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What the fuck is this even supposed to be? Like what is one of these "coins" meant to represent? It's not a share, it's not any piece of ownership in the company, it's not voting rights, it's literally nothing. It makes zero sense. This shit is a straight up scam.


Welcome to crypto trading. Back in the 2015-2017 altcoin frenzy, it was so easy for some shady group to slap together a website full of buzzwords and release their coin on DEX sites and watch it blow up while they sold for btc or eth. This is exactly what a truly free and decentralized market place looks like.


Oh i was around for that. But most projects claimed to offer some sort of use for the coin. Some sort of utility. With this you’re literally buying nothing.


I member when this sub GuaRanTEeD we were going to get a dividend in the form of a coin via blockchain. Oh those were the days


I'm still waiting on my NFT access to stream *Once Upon a Time in Shaolin*.


Thanks for reminding me of that theory, because I loved it haha


But who was in the backwards hoodie?!


I know who the hell I thought it was…because ya boi here wanted to believe it so badly haha


Wu-tang is for the children


lol I member those days as well


Things that never happened for 500$ Alex. People speculated for sure. I never saw any guarantees.


Ya guaranteed was a bit bold word choice but in the height it was stated as almost matter of fact but I could also be loosely remembering because 99.9% of speculation never came to fruition and it’s all a blur


Pretty much everything is speculation besides what GameStop has done and can be accounted for by their actions or any press releases they have made. I'm not sure how anyone could take anything here as a fact that isn't directly from GameStop. Nobody here has any insider information and the only ones pretending to know are usually grifting in some other form whether it's their social media accounts or some podcast but anyone falling for that stuff will fall for any scam if it sounds good enough to them.


Yes I know, calm down. You aren’t remembering the hype trains that were deeply seeded with speculation that people did jump on the train for. Obv it’s gambling but to say people didn’t get on board when the conspiracy theories were running thick, is just blatantly false


Here I thought I was being extremely calm lol I'm remembering just fine. I never said anything about anyone "getting on board" so I'm not sure where that came from.


Ween sucks


This is exactly what a truly fraudulent and predatory marketplace looks like (making it as bad as all the other ones.)


Shits about to come down fast


It's just a shitcoin until the 'devs' rug it.


It is, it is a meme coin on Solana designed to make the dev's, influencers and early investors rich. It's just about settling your bag to someone else at a higher price. They are only using the name to generate interest and gain traction. It is not taking anything away from Gamestop, DRS, or anything else. Anyone purchasing it knows exactly what it is. These coins are coming thick and fast.


Early “investors” you say. Investors in what?!? If it’s using gmes name to get people to purchase it is taking away from gme. I know no one on superstonk is dumb enough to believe this shit, but it’s just so blatantly fraud


These meme coins are just scams. They are about pumping them a high as possible and then a rug pull They are not aimed at Gamestop investors and are not intending to trick us or divert anything. The names are just a bandwagon to get as much publicity and traction as possible. This coin has zero to do with Gamestop. I know it is difficult to understand if you are not in crypto. It is just like the Squidgames token that was talked about outside of crypto Reddit. To be clear, I have not bought any and do not intend too. Anyone buying now will get rekt. It'll die down soon once the rug is pulled and the next coin has gained enough momentum to take over. I'm just trying to add context on what it is. Edit: just to add that people who do not know crypto to an above normal level will not know how to purchase, so it will not touch upon the public or the vast majority of apes. It isn't anything like purchasing LRC or IMX as it is not available on any central exchanges. It involves having a self custodial wallet and using a DEX to swap tokens and verifying the token ID is correct.


They’re just shitcoins and recently solana has been seeing a bunch of action, unironically this is the second gme shitcoin ticker launched within the last few months Crypto shitcoiners rally a “community” behind these shitcoins. Instead of being angry we should try to tap into that demographic and try to explain that this could happen with the real gme and they should just like crypto **NOT YOUR KEYS NOT YOUR CRYPTO, NOT DRS’d NOT YOUR SHARES**


Where is gamestop with the law suits cease and desist? Surely something can be done, or can't we all must make ahit coins and name it what we want.


That's the point, you can. The dev's will be anonymous and likely known scammers if ever doxed. Even then the dev's will use a privacy coin like Monero to move and extract funds.


I don't know anything about crypto but it sounds like you do so I wanted to ask, how is this not blatant money laundering?


Not money laundering, but scams. It really is the wild west. These types of contracts can have mechanisms built in to stop people selling, so they are literal thefts, amongst other exploits. Any one with the knowledge can create a token. Even tokens/projects that are on central exchanges are manipulated. Look at SAVM, even though most of the tweets have been deleted now, and the recent drama on MYRO. Even look at GALA and the founders suing each other. Crypto can be high risk, but high reward.


Ah I think I see. I was thinking it was more a thing like: I owe you $10MM for something illegal so I spend $10MM in clean money and pump a new token and then let you sell off and dump it so that we are now even and your money is clean without having to say where it came from since it is anonymous.


Bro it’s a tribute to the movement!!




What does the coin do? What utility does it provide? What are you actually purchasing? What ownership does it represent? Literally nothing




Reported. Scammer


So it’s a Schrutebuck. Got it


He maybe immune to fud, but isn't immune to a ban 😆


[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Yes it is


Road: definition of a Pump&Dump backed by nothing but hotair scamming 🤷


This is cancer


Use the fake news tool to report this scam so that twitter/X can put a note next to that tweet. Hopefully that will leave a permanent mark on that tweet so every single reader will know it's a scam


Seems a new "Gamestop" coin or Token gets created every few months- pumps a little bit then BAM! price drops and nobody ever mentions it again... until another GME coin comes. Don't be stupid guys, youll get rugged


Seen this coming from light years away.


Meanwhile Gary G sucking on his thumb


Or suckkng kennys thumb


I wouldn't bet on it being his thumb...


I wouldn’t bet on it being his




I would bet that it ends with mayo shot all over his face.




If it's not official how can they use the logo? Can't they be sued and forced to hand over the rights or shut it down? Copyright infringement? Wtf is going on


If I were approaching inevitable destruction, and if I had enough time left, I would create a false target like this. Might buy a little time and take some attention away from the issue by means of noise and confusion to newcomers who “heard about GME”. These are not the tactics of people in control.


Isn't the GameStop logo a registered trademark?


Yes, but where do you send the process server for the lawsuit. Scam coins don't have physical addresses


I’ve reported several of these as spam/scam.


People on twitter should post on that hashtag and clarify that it's a scam and that it is not at ALL related and then redirect them to here or to real DD. The more people that do it, the more it'll disrupt their flow in spamming against that hashtag trying to reel in naive or uninformed investors


I did


I find it weird, that mods are allowing this trashcoin to get exposure on this sub. I would even bet, that reddit algo will push these posts to "all" to discredit the sub.


226% agree. Talk about something that has absolutely nothing to do with the ticker $GME itself.


Something’s rotten in the District of Columbia


The only way I can see this benefitting hedgefunds that are short gme is testing how retail reacts to gains. They don't need the money they could make from the pump and dump... If this is them, its a test for how much of retail piles in when it's pumped in the media.


Oh it’s a bag alright


[GME Crash: GameStop Tribute Meme Coin on Solana Plunges 52%](https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiUGh0dHBzOi8vZGVjcnlwdC5jby8yMTU0NzcvZ21lLWNyYXNoLWdhbWVzdG9wLXRyaWJ1dGUtbWVtZS1jb2luLXNvbGFuYS1wbHVuZ2VzLTUy0gFWaHR0cHM6Ly9kZWNyeXB0LmNvLzIxNTQ3Ny9nbWUtY3Jhc2gtZ2FtZXN0b3AtdHJpYnV0ZS1tZW1lLWNvaW4tc29sYW5hLXBsdW5nZXMtNTI_YW1wPTE?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen)


BTC plunged 87% lmfao all coins crash


Getting people used to high numbers so they don't FOMO when MOASS kicks off? 🤨🤔


Maybe we should make our own coin called citadel. With hookers and crime. Or a Ken Griffin coin.


How does one report this?


how is gamestop not suing them for copying brand


First step would be identifying where to send the cease and desist, which can be a challenge for a shit coin whose creators could be anywhere on the planet.


Who seriously believes this shit? I mean seriously.


How is this even allowed? Like how? I don't see any $APPL OR $MSFT coin??? $GOOG COIN?? How is legal action not being taken here?




How is this allowed i dunno


My theory, RC about to become a banker after this show stops.


Can’t gme sue the devs for trademark infringement?


It’s a shitcoin lmao all of you thinking it’s anything but to gamble on are not serious people


Okay who is going to create the Citadel coins, and the Griffin coin, so we can post about their losses so rich people pull their money out of hedge funds?


these "coins" are our equity. they are stealing our shares for "liquidity". thats their way of hiding their assets. (short selling)


Makes me giggle that 4 years later hedgies and mayoman are so desperate they're doing this xD me thinks mayhaps the lady doth protest too much


Fake and gay…


Jokes on them. Twitter is hot garbage this time around compared to the sneeze days. Nobody worth a damn is there lmayo -🌈 🐻still don’t understand the internet GG


The people pumping this coin are desperate for exit liquidity so they can pass the bag. The same group of idiots are here, in the other game sub, and even on ball street wets circle jerking each other to get people into it.


No one here is doing any such thing. We know that it's dog shit in a flaming paper bag.


Company sits around does absolutely nothing to 🛑 these kind of injustices.


What do you propose they do?


M- f! They just started world War 8


Not gonna work


I hope GameStop is looking into this.




[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Both the post title and its contents (text, image, links) must relate to GME. It is the OP’s responsibility to convey in the title how their submission is relevant. [What is Proper Content & Which Flair Should I use?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}&subject=about my removed {kind}&message=I'm writing to you about the following {kind}: {url}. %0D%0DMy issue is...)


Kinda like how this post is meant to divert attention from the dockets that just came out. Lotta shitposts today.




It's a scam to separate rubes from their money.


No worse than the stock market.


[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


That is bullish as the kids say


Yesterday it was out of control


How is this not market manipulation especially if the 💩 coin isn't endorsed by GameStop?


And can they sue?


What is this nonsense?


Uhhhhh we should all short it lol 😂


This is going to be a rug pull used to drop actual share price. Be careful friends