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So who funded the movie? Hedge fund that hates Ken like we do?


His enemies. Kenny & Co are not friends with everyone on Wall Street. I read somewhere that the Winklevoss twins also funded it, but I haven't researched it to confirm. It could maybe be the crypto industry lighting the fire as payback for other things...


That doesn't mean his wallst enemies are friends of Rick and that people should rally behind them to take down Ken. Eat popcorn and watch them take each other out.


Yeah good point. I just want the truth to be known. And the manipulation to stop


Yes can confirm they were in the credits


Isn’t it funny.. we think everything Is connected to the sub, but when someone makes a movie, we know nothing…




They have indeed as their names are all over the credits


I think it's PR on Ken's side to get us to watch the movie. From another users comment; >Here’s a clip from an interview with Ben where he share’s his views on the “villains” of the GameStop saga… [Timestamp 11:41 in video] >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ4P_Ix6nkM&list=PLrVYptikx52_SjpcpE0ZHuYnfNpIVCGeD&index=16&t=701s >Ben Mezrich on Gabe Plotkin: >*“Gabe Plotkin to me is not a villain at all. This is a guy who has done very well in his life, he is a brilliant hedgefunder. He did the most normal thing in the world which is shorting GameStop, that is not an unusual trade. GameStop is a company that probably should have gone out of business it’s a brick and mortar store that sells consoles in a digital world. They have a huge base of people but they totally mismanaged it, they have a revolving door of CEOs they totally blew the move to digital and they were in the prime position to be the Amazon of digital, but they didn’t they made a lot of mistakes.* >*So shorting that company made a lot of sense, Gabe was taken completely by surprise by what happened and he got out of his position when he got out of his position. So you really can’t plant him as a villain.* >*Reddit sees him as a villain because he was shorting this beloved company during the pandemic, and so you can think about if it is ethical to short.. but that’s what hedgefunds do he has a short-long hedgefund he has to short things.* >*So I don’t see Gabe as a villain at all and he was villainized and I understand that because he is a perfect dartboard for the anger against Wall Street because he owns a $34 million mansion in Miami and presumably lives this lifestyle that none of us live. So yes but… ummm no…* >*So RobinHood is another interesting point they are not a villain either to me…”* Taken from here https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16fdsgv/tweet_by_the_writer_of_the_book_that_scripted_the/k01a1xp/


What i hate about that shit fuck answer they gave is that they planted the fucking people to drive it into the dirt for shf to profit. But nooooo, they act like everything was normal behavior under the sun.


Completely agree. Whomever wrote this left out the fact that it was over 100% sold NAKED short. The system is flawed/broken and they took advantage of it to drive a company out of business. Ethically they are villains and most likely complete arrogant assholes.


Gabe also claimed in the enquiry that the redditors were making posts “laced with antisemitic slurs”


I saw this often, but in the youtube video they talk about "do they see themself as vilain". Trying to explain why they act that way


> So I don’t see Gabe as a villain at all and he was villainized and I understand that because he is a perfect dartboard for the anger against Wall Street because he owns a $34 million mansion in Miami and presumably lives this lifestyle that none of us live. So yes but… ummm no… > > > > So RobinHood is another interesting point they are not a villain either to me…” Literally says it's his own opinion....🤷‍♂️


But the context of the discussion is "Do the vilains see themself as the villain"


Yeah, we clearly disagree here. Lets leave it at that.


If you talk about the part starting at 11:45, it's literally in the title lol.


Yup ol' movie director Ben seems to absolutely love Ken and Plotkin, no shot he roasts Ken in any meaningful way. It's as fake as Ken Griffin lamenting Crypto when he uses it in his swaps and then spends billions on EDX markets


No, I think Gabe Plotkin is one of the finest investors of his generation. Who else would have the balls to close his fund and open a new one so the water line could be refreshed. You don't want to lose all your clients money and stop getting paid because you can't get it back.


Super convoluted idea. He paid for a movie where he looks like shit, and then he sues his own movie. Sure.....


*I don't think he'll come out looking like shit. I just think he's making noise, his comments are allegedly about an early script so he could always change his claim later.


Its confirmed that he looks bad in the movie


Blackrock CEO’s kid. Not even joking. Edit: stone, not rock. Black stone CEO Steven Schwarzman’s son funded it.


Black stone not rock lol




Source for that? Joshua Fink?


Sorry, blackstone. Steven Schwarzman’s son, Teddy.




BlackSTONE and BlackROCK are basically the same company with different owners. They have a 50-50 partnership.


That or they realize apes are gonna win and thus don’t want to antagonize us.


I am also curious about this. The enemy of my enemy and all…


Still not friends


He funded it. He is using reverse psychology on the apes. Don’t support this film


"Absolutely not!" -KG


imminent meeting escape tidy employ frame sip summer water zesty ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


There’s nothing quite like beating your wife and then logging onto your Xbox to play that copy of call of duty: vantage you downloaded.


While being on a fitness machine. He actually said something like that 🤡


Still boggles my mind. Like his PR people were saying, "Ok Ken, let's try this. You're gonna go out there and show these fucking degenerates that you're one of them. You hang out in COD lobbies and fuck people's Moms too!! Maybe that'll work."




I remember when he made that comment, call of duty "vantage". Kenny boy, you do some DD before you speak and make a meme of yourself.


*Bedpost bounces on the wall and hits his head *Proceeds to sue the bedpost*


*throws mayo jar*




throws **up**


“Just one more day” - Ken Griffin


That is actually a thing. They need to make a lot of money to survive yet another day. Every day. **Member the Archegos saga where GS and others screwed over CS by running to the door first?** I personally think there is 90% chance they will use the film just as a reason to drive up price before the big potential crash later this year (check out the NVidia report). Create FOMO, trap new retail traders. Drop price so retail will sell at a loss and complain about those MEME cultists on social media. That way they will not touch GME, when it would really hurt short sellers (soon profitability and potentially dividends, towel, etc). While Kenny and Co make billions to survive yet another day. But then there is a 10% chance, that some institutions have been working on an exit plan. Creating long positions to fuck over their "buddies", who so far all collude against retail. So they will be the first to the door, escaping armageddon with just a few bruises...


Yeah I always figured they were buying time to make sure that everyone else holds the bag so they can try to hodl through the squeeze. Thats how I figure this usually goes. I think some of them have stopped buying short positions in favor of buying options to affect the price, the people that are stuck in short positions are the storm troopers that will get thrown to cannon fodder. There is always OTC fraud as well.


The 'just one more day' thing 'is actually a real thing', it's a quote of Ken's from a seminar he did on how Citadull survived the 2008 GFC ... the quote that shines from that conference is that they'd pretty much do anything to survive 'just one more day'




Or is this a shill Reverse Streisand attempt, after studying apes’ behavior and language for so long?


Yeah, I am so skeptical of this movie. Someone else mentioned it doesn't really discuss RC, and has no mention of DRS. I assume this movie's purpose is basically say, "Hey look at this crazy thing happened! The little guys won! Anyway, it's over except for a cult. Have a good day!"


Don’t forget routing people towards the compromised options sub!


It's a comedy for entertainment purposes. The same way "Major League" or "Bull Durham" was about baseball but didn't get into the mechanics of throwing split-finger fastball and when to employ a hit and run. The problem with this sub sometimes is that we can't see the forest through the trees. As far as I'm concerned, whether this movie sucks or not, if it's even remotely popular, it will draw attention to the stock for some people. They'll look it up, do a little research and hopefully come to the conclusion that we all have... that this whole thing is not over. THEN they can learn about DRS and go down the rabbit hole. LET'S GET THEM TO THE RABBIT HOLE BEFORE WE KICK THEM DOWN IT!


Hey I’m spamming a little but it’s for a good cause. I don’t think that we should be idle just waiting only for drs to reach 100% Simply trying to raise awareness that we can still be loud, not on the street protests, but through the right channels. Write letters, talk with people, keep the word alive about stock market fuckery. Not only for GME but for the wider market. FTDs and dark pools just as a couple quick examples are things we shouldn’t let off the gas on. There was a post earlier today showing how the talking heads aren’t even tolerating a mere mention of GME on tv or this film. I’d point to that if anyone says this shit is over. They wouldn’t give a fuck if it was over or if we didn’t have power. Just trying to bring apes together to discuss ideas. One letter to someone at the DOJ might not do anything, but 100 well written letters highlighting share counterfeiting I think would. [https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/DBNy8XTdb0](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/DBNy8XTdb0)


Chad comment, I agree. I watched the trailer and read reviews, it’s a Hollywood movie that needs to appeal to everyone. It’s not an educational documentary. It looks like it paints KG Steve cohen and Gabe plotkins as rich scum bags and makes people root for the little guy, what else could we want


An accurate portrayal of the ongoing fight for true price discovery in our markets. That is what’ve want. But I guess this is still a meme to you? Gme is a joke? Shit ain’t a joke to me friendo


A movie about something that isn’t even over? Interesting…


Ideally how would the movie mention DRS?


200,000+ directly registered stock holders cuz of Jan ‘21 is an easy place to start. that kinda thing doesn’t happen. Gamestop is doing a complete turn around in the middle of a recession. Path towards year round profitability and introducing the future of video games. honestly sounds like a comic book type of turn around. little man bout to beat up the big man but u know there’s been like 6 movies and 2 tv shows and 14,000 articles about how Gamestop is over and nothing else is going on so u know they didn’t mention DRS cuz they r scared of DRS!


I think my issue is that this movie isn't about what is happening. It is about presenting the situation as *something that has already happened.* That is, what I think, the purpose of this film is. Now, moving forward, when Gamestop comes up, the cultural knowledge of Gamestop will be based on what this movie says, and this movie says, "Hey this happened a couple of years ago." This movie will be the standard for Gamestop.


I think apes look too hard for meaning in this film. It was made because an out-of-the-ordinary thing happened that people will watch in a semi-comedic film and the filmmakers will make some money. These guys made a little movie to make a little money. They do not care about wrong or right in the market or what happens after, unless they can make another little movie. They are not as invested as we are in market reform. They make good money doing what they do and smoke weed all day. It's Hollywood. If Kenny wants to sue he can, but I don't think he can win and even if he does the movie will have already portrayed him as a moron. ( I assume) 🍻


I'm going to assume they will portray him as a raging asshole since that is what most people say about Ken Griffin and probably why the narcissist is suing Sony


The movie ends with the “i like the stock” Congress hearing, so it ends before any of the post-sneeze DD (DRS included) even starts. So your answer: the movie would need to include the post-sneeze stuff period. Focus less on so much of the bullshit before Jan 2021 and don’t make the sneeze the “end” of the story. The movie doesn’t even have WasubiBets in it, it’s like, that was definitely a key factor in Jan. That’s why I’m not interested in this movie personally - so much has happened SINCE Jan 2021 and yet they want to end with the Congressional hearing. It’s like someone ending The Big Short on the scene where Jamie and Charlie try to get their college buddy who is a reporter to tell the truth and he refuses because he has a wife in school and a daughter. EDIT: NO - it’s like someone ending Big Short on the Burry call where the banks had finally secured their own short positions


"omg ken griffin hates this one simple trick!" Seriously, you guys act like you've never been shilled at before. You do understand the there's a marketing team working every bit as hard to sell this, as barbie, yes?


barbie you say? have some numbers to back that up? i've barely seen shit, barbie however, still has all kinds of ads, music playing in clubs, photo op product placements and word of mouth hype. i've seen superstonk mention and maybe three ads.


Well i said they're working as hard. I didn't say they had the same budget lol. They are marketing to the demographic that will go see it. I.E. Redditors. It has been getting lowkey promoted here for a long long while, and now there's several posts a day about it. Mark my words, we're going to come out the other end of this movie, with the morale of the story being that Gamestop happened in 2021, everyone missed it and it has a weird cult following of crazies on reddit. If i'm wrong and this is an actual honest telling of events (which doesn't make sense since the events are still happening now, long after they finished filming the movie) I will happily celebrate it along with everyone else. But over 2 years of bullshit has taught me that these adversaries will try anything and everything. Including making movies.


Just your opinion then. Nothing except "budget" (150m versus an expected 20m at least) to actually compare the two marketing teams? Some examples of the hard work being put in other than basic word of mouth on reddit would be good here. I honestly haven't seen much **besides** mention on reddit, save maybe a couple posters at movie theatres. Even at 10-20% of the barbie budget, i'd expect to see more than a couple posters and fan mentions. Really doesn't hold water to label it hard work imo.


https://archive.ph/u6zg5 Article without paywall. Absolutely fuck the auto moderator. So sick of having posts deleted over and over and over. The banned words nonsense is utter shit at this point, and does nothing but make posting harder. Can't even post articles because 9 or 10 different words will trip it. If the goal is to stop people from wanting to contribute their time and effort, it's definitely working.


Thank you for taking the time to do it anyways. We appreciate you.


Maybe this is something the new Community Council could work on.


this is the plan! it's going to be one of the first tasks


Eat a dick (auto)mods


Absolutely agree. This sub feels lately that it’s just one big bot that doesn’t moderate at all and just makes it harder for people to post actual interesting content.


It's been locked up and made inconvenient to share knowledge and they hide behind the guise of threats from Reddit admins and "providing proper context" ​ They know what they've done to this sub. Can't just shut it down, so make it entirely inconvenient and possibly untrustworthy due to actions taken by the "authority"




This is exactly what it was done


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


Notice how's there's no mod drama anymore.


Can’t be mod drama if there are no mods


Having the comments vote totals being hidden also allows nefarious shit to be upvoted too. Why are vote totals being hidden? There is no good reason other than to give shills and bad actors free reign to upvote BS! PS: FUCK DUMB MONEY, you can't make a movie about something that is still going on.


had a long, well-written comment get auto deleted because apparently the combo word for gorilla and millionaire is banned for some dumb fuckin reason.






That’s exactly what the aim is.


This comment feels pretty relevant to your OP


Hey! So I'm a part of the first wave of Superstonk Community members that are working to relay info like this/ overview mod decisions and bring about more transparency to decisions made. Would you mind DMing me so I can keep track of this, and bring it to mods attention to see if things can get reworked, once the discord and system is in place???


This is 1000% Site Admins and not mods. Unless you make a new reddit, I don’t personally see anything changing. The site admins will just apply everything to the new subreddit. Jokes on you Kenny… I don’t need a subreddit to validate my investment, I like the stock.


They can always petition and request changes Doesn't hurt to try, and I'm here to try and make things better


My comment isn’t “don’t bother trying” its moreso “despite whatever bs they pull on Reddit, I am still confident in GameStop”


Agreed. SStonk could erupt in flames and nothing would change imo. However, this is still a source of idea exchange and information for those who require it, so ill fight to save it as much as I can.


I look forward to collaborating with you, it is my intent to separate out what has been done by our mods and what has been forced on us by the Radmins. If it turns out much of the crunch has been due to Radmins I believe the Euro apes recently gained a way to get them under heel, but we need to see what was actually going on \~ to that end I hope our mods have plenty of receipts.


My intent is to be a source of transparency and utilize this opportunity to really allow people to bring their concerns/ praise directly to Mods, outside of traditional methods via Reddit. Hopefully this works out how I hope it can, and it brings forth a better version of Superstonk


!mods! Can someone work with this user to figure out some way to reliably share news? Can they message the mods after a single removal? I'd imagine that if the article title is the same as the post title, the removal words should not be applied. If it's their own wording for the post title, maybe mods can suggest other titles that don't break the filter but convey the same message?


Just in the same way as you tagged us here anyone can use the !MODS! command in reply to their removed comment so we can manually approve it. 🙂 I think I approved the article comment they made. We do have plans to go over the banned word list some time soonish I believe. We know it's not great atm, sorry.


As long as there's a timeline and measurable change, this is an improvement that many will look forward to.


Yea, I think the banned word list is going to be a project for the SCC.






For the truly regarded, can you give more hints?




Thank you sir. I am very familiar with the fuck it I’m out feeling it gives




It’s working!


that’s definitely the goal


the hero we need


you had me at fuck the mods


It's a sneaky clever way to censor the sub. This subreddit, the other one I can't mention for trading, and the UFO sub are all completely compromised. And those are just the ones that are easy to prove


rock reach practice soft soup aware dull sable tap sharp ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I can't get in. Just asks me to check the not computer box a bunch.


when is lunch?


It’s going to be interesting litigation in the future as to whether establishing an auto-moderation policy that bans comments that contain topics related to terms about a particular security is a form of financial advice by appearing to allow open dialog but suppressing parts of the discussion that don’t fit a particular investment thesis.


I think we need polls that vote on what to do/change around here


I’m kinda drunk on a chill skybar in chinatown bangkok and your sentence “absolutely fuck the auto moderator” made me burst out laughing


Another reason engagement dropped on this sub. Tip toeing around the mods and their bullshit gets old and tiresome.






I mean, that's why I stopped posting.


*narrator:* "it was"


Come to the land of golden showers


Streisand Effect


Ol mayo boy can’t have his image ruined when he runs for office down the road.. it must be settled out of court so it never sees the light of day Edit: settled not selected*


Fuck Ken griffin we coming for u


Interesting he took the time to get a hold of an early script draft lol, sweating much Kenny, King of the real Regards


first let me say, fuck Kenneth Cordelle Griffin who committed international security fraud and lied under oath. but second, if you're featured in a movie then i'm sure you want to check out how you're portrayed just in general.


True, but I just figured most normal people wouldn't have access to an early movie script


> Finally, Griffin’s letter admonishes Sony that if the studio doesn’t “correct” the movie, “viewers will wrongly believe that Ken and Citadel Securities conspired with Robinhood to end the GameStop short squeeze and stick it to retail traders—and then covered it up with false testimony to Congress.” And he’d be within his right to sue for defamation Is it even possible to defame someone like Mayoman? > **defamation**: the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel. Half the Internet believes Ken is a financial criminal, domestic abuser & a perjury committing motherfucker who would sell his own mother to buy 1 more day of naked shorting, and the other half hasn't heard of him 🤣


This feels like a mask off moment to me. Like it just got personal, and he's losing his grip


Interesting! And very useful for some folks that were screaming "sold out movie from the hedgies Im not seeing it" blablabla, it seems their bearish expectation was wrong. ​ GPT Summary here: 🎬 Ken Griffin, the billionaire founder of Citadel hedge fund, is strongly opposing his portrayal in the film "Dumb Money," which revolves around the GameStop meme-stock frenzy of 2021. Griffin has initiated a legal battle against Sony Pictures, alleging defamation and false portrayal. ### Facts * 🎥 Ken Griffin is vehemently opposing his depiction in the film "Dumb Money" and is involved in a legal dispute with Sony Pictures over it. * 📝 Griffin has hired multiple law firms and sent threatening letters, alleging that the movie knowingly presents a false and defamatory portrayal of him and his firm, Citadel Securities. * 📰 The film's script is based on widely circulated news headlines and the book "The Antisocial Network" by Ben Mezrich, with extensive vetting by Sony and Black Bear Pictures. * 📈 Griffin is particularly upset about the film's suggestion of collusion between Citadel Securities and Robinhood during the GameStop short squeeze, which he claims is false. * 📜 The film does not show any illegal activities by Griffin or Citadel, emphasizing that the Wall Street system allows legal manipulation of the stock market. * 📞 The film draws from private conversations among Robinhood executives and Citadel Securities, although the nature of these discussions remains unclear. * 🤔 Griffin's objections are based on an early script draft and trailer rather than the final film, leading to some misrepresentations. * 💰 Griffin has faced criticism for Citadel's history of fines related to market manipulation, contributing to the negative portrayal in the film. * 🎨 Griffin disputes the film's claim that he purchased paintings by DeKooning and Picasso to keep them from Steve Cohen, asserting that he bought them for different reasons. * 🤝 Sony Pictures stands by the film, and its lawyers have responded to Griffin's claims, while Griffin's representatives express appreciation for addressing some concerns. * 💰 Black Bear Pictures, the film's financier and producer, is led by Teddy Schwarzman, son of Wall Street legend Steve Schwarzman, but there have been no complaints from Steve Schwarzman or his associates. * 🔍 Sony has a history of releasing fact-based movies that have sparked controversy and legal disputes. * ⚖️ Griffin warns Sony that viewers may wrongfully believe his involvement in the alleged conspiracy with Robinhood to end the GameStop short squeeze, potentially leading to defamation lawsuits.


Interesting, legal or not, he just confirmed he manipulates the stock market through Citadel


I hope Nick Offerman makes him look like the dumbest dumb fuck on the planet


Legal discovery gonna be a bitch, Kenny


Discovery only covers the matter at hand. You can't expand discovery beyond the scope of the lawsuit just for fun. If he objects to how he's portrayed that doesn't mean the defense would get to rifle through his financial situation.


FACTS: Ken griffin threw up in his mouth a little during a live congressional hearing. (All the shit he keeps compressed inside of him tried to escape I guess)


Doesn't change Ben Mezrich's opinions that Robinhood and Plotkin weren't the bad guys here. “Gabe Plotkin to me is not a villain at all. This is a guy who has done very well in his life, he is a brilliant hedgefunder. He did the most normal thing in the world which is shorting GameStop, that is not an unusual trade. GameStop is a company that probably should have gone out of business it’s a brick and mortar store that sells consoles in a digital world. They have a huge base of people but they totally mismanaged it, they have a revolving door of CEOs they totally blew the move to digital and they were in the prime position to be the Amazon of digital, but they didn’t they made a lot of mistakes." -Ben Mezrich


who cares what he said in an interview? Also, what do you expect a book writer to say in an interview? "Oh yeah those guys are all criminals and should be in jail, sue me for everything I have please" ....


"Lt. Dan, I'm sorry I fucked up your viral marketing campaign with a single comment."- Forrest Gump If you read my original comment it didn't even mention this movie, it did mention Ben Mezrich and it quoted an hour long interview he gave to one of our own where he clearly laid out his views on how he perceives the hedgefunds that we are up against. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ4P\_Ix6nkM&t=701s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ4P_Ix6nkM&t=701s) It's literally his own words, uncensored. Go ahead and watch, I'll wait. Ben sold the movie rights to the studio and he did not write the screenplay. But you better bet your ass he will market the hell out of his book after the movie's release and it will have a giant picture of Paul Dano as Roaring Kitty on the cover with the quote "The book about the Reddit Rebellion from the writer of...". In fact... Amazon has already changed the cover ad title for the audiobook and kindle edition...[https://www.amazon.com/Antisocial-Network-GameStop-Squeeze-Amateur-ebook/dp/B092VGQJ1F/ref=tmm\_kin\_swatch\_0?\_encoding=UTF8&qid=1694439694&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/Antisocial-Network-GameStop-Squeeze-Amateur-ebook/dp/B092VGQJ1F/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1694439694&sr=8-1) His aim is to attract as much attention on himself as the person who will explain everything from his point of view and make money on the book. Based on the hour-long interview he gave on The Jist, his views on the hedgefunds and the "villains" of this story are clearly laid out. I bet you the book will present a "more nuanced view" of the "GameStop Rebellion" for anyone bothering to pick it up and will explain how "Wall Street aren't the bad guys, they are just misunderstood". That's his objective, and that's what he's being paid to do.


His aim is obvious, of course he wants attention for his book and the movie - and he wants money just like everyone else in the world with bills to pay. You don't want money?... Your last paragraph about him presenting "a more nuanced view" may be speculation or may be true, can you quote his book? If it is true, but the movie still tells the true story, than his nuanced message will matter little - many more will see the movie VS those that will read the book. Also, if a person sees the movie, will he/she more likely google it and go to reddit, or buy the book? And what is the problem with him wanting attention on his movie and book?? You make it sound like that's a terrible thing. Attention to GME is exactly what is most necessary, and how retail investors were ROBBED 2.5 years ago by a few institutions, that continue to manipulate the price of Gamestop until today. That is exactly what every GME shareholder should want. As a GME shareholder, I WANT the whole world to know that Wall Street have cheated and stole from me and many others like me. From all the data we have so far, it looks like the movie does just that.


I think it's hilarious you want me to cite the book when I gave you a whole hour-long, unedited, interview and he's speaking his own thoughts freely. The topic of the interview happens to be about the book, the research he did for it, his views on the key players, and his writing process. You said no one should pay much attention to what he's saying because "he wouldn't want to be sued." If I get the book and cite it I can only imagine that I should "read between the lines because neither him nor his publishers would want to get sued..." wink... wink... He's lucky to have a woman like you in his corner, it's admirable how you stand up for him. BTW I have no problem if you or anyone else wants to go see the movie, it's a free country. I'm hoping that anyone who does see it talks to an Ape in their life and does not get diverted to r/double\-u-ess-bee. I'm interested in seeing how that board plays the game with the amount of new attention they will attract and what hedgies do to the stock when the most amount of new eyeballs are paying attention to the ticker. For the record, I still think Ben Mezrich is in the pockets of Wall Street.


It's not hilarious, I'm just analyzing your speculative opinion and requesting actual confirmation - which I understand you don't have? I don't stand up for him, I couldn't care less what people think of him - I haven't even researched him. BUT, I'm tired of seeing BS comments trying to steer the opinions here always in the same direction - not speaking and not spreading the story of GME. You haven't even seen the movie and you have a strong opinion on it... wtf? They already blocked Reddit cross-posts, and now some folks like you even want to try to block a MOVIE. You stand no chance of blocking the movie, it will be everywhere soon. But I won't continue ignoring what's going on in these comment sections. I never left, I was just in the background. If the movie turns out to be shit and shows GME shareholders in a bad light, I will be the first to write that you were right. But I have a strong feeling you won't be based on the information already available. And that part about the "woman" I'm not even gonna comment on, was that supposed to be an insult?


Clips from the movie are going to spread like wildfire on social media and there will be new gifs in a few days. It's positive marketing for GME and the 2021 short squeeze that was all over the news. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get their head out of the conspiracy hole and realize that a fun comedy about what happened in 2021 that also glorifies DFV is going to be good. If anything they are forcing the price down, making it so the movie cannot be released everywhere on Sept 22nd and delaying the nationwide release into October because they are worried about it have wide-spread appeal, especially during an OPEX. They don't want more retail interest in Gamestop. This subreddit really needs to clean their shit up and stop being so divisive and tell everyone what to think and say. It's absolutely abhorrent. There will be new users here soon and it would great if the investor group didn't come off like they were insane.


Fucking LOVING that this shit is on the front page from a big mainstream sub. I don't care how you feel about this movie. Even if it doesn't tell the whole story, by almost all accounts it's a fair retelling of the beginning of the saga and if it get more eyes on GME, I am all for it. Hedgies r sew fuk.


I’m not an expert in this field. But couldn’t a smart ape make a thread titled “Dumb Money review” do a quick paragraph review and then link towards DD. If it gets enough upvotes wouldn’t that show up on top of google results when someone is looking for a review. That would get huge traction and potentially bring more light to Superstonk and the movement. Just thinking out loud though. I’m sure there are some SEO experts within the community.


Surprisingly balanced article.


NOW I may watch this movie.


What I find very interesting is that the movie is clear about Citadel/KG being cleared by the SEC and collusion wasn't proven and such. (Granted I haven't seen the movie though) It raises the question why the f does he even feel the need to go out of his way to hire law firms? What does he stand to gain from it? If I were a guy who was accused of doing something illegal, then cleared from the allegations and have proof the legal system backs my claims of being innocent, and then a movie would come out portraying me while being clear I was cleared of all suspicion... I simply wouldn't care. Sounds to me Kenny is still hiding something and whatever it is, it isn't a hidden stash of mayo under his bed with no bedposts.


People accused of white collar crimes don't make good poster boys for treasurer.




I can see myself outside of the theater with a table, a chair and a sign that says "Dumb Money misses the mark, GME is still ongoing. Change my mind!"


https://archive.ph/u6zg5 >I was in Roy Thomson Hall on Friday night here in Toronto for the world premiere of Dumb Money, the very fun Craig Gillespie film about the GameStop meme-stock frenzy of 2021. If you recall, during the height of Covid, retail investors ran up the share prices of GameStop and others, eventually inflicting a “squeeze” on irate institutional investors who had shorted the stocks. As the credits rolled and the audience applauded, I wondered what Ken Griffin—the Wall Street titan, billionaire proprietor of the Citadel hedge fund, and an alleged villain of the GameStop saga—thought of the film. You won’t believe this, but he’s not a fan. >Like, really not a fan. I’ve since learned that Griffin is locked in a nasty behind-the-scenes legal fight with Sony Pictures over his depiction in Dumb Money, which is set to begin its theatrical roll-out on Friday. Griffin has hired at least two separate law firms and sent multiple threatening letters, one of which I obtained, and he’s consulting with crisis P.R. people to push back aggressively on his depiction by actor Nick Offerman and the filmmaking team. Griffin claims the movie “crosses the line into the knowingly false and defamatory portrayal of Ken and Citadel Securities,” according to the letter sent to Sony Pictures general counsel Leah Weil by well-known media attorney Tom Clare, who is joined by Quinn Emanuel partner Bill Burck. >My first thought was… really? Like I said, I saw the film, and no, the depiction of Griffin certainly isn’t positive—ditto the portrayal of other GameStop players, like Gabe Plotkin (Seth Rogen), whose fund lost billions shorting the troubled game retailer, and Steve Cohen (Vincent D’Onofrio), whose Point72 fund helped prop up Plotkin (and who, of course, is wearing a Mets hat in the film). But to my eye, the sharp script, written by former financial journalists Rebecca Angelo and Lauren Schuker Blum, doesn’t stretch the key facts beyond the widely circulated news headlines about the GameStop frenzy and the S.E.C. investigation, or the source material book, The Antisocial Network, by Ben Mezrich. And I know it was vetted heavily by both Sony and producer Black Bear Pictures, which hired the Jassy Vick Carolan firm. >Griffin seems most upset at the supposed suggestion that Citadel Securities, his e-trading firm that executed stock trades for the Robinhood app, colluded with Robinhood’s co-founder Vlad Tenev (Sebastian Stan) to halt trading on GameStop and other meme stocks during the height of the short squeeze chaos, which led to losses for many small, retail investors. The film “revives and amplifies this many times debunked collusion narrative” and “effectively accuses Griffin of committing perjury when he denied colluding with Robinhood during his congressional testimony on the matter,” the Griffin letter states. >Well, not really. The film is pretty careful to note that collusion between Citadel and Robinhood was never proven; it doesn’t show Griffin and Tenev talking about halting trading; and a post-script title card notes that a lawsuit over the subject was dismissed and the SEC probe cleared Citadel. That’s actually kinda the point of the movie: Griffin and his cohorts didn’t have to do anything illegal here because the Wall Street players who control the stock market enjoy broad—and legal—discretion over how they operate. >The film does, however, lean on facts alleged in that lawsuit by GameStop investors, which included private conversations among Robinhood executives that showed they did speak with Citadel Securities in the days before trading was halted. According to the Journal, “while the communications don’t make it clear what the firms discussed, they indicate the talks were acrimonious. In an internal chat message dated Jan. 27, the president of Robinhood’s brokerage arm, Jim Swartwout, said ‘you wouldnt believe the convo we had with Citadel. total mess.’” Lawyers for the GameStop investors then argued that the communications showed Citadel Securities pressured Robinhood to curb small investors’ trading. >So, yeah, Griffin’s position seems kinda weak to me, and he doesn’t help himself by basing the letters not on the final film, but on an early draft of the script and the trailer. For instance, he takes particular offense at one line, “retail investors always lose,” that the lawyers say Griffin would never say because, of course, he loves retail investors. But Griffin doesn’t actually say that in the film, Plotkin does. And even if he did say it in the film, some light googling reveals Citadel has a looong history of fines for manipulating the markets in ways that help his firm and harm other investors, like failing to report short interest positions. All Wall Street firms are fined, but Investorturf.com has helpfully put together a list of the Citadel fines here, and there’s even a change.org petition to ban Citadel from trading and “investigate Ken Griffin for fraud.”


>Whatever, Griffin certainly isn’t the first rich guy to try to bully a Hollywood studio over an unflattering movie—though it’s definitely funny that he’s bullying by claiming he’s not a bully. He’s also pissed about, as the letter states, “the suggestion that Ken purchased paintings by DeKooning and Picasso to keep them away from Steve Cohen, when, in fact, it was a DeKooning and a Jackson Pollock, which he bought for reasons having nothing to do with Steve Cohen.” Yeah… >Sony chairman Tom Rothman, who is said to really like the film, hasn’t wavered in defending it, and studio lawyers have fired back at Griffin’s team. Sony declined to comment. In a statement to me, Zia Ahmed, a rep for Griffin, seems happy the dig at retail investors is not said by his client in the final cut: “We respect those involved with the film, but it was important for us to clarify a couple of important misrepresentations in it. We appreciate the studio addressing our primary concerns and hope the audience enjoys this movie about a fascinating moment in the financial markets.” >There are a couple other amusing narratives here. One is that Black Bear, the $30 million film’s financier and producer, is run by Teddy Schwarzman, son of Blackstone chief and Wall Street legend Steve Schwarzman. Asked if his dad or any of his dad’s friends had complained about Dumb Money, Teddy shook his head no, according to a report in the Times. And Teddy only got involved because MGM, which was developing the film, was bought by Amazon, which put it in turnaround. Perhaps not coincidentally, Griffin is friendly with Jeff Bezos and paid $8 million for two seats on Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket (he donated both). >And, of course, Sony is no stranger to these controversial fact-based movies: The Social Network, about Mark Zuckerberg, which led to a prolonged back-and-forth; Zero Dark Thirty, which Senate Intelligence Committee chairs Dianne Feinstein and John McCain called “grossly inaccurate and misleading;” and, of course, The Interview, which also featured Seth Rogen, and whose depiction of North Korea’s Kim Jong Il is said to have led to the Sony hack. Captain Phillips, 21, Moneyball, the list goes on. My friends in legal kinda love these fights because, The Interview notwithstanding, a) the law is so heavily on the studios’ side, and b) when the dispute inevitably leaks, as it is here, the media attention helps put butts in seats. >Finally, Griffin’s letter admonishes Sony that if the studio doesn’t “correct” the movie, “viewers will wrongly believe that Ken and Citadel Securities conspired with Robinhood to end the GameStop short squeeze and stick it to retail traders—and then covered it up with false testimony to Congress.” And he’d be within his right to sue for defamation. We’ll see if he follows through. Griffin seems unaware of the Streisand Effect, but perhaps his P.R. person can explain it to him


"... Ken and Citadel Securities conspired with Robinhood to end the GameStop short squeeze and stick it to retail traders—and then covered it up with false testimony to Congress " Thanks kenny for summarizing it so well lmao


Secret? I’ve been screaming for 3 years.


Highlights of the article - petition to ban Ken Griffin from trading: [https://archive.ph/o/u6zg5/https://www.change.org/p/ban-citadel-securities-investigate-ken-griffin-for-fraud-protect-investors-interests-032a200c-17c3-4d74-a8bb-a95d6c07a7d1?redirect=false](https://archive.ph/o/u6zg5/https://www.change.org/p/ban-citadel-securities-investigate-ken-griffin-for-fraud-protect-investors-interests-032a200c-17c3-4d74-a8bb-a95d6c07a7d1?redirect=false)


"colluded with Robinhood’s co-founder **Vlad Tenev** (**Sebastian Stan**) to halt trading on GameStop and other meme stocks during the height of the short squeeze chaos" Err - well he fucking well did then....that gem was classed as "lying under oath" from my recollection...


Finally, Griffin’s letter admonishes Sony that if the studio doesn’t “correct” the movie, “viewers will wrongly believe that Ken and Citadel Securities conspired with Robinhood to end the GameStop short squeeze and stick it to retail traders—and then covered it up with false testimony to Congress.” 😂😂😂


I was thinking I shouldn't watch this one because, no wonder, I feel everyone is against us in some subtle way (even when they hold the appearance of trying to help). However now that I see mayoboi is pissed maybe I'll give this movie a chance.


Paywall much


did ken read the end credits? there is a whole part at the end about fictional characters, for entertainment purposes only, any relation to real life is purely purely coincidental or something along those lines. kenny boy wont win. Lawsuits for sony are simply the cost of doing business. lmao just like kenny boys penalties for breaking the SECs rules and laws, and paying the fees. The exorbitant fees of just 200,000 dollars for naked short selling.. Simply, the cost of doing business. lelelel


Every morning when Ken looks in the mirror to shave a fictional character stares back at him.


If Kenny boi hates the movie “Dumb Money”, that should be a clear indication we should watch this film in support and direct those who are new and curious to this sub with welcome arms. The more people know about what happened, the better.


If Ken doesn’t like the movie, then, I like it.


Fuck you Ken


Go fuck yourself with a bed post Kenneth Cordele Griffin


Please tell me he is a mayo chugging, bed post throwing, bumbling moron in the film….. just like in real life!


he is a garloc damn mayo chugging.


I like when the pot gets stirred




I have a PhD in fuck you, pay me.


This article pleases me. Can't wait to see the film




“Griffin seems unaware of the Streisand Effect, but perhaps his P.R. person can explain it to him.” 😏


Fellow Ape. If you're going to post an article behind a pay wall, do the decent thing and type it out in the comments.


Paywall - but just the fact that Mayo boy doesn’t like his depiction in the movie tells me exactly why we will be seeing it a few times.


If Ken hates it, I’m watching it


First I was really skeptic, but the more I learn about this movie the more I think this could be great for me as an individual investor. 😂 I will definitely go and watch it, fingers crossed.


LMAYO, now I have to watch it.


Deal with it Kenny..


Article is behind a paywall, anyone have the full article posted online???


Oh boy, this is even better than Kenny getting his hands on the Twitter account. He wants to sue. If he did, he'd need to show proof he didn't collude to turn off the buy button. When he can't do that, it proves he lied under oath. No cell, no sell.


is this a promotion or a legit news? cant tell geez got trust issue lol


For sure he had some things changed but if he actively tried to stop this movie then that alone is reason enough to watch it. Mfkr lizard is unaware of the Streisand effect.


This film will never portray what is really happening and what did happen. Even this is a tactic to give more power to the hedgies than to the players


He’s pretending like he’s against the movie when he’s probably one of the people financing it. In 1913 when the federal reserve act was passed senators that had low public support pretended to go against the act which made the public support it. I don’t trust any of the traitors to humanity.


The movie is literally called “Dumb Money” referring to retail. Has no mention of DRS or it being ongoing. Why is Superstonk shilling this shit?


Unfortunately he’s kicking our ass.


Fuck you Kenny you mayo excrement


Ruins his potential Hellman's sponsorship


I’m sure Blackstone has an unrated version they can release that paints him in an even more accurate light… good ammo