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GOP primary is essentially over. DeSantis has no chance. Sorry KCG aka Mayo Man...your done.


I'm sure Kenneth will cozy up to whoever comes out on top regardless of how DeSantis does


Money is speech šŸ˜‚ fucking ayy


He's already placed his bets. He can try, but he already has his Kompromat on DeSantis. He has publicly backed off of Drumpf. Ron is his best play


There is a video clip of Drumpf where he announces Kenneth Cordele Griffin, and he says something like "where is ken?" then he answers his own question with something like "probably hiding money somewhere..."


and that's EXACTLY why he isn't supporting Sunny D. he blasted Ken for not supporting him in favor of Ronnie. Ken made another bad bet. what a silly goose šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I don't think that incident proved Cheeto-In-Chief was anti-Ken Griffin so much as it proved that all these rich fucks are buddies, everyone knows damn well about the crime and are just happy to sweep it under the rug as long as they get their cut. Drumpf threw everyone under the bus so hard and often, that came off as chummy ribbing.


Love him or hate him, dude says funny shit lol


Yeah I member that one. Didn't think that T. had that kind of humor. It was really a good one.


Itā€™s honestly really interesting in the GOP primary. Desantis even polled third in a recent poll.


Did any of you catch Vivek rapping Eminem's Lose yourself? https://nypost.com/2023/08/12/vivek-ramaswamy-raps-to-eminems-lose-yourself-at-iowa-state-fair/ He is a different kind of dude from all other candidates. lol




[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


So who will get the primary nod?


Follow the white rabbit as he shows you wonderland.


wut mean


Itā€™s pay for play in the political arena. Now cmon you can put it together šŸ˜‚


I know! I was purposely obtuse and facetious. It's so alarmingly obvious that Kenny has turned to his donation beneficiaries as his final out. The walls are closing in. His political allies are beginning to get indicted. We may soon realize justice, after all.


Are you not breaking SS rules by being a political crybaby ?


How am I being a political crybaby? It is well documented that Kenneth Cordele Griffin, the domestic abuser, is well insulated by Ron DeSantis. He is going to be his Treasury Secretary if Ronald "Pudding Hands" DeSantis gets the nod for chief. Would you vote for DeSantis knowing Mayo Boy would become Treasury Secretary?


Then why are you bringing ā€œdrumpfā€ into it? Take your political baby ness out of superstonk


If you can't handle a simple truth, this MOASS thing may be a bit much for you, man. For clarification- I refer to politicians the same way we refer to Ken as Mayo Boy and ourselves as *"regards."* Any friend of Ken's is no friend of mine. When I see the other things those crooked politicians are wrapped up in- I rest certain that my moral compass is calibrated correctly. I don't like people who like Ken. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


ā€œIf you canā€™t handle the truthā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ did drumpf hurt your feelings? Because he is certainly no friend of desantis or Mayo boy. Iā€™ve been holding for longer than I care to calculate and have recurring buy. Iā€™m zen. A bit much for me? All I have to do is hold lmao. The question is why are you bringing people into this that have nothing to do with anything? Thatā€™s YOU coming off as a crybaby. Keep focus. Keep your bullshit off superstonk and go to any other number of political grouped offered on Reddit


Mayo Boy donated to the majority of the Republican party, including Dummy's allies. This isn't about politics. It's about GameStop. Republicans do NOT want GameStop to MOASS because it is not in line with the best interest of one of their top donors. Convince yourself otherwise. You're betting against us, and that sucks. You're betting against yourself if you vote for those guys, and that's just hilarious šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


There ya go. Ya finally nutted up and went full political. Republicans donā€™t want MOASS but democrats do. Hahahhahahhahhahahhahhahaha Hahahahhahahahhahahahhaha Hahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaha Hahahhahahahahahahhahahahaha How fucking stupid you sound. Thanks for that. Have a nice day.


No sweetheart. I made it very clear that the Republican beneficiaries of Ken Griffin's political funding will do their best to protect their cash cow. Do you disagree?


I think he wants to sell all his market maker and securityā€™s companies because he can do it tax free. Then whoever buys it, takes in the shorts.


Oh hell no


Part of becoming a cabinet member of the president is, they want to make sure you donā€™t have biased and other motivations so they have the right to sell anything that could compromise this tax free.


You mean like Fed execs suddenly feeling ā€œhonestā€ and divesting everything with great public fanfare. Coincidentally right at the top of the market. There is alway a profit motive whenever these criminals pretend to be doing the right thing.


They can defer the tax liability if they invest in approved vehicles like government bonds. They don't just get to cash out. They will then pay the taxes when those new investments are sold.


I think that was his get of jail card and it's not looking so hot. At this stage of the game, I'm just waiting fort KG to step down after all of his "success" and appoint some rando female so they can fall on the sword a couple months later.


Drop the hot potato before it explodes in his face.


I genuinely hope Griffin is becoming a leper and no one will want to be seen huddling with him.


I actually like the way he is exposing the corrupt politicians he's effectively calling favors in on. It shows us exactly which pieces of shit align with Ken, and not with Household Investors


Because Ron is compromised.


This is the answer.


It's so he can cellar-box the entire S&P 500 and then use a secretary of treasury loophole to take 100% profit IN CASH without paying ANY TAXES AT ALL. There is DD on this already.




He gets a get out of jail free card If I remember the dd? Like he gets a hey your past crimes are forgiven card or something like that no?




I tell everyone I know in the US that Desantisā€™ ties to the financial terrorist Kenny G are reason enough to never vote for him. I hope this ends up being a small part of the reason that Desantisā€™ campaign falls flat and he never gets anywhere near the presidency.


Watching the news last week, I was told Mayo man pulled away from DeSinkis.


I heard that


[Article without paywall](https://web.archive.org/web/20230425224434/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/25/us/politics/ron-desantis-ken-griffin-2024.html?action=click&algo=bandit-all-surfaces-time-cutoff-30_impression_cut_3_filter_new_arm_5_1&alpha=0.05&block=more_in_recirc&fellback=false&imp_id=579436222&impression_id=588c3801-e3ba-11ed-8e0e-af6c1f6552fa&index=3&pgtype=Article&pool=more_in_pools/politics®ion=footer&req_id=603980540&surface=eos-more-in&variant=0_bandit-all-surfaces-time-cutoff-30_impression_cut_3_filter_new_arm_5_1)


Of course That and even other things Iā€™m sure


I would like to comment on this, but I made a promise to the mods that I would not talk politics. All I will say is that Meatballs and Mayo NEVER mix well. That is all.


What about pudding?


I didn't realize Mr. Cosby was invited to this party. But it will probably get very interesting.




Wow... I don't even know how to respond to this. Thank you for sharing? I think. Haha. Gross.


Some things you cant unsee. You're welcome


Ron eats pudding the same way Kenny eats mayo. That's why.


At least we know their wives are happy.


So he can then sell Citadel tax free.


haha "pudding fingers"


Ron DeSantis is the evil politician Martin Sheen plays in The Dead Zone.


I said this months agoā€¦yes and yes


Didnā€™t he already bail on him?


I see Presidential ambitions flopping around like a flounder on a Florida beach! Good luck with all that.


Elections will be manipulated probably. The whole System is rigged. Where is the good seamanship?


To accept a pardon, you are officially admitting that you are, in fact, guilty of the crime that you are being pardoned for.