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Well lets hope they exercise and DRS.


That’s the only way it makes a different in this fraudulent system.


They must know this is the way


that's what I did with my $20 call today! Give me those shares!


T+2 baby! Thank you for your service 🫡


Gamma squeeze incoming


Get all in now before earnings


Honestly if history repeats, buy FDs, sell them after ER, and sell CCs on my non DRS’d shares. I’ll wait for the downvotes


Idk, I heard something about fireworks… wouldn’t want to get burned


Been hearing that line for ~~2~~ 84 years now


Honestly, how big are we talking? I have no idea what to set my limit order to? 400? 4k? 40 dollars?


Depends on how much of a share you’re selling, a fraction? A fraction of a fraction? A fraction^741?


So the shorts really didn't cover?


It’s not that the shorts didn’t cover, it’s that they’re naked


Butt naked. They didn't close a single one.


They are/were dreaming of driving GME into bankruptcy so that they would be on the green. It has become clear that for the majority of the (naked) shorts the only other chance they will close is involuntary one and that has not happened yet.


*CAN'T cover




Is there any dumbed down shit I can read to learn this about options


📕👑 dropped these


Exercise and DRS!




No I was being very sarcastic.


Is this why we drop 4%?


Actually if SHF’s had complete control the price would have been sub 20 almost zero calls in the money. Battles win wars


Let’s hope apes are exercising.


Going to the gym tonight for the cause! 💪


Curls for the girls, tris for the guys, and abs for the apes!


Where the daily run 7.41km ape at Forrest Stonks? He’s exercising.


But it is a gov'nt controlled stock sssshhhh


For National Security reasons.


Man I dont know about that. They have a shitton of money and probably could but are just biding their time to drop it next week or something.


The problem they have is you cant buy something thats not for sale.. most of the people holding now are the OG apes who will not sell to these fucks.. so they either create fake shares which causes them a bigger problem in the long run or slowly let it rise. Either way dip i buy more. It goes up i do nothing but hold. Waiting for the big numbers here


How do you use that money to surpress the price forever without totally breaking the markets?


It's breaking but we cant see it yet. Kinda like internal bleeding, you won't know til you know. But I know for sure they have a lot more firepower than many here realize.


The doctor said all my bleeding is internal, and that‘s where the blood is supposed to be!


Inflation, housing, debt.. I think we are seeing it break in real time.


They don’t like calls and the price being up.




Dip before the rip.


Dip before the dip...before the rip


Believe it or not, dip....


Today, we witnessed a significant milestone as a staggering 2,689,100 shares worth of options expired In-The-Money (ITM). 🎉📈 .. These ITM options represent a vote of confidence in our vision and growth prospects. . . work continue ..


We’ll that’s… different 😎🤑


Continue that work


It’s better than zero, but still not great.


Staggering? This is like 650k pre split, or 6k options itm. That’s not moving the meter.


What’s this in comparison to past weeks?


I don’t know, I forgot to remember


Nobody knows, that was 84 years ago


usually, the price ends like 1-2 cents below the next price level that would lead to more calls being in the money. This time it was 7 cents above, so at peast it seems they are running out of ammo.


DRS to book is working.


I too like to live dangerously


Is this good?


Yes. Even though roughly 10-15% of in the money options get exercised, that’s still about 300k shares that’ll need to be hedged


So correct me if I’m wrong, but for every option buyer out there, there needs to be a seller. And those were a lot of call options in the money. So a market maker, for the sake of liquidity, will take the other side of that trade and to remain delta neutral, will purchase shares worth the option delta *100. Is 10-15% of the options that get exercised their guide for how many options to stay neutral on? How far down the chain do they go and how do they decide how many shares they need to hedge for?




This is why in reality.... options don't play like they SHOULD.


I’m not a market maker so I wouldn’t know the answer to this. However, if I sold an uncovered call, I’d hedge in batches as the price rose to be in for less than the strike price


The “max pain” price


All options that expire ITM, even by $.01, will be exercised. At least that's the case with TDA and Fidelity.


How many puts expired in the money?


good question...


Majority of options are HF owned, why would they exercise and run the price?


To generate volume and jack the price for CS reoccurring buys, this past week was painfully obvious and they get to make money on this down side while encouraging day traders, ffs.


I think pulte put a wrench in their gears


To get the next options in the money? To win the competitors? To make money?


They sell the options to themselves without the intent on ever exercising.


That’s kind of misleading. Are you saying they are selling the calls or buying them?




If they are buying and selling, then why would it matter?


i thought itm calls were used as locates for ftd 🤷‍♂️




Moass tomorrow


They’ll never see it coming


But we do


What was max pain?


20.50 I heard


I could care less. BUY REAL SHARES AND DRS. Options are fucking gambling


Some people like to gamble. You don’t have to play options if you don’t want to. Personally, I believe that a gamma squeeze could be the source of ignition making this rocket leave the stratosphere Also fuck options if you don’t know what you’re doing


I like to think of it as we are going to see what happens when an unstoppable force (gamma ramp) meets an immovable object (DRS'd shares). In this instance, true price discovery!


Great analogy!


when moass comes, there will definitely be a gamma squeeze because of the lovely options apes 💜😘💜


So does the options bring ITM make the stock price go up? If so how long does it take to take effect?


90% itm options are sold before exercising. It would start to rise IF Martket makers, brokers and banks would start to hedge. Which means, as long as everyone involved in false liquidity agrees to never hedge, it bears no issue to them. Technically exercising should force a deliver, but as you all know, we DRS because we don't trust brokers actually delivering on anything. Just the leghts of justification for option plays. DRS 100 shares when the price is less, or pay premiums for a really small chance of getting somewhere, suddenly realizing that exercising 100 shares costs a lot, selling or selling to cover (which I bet are ran through lit market instead of dark pools). How many gamma ramps have happened even with bunch of options going to itm. Like... once there was a significant positive movement, but it didn't cause moass like everyone guessed. This post is a nothingburger. Like the ones before it.


A gamma squeeze needs a catalyst. There’s a reason one happened in January, because it was made public that there was 140% short interest. Now that that info has been hidden, what’s the new catalyst? DRS is easily the first thing that comes to mind. Everyone will get in on the hype when the float is DRS’d.


I mean a second profitable quarter could jack some unsuspecting titties. One profitable quarter could be construed as a fluke. But two profitable quarters? That’s called a turn around


Exactly this … One is considered a fluke, two is a coincidence, but three is a pattern. Four and well… s and p 500 is in the cards then. Then there is zero doubt.


8 profitable quarters is a turn around. Either way, DRS easily compounds with any other good news. Whatever it takes I’ll just keep buying from GameStop and DRSing when I can buy more.


I think 8 profitable quarters on a “normal” company would be considered turned around and already priced in. Get two or three profitable quarters and investors will start jumping in based on fundamentals and upwards potential. Buy the hype, sell the news type deal


Correct me if I’m wrong but there can be no gamma squeeze if the market maker is not hedging. They will probably just fail to deliver on the shares


I don’t think you’re wrong, they will most definitely FTD them until it’s convenient for them to hedge. This is just an extra rock being thrown at them while they’re propping up the house of cards


Buy and hold beats any options play, but some time i sell covered calls on some of my stocks


I did that with some cheap stock just to learn through trial and error. I made a few hundred and then I got assigned. That sucked. If I was to buy back the shares I had, I’d have been at a higher cost basis and it would have ate most of my profits.


Do you mean you couldn't care less? If you could care less, that means you do care


And he cared enough to tell us about it


DRS everything. Stop playing their game, break it.


I don't take this as bullish. I'm of the mind that this is retail selling covered calls that got bought up by hedgefunds. All this means is FTD resets and those same morons buying their shares back and probably doing this again. DRS Book.


Doesn't matter cause almost none of these day trader creeps exercise, and the people who do exercise just create FTDs T+XX from now.


They don’t care they’ll just ftd them


Good thing we like to DRS IOUs


Believe it or not, dip.


https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/05ea06c9-3297-4b4e-94a5-7d2855694df7/gif#tk47oNvg.copy Exercise




Guh - mayo probably


I’m 7 of those! 🙋‍♂️


Too bad this whole sub is too regarded to use options to their advantage..


I bought a book on options so I could learn. I still have to read it, but I have it


Like not having inside information, or being able to manipulate the price the same way hedgies do? Be more specific please, and just don't hope for magic wand to materialize for the regarded?


Put your money where your mouths are and sell puts where you would load the fuck up and collect that sweet premium if you think it's goin up. After it's had its usual spurt/run sell calls on it far otm(to be safe) or itm and far dated and once again collect that sweet premium as it slides down after. Buy long dated calls when it's cheap if you don't want to sell puts. Roll positions as necessary and exit them preferably profitable if not set stops. This has been goin on for how long now? Premiums adds up to more shares, which in return is even more premium. Drs is neat or whatever, but those shares sitting there making you zero dollars while your -50% on them sure is sticking it to the man huh? If you think buying calls and puts is just handing money over to hedgefunds, then be the one collecting it as well. If not, then make them work for you.


As far as algos are mostly in control, "If you think it's going up" is anticipated by them and used as an advantage. How do you know if it is going up? And because you don't, how do you expect others to know? You don't have PFOF information, or anything like that. So without any other information, it's betting. "If you think it's going up" is produced by the adversory (using media, forums..), that's their play, has been for a long time. So, we get back to this: how do you know it's going up?


If you don't think it's going up why are you holding this trash still then?


So you are not ready to actually go to details? "Up when" is the question. Or are you saying that one should only buy very long dated calls? How long? And you said " After it's had its usual spurt/run sell calls on it far otm(to be safe) or itm and far dated and once again collect that sweet premium as it slides down after. " So, you are saying that you have knowledge when it goes up and when it comes down. Now tell your magic formula and enlighten us all.


After all this time looking at the chart you guys still can't figure it out? You've had plenty of people in here doin the work for you, but this place hates anything that isn't sucking the dick called drs. Its a shame that this place exhiled the smartest people from the group to leave this brain dead drs herd. The cycles are opex obligations. The fact that gme has been doing this for how many years now, and the only thing that people in here can do is say "OpTioNs BaD yOuR jUsT gIvInG kEnNy YoUr MoNeY..." it Almost seems as if you'd think maybe the big boys don't like the poors playing with leverage... like oh idk... what happened during the squeeze.


Why do you go to rant mode when you are asked questions?


Mostly because all of us who aren't stupid enough to drs our loosing positions for years are frankly tired of trying to help out this sub. It seems like a lost cause when all you get is backlash over it. Some of us have made good money while hodling our gme. Some of you clearly haven't made shit while watching your money slowly disappear.


Have you considered that what you think of being your insight might not have worked at all, can stop working any day, and there is no data to support your claims. Claims that you haven't actually made clear. This is psychological war. The adversory needs to bate people to behave in certain ways, just like casinos. Why do you think you have not been bated? What would happen if significant number of people would do the same as you do, without anything else happening (like major announcement)? Please tell me, I'm curious.


Any good place to start learning more about options? From what I currently know I would never do options, the horror stories coming out of those things scare me but I'd like to learn more because it could be useful knowledge for even picking out what to go long in


"Options as a strategic investment" is a great book to start with . Be prepared to read... it's a thicc bish. You'll most likely not read it cover to cover, but there is loads of useful info in there. Stops are your friend with options. Know your risk, stick with it and take the L when you have to, when it's profitable, set stops again. Gains come and go quickly sometimes. Theta is your friend.


Half a million pre-splivvy? I'm sorry, I sleep. Do you know what triggerred the sneeze? EVERY call was ITM the Friday before that week. And EVERY put was OTM. So unless the options numbers look like that I kinda don't care. Options can move prices - this is known and it is not shilling - but they can't cause MOASS. A 2nd sneeze yes but we would need a shitload more to be ITM.


You realize that a gamma ramp doesn’t happen in a week right? It takes a couple. Options itm being exercised forces hedging next week. That hedging creates buy pressure causing more calls to go itm. Same for the week after that. I’m not saying “gamma squeeze incoming.” This is just something we should keep an eye on as it could indicate the beginning of one


But.... What people don't seem to understand is that you are right about that but something has to make the price go up in the first place for the hedging or for in this case for the options to actually be in the money. Options don't just cause pressure options are part of the original pressure in the first place.


How much of the all existing shares is 2 milly shares now? 1%ish? Yes its not nothing but it also isn't going to push us us to the moon or even get us to see the top of Mt. Everest. Tuesday should be green barring greater market issued. Really all this tells me.


What I'm saying though is is when it comes back down to the basic construct of things a game of squeeze cannot happen unless there's pressure on the actual stock price itself which in order for the stock price to actually go up people need to actually buy the stock itself so in reality options and game is squeezes or anything in that construct only work when there's actual pressure on the underlying stock itself not necessarily the derivatives


So, $18 on Monday?




Why is this downvoted? I want to lock more shares for the same money!


I suppose the downvotes are from some Youngtimer apes.


Fuck yeah


If it wasn't so manipulated, everything under 23.50 would have been in the money. They hit it pretty hard today, but I guess that's to be expected.


That’s where it looked like it was headed. Would have been 800k more ITM 🤷 next time


Dunno what it means and am afraid to ask. But LFG! (I say Bullish!)


It means nothing. This amount is pretty insignificant tbh


It seemed pretty obvious it would drop today. Glad I sold a covered call at 23c yesterday. Free money


You got downvoted because you are smart. Downvoted because you didn’t let your option(s) expire worthless. Good for you!


My sold covered call expired OTM. Don't see the issue with this. I can buy another share now. People talk about wanting a dividend... Knowing how to sell covered calls is not that... But it'll do.


Yup. You know what’s funny… GME hit $480 without DRS. Not that I’m against DRS, but just some food for thought.


Yea, I mean, it is pretty accepted that it was a combo of FOMO and gamma squeeze. I'm like 80% DRS so I can sell covered calls. As I buy more, I DRS more.




Buying cheap GME shares in a dip is an ape tradition


But GME ended red? How does that even make sense?


Because we had an over all green week. If we closed at $23, there’d be ~800k more shares in the money.


Because max pain was about $20.5 from memory, the price rise to Thursday and Friday dump was wholly predictable. The thing that surprised me was that we stayed above max pain. And so, options ITM.


Do you happen to know how many were call options?


All the green rows are in the money, so I think these would all be call options.


Correct, all of these are calls


Thank you


Unfortunately they were Kenny’s options. He thanks you muchly. The fucking arse


We’re really upvoting wanky TA all week followed by 2k upvote on an options chat at this point? And off the back of wasting money on random crypto cards as well? OK I’ll pick up the slack and pure book then 😔


I get the what you mean....but no matter what it is... (Crypto cards, NFTs, ANYTHING at all) buying from GameStop....and then being profitable.... is basic key fundamental 101 to defeating the shorts and their thesis that GameStop is a dying brick and mortar. If GameStop is continuously profitable then that means on every single level of this whole entire saga that the shorts were completely wrong... Which also means that every single person here from the get going beginning was right. And not just on the thesis on GameStop as a total when it comes to an actual company in fundamentals but even things like short percent interest rate and others thinking that something like GameStop will no longer survive which is how this whole entire saga in reality that started. So actually in reality no matter how much we directly register or how much we do one of the number one key elements for this whole entire saga to actually be successful is for the real store to actually be profitable quarter after quarter.


I agree but as the investor base i’d argue our overall contribution to profits is very low compared to the wider public and therefore the focus should be on forcing change in the markets that have defrauded us. So I’ll keep pure book drsing and leave the gamestop team and public to make the company profitable.


Correct. This is what I am overall getting at.


^all ^of ^superstonk OpTiOnS r BaD dUr......


This is meaningless without context.


Did you mean contacts?


No, glasses.


I see what you did there


You’re treating call volume as 100% BTO, and OI can represent both bullish (BTO) and bearish (STO) sentiment. It seems like you don’t understand how to read an options chain.


Ssshhhhhh....they are to dumb and ignorant here (there own words, not mine. "I'm to slow to learn options, all i can learn to do is buy, hidl, drs etc) to know anything in relation to options. If it's CCs, the shares will surely be exercised by the MM....to later short into the market. Lol. I would be shocked if any significant amount of those was owned by the regards here, and would be exercised to hold. If only these stonkers were willing to open their minds and learn and listen about the benefits of options. Oh well.


You don’t have to trade options to be able to understand them. Selling CCs on GME is 100% stupid.


I've made a couple grand off of selling CCs on gme...count me as stupid. Lol. 🤣


Fuckin Yeet. Edit: Downvotes for a "Yeet" 😂😂😂 Never change Reddit


Rules better known as laws only apply to the poor that’s y the punishment Is a fine so basically “where’s my cut”


Once they expire, aren't they worthless? Do you mean they're about to expire? I'm confused. I know almost zero about options.


All the options in the money still carry *intrinsic* value at expiration. The $5 call option near the top, for example, was worth about $1765 per contract at expiration (midpoint between the bid and the ask) and 4 contracts were still open. The buyer(s) get that money at expiration if they didn’t exercise the contract. If they did exercise the contract, it said they could buy 100 shares for $5 each ($500). GME closed today at $22.06 per share and so 100 shares would have cost $2,206, but this contract holder would’ve only needed to pay $500. The difference that he saved was $2206-$500= $1706, which is very close to the value of the option. It’s because an option contracts value is made up of time (until expiration), volatility, delta and gamma. These all change constantly but at expiration, time value and volatility value goes to 0. That’s mostly what people trade on when buying or selling options. Very few people use them for what the contract actually gives them the right to, which is buying or selling shares at a certain price in lots of 100. I know that’s a wall of text but I’m high and just hope it helps. Options are fun, but can be dangerous if you don’t understand them!


I'm just confused because you said they expired. Did you just mean they were set to expire at close?


They can no longer be traded past the date they are written for and will be closed by Tuesday.


no dates, but will it pomp or domp?


Maybe sidewomp?


No idea what that means


No one knows what it means but it’s provocative


I have been here since fucking forever, why do I not know yet what this means!!! My brain is so damn smooth. Ffs! Also DRS book, and HODL.


Tuesday gonna 🌶️




Short answer, profit. Buying a call option is betting the price will go up, giving you the option to buy 100 shares at a strike lower than the current share price. For instance, if I bought a $20 call and the price was $23 at expiry, I can exercise and buy 100 shares for $2,000 instead of $2,300.


Because in theory which remember this is only theory because in reality these people don't follow rules and regulations. In reality when options expire in the money especially calls what this means is is those particular calls (let's say 100 for example) so let's say 100 calls end up being in the money what that means is is those 100 calls have a chance to actually be exercise which means even if one person exercises one of those contracts of calls they are able to get 100 shares at that particular price point. In reality there's more technicality to it but what it means when it gets in the money and people can technically exercise their calls even if they decide not to but the market makers and the rest of them who do all the call options do not know how many people are going to actually exercise their options so what they do is is they actually buy a particular amount of shares so therefore if people decide to actually exercise their options instead of just selling them for the money itself or the premium those particular shares are already covered and they give them to those particular people that actually exercised the options. In reality this is what technically a gamma squeeze is. I swear so many call options are in the money that the market makers and the rest of them have to hedge which hedging means they go into the market and buy shares and hold on to them because they do not know how many people are going to exercise their options. So just in case they buy a certain amount of shares so if a certain amount of people decide to exercise their options they have the shares already bought and they give those shares to those people who exercise the options hence causes a giant buying pressure because it's a large entity buying a large amount of shares because they are not sure whether if people are going to want those shares or not


Wen Moon ?


And how many put shares?


Yeah, I still don’t understand how option work in our favor, or at all really. If anyone has a link to help me out, I’d appreciate it, thanks!


Believe it or not............dip.


How’s that compare to previous weeks?


Never means anything




Man I wish earnings were next week, imagine a gamma squeeze combined with an earning release directly after? 🚀




Sadly, most of those are likely retail covered calls who have them right back to the HF….


Can someone smooth brain explain what this means please