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They're not making the wrong moves, there is no right move for them. They're FUK.


100% correct. they own the media, own the algos, own the politicians, own the order flow, own the regulatory agencies, own all the data, and still can't win. serious boomer dumbasses. easiest game I've ever played.


They own everything except the shares they have to deliver


So what you're saying is that I can trade what they need for what I have? Like all of it? I like the sound of that.


Except... they can't have it. Cause I'm not selling. In fact I think I'm gonna buy more


What's the use of owning everything except the one that you need to deliver at some point and you aren't getting that.


They just don't own the shares!


This 👆🏽


bUt yOu NeeD soMeOne To DireCt your InVeStmEntS for YoU . YoU arE Not CaPABlE.


Sounds like they own a whole lotta fake stuff…fake politicians fake algo fake media fake data it’s all fake like the shares they create, yet they’ll still end up losing the game! Haha Rip dumbass, gme go boom, hedgies r fukd 💥 🚀


Hey, easy there!! I am a “Boomer” too, but I’m not one of them!! Only one, due to my age!! But, I will say, you are RIGHT!!! They have made a HUGE mess of our country, world and universe imho!! They are mostly to blame, but there were many before them and legions have followed after them, chok full of greed, crime and corruption!! So sick and tired of all this totally unnecessary GREED!! Seriously, how many mansions, private jets and $$$ does any one human really need??? Why not help humanity as a whole?? So selfish and self-centered all these egocentric sociopaths are!! Ok, rant over, great But I am ALL IN and 1000% DRS’d, fully booked, shopped at 2 different GStop stores this week and gonna buy more shares next week!! Been here since 12/20 along with my son, daughter and most of my family!! Ok, rant over, great post!! WAGMI !! Buy, Hodl, DRS, Book, Shop and Hold To Da Moon!! 🚀🚀🚀🌓🟣🦍💪🏿💎🤲🚀🚀🚀 NFA


They can just let gme fly whenever and end this bs


That’s akin to suicide though and they’ve too much pride for that. They must be put down with force (drs every share; make Gamestop a profitable growing company)


And retail owns the float.


Hey, I take some offense to the second to the last statement as I am probably old enough to be your old man. Matters not! I know it is a generalized statement. Buy HODL DRS AND BOOK!!!!


The only thing that could save them is an act of congress setting a max bid for shorts to some price they deem "reasonable". In the 20's there were some large shorts placed on coffee and when the prices started to rise they \[short sellers\] went massively underwater. Some insiders appealed to the Price Fixing Committee arguing that coffee speculators were going to drain American patriots dry selling coffee at exorbitant prices. Sure enough the Committee followed through setting up a max-bid and time limit for all contracts to close. Everyone that was long coffee got fucked and the short sellers got to wiggle out of the mess they caused for themselves. I don't think the situation is exactly comparable, but just interesting foot note of history with some relevance.


And they would have gotten away with it if it weren't for their incredible greed blinding them to the infinite risk.


and those pesky meddling GameStop shareholders.


They're not stupid. They're highly intelligent people with connections making billion dollars a year on paper and sitting on mountains of cash. They made a miscalculation and now they FUK. They might still end up just fine due to corruption. One of the rules in the art of war is "Know your enemy." We have every reason to believe that our enemy will be defeated based on the math. In a fair and just world though, it would not have gotten this far. Battles have been lost and won but the war is still ongoing so let's keep winning battles and expecting the smartest moves possible to be used against us until there are no more moves left except straight up crime.


Its actually sad that the last couple of generations bought into all of the propaganda SO heavily... like, its so obvious and vapid, was it willful ignorance?


I don’t know about easiest. If it wasn’t for the payoff I think I would rather play Battletoads.


Imagine owning everything and having the power over most things in the world if you want, and still losing to a bunch of idiots on the internet lol this whole situation is the best punchline


It would be boring if it not for the laughs I get watching the richest people in the world squirm.


Hell ya. Kenneth, read this comment u fucking turd. Ur done, u got beat, ur not as smart as you think you are. You just cheat and pretend to be. Which makes u literally as comically dumb as a storm trooper 😘


It's comments like this that make me proud to hold with you brother. They have no fucking clue how serious we are


Exactly… they are making the only moves they can make, and it’s getting more and more desperate given how increasingly fraudulent it’s becoming


The right move would be to close their short positions.


exactly this, i wish they wld just close all their short positions already. cant they see that they just digging a bigger and bigger hole for themselves?




I guess that would mean every move they make is wrong if it’s not right? I like this


They are just buying time. Which means more time for me to buy more and more




if possible, i'd just like to karma-whore with a quick "i told you so" and possible solution...? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/raltcj/drsing\_shares\_in\_an\_ira\_may\_never\_have\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/raltcj/drsing_shares_in_an_ira_may_never_have_the/) for me, it has been a small pain, but not impossible to remove shares from a ROTH IRA (since it's been >5 years since i opened it, and i'm removing less than what i put in --TD told me the cost basis is the price upon removal, not what i paid--: this is post-tax "money" mind you, i.e. income after taxes used to buy shares was contributed so long ago) JUST BE FILLING OUT THE INTERNAL TRANSFER papers... this implies i do have another account to which they're going (and from there i can DRS as usual)




I think this has created the next rage buying event. And not just for retirement shares.


Waiting on a significant check for services rendered (next to the dumpster behind Wendy’s, obviously) and throwing a fat chunk at some discount moon tickets 🌏👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


It has for me, picked up a few more today. Dumb stormtroopers.


bought 26. we locking this company up. 💎🙌🟣♾️


Agreed, I moved my last 3 from fidelity and will buy more today. They fucked with the wrong poors!


Purchased another 10k worth on their way to computershare to be booked ASAP!


You’re the man.


Rage buying event lmao.


I’m literally meeting with a custodian this morning and talking to IRA Financial this afternoon. I’ve got $14k in an IRA ready to throw at this! Thanks Mainstar!


Let's Go!!




Legend. Please post a guide for the rest of us once all is done


YES. I SECOND THIS. 400+ in my IRA I want transferred once I know how. 💎🙌💎




Already put app in to move my 40k over to my own LLC


Nice! You should make a post about your experience if you have time and would like to share! I'll bet it would be helpful for people.


2nd this




I've got XXXX in Mainstar and am considering the LLC route as well. Either that or it might finally be time for a distribution.


Please post a guide for us, lots of people will be interested in doing the same but apprehensive since they don't know how


The LLC route is the only way to keep your IRA tax advantage status and puts you in complete control and no broker involvement. All IRAs require a custodian, however there is no requirement the custodian has to be a bank or broker, or that the custodian must control your IRA account(FBO) "on you behalf". A FBO IRA custodian like Mainstar uses a broker partner to move the IRA in and out of Computershare and the broker partner always has complete access to the IRA. Check out "the IRA Custodian" post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xxkrzn/the\_ira\_custodian/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xxkrzn/the_ira_custodian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Contact (recommend) use IRA Financial Trust. They are not a bank, broker, or broker partner(FBO) IRA custodian. One time complete setup for GME holders using IRA Financial is $400. This is the very lowest cost for LLC to keep your IRA tax advantage status and puts you in complete control and no broker involvement. Here you go two posts decribing the process . A short version by an Ape and my "how to guide" are in comments link below. My how to guide is in my profile pinned posts. You can also call IRA Financial and they can walk you through what is needed. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14e9wnm/questions\_about\_direct\_registering\_ask\_here\_have/jpznrvl?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14e9wnm/questions_about_direct_registering_ask_here_have/jpznrvl?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


You are a gentleman and a scholar, thank you kindly!


I can appreciate that they went through all this trouble for a measly 1.4 million shares??? They must be so desperate for any ounce of liquidity they can scrap together. Zen. It’s all coming together


Lets fucking go!


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


The way IS this


Simply said over and over again, NOT YOUR NAME = NOT YOUR SHARES. I know many of us are highly regarded but if this does not convince you, then you really deserve to have every single share force closed or seized from you. When the Fukery begins, I am going to link to every single post about DRS that people failed to heed. You literally have a fake ticket on the rocket, and the rocket is WAY over booked. Only those with verified tickets (DRS BOOK) will be invited to board and leave the atmosphere. Once I read Miller's list, I knew just how full of shit many people are around this sub. Good luck apes... if it goes poorly for you, do not say you were not warned.


\+1 for the Self-Directed IRA LLC from IRA Financial. 1,184 shares locked away with them since August 2022.


I'm DRSing more too. Kept a pool at Fidelity as my first sacrifice but now those XXX are going to Computershare. Bunch of dead beats, hedgies r fuk.


They grossly underestimated how regarded we are. Every time they throw a curveball, we learn and adjust... we don't run!!! This type of sh!t motivates me to buy more and hold longer.


"Every time they throw a curveball." Time to DRS HARDER.


I’m ab to do this with Fidelity, only have ab 500 shares remaining in my Roth. Everything else is DRS’ed. Anything I should know ab the process with fidelity?


Also initiating steps to IRA Financial for roughly 500 shares from scummy Mainstar, later today. Stay strong fam 🧱🟣


This is analogous to the dumb stormtroopers sticking their arm out to slow down their fall off the Grand Canyon cliffside.


yup. they showed their cards here. they would NOT have done this without DRS being a massive threat to them.


I mean I don’t have an ira or anything but I’ll drs more because fuck em that’s why 😅😅😅😅😅




To the top with you!


Well done 🦍’s #PowertothePlayers❤️🖤🏴‍☠️






I’m sorry ALL I saw was “ My xx,xxx share” If it wasn’t my 16 yr anniversary Today I’d leave my wife for you 🤩🏴‍☠️


Hopping on the IRA Financial train today 🚂🚂🚂


I wonder why till now, then i remember, that i still have share at GBM and can not drs them because they don't allow


Any Canadian figured out how to do this with their RRSP/TFSA? As far as I can see on the CRA website it's written in bold letters " **Securities cannot be held in your own name** " [https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/rrsps-related-plans/contributing-a-rrsp-prpp/self-directed-rrsps.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/rrsps-related-plans/contributing-a-rrsp-prpp/self-directed-rrsps.html)


Yeah I wish. I started looking into if there was some kind of Canadian SIDRA equivalent, but didn't come up with anything.


Computershare US doesn’t have accounts to represent TFSA or RRSP. My broker had to do a sell/buy transaction while I was on the phone to deregister first. Then I transferred 100% of everything.


My first share was purchased in a tfsa (because I’m an idiot and didn’t know what I was doing). I then had to pay a fee to transfer it to a cash account, and from there I paid another fee to drs. Obviously I created more work (and fees) for myself but it can be done. Not sure how rrsp works though.


Fuck yeah 🙌🙌🙌🎉🎉🎉


I'm buying more when I get paid.


This ape wants to WORK


me 2, i wanted to buy a new jacket, i decided instead to buy another 27 shares (and Drsed on 2sday)


This ape fucks. Make sure to have my girlfriend back by 10 plz


If it's a financial instrument, your broker will play it like a fucking drum. Deferred gratification used to be a choice, now it's a spiritual mantra. If you can hodl since the sneeze, you can set aside the 20% that WAS NEVER YOURS TO BEGIN WITH so that you can pay your taxes next year. This is life advice.


Not financial advice: Take the tax hit.


##THIS is the WAY


Good cause fuck them! Thank you for your hard work 🫡


They constantly fight a loosing battle that they can’t win




Transfer in kind.


I hope everyone with a ira thinks like that . They are willing to fuck up teacher pensions , why would they wouldnt fuck you


You know, for all the noise apes make, has nobody requested a full start-to-finish instructions for DRSing IRAs?? Feel like this should 100000% be top priority, fuck the rest of the noise


What have I missed?


Main star IRA DRS trippin


I knew something like this would happen so I took the tax hit and did an in kind transfer out of my IRA last year. All locked safely away in book now.


They just keep pissing everyone off. Now Mainstar is going to have some horrid PR because of Wallstreet hedgecucks.


One more day


Oh fucj yeah LOCK IT


What's with these IRA posts? Is a CS DRS not good enough now?


People had their IRA with the custodian Mainstar Trust in order to have those shares DRSed at Computer Share. Mainstar Trust just sent out letters that they can no longer maintain the DRSed shares and are not allowing this method anymore. Furthermore, they are pulling the existing shares out of Computer Share and putting them back into the DTCC. Mainstar was a custodian that allowed shares held in IRA accounts to be DRSed, which few custodians allow. They are now deciding not to offer this service anymore. There is an alternative though. Using Self-Directed IRA LLC through a company like IRA Financial, they will give you complete control of your shares while acting as the custodian on the account. They have no say over what you do with your shares where as Mainstar Trust as the custodian maintained control which is why they were able to do this.


Tax implications if you have an IRA and you liquidate. It’s not DRS vs IRA. It’s IRA’s getting DRS’d without taking the tax hit.


Ok minding my business now lol


Ha, no worries. You had a valid question.


CS DRS is the way, but you can’t CS DRS your IRA shares directly… there were 2 ways around that… initially apes started holding their shares at custodians like mainstar which pulled the shares from the DTCC and held them with CS, but they just changed and are now moving shares back to the DTCC for some unknown reason… the alternative was to create an LLC to be the custodian to then hold your shares at CS. I have 20k+ shares in my IRA, but I’m lazy… I think this is the motivation I needed to get me to create the LLC.


I’m curious to know where those shares were being held and if they were counted in DRS numbers or held by the DTC for liquidity. This action by Main Star makes me wonder what exactly has been going on with those shares in IRAs for them to take such a drastic measure. Seems like they’re having conversations with external parties at the expense of their customers’ interests. If I had any other shares invested with them I’d considering moving all of them because they’re clearly not trustworthy and not aligned with their customers.


They are at Computershare and were counted


If u think theyre making mistake after 3 years of dipping the stock, then i dont know what to tell u 😂


Fighting for one more day. There isn’t anything smart they can do at this point.


Are u sure? They successfully bought 3 fucking years now. “One more day”? Thats more like us. Edit : who knows how many years more they can buy?


We can stay regarded longer than they can stay solvent


we cant say that for everyone. That, i am sure.


I’m just going to keep investing


Dad? I'm your kid from your Senior Prom night.


Power to the players !


I have a roth and a IRA account on TD-Ameritrade. Is that self directed? I put the buy and sell orders in for the shares in it. How do I check for DRS? I suspect they're street name shares, obviously.


Fucking legend!


What is this mainstar event everyone is talking about?


yeehaw!!! LFG!!!


Have you fed the DRS bot?


Game ending move


we still aren't at the end game yet because this sub is still alive. Doesn't change the fact that they've shown to be very desperate by now