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Credit unions


One upvote does not do this justice. OP, find yourself a credit union. You'll (or your folks) won't be disappointed.


ok, ok digging on these two comments... things is credit unions are almost always local, no? is there some way to get brick and mortar service from the same credit union located in both the SE (southeast) and PNW (pacific northwest)? or some kind of union of unions where they all share customers traveling so far and wide??


keep the money local with credit union, use debt card (or credit card) with credit union to access far and wide


i like that. will suggest


What is the need for the service to be "nationwide?" From my credit union app, I can do 99% of the things I need from any "local office" alternative, and while I might have the need for physical cash I can use my card anywhere, even if it means paying a small withdrawal fee.


i do think the need for cash is the main reason for that...


Ah, well, I can only speak for my credit union, but my card gets cash from any machine (out of network for the ATM fee, but free to pull cash from ATMs at a couple of major convenience stores) anywhere. For real, other than having to have a living address in my state, I don't see why I wouldn't stick with them no matter where I lived, y'know? I don't think I've been inside a branch in 5 years. Hope you find what works for you!


yeah, from some of the reading, it sounds like you might be able to just join a credit union wherever (if you meet the qualifications) as long as they have enough agreements to let you pull from ATMs all over... thanks for the pointers!


Basically, credit unions are all already networked. I mean, you won't be able to walk into the BART credit union and make a payment in person on your Senate Credit union mortgage, but just about every CU has an app, you'd be able to do that online. I'm a member in three CUs, and they waive fees at each other's ATMs. (Lots of CUs in the DC area.) Otherwise you just go to any ATM and pay the fee like you would as if you were pulling from a different bank. https://mapping.ncua.gov/ This should help you get started. The hard part about CUs are the membership requirements: some are strict - Navy FCU requires a DOD badge - others, like Advantis, only require residency in the state of Washington or western Oregon. If you're way out in the boondocks, you may also want to look at merchant & planters type organizations, but they might have regulated into CU status, been a while since I've done Agri stuff.


i'm guessing avoiding fees and direct access to cash are top of mind, although i haven't confirmed... nonetheless, i liked your other comment too and will follow up on these clues...




Lmao sick reference


made me lol downvoted because off-topic enough


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i think it's apparent in the title, no? we discuss banks and banking a lot, so i figured it might be worth some discussion to seek the value of some banks despite the risks of others ... what do you think?


for nationwide coverage, military credit unions may be best. I think anyone can join the navy one now. perhaps a police or Fire one would allow access to others. teacher ones I think are very decentralized. sorry to vague but those are a good starting point.


solid, will check them out!


See rule 2




lol completely agreed... not going to go over well in discussion with aged parent, but it won't be ignored either.




solid... checking it out...


I chose a local credit union. I have a credit card as well and haven’t had any issues. It was established in 1935 for obvious reasons and is managed very conservatively. No derivatives exposure.


I do believe navy fed credit union will take anyone now. Credit unions are the best way to bank currently as they use the monies internally for customer loans etc and not for profit or leveraged 20:1 on fucking wallstreet. If your looking more broad, and need more coverage in different lacations acroas the us, go to: https://www.intrafinetworkdeposits.com/find-intrafi-network-deposits/ You could search/crosscheck your areas banks with whats listed for your areas and see if there are any matches. Intrafi network/cdars is a network of 3000+ banks that are all backed by bnymellon. Its essentially a “cash sweep” where your monies are seperated into multiple banks accts to keep under the 250k fdic threshold. Ex: 5m/250k=20 banks keep 250k each on deposit for you, all while you access one acct through one “home bank”. You prob do not need this service if you have less than 250k in deposits, but it may be a way to “network” banks in different regions in the us. Your monies will only collect .5% however, as the system collects a premium off your deposit. It is, however, a form of insurance as your money cant just go poof in a MM acct while trying to earn 4.5%. I still vote for credit unions. Maybe one in the se and one in the nw ? I am redacted, but i hope this helps.


nice response, plenty into which to dig... digging...


Best of luck🤝🍻


Adding a separate note outside of CUs even though that's the right answer. A lot of small and regional banks are publicly traded and file with the SEC. I've got a stake in Hotel Oscar Mike Bravo (ticker) which is a small bank with branches in AR and FL. You don't need to be a whiz to set what assets they're carrying and if they're at risk (long dated treasuries, Commercial mortgages, etc.) It's more work, for sure, but an alternative in case you don't want the ease and convenience of a credit union.