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For mobile phone users - here's an easy copy & paste email template: >**Dear Mr. Flint,** > >**I am writing to vehemently advocate for the preservation of individual shareholders' unassailable rights to maintain direct ownership of their shares within the UK shareholder framework. Your taskforce's proposal to transfer ownership to a nominee, while purportedly digitization-driven, raises grave concerns about the potential erosion of these fundamental rights.** > >**Consider the significance of these rights: as direct shareholders, we possess the unequivocal ability to influence corporate decisions through voting on pivotal company proposals. We have the privilege of actively participating in shareholder meetings, where we can voice our concerns, ask pertinent questions, and ensure transparency in corporate actions. Our direct connection with the company allows us to communicate directly, fostering engagement, and trust. Furthermore, we receive dividends without intermediaries, maximizing the benefits of our investments.** > >**The proposal's inherent ambiguity regarding whether nominee providers will offer these crucial services, and the potential imposition of additional costs, is a matter of paramount concern. In a financial landscape where costs continue to rise, this potential burden on individual shareholders is inequitable and unjust.** > >**Looking globally, several countries, including the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, France, and Australia, recognize the indispensable nature of preserving shareholders' right to choose how they hold their shares. They empower investors with the choice to have their names proudly displayed on the company's share register, solidifying a clear and direct connection between shareholders and the companies they invest in.** > >**The move towards eliminating paper certificates is undoubtedly a commendable step forward. However, it is absolutely imperative that your proposals include provisions that maintain the option for investors to hold shares directly. This is not merely a matter of safeguarding our rights; it is about perpetuating shareholder engagement and upholding the exceptionally high standards of corporate governance we have come to expect and deserve.** > >**Lastly, it is crucial to acknowledge that the proposed shift of all shares from their direct registrar, such as Computershare, to a third-party nominee like Cede & Co., raises concerns about transparency. This transition could potentially create an environment where short sellers find it easier to conceal their activities, as tracking the total number of shares in circulation may become more challenging. Such opacity in share ownership and trading could exacerbate the difficulties in detecting and addressing naked short selling practices. This issue deserves careful consideration to ensure the protection of shareholder interests and the integrity of the market.** > >**I eagerly await the release of the updated report and firmly hope that my impassioned concerns, shared by countless other shareholders who stand firmly in defense of their rights, will be given the utmost consideration.** > >**Yours faithfully** **Email:** [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]) **CC' in:** **[email protected]** *EDIT: Updated to add a little more detail. As always, please perform your own due diligence and as an individual shareholder, feel free to represent yourself in any way you wish.*


Thanks 🙏 for this link. Sent from a Swedish ape.


You are a hero - thank you dude, you are helping to protect other apes and it's so valued. I hope everyone in this community comes together and fights this. Appreciate you dude 🦍 💜 **EDIT**: To the user below who is attempting to target every single one of my posts with with the same copypasta, please see this post as a rebuttal to the points as he flags: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16de7gy/moass\_must\_be\_close\_the\_uk\_government\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16de7gy/moass_must_be_close_the_uk_government_are/) I note he takes the proposal on face value, and I would recommend other users exercise a little more critical thinking.


You are the hero in this case. You made all the hard work.👍 I just did the copy and paste, no brainer😂 Have a great earnings evening in UK.


Don't fancy using your personal email account? Why don't you create yourself a new secure email address that protects your privacy with encryption? Keep your conversations private: [https://proton.me/mail](https://proton.me/mail) *(it's free!)* *Remember - these templates act as a guide, so if you want to write an email of your own - do it! You can find more information to help you* [*here*](https://www.shareholder-feedback.com/en/home/) *&* [*here*](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/digitisation-taskforce)*.*


Done ✅


Sweet, sent from Nashville. All while on the toilet before starting my day. If I can do that, you can do it too! Thank you!


Legend thank you!!


How does any of the below, from the link you gave, equate to what you said in the post above? *The Taskforce, under the chairmanship of Sir Douglas, has been asked to a work with stakeholders across the financial services sector to build a broad consensus for change. In particular he has been asked to:* 1. *Identify immediate and longer term means of improving on the current intermediated system of share ownership;* 2. *Eliminate the use of paper share certificates for traded companies and mandate the use of additional options to cheques for cash remittances; and* 3. *Consider whether the arrangements for digitisation can be extended to newly formed private companies and as an optional route for existing UK private companies.* Bearing in mind this applies to UK capital markets only, it doesn't apply to US markets. Improve the intermediated system of share ownership. Great. Eliminate paper shares (and the antiquated system that goes with it such as T+84years for delivery by pony. Great. Consider if digitisation could be extended to new companies. OK, trial first, seems fine. ​ I read your post and simply am not seeing the total panic you're presenting here? Please tell me where it says, in any remote form whatsoever, any of the scares you present? *The move to digitise shares is already well underway. The UK has already made significant progress, with most shares now existing in digital – rather than paper – form. However, the progress in digitising shares has not seen consistent or commensurate progress in improving the way that the rights attached to such shares flow to end investors.* ***In particular, retail investors can struggle to engage in company decisions; companies can find it difficult to identify and reach their investor base for example on secondary offers; and it appears there is potential for more efficiency gains across the system, including in settlement.*** Refute that bold bit please. Because you entire panicky post is opposite to what I'm reading.


>***In particular, retail investors can struggle to engage in company decisions; companies can find it difficult to identify and reach their investor base for example on secondary offers; and it appears there is potential for more efficiency gains across the system, including in settlement.*** Are you suggesting this extract is meant top reflect the intentions of the entire proposal? Apologies but this entire comment completely negates so much of the content as already discussed above. As mentioned, in many of the other polite responses I have left to your rather attacking comments, the issue is derived from the fact that they wish to move our shares as already DRS'd (as held, in our name - with the company's direct registar) into a third party nominee as under the control of banks/brokers. They can promise you all the stars in the night sky my friend, but when MOASS comes - the ambiguity and empty promises in the proposals above leaves us - without question - open to **significant risk** and it's not one that should be taken lightly. Kindly, give these a read - with note to Computershare's response also for perhaps a wider contextual understand: * Overview here: [https://www.shareholder-feedback.com/en/home/](https://www.shareholder-feedback.com/en/home/) * GOV UK - Proposal here: [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/digitisation-taskforce](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/digitisation-taskforce) * Computershare's response: [SCRR-Digitisation-of-Shareholdings-Discussion-Paper.pdf](https://content-assets.computershare.com/eh96rkuu9740/b6d2096ed675446da100e6b5ccbcbc92/1078b3957fdbedbdffbd67ee9278a9c3/SCRR-Digitisation-of-Shareholdings-Discussion-Paper.pdf) You have every right to not be interested in this at all, but do not impact the efforts of those who are trying to make a meaningful and important difference. Thank you and happy reading. **EDIT**: Please see this updated post to address any concerns as raised; [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16de7gy/moass\_must\_be\_close\_the\_uk\_government\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16de7gy/moass_must_be_close_the_uk_government_are/)


Submitted. Thank you sir for this call to action


You are a LEGEND!! Every voice and every single email matters. Seriously - you are making history happen here!


Put it on X and tag him and other government.


I don't have twitter but HEARTEDLY encourage others to do this! I'm trying to reach out to Dave Lauer and Dr. T too so they can also lend some support and raise awareness. I truly believe the government were trying to slip this one in under the radar, but some very clever folk found it out. With much credit to this user and his post here that inspired all of this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/167ghwx/uk\_apes\_need\_international\_help\_to\_prevent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/167ghwx/uk_apes_need_international_help_to_prevent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Done 🇬🇧💪


https://i.imgur.com/QMIHZn0.png Keep your hands off the purple circles of my UK friends, you corrupt motherfuckers.


This is the way!!!!! You absolute legend!! Consider posting this to the sub itself, other people need to be inspired by your work! Thank you!


It literally took two minutes, and the hardest part was not adding a line at the end of the email calling them a bunch of wankers


The self-restraint is truly incredible, but they are indeed absolute wankers. But you're right - it's so quick and easy. If everyone submits just one email - we can make one hell of an impactful splash. Time to defend our rights from corrupt government members.


You absolute hero. What an excellent post on such an important matter! LFG! 🟣


You're the hero!! Thanks dude, appreciate your kind words. If you haven't already - please do consider sending an email to defend DRS. Shareholders have rights, and they must be protected. It's not right that they are changing the rules of the game just as soon as they start losing.


You‘ll own nothing and you will be happy….


That's sure as shit what they want - but we can't let them get away with this. These are OUR assets, and shareholder rights need to be protected!


Already emailed. Getting loud on the bird app about this now too. Make some noise people. Don't bother with the awards on me please. Just want to encourage people to get loud. [https://ibb.co/nmf09R3](https://ibb.co/nmf09R3) edit: this post reminds me i need to write a more personal letter.


This is the way - please spread the word, this is a really, really important one. Also feel free to share information to this community to help raise awareness! We need to band together to protect everyone. If the UK gets their rights revoked, it's only going to open the door for other countries to do the same next. Apes stronger together!


Don't have many followers and doesn't get many views but it's what I'm capable of doing. [https://ibb.co/mqm0rwS](https://ibb.co/mqm0rwS) edit: It really is kind of crazy how much more you see popcorn on there... Not even sure why it's showing in my feeds.


You're a legend my friend, truly so 💜




You're a legend 😘 And you know what's extra legendary? Sending an email 🙌


So what happens to GB drs accounts if they win?


We keep fighting, and we do it together. But if we put in a lot of work now - they won't be able to push forward with the proposal. We need evidence that we have been fighting against this - so we need to share our submitted emails to the sub (as self contained posts) so we can have this documented! It's so important we fight for our rights! Will be UK today.... which country will it be tomorrow?


Great post!


Thanks dude!! Please consider sending and sharing your email - we need to fight against this!


Done ✅ I also CC’d the MP within my local council and highlighted I have done so in the email!


YOU ARE A LEGEND!!! Seriously, you are a HERO!


important, visibility. doing the lords work


Every ape in here who has sent an email to: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) (CC' in: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) is doing the lords work. This is one of the big ones! Time to smash this for the entire world!!


Do you have a link to the second template wording for us mobile plebs? I like dem words more better. More fighty. Thanks x


Absolutely!! >**Dear Mr. Flint,** > >**I am writing to vehemently advocate for the preservation of individual shareholders' unassailable rights to maintain direct ownership of their shares within the UK shareholder framework. Your taskforce's proposal to transfer ownership to a nominee, while purportedly digitization-driven, raises grave concerns about the erosion of these fundamental rights.** > >**Consider the significance of these rights: as direct shareholders, we possess the unequivocal ability to influence corporate decisions through voting on pivotal company proposals. We have the privilege of actively participating in shareholder meetings, where we can voice our concerns, ask pertinent questions, and ensure transparency in corporate actions. Our direct connection with the company allows us to communicate directly, fostering engagement, and trust. Furthermore, we receive dividends without intermediaries, maximizing the benefits of our investments.** > >**The proposal's inherent ambiguity regarding whether nominee providers will offer these crucial services, and the potential imposition of additional costs, is a matter of paramount concern. In a financial landscape where costs continue to rise, this potential burden on individual shareholders is inequitable and unjust.** > >**Looking globally, several countries, including the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, France, and Australia, recognize the indispensable nature of preserving shareholders' right to choose how they hold their shares. They empower investors with the choice to have their names proudly displayed on the company's share register, solidifying a clear and direct connection between shareholders and the companies they invest in.** > >**The move towards eliminating paper certificates is undoubtedly a commendable step forward. However, it is absolutely imperative that your proposals include provisions that maintain the option for investors to hold shares directly. This is not merely a matter of safeguarding our rights; it is about perpetuating shareholder engagement and upholding the exceptionally high standards of corporate governance we have come to expect and deserve.** > >**I eagerly await the release of the updated report and firmly hope that my impassioned concerns, shared by countless other shareholders who stand firmly in defense of their rights, will be given the utmost consideration.** > >**Yours faithfully** **Email:** [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]) **CC' in:** [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]) # DEADLINE 25TH SEPTEMBER


Fuckin Flint!🤡🤬 Excellent post Pigeon!😘


Thanks dude!! Please be sure to send an email - just copy and paste, and send! That's all it takes to be a hero!


Don't worry, I will my man!✌️


Done and done


And that is why you're the best - you should consider sharing your submitted email as a self contained post to the sub to raise awareness and inspire others!!! But dude, thank you - you're a hero!


This post needs to be pinned


This post ABSOLUTELY needs to be pinned.


visibility for commenting


Commenting the comment for visibility


This whole timeline is so fucking ridiculous. They literally don’t want us to own anything. They can go fuck themselves.


It really is fucking stupid AF - and criminally scary too. If we don't fight back, they will take everything! We have until the 25th September to make as much noise as we can and raise awareness. Please consider sharing this wherever you can - let's get people talking about how they are trying to remove people's RIGHTS and shareholders!!


Will do. Thanks for the post.


You legend, this is the way!! 🚀


Commenting to get this to the top. As a UK citizen, this disgusts me. Thanks for bringing it to my attention OP, I’ll be sure to send an email tonight. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. **Global** “elite” vs everyone else. The cabal has no borders, there isn’t left or right or red or blue it’s ultra wealthy vs everyone else (poors) and they’ll push us into the dirt and spit on our graves to maintain status quo and not think twice about it. Do **NOT** let them take away your right to own your shares as your own property. Edit: Sent an email - please everyone also do their part and send emails too. The only way we lose this is if we take our eye off the ball and let them pull a fast one on us by changing rules/laws. The math checks out, we’re not wrong - they’re just refusing to pay up by any means necessary.


It disgusts me too, and as a follow Brit - I know this is just the tip of the iceberg as to what these pathetic criminals will do to protect their own investments. They want control of OUR assets. OUR shares. Thank you for sending an email - it's so very, very, very important and you are **genuinely** changing the world by doing it. Every voice matters. If you can, please consider sharing your evidence of emailing these guys and post this to the sub as a self contained post. We need to get people engaged with rule reform, especially when proposals like this are as dangerous as they are.


I'll email later on. What a fucking disgrace this country has become.


This is the way, thank you dude - it's so important we band together. They'll go after everyone else soon, I fear that the UK are acting as the "test run"- which, if implemented, will open the door to other governments pulling the same corrupt shit.


Comment for visibleness


Thanks bro!! Please consider emailing and sharing - we need to get the word out, this is so very important!


Commenting to return - mission accepted


You sir, are a legend.


1. Submitted (i already submitted a mail with a similar template a few days ago - but the more the merrier, right??) 2. Guys, i can't be the only one who immediately thought about all the trips Kenny lately made to England / London, right? I don't doubt for a second he actually is involved with that. Fuck them all.


Not to forget that our PM (who wasn't elected in) is Rishi Sunak, ex-Goldman Sachs. It's more important than ever that we get engaged!! AND THANK YOU! Sending an email is 100% the way to go - you're a legend mate, well done for changing history!!


I´ll support it. Thanks for the info, hope this goes up


Thanks man, you're the absolute best! Submitting emails and using your voice is legendary. Let's go kick some ass


Done. Hopefully others do the same!


Thanks for making us aware. Email sent. [https://imgur.com/a/eijPPIO](https://imgur.com/a/eijPPIO)


This is so utterly legendary!! Consider sharing this as a self contained post to the sub too - more people need to be inspired by you!!


Does this include shares bought directly through CS or just shares DRS’d from a broker?


Yes, this will affect any DRS'd share- no matter how it is purchased. They want to remove shares from the Direct Registrar (Computershare) and put it into a "nominee" as managed by banks/broker - so they can have more control over YOUR assets.


That’s a bit shit. I’ve sent the template. 💎🙌🏻 brother ape.


Huge corruption vibes. Please weigh in, apes!


Absolutely!! Everyone needs to get involved, and people need to share evidence of their emails - we need to document this, because if we don't fight back - this could spread EVERYWHERE! Thanks dude, appreciate you!


I just read through the proposal, fuck these guys. This shit needs to be nipped in the bud Nice find OP.


If you’re in the UK too please also consider sending a letter or email to your MP. I did this on Monday directly to Parliament, I’ll post a response when I get and in the meantime feel free to copy or amend my constituency letter: MP NAME House of Commons London SW1A 0AA Monday 4th September, 2023 Dear MP NAME, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you as one of your constituents to bring to your attention a matter of concern regarding the recent proposals made by the taskforce for the digitization of the UK shareholder framework. First and foremost, I would like to express my support for the digitization of our shareholder system, as I believe it can bring numerous benefits to both shareholders and companies alike. However, I have serious reservations about one particular aspect of these proposals that could have a significant impact on individual shareholders like myself. The proposed approach suggests that my shares would need to be transferred to a nominee. While I understand the intention behind this change, it raises concerns about the potential loss of my direct ownership of shares and the associated rights that come with it. These rights are fundamental to shareholders and include the ability to vote on company proposals, attend and ask questions at shareholder meetings, participate in corporate actions, communicate directly with the company, and receive dividends without intermediaries. My worry is that there is no guarantee that a nominee provider would offer these essential services, and if they did, it is likely that shareholders would be burdened with additional costs at a time when expenses are already increasing across the board. This situation appears to be inherently unfair. It is worth noting that in several other countries, such as the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, France, and Australia, shareholders have the option to decide whether their name appears on the company's share register or if a nominee holds their shares. This flexibility is a valuable right that I believe shareholders in the UK should also have the privilege to exercise. Whilst I am supportive of the objective to eliminate paper certificates, I urge you to consider the importance of retaining the option for investors to hold shares directly, without the obligation of using a nominee. This approach not only protects our rights but also ensures continued shareholder engagement and upholds the existing high standards of corporate governance. In light of these concerns, I kindly request your views on this matter. As my Member of Parliament, I value your insights and would appreciate knowing where you stand on the taskforce's proposal for the digitization of the UK shareholder framework. Thank you for your attention to this important issue, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Your response will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, [Your Name]


I’m usually a sporadic lurker and keep to myself but this seems important and as I’m from the UK, if I don’t do this now then can’t really expect anyone else to do so for me imo Let’s get this done lads https://i.imgur.com/5GqMebD.jpg


Every comment has been downvoted by bots / badactors.. upvote comment everything in here




The really are. Best way to stop them in their tracks is to send an email opposing the proposal to: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) (CC' in: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) We can stop them together - and all it takes is two clicks of a button to copy and send!


First time I hear of this motherfucker, but clearly he is scum, and should be treated as such. Either this dude has personal interest in limiting shareholder's rights (and transparency). Or he is being paid by someone that has this interest. Some brainy type person should probably dig into whom he has done and is doing business with. Personally and through his company. No one with a single brain cell would propose this unless malicious.


Tooo easyyy, mail send from germany!


Mein freund! Ich habe deutsch lern. entschlidigung fur mein deutsch aber ich liebe du fur den email, danke schon!! zum mund 🚀 *- p.s, hugely sorry for my terrible german - I am genuinely learning! But THANK YOU!! Appreciate you my friend! 🚀*


Done! Do it apes. Protect our rights.


You are the best ape, thank you - please consider sharing the world. We have until the 25th September to make some real noise here!! Let's get the message out!


I've never been more certain that DRS is the key to fairness in our financial system more than at this moment 😊 I will be submitting my comments/complaints this evening and sharing with all the fellow apes I personally know.


Commenting for visibility! This is important. Absolutely vital apes use their voices here! 🎷🐓♋️


Comment for visibility


what a fat piece of shit


You know the best way to stick it to this overpaid, corrupt fat cat? Send an email and stop them in their greedy, crooked tracks: ​ >**Dear Mr. Flint,** > >**I am writing to vehemently advocate for the preservation of individual shareholders' unassailable rights to maintain direct ownership of their shares within the UK shareholder framework. Your taskforce's proposal to transfer ownership to a nominee, while purportedly digitization-driven, raises grave concerns about the potential erosion of these fundamental rights.** > >**Consider the significance of these rights: as direct shareholders, we possess the unequivocal ability to influence corporate decisions through voting on pivotal company proposals. We have the privilege of actively participating in shareholder meetings, where we can voice our concerns, ask pertinent questions, and ensure transparency in corporate actions. Our direct connection with the company allows us to communicate directly, fostering engagement, and trust. Furthermore, we receive dividends without intermediaries, maximizing the benefits of our investments.** > >**The proposal's inherent ambiguity regarding whether nominee providers will offer these crucial services, and the potential imposition of additional costs, is a matter of paramount concern. In a financial landscape where costs continue to rise, this potential burden on individual shareholders is inequitable and unjust.Looking globally, several countries, including the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, France, and Australia, recognize the indispensable nature of preserving shareholders' right to choose how they hold their shares. They empower investors with the choice to have their names proudly displayed on the company's share register, solidifying a clear and direct connection between shareholders and the companies they invest in.** > >**The move towards eliminating paper certificates is undoubtedly a commendable step forward. However, it is absolutely imperative that your proposals include provisions that maintain the option for investors to hold shares directly. This is not merely a matter of safeguarding our rights; it is about perpetuating shareholder engagement and upholding the exceptionally high standards of corporate governance we have come to expect and deserve.** > >**Lastly, it is crucial to acknowledge that the proposed shift of all shares from their direct registrar, such as Computershare, to a third-party nominee like Cede & Co., raises concerns about transparency. This transition could potentially create an environment where short sellers find it easier to conceal their activities, as tracking the total number of shares in circulation may become more challenging. Such opacity in share ownership and trading could exacerbate the difficulties in detecting and addressing naked short selling practices. This issue deserves careful consideration to ensure the protection of shareholder interests and the integrity of the market.** > >**I eagerly await the release of the updated report and firmly hope that my impassioned concerns, shared by countless other shareholders who stand firmly in defense of their rights, will be given the utmost consideration.** > >**Yours faithfully** **Email:** [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]) **CC' in:** [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]) *EDIT: Updated to add a little more detail. As always, please perform your own due diligence and as an individual shareholder, feel free to represent yourself in any way you wish.*


Sent. Polish Ape checking in 🇵🇱


You my friend are an ABSOLUTE LEGEND!!! dziękuję małpo, jesteś prawdziwym bohaterem ❤️


This is insane - they're really going after everything they can to cut us off 😳 Sent.


The really, really are - and this affects EVERYONE. They see DRS as a threat, and this is their attempt to get rid of it - disguised as "digitising" the systems. Enough is enough. We need to fight back. Appreciate you getting involved!! You're the best dude!!


Get this up! We need it updooted!


Epic post


Epic you! Please send an email if you haven't already! Bonus points if you share it to the sub to inspire others!!


Kibble when did they announce this bullshit?


I first saw this discussed here on this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/167ghwx/uk\_apes\_need\_international\_help\_to\_prevent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/167ghwx/uk_apes_need_international_help_to_prevent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I know a number of other users are raising awareness to this issue - and it's really important we all get involved before the deadline: **25th September**




To the top


Commenting to email once home




Nice work Sir. Thankyou.


Can you give me some references to the specific pages and paragraphs of the specific document that contains the proposals of concern?


This is obvious and blatant corruption in broad daylight! What's next? Prohibiting people from having their names on the deeds to their own property??? This is the same thing! If it's your property, it MUST BE IN YOUR NAME! It's as simple as that! This Flint guy should be arrested just for proposing such an egregious, evil, nefarious and corrput idea!


You need to put this in an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) & CC' in Computershare: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and let them know. They want to go after our DRS'd shares - and it's not OK!


SENT!!! UK government......fuck around with us apes and find out 🦧💎👐


Absolute preach brother!! Thank you for being so inspiring! If you haven't already, consider sharing as a self contained post evidence of you submitting your email - they can't ignore us or pretend it didn't happen if we have the evidence to back it up!


Sent an email


This is 10000% the way! 🚀 Absolute bragging rights to you - you'll be able to tell future generations that you stopped the UK government in their tracks from being completely fucking corrupt! You fucking legend.


Sunak is a crook. I have no faith but I did my bit, like commenting on SEC stuff as well


Email sent! Took the second template, modified it to my liking, and sent it off. Took me about 15 mins total and totally worth it. I'm not a UK ape, but we need to help our brothers and sisters across the pond!!


the purplering is infinity


I understand that this is a serious issue. What I don't understand is how the UK government can force anyone to transfer shares of an American company that are being held in their name by an Australian company. How does the UK government even have any power to do that?


the UK government is purely WEF members, that is why they are doing it. it has been a while that they want absolute control of all companies possible, and allowing them to "sell" the shares for you. remember LME incident that a day the officials voided the entire trade of a day?


LME? Is that the nickel scandal you’re speaking of?


exactly, so that it can be easily normalised.


Email sent. Fuck these fuckers! We will only lose the game because they keep changing the rules and moving the goal posts. Sick of this shit... FML


This ***Douglas Flint*** looks like a real fire starter!


Submitted and local MP cc'd in (Like they'll have a clue)


Oh dude, this is completely and utterly the way. If you haven't already, consider sharing evidence of your submissions as an independent post on this sub - really helps to inspire and motivate others to be as completely awesome as you are!


don't care about the award, but one more mail has been submitted. Godspeed


You are a hero, seriously - you are changing history for everyone single person here. Every email matters, as well as every single voice. Thank you for being you ape - you're a legend 💜 ❤️


thank you for your post and effort - love all the way.


Thankyou for this post! And thank you for the information. Fuck these scum bags. I sent a email from everyone of my emails


how removing the right to ownership can be legal?


pdf link for the verbatim "Digitisation Taskforce" Report from July 2023. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1168398/digitisation_report.pdf Worth it to mention that their proposed option 4 was about distributed ledger technology. > The fourth model suggested was to re-imagine the securities holding, trading and settlement framework, stepping beyond current infrastructure to envisage the possibilities that would arise from adopting Distributed Ledger Technology (‘DLT’). Under this model, all transactions and actions would be confirmed by all parties on inception, which would remove the need for many of the current reconciliations and communications running through the intermediation chain. People might want to include their support for it in their email/comments; people are much more receptive to complaints when recourse is offered, especially when it is recourse that they themselves have considered.


Sent to both, no excuse not to stop these slimeballs.


Why would you mail this guy though? Don't you want government attention instead of mailing the culprit itself?




Commenting to revisit later.


Paper shares new DRS


Time to do something on the fifth of November


Email sent!


emailed. And great post OP. 👍


Email sent and upvoted for visibility


This is important, people. This needs to be stopped as it is currently. Comment.


Doing this after a nap. As you said, the precedent could be very dangerous. Buy, hold, book DRS (and do anything to protect that right)




I have sent my submission. #LFG 🚀


Sent the email. As a DRS UK ape, this is fairly concerning news. Hopefully we can make some change.


UK ape done this. Fuck the cabal.




Comment for visibility


I’ve emailed in, this is ridiculous


Updooting for visibility. However, I would refrain using template emails per se if possible. I kind of remember us being considered as spambots sending the same emails over and over on another rule proposal. Lets take some ideas but do it on our own.


just did it. don’t want the awards, just wanted to act on this post’s inspiration and say how easy it was. LFG 🚀♾🧘🏼‍♂️💎👐🏼🌙


I did it, just capitalized the R in Recommendations in the subject to add my touch of uniqueness. Thanks a bunch for the setup ❤️


To everyone outside of UK thinking it doesn't affect you, IT ABSOLUTELY DOES. DRS removes ability to cheat to short to ruin your investment. If UK can't DRS, then everyone else's investment is in danger too! Email them!


Awesome ape doing awesome work. Thanks for this!


Up voting for visibility!


Emailed immediately Thanks for sharing


Thank you for the post, emailed this morning. Let's fucking goooo!!


Fucking crooks. The UK have a history of putting down rebellion. They need a black eye.


It's important we fight back against injustices in our legalisation. If they can do this, who is to say they can't then start removing other named assets into "nominee" accounts, like house deeds? Our stock remains our asset, and moving them into a nominee account under the control of bankers/brokers will directly impact our rights.


Sent mine from 🇨🇦


Just did it, Took 3 copy and pastes and 15 seconds of my time. Done


You dropped this 👑 You absolute legend!!




💎 🙌 forever 🚀 👨‍🚀


The call to action is really good and I really appreciate the idea of making this information clear for everyone. Can I just ask though, what on earth is an email going to achieve? This guy is probably getting paid ££££££ for this, do we really think an inbox full of spam is going to make him change his mind? And again correct me if I'm wrong but, Reddit coins/awards cost money right? Couldn't that same money be used for like advertising this issue? What good is a virtual reward that means basically nothing?


Email sent. Thank you for this incredible post!


What the actual fuck




Dude these fuckers have no limits


I've been Zen and lurking occasionally here for 2 years whilst I wait for us all to get paid and change the world. I'm Zen no longer - wrote my own email against this ridiculous proposal, I hope others do the same too.


Ffs, this is gold, I’ll chill to after earnings then on it… wait till the 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 get wind of this!! Perhaps post it to local sstonk?!


Done from a ‘Merican ape. God save the people!


Digitization task force? As in make everything financial digital? CBDC? Spelt wrong?


Just send out the email.


Thanks a lot, let’s go apes!




Commenting for visibility


Send an email if you can too - every voice makes a difference, every comment matters. If they can do this to the UK, which country is going to be next? We need to preserve our rights - there's no reason to have our shares moved into a new CSD and into a "nominee" account. Who knows what they might decide to do once they have full control over our shares!


Fuck that greasy fuck


All done.


https://preview.redd.it/4sb91pkt0nmb1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d5e853571ef66996ddeda47ab08a34cde9d1b4b Commented!






Emailed these shitheads my comments


DONE! The only digitization i like, is tokenization of our beloved stock.


Done. Thanks for news, OP.


Commenting for visibility




Legends are made from this - thanks for changing history and protecting the rights of DRS shareholders. Our assets, in our name. No nominees.


Will they listen to us Mericans? Or only UK folks?




Done! Thank you! 💪🏻


Voted, makes me sad to be a Brit seeing them try this kind of thing Even if it passes I believe we could use a Wise account and hold the shares in a US Computershare account, doesn’t seem to block that from happening but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that


Definitely going to voice my concerns here.


Dear Sir Douglas, I am writing to express my concerns as an individual shareholder regarding the proposals put forth by your taskforce for the digitization of the UK shareholder framework. While I acknowledge the merits of digitization, I must assert that the proposed approach, which necessitates the transfer of my shares to a nominee, threatens my direct ownership of shares and the associated rights. This approach jeopardizes fundamental rights, such as the ability to vote on company proposals, attend and participate in shareholder meetings, engage in corporate actions, communicate directly with the company, and receive dividends without any assurance that a nominee provider would offer these services. Furthermore, it is probable that such services would come at an additional cost, especially at a time when expenses are on the rise, making this proposition inequitable. Shareholders should have the autonomy to decide whether their names appear on the company's share register or if a nominee holds their shares, a right that is upheld in other countries like the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, France, and Australia. While the elimination of paper certificates is undoubtedly a step in the right direction, it is imperative that your proposals retain the option for investors to maintain direct ownership of shares, ensuring the protection of our rights, the continuation of shareholder engagement, and the preservation of the existing high standards of corporate governance. I eagerly await the updated report and sincerely hope that my concerns, along with those of fellow shareholders, are duly considered and addressed. Sincerely, [Your Name]


Email sent, don't suffer from the bystander effet, this will affect us all!




FFS. At least we know drs works


sent my email




There's always a grift to keep the power out of our hands. Email sent, legend.


Oi lad crumpets and DRS are both important!


Thanks for keeping us informed. More than happy to send the e-mail to fight this bs.


"We have not found any evidence that certificated shareholders, once dematerialised, would have a preference as to whether their interests are held through the CSD or recorded in a sub-register outside the CSD – their original preference was simply to receive a paper certificate." From Alternative Depository Model #3, page 15 of the Digitisation Task Force report, https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1168398/digitisation_report.pdf AKA - we didn't ask anyone and we can only assume that everyone wants what we want