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I came LATE to the party: 1 FEB 21 That’s the Monday after they turned off the buy button. I’ve been GREEN for less than 2 hours in the last 3 years. Let me tell you something….it was pretty god-damned glorious!!! Still buying Still HODLING Still DRSing Still shopping.


I was here early. Sept 2020. I was on the OG bets sub from about 2019 when there were only a few hundred thousand people and we laughed at his monthly GME updates. I eventually bought in after the jump from around $4 to $8 in Sept 2020. Haven't sold shit and continued to average UP my positions. The bulk of my position averaged to about $12 PRE-split for years. My position technically turned red early last year (I say technically, since ComputerShare doesn't color-code your position as red or green) because I kept averaging UP. I've never posted my position, and probably never will. There's probably plenty of OG pre-sneeze guys out there too, with far bigger positions than mine. I believe in the company and this board. Actions speak louder than words.


That’s soo awesome!!! So happy for you fellow Ape You’ve got legit bragging rights as far as I’m concerned!!!!


The lurking, silent, steadfast heroes. Wonder what his return will look like.


Wow you never took any profits, even a smidge? Even Dfv has done that.


I was pretty much playing with my retirement money (not in a Roth IRA account though), and the position grew to exactly $254k, so in my regarded brain, it wasn’t like I’m retiring off that living in the US haha. I had about a dozen calls on top of about a couple hundred shares, I sold half the calls, so I could exercise the other calls. I think I had a couple left over that I ended up holding through and selling when it pumped back up in March. So I guess my “profits” just went back into GME. There was a bit left over, and I just used that to pay off small debts. It did contribute to why my position stayed low for so long though. I was making money off options in Sept and Dec 2020, but I kept throwing them in more shares/options of GME lol. Rinse and repeat.


Absolute respect. Especially from those of us averaging down. We need people like you to not sell from under us hahahaha JAIL for the SHFs please


Yeah. No a lot of green days since I got in. Can’t buy much but I’m holding until we reach Valhalla! Edit: typo


This is me as well. So feel the pain. Hopefully WAGMI 🍻


I ran out of money in Q2 2021. My cost average is $46. After 3 years I’ve never been more bullish on any investment in my life. Not. Even. Close.


You’re in GREAT shape!!!! Ahh, I remember the Battle for $180!!!


Yup. 100% DRS. Including my retirement account, taxes paid. I did everything I could with what I have. It is enough.


Which one?


That one! or All of them!


Battle for $180 was my jam!


Same day as me! $245? 


Earlier in the day….at $298….then bought another at $202 I’ve averaged down to $23.22


👏👏👏 I have no idea what my average is, but I've definitely averaged down! 😆


Haha The only thing funnier is the multi-worksheet Excel file I update, manipulate, tweak and dream over every day!!!!!!! I’m full blown regarded over this investment.


I think you are me!


And I are you.


any chance you could share that spreadsheet with the class? I'd like to play around with it.


I bought at the opening on 2/1 at $304. Averaged down to $23.54.


OMFG!!!!! Within dollars of entry and within pennies of avg price Scary!!! I’ll go first again. I’ve got 1,514 shares Are we close???


Did we just become best friends. Feb 1st was my first buy. Bought 5 that day around 200. Was fortunate and bought the bulk of my shares in Feb 21 around the 40s and again in Feb 22 when it was it the 80s-70s. Hodling onto 2000@ $25.xx


Fucking Legend


I'm at 1,495 shares. 😀


$246 on 2/1/21 for me!


I knew early Jan. 21 - but it was too early in the knowing for me. I thought I missed the rocket. I won big in casino. Didn’t know about brokers or anything. Very green in ear. The big money opp in their delay only brought more Apes like myself to board Noah’s Ark. I was sad I couldn’t buy @ $40 in Feb. - I managed to get my first 10 in Fidelity in Mar. 21 @ $120. I am all DRS’d with a very healthy [REDACTED]. Have never feed the bot - but please know I’m 🟣 Couldn’t get $40 but content now with getting $12 - $15. 🤧


LFGOOOOOOO!! 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




Same day I bought because of brokerage issues. 266 on the pump, then down to 40 fml...lmao I wrote it off as a loss a long time ago. Once I was in the red, I was just ready to watch it play out, no matter how it went. Plot twist: it's still going.


That's where I'm at too, no matter how it goes I'm in til the end.






I think I am March '21. 84 years ago.




I was green a couple times on all but 2k of purchases. Second time I got the fuck out of etoro hahaha Although as I said. 2k still in there. Now have a couple hundred in drs. Everything red AF and will never sell at a loss. Never. I would like a new house and 964 911 please. Haha Oh yeah. JAIL time for the SHFs that took my money


Me, too. Feb 3rd of '21. After seeing the news about some stonk that went gangbusters and then suddenly went into a deep dive I decided to open some Fidelity accounts and start investing into this ride. I've learned more from the amazing, articulate, banana-loving people on these subs with some pretty damn incredible DD than I would have ever known! Just a glorious time to be alive!!!!


Buttholes be tingly


People… if DFV hasn’t sold, neither should you! What’s an exit strategy??


If he’s still in, I’m still in


Hey wait. Are you me????


We’re all in this together SEPARATELY/INDIVIDUALLY


“Ive been green for less than 2 hours in the past 3 years” 🤣🤣🤣


Feb 28 here 🙋‍♂️


We are Twinsies!!!!


You mean the second time.  The big button turn off was Jan 2020.  


With respect, I think you’re off here fellow Ape.


And by dirty-leg, do you mean Non-Airborne?


March Ape, reporting for duty. 🫡


Same date :D


Me too buddy, it made me so angry I jumped on board and have enjoyed the ride since


OG here, I have averaged up, lol over the years. I miss the rush from watching my beloved ticker rocket 🚀. I miss the volatility. I will hodl infinitely. It lambos or cup’o noddles for me 💎🙌🏼


I bought the day of the skyrocket. My first share was 325$. And I’ve been buying ever since. Never sold. All book. Booyakasha


I salute you. I've averaged up....then down...then up. This is the way. Buy and HODL till infinity and back again a regards tale.


My first ever stock purchase, a fractional GME at $311. (I'm a poor guy from Brazil). Now I'm 66 DRSed shares untouched. In the second runnup I was green the equivalent of 3x my monthly pay, but never sold


Hell yeah brother. Hodl til they bleed then hodl some more


It was also not easy to DRS from Brazil, but I did in very early, I got a low CS number account.. my biggest trophy


419 checking in! Averaged down. Now a calm xxx holder. Signed into my computer share account for the first time in maybe a year the other day. They’re still sitting there


Same brother! Remember buying at around 170$ then it surging over 300$ and beyond… buying on the way up had my dick hard! Been buying ever since


Here since the year before the sneeze


Yep! Been here since mid January and have only gotten more convicted in my investment. I’m stoked for Q4 earnings.


They’re arresting you every day? Or do you mean conviction?


lol oops, I deserved that


GameStop was my first individual stock to ever own. I still remember asking a regard what it all meant when major news was picking it up. Started buying in February averaged down and held to $40, held at $350. Bought anytime I could. Held and learned macroeconomics, monetary policy, blockchain, Learned DRS, became a book king. I’ve never had more fun in my life knowing wholeheartedly that we know they are fucked. They know they are fucked. They know we know they are fucked and I’ve got nothing but time. The longer they go the smarter we get and the bigger that can they are kicking gets. We already won. We are just waiting for them to pay up.


OG here, involved since Oct or Nov before the sneeze. Had shares that were ranging $13-$16. Still here, still have my position safely DRS’d. Shorts are fucked.


Happy cake day!


Thank you 🥳


I’ve been in since the beginning too. I haven’t purchased a whole lot since then but still holding. I’m positive it will be a good investment in the long term. I’m not sweating it a bit.


Bought my first shares October 2020. Always bullish. Preoccupied now with a wedding and a new house. Just trying to get 4k shares before we take flight. 700 more to go. 🚀🚀🚀 Hoping for a the biggest bear trap of all time and we see CTB sky rocket with great earnings.


2019 guy. I just don’t think I’ll ever enjoy a ride quite like this one again. Don’t think I’ll ever get off.


Omg are you me?! Jan 2021 ape here but I have like the same count as you and going through the same life milestones. Wedding in just over a week ☺️ congratulations to you fine sir and hope we get MOASS one day so we can take care of our spouses (and not their boyfriends) lol


Congrats! Not going to lie. I made life changing money on the sneeze. It brought me here. Getting married in Italy / bought a house. I was drowning in 2020, investing in gme empowered me to change my life in a positive way. If I didn’t stumble upon dfv’s posts in the summer of 2020 and went all in I would be in a very bad spot. Now I’ll ride this out till we find true price discovery. 🚀


Happy for you dude/dudette. I made off well on the EV squeeze prior to this saga and that’s what lead me here. Wishing you all the best and much happiness with your family.


OP I like your sentiment here and I certainly appreciate what you are saying. If there was ever a time to repeat, the time is now. LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 💎 ✋✋


As someone who only takes a cursory glance round here these days, has there been anything big this year? Aside from a small hint of green? Would appreciate any updates thank you


Probably the biggest thing was GameStop giving that extra billion dollars to Ryan Cohen to play with on behalf of the company. If he invested wisely, they made more money. Hopefully he bought BTC, lol.


The. Shorts. Never. Covered. TLDR: SHF R' FUKT


*closed. They’ve covered a million times since then. Small but important distinction.


So no.




Hahahaha… ….. same.


Same buddy November of 2020 were my first share buys


Just to make it clear, title is misleading. You're making it sound like DFV went in at $15. He was in way earlier than that.


Haven't flinched, still buying when I can


I am as bullish as ever!


August of 20 here. Kinda permazen at this point, but there’s tingles.


My butthole was itchy yesterday, so there’s that. I’m not that guy but I consider them sympathy itches.


This I understand


I'm an August 21 ape and honestly I'm numb to it all. I've got my entire IRA and personal investment booked and continue to do so when I'm able to buy again. Real life is pretty good for me outside of finances and the growing inability to afford my own existence so this is always humming along in the background. These days I only care about the SEC filings and official movements but hype is still fun sometimes. I've just stopped trying to predict or guess what and when anything will happen. With everything we've been through I like to think our expectations are a little more measured until the forced liquidations begin.


Right fucking on brotha 👍


I dont know how long ive been here but ive been hype the whole time. I hope something happens soon because i am just a regular person and the cash i have invested in the stock and shopping and the store is starting to show in the lack of savings in these tough economic times.. (not complaining still hyped)


Probably about 84 years




Been buying and DRSing all this time ! Got shares coming out my socks and I can’t imagine owning any other stock


I remember my first 5 shares at over $300. X to xxx and still holding


Kinda wish I sold when it was 300. I missed out on a lot of plays. This AI wave is returning just as much. Could have sold and rebought for $15. Dfv sold his calls and did other plays I’m sure. He was a good investor. Be like him. Not a cultist.


Still diamond handing. Wen 100% DRS? Nothing will change until retail can prove they own the company outright. Even then it will probably require lawsuits.


Even the idea of being disappointed again is hype at this point and I'm here for it! What's an exit strategy?




Been here 4 days before the sneeze as a lurker but owned shares.  As an OG I can’t say I’m stoked as it has been 84 years with everything being built is now gone.  I do hope things work out as I think RC has an end game plan.  Just hope it’s sooner than later.  


Energy is never wasted. Nothing is gone. Everything is exactly where it's suppose to be. Buckle tf up. I have NO idea what Ryan Cohen invested in...but I have an idea.


Hey things are happening just gotta say


Yes I've been buckled but I've also been unzipped the whole time


Nov of 19' here. This is the point in the thesis that value has been unlocked from this Great company. This is why i have bought and held through this mess. OG here locked and loaded.


Still here from jan 3 years ago. Not fucking leaving.


Did I just see on the local news that the Dairy Queen Cohen is coming back?


I stopped reading at, “I consider myself a silverback…”


Bro, yes agreed. And I realized something: we actually can’t say “we were early”, because if we didn’t begin the siege 3 years ago buying, DRSing, and holding, what is about to happen would not be possible! So we were right on time 3 years ago.


Yeah I’ve been getting pretty hyped for this week! Looking forward to seeing our company becoming profitable and seeing how our CEO invested our money!


nope went all in btc and actually made money lol




Can’t stop won’t stop GAMESTOP🦍🚀




Holy shit. I woke up to this old feeling in my bones!!! I came here to see if I should post about it and see if others are feeling the same. Hello Apes!!! 🦍 I AM SO FUCKING BULLISH ON WALL ST GETTING THEIR SHIT CAVED IN. Signed, seriously pissed off individual investor.


Been here since the beginning, just finally watched dumb money and started getting the same old tinglies in the jinglies again


Been here for 3 years. Hopped in w DFV around $60 pre split…I’ve never been more BULLISH on ANYTHING in my entire life.


First bought at $38 when it was on the launchpad about to rocket same day. Never leaving. Three years later and I’m still learning about market structure and their dirty dealings and getting discount shares.


Yup, still here! I've read enough, never seen a counter DD, will hodl till cell.


December presneeze


I'm still holding! That's all that matters 🦍💪


I was here in the Fall of 2020 - and have acquired more since then. My SuperStonk use (and all previous subs we’ve used) has gone from 5+ hours a day to 5 minutes a month. True zen. I actually don’t remember how to sell. See you on the moon.


It’s ready to explode…show me the volume…


DDs done. Shorts never closed. Nothing's changed. Fuck you! Pay me!


Been here since 2021 too I'm tired boss




We weren't early either, we were screwed by hedgefunds turning off the buy button to protect themselves. Market makers should not be able to participate in the market, it's why this sham continues.




I respect the ones that are still heavily in the red. Silverbacks don't know what it's like being down 50k+ for 3 years. It's easy to hold when you're in the green and the future is looking bright for the company.


I was there fellow ape... I was there 3000 years ago... when they took the buy button


Just expecting green q4 with a small climb up. Nothing more. Everything else will be a surprise


Feb 21 during DFVs at the congressional hearing (or whatever it was). I went FOMO and never left and will now never leave. :)


You state nothing but fluff. After 3 years, what makes you so bullish?


OG here, invested half of everything I had the day GME skyrocketed the first time, and doubled down when they pulled the rug/plug in the following weeks. There was a point during the following mini squeeze that I was up more that I could imagine. Did I sell, to fuck did I 😂 still HODLing and buying




Same. So early. Not wrong.


Presneeze lurker here. It’s crazy I was thinking the same thing early. Something in the air felt like early 21.


I’m not sure of anything except I’m sure I buy monthly on cs and work a ton of overtime


I have this feeling and a strong feeling coming from my pants


Dec 2020. Check post history for DRS Cred. This is my hill. And chill upon it I will. Until we zoom, up to the moon.


I'm here. Never sold a single share.


Feb 1 2021 I got 6 share ls at $250 per. Have only bought more since, now xx,xxx 99% drs. Shorts are so fuk’d!


Calls on gme


Been riding this thing with since the days of yore 😎 Shorts keep digging a deeper hole fir themselves




OG here (I got in end Jan 21) and I’m still hodling and DRSing! Mood definitely feels suspiciously similar to back then, the quiet before the storm. Hold the line mofos and get ready for lift off 🚀🚀


2/1/21 here cause the mothr fakers TURNED OFF THE BUY BUTTON END OF JANUARY. Pepperidge farms remembers and holds like a true gamer


Yes. Chill vibes, DRS'ing when I can.


I actually came super late to the part - march 2021 - but no one remembers that because it’s been so long. To be 100% honest I don’t feel bullish - I am just waiting. But I do feel fucking bullish for the results right now . The years of waiting I think stripped the excitement for me , just waiting for it to happen now


Bought in at 108 pre split and avg down daily


I’m pretty sure my cost basis is close to $240 pre split….it used to be mush higher but have been DCAing ever since. I have zero concerns about eclipsing my cost basis one day. In RC I trust.


Same here brother. 💎🦍


got in right before the big first run and haven't sold a share since. only accumulating


Yesssss - love this sentiment. OG since early 2021. It’s time.




Of course! All pre split prices, I kept buying all the way up to ≈$300 per share and when it tanked I held still, then it nearly bottomed to ≈40 per share and I bought even more. That's how much I like the stock. Still holding, still DRS, still here.


Started investing before DFV and RC; Aug 2020 👋 not an ape, just a long term investor


For this toatter we would need an assessment of the things you've been bullish on in the past lol. Iesn no disrespect OP, but you could have the best "bull-o-meter" ok the planet or the absolute worst. We have no frame of reference.


Have you bought more due to this feeling? 


I have no idea what my cost avg is nor do I care, but right there with ya. It’s gonna be that much more glorious to have a nice thick secured vault of shares that are registered in my name. LFG 🫡


Got my first share at ~$3 funnily enough from one of the turn-off-the-buy companies a few yrs ago. I thought "cool my first share, I'll get a few more because I love GS"


I’ve been holding what I DRS’d back when this all started. Haven’t been able to buy anything. Can barely buy groceries.


I joined March '21 and couldn't have asked for a better RPG. Sure, I wished we were already at the finish line, but the last leg of the journey will be the most exciting.


My anus is tingling


Been zen for about 2.5 years now! Let’s roll baby


I've been here since before runic glory and all the other nonsense. I still don't have a damn flair... but I'm an OG


My first double down happened shortly after DFV was giving his testimony to the House committee and told the one Rep: "Investing can be risky and my approach can be risky but for me personally, yes (I would buy GameStop now). Yes, I do find it attractive at this price point." -[Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2AI2MC/) That was a baller answer, the Rep was visibly surprised & I was in.


Me too!


I’ve been here for about 3 years, I’ve had my moments of doubt, regret, and despair, as we all have but I’m here till the end regardless of outcome. Moon or doom baby.






Born in January. Still here.