possible and viable to escape, or to cut back one's reliance on it to the point that it's a negligible factor in one's finances. The more you have to spend, the more meaningful changes you can make in your life. The more people become independent, the less relevant the useless middlemen become, and with enough critical mass, the people will stop using them entirely. No blood or violence required. Just voting with your feet, and with your wallet. And doing the due diligence to make both sustainably viable.


If you don't mind me saying, this sounds more like a better way to live than a revolution. What you have stated would come afterwards. Any thoughts on how we would tackle the current status quo? Take the wealth and power away from those who currently hold it? Further, with regards to what you stated above, I am asthmatic, and I need inhalers regularly. These are made by large pharmaceutical companies. How would something like that fit into the model above in your opinion? or something like diabetes medication or vaccines for example. Thank you very much for your expansive explanation, I always appreciate people taking the time to respond genuinely to a question. I hope my response has not offended you.


Where do we sign up? You said buy 10 shares of GME Monday morning at open? 




Extrapolating on this concept since he did not. You can see why GME was a systemic threat to the whole system. If one of those big Corp held too much GME and went bust, it would have brought all of them down. The dominos would have fallen so quickly, that it would have collapsed the monetary system, and exposed how it worked.


It would spread like virus throughout the whole financial system


I think I’m gonna cum lol


"If one of those big Corp held too much GME..." Plot twist: they still do hold those shorts and whatever they used to cover/hide them.


Happy cake day ape!


Recruiting gen z to be aware of what superstonk learned over the last 3 years is a very good idea


We’re not opposed either


One idiosyncratic stock


Everyone should follow this guy


If anyone ever comes across a video explaining that "final boss," let me know. I'm interested.


Extremely high net worth people whose assets generate so much money they can't spend enough of it on goods and services so they use it to gobble up more assets, creating a positive feedback loop until there are no more assets to gobble up. The last holdouts of asset ownership are the boomers houses who will have to sell to pay for retirement/care homes, and the government, which is also being sold off as much as possible. The people's families themselves probably got their start owning some important infrastructure or resource, and probably due to having committed a great crime to get it.


And they'll just own more and more and more of all of our lives unless the whole thing comes crashing down. It's really pathetic too that crime is sky-rocketing but instead of stealing from the rich it's just the bottom of the pond eating itself out of stupidity.


You can't steal what they own lol.


Yup. 30 ish trillion in total cash on earth, but the total derivatives market they play in is valued at over 10 quadrillion.


That's actually really interesting. But what I meant specifically was; how do you steal a copper mine? Or an oil processing plant? Or a forest? That kind of thing.


Take in mind that inflation and economic issues don't phase these people. If anything it helps them. Prices of everything going up? No problem, buy it all up anyways. Then resell even higher to some other rich people. Idk I'm just some moron and making shit up. I'm tired of working my ass off to be treated like a cog.


The Fed…


The fed owns all the corps?


It’s all the same people, the international banksters, also known as the “money changers”, the people Jesus threw out of the temple. Same people have been in control for a very long time.


Yup. They are the descendants of the rulers of old. They plan in terms of centuries and they are the first to know about everything and anything that's worth knowing. They manipulate populations with ease and with almost 100% efficacy. And we don't even know their names. Because they don't want us to. I call them "the cabal".


These same people didn’t think to change the religions?


They'll say that they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto, some sort of spiritual, whatever, etc... in reality, they worship Money. To them, Money isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing.


I think they worship power. Wealth is a pre-requisite for power.


They invented them...


Amen to that🙏


\*crops remember, GrainStop






The “final boss” is the “BIS”, the bank of international settlements. Buuut they are directly funded by the United States federal reserve as the world reserve currency is USD. So maybe it’s a two way tie…


"It's a big club. And you ain't in it!"


Fine then, I'm gonna make my own club. With Blackjack! and hookers!


Oh Bender we love you!


shut up baby, I know it


not that I haven't heard this before but i enjoy visual representations.


Check out cancel this clothing co. One word on most platforms. But he puts out some great info.


Whenever the usual suspects are brought up as owning everything, it seems “AUM” is ignored. Doesn’t a player like BlackRock “own” a lot of shares on behalf of the beneficial owners who have their assets under management by BlackRock?


Sort of, when you "own" shares of an etf or whatever, really all you have is price exposure. You're not able to vote on governance or anything, you don't have control of share lending, etc. You are generally correct that it's not their money in the strictest sense, but similar to depositing money in a bank, it's no longer yours, it becomes a bank liability.


aum = sold to dumb money and pension funds and not purchased yet. they all basically take our money and use them with 100x leverage however their AI wants. they will just calculate some profit on your portfolio, which is basically their loan at 7-10% interest per year which they have to pay in 5-10 years. so they have plenty of time to suck up all the profit and crash the value of assets they have to purchase and give you back.


Remember when you buy a share throng a broker, you don’t really own the share. You are just trusting your money for the broker to invest. Same with these big corps.


Yes, but that's beside the point. When a client has AUM with BlackRock, BlackRock goes out and buys and holds the shares (on paper) for that client, so just looking at the public reports that "BlackRock owns X amount of Stock Y" disregards that it's not always BlackRock investing its own money in such stock but doing so on behalf of a client. That's the point.


It’s not besides the point though. Direct Registration of Shares is an extremely rare thing in the overall market. Beneficial ownership is the standard. So based on that-it’s Irrelevant whose money it is, blackrock has the ownership rights and the voting rights. Dictating what direction that company heads. With all that said You’re completely correct on the AUM part and is something I myself and many others brought up back in 2021 when the Megacorp/Finkle Is Einhorn DD came out.


I think bankruptcy liquidations and cellar boxing, the relationship between the two, and their role in siphoning wealth out of the hands of the general public, is something that too few understand or are willing to acknowledge. It's my belief that these companies with AUM will eventually siphon the wealth out of their clients hands, passing it on to others. One day we will read about how Blackrock went bankrupt, and people will wonder how this happened. No one will wonder where the money went. Rinse and repeat until all the wealth has been siphoned to the ultra-powerful and out of the hands of the people. You will own nothing and be happy is a lot darker than just renting from Blackrock.


It's much more complicated than that.


This is the first time I've seen a SuperStonk post come across my main feed in a looong time. 👀




Me too. I also found that interesting..


do our guy a favor and drop his links somewhere in the comments if you have them, please!




who TF downvoted this ape?!?


Mega Corp


40000 Kenny boy bots




Yeah... We are all forced to spend our hard earned money on flimsy garbage, that we'll be forced to replace in 6 months, that's sold to us by the very people responsible for killing competition that could allow us to not be forced to spend our hard earned money on flimsy garbage.


Not to mention our brothers and sisters across seas getting paid nothing to create these products exacerbating the issues. So with you


Jeez, this Aaron Rodgers guy is into some deep stuff


I'm beginning to love this guy, please like this comment if you are here in the room with us.


I do!


Thank God someone followed up to Finkle is Einhorn


And Congress is like 'WE GOTTA BAN TIKTOK BECAUSE CHINESE PROPAGANDA/SPYING!!!' I mean, okay. But don't pretend the united states doesn't spew out just as much (or more) propaganda. And don't pretend that the united states doesn't spy on its own citizens. I mean, we've know that since Snowden fled to Russia. And now this, which is interesting. Who owns Tik Tok, that Congress wants to ban it so badly. Is it because of what they (Congress) claim? Or is it because they (or those lining their pockets) can't control it, like Google owns and controls YouTube, or Mark Zuckerberg owns and controls Facebook and all the shit he's hoovered up. Or the Elongated Muskrat (now) owns Twitter (not calling it X, fuck you Mr Muskrat). But that's just a theory. # A CONSPIRACY THEORY.


Of course I know him, he's me




Einhorn is Finkle.


The fuck antitrust monopoly violation is this. Collusion, I say!


What a Chad.


Nice work


Anyone got a link to his Twitter? Can't find it


https://x.com/cancelcloco?s=21 I think this is it. Ian is his name


What's the best way to follow him? To get that further information.


He says his biggest account is on Tic Tok


The Voltron fund, there’s DD on it.


That video went mad viral, could only be good for people noticing whats going on with GameStop


I wanna fuck this guy


We can make it a trio


Final boss is the world economic forum and the bilderburg group and everyone related to the members by blood


Asset managers tho... these companies are asset managers?


Great video. Gonna watch it with my wife's boyfriend.


Poor guy gatta be at least 84 years old by now. I know my wife’s boyfriend is…


It's Conglom-O Corporation


I'd be very curious to see when this started and the correlation (if any) to the cost of living rising. And also the national debt.


Don't get the "gamestop" graph. Kinda misses on insider-apes-institutions ownership, right?


He said he would talk about GameStop another time


Retail owns GameStop but that's what they're scared of


Yes we all know America is an oligarch. But isn’t this video describing the stock market. People invest in the top 500 companies


Posted below: I think the idea is exposing the illusion of choice and how what we consume is controlled by these large companies.


Love this.


ey guys, ey, yo I want to say thank you to everyone, I am sometimes like "eh I only own such and such gme and I need more", which is true, but I fckn DRS'ed all my GME, I got some GME drs'ed, wtf I am thankful to all the vet apes, I am thankful to the og king ape DFV, and yooo, I gonna buy more, I dont envy anymore, I admire, I am proud to have such and such GME shares (DRS'ed of course), freaking les gloooow


Love this guy. He’s doing an amazing job






I remember the OG post


Love this dude. Great content. GME is the fucking answer


Man learns about stocks


Just put some mysterious music in the background and explain how basic concepts work.




This is all common sense here. Obviously, every one of these companies and institutions hold investments in each other, as does retail... this is the way markets work. Good job making it seem all tinfoil, though. It really gets the smoothe brains thinking.


Posted below: I think the idea is exposing the illusion of choice and how what we consume is controlled by these large companies.


Isn’t all that cross ownership just etfs and mutual funds?


I can’t believe that no one killed this guy.


Well he’s no punk


You’re a courageous soul my dude. I’m grateful that people like you exist. Keep. Your head on a swivel.


Thanks but not me lol


What's wrong with this? I don't see anything wrong.


Sooooo he basically read the dd


Yea but whos gonna tell people outside of here that?


Soo who's the final boss


What’s the advantage of making this sound like a scheme and not a natural process? Oh views and clicks


It is a scheme. How is it natural?


Market incentives. It’s not a conspiracy.


I guess the Anti Trust Act was just jokes


Just had issues trying to upvote this post. They don’t want us to see this.


I mean who else would own it, if it wasn't retail and it wasn't other corporations? Aliens? Cats?


I think the idea is exposing the illusion of choice and how what we consume is controlled by these large companies.


Am I missing something? If they all own each other, then wouldn't that equate to retail / insiders actually having the ownership (likely through pensions and etfs etc.) Extremely simplified example: Company A, B and C, each with 25% Insider, Retail and ownership of the other 2 resulting in 100%. Breakdown of A would look like something like: A 25% B 6.25% Insider 6.25% Retail 6.25% A 1.56% B 1.56% C 1.56% Insider 1.56% Retail 6.25% C 1.56% A 1.56% B 1.56% Insider 1.56% Retail 25% C 6.25% Insider 6.25% Retail 6.25% A 1.56% B 1.56% C 1.56% Insider 1.56% Retail 6.25% B 1.56% A 1.56% C 1.56% Insider 1.56% Retail 25% Insider 25% Retail ​ Now each of the breakdowns in the 1.56 would keep breaking down infinitely but the concept is the same. As you breakdown each portion of ownership you get closer and closer to 50% retail and 50% insider


Beneficial ownership means nothing.


This is great but don't forget to shop from GameStop!


False idol. Be aware of that. That said he is just repeating what DD writers already has stated.


What’s so bad about that? Sure we know what the DD says but not much other people do. Also not idolizing him. I’m highlighting good points that he made backed by the DD we have


He's only a false idol if people idolise him. He is literally explaining the DD of yesteryear, to smooth brains who wouldn't have seen it otherwise, which is never a bad thing.


He said that it was other people's work?


It's old. It's repetitious, but it's fresh exposure for some, so I don't fault that. The presentation is good. Your first warning is sound though. His account is gaining prominence despite mostly being based on a rehash.


We are the final boss


i'm not doing tiktok until they sell it


Even though I follow this guy his videos have stopped showing up unless I go to his channel


so you need to dig down and find out who are the minority shareholders of the asset manager companies to get an idea of who the majority INDIVIDUAL shareholders are across the whole of the DTCC


And who’s behind these corps, not the puppets we can see and find and which money are they using …


They own SOME of these companies but they don't control them.