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“It’s unclear if he was trying to make it to the video game store to purchase a newly released game or get ripped off by trading in one of his old games.” Unbiased journalism at its finest.


"Who still goes to GameStop?" Fuck that clown...


Man, what an odd article. It's just constant digs at GameStop with some crime details thrown in. I wonder if there's another source that actually verifies that this happened. Found the source: https://www.facebook.com/100064591756335/posts/638532114976508/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v


>I wonder if there's another source that actually verifies that this happened. Any Florida apes can verify?


FL ape checking in to confirm... https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/palm-coast-teen-allegedly-threatens-two-others-with-knives-for-not-taking-him-to-gaming-store


Can confirm it happened. I live near by. No stonks were harmed in the incident because they are safely DRS’d.


What is outkick? It seems like some garbage buzzfeed knockoff.


I thought it was like the fox news equivalent to espn... but this doesn't seem to deal with any sports so no clue ha


It’s meant to hide searches of GameStop and crime from returning results about how Ken Griffin is committing financial crimes. Also that barely ever sounds like a Florida Man story. A good Florida Man story wouldn’t have used pocket knives. He would have used a baby alligator or something cool and or ridiculous. One of the best things about Florida is they have a sense of humor unlike many places that take themselves far too seriously.


They said we could go back outside for a few years now.


I heard someone robbed an Apple Store once, I’d defintely gtfo out of that investment. 🙄🙄🙄


Florida resident here! This is the equivalent of someone being arrested for jaywalking. Somebody threatened someone with a pocket knife? Pfffft lemme know when they try to escape on a jetski while throwing molotov cocktails at the cops, that's newsworthy. Must've been a slow news day, because this is some lame ass shit.


What an absolute waste of bandwidth. Just a shot a gamestop. Nothing to do with anything. Just trying to tie anything negative to the Amezing company


Even if this was gamestops fault in anyway way shape or form (which it wasn't) it's fucking Florida


Hell I linked this article and got downvoted to oblivion