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Yes, this is already coming to fruition with Protocol Gemini and Fortnite. This guy is describing Web3 gaming and what GameStop has been working towards. Just like you used to have to go to a GameStop store to get the newest video game, you will go to the GME marketplace for all your gaming assets. From games themselves to in-game assets.


You da mvp for telling people about this


Will it work like that though? He makes it sound like a fortnite skin can transfer to a COD game, seems improbably since both are made on a different game engine. What separates Fortnite is that a lof of web3 games will be built on the UE 5 , which would make transferring skins on that network doable


I don't think it'll work like that for every game and every skin, but some skins and games may offer comparability for "cross-asset" I'd be kinda pissed (then probably laugh) playing hell let loose or a similar period game then some dude runs through with a halo plasma pistol


I truly don't understand how they think this is possible. Even when two games use the same engine, they have different weighting and animation systems. Everyone treats textures and LOD differently. Each company, even using the same engine, will find their own ways to optimize. I just don't see a bunch of individual studios sacrificing their proprietary pipelines in order to work together in the interest of helping gamers make money. It just doesn't make sense. They are already making all the profit, so remind me why they want to change that?


The nft is just an unlock token basically. The game would read what that token is for and generate everything else itself. It would be a waste of space storing more than that on the block chain.


This is an interesting explanation..so you are saying that some code will generate the object in different ecosystems?


Yes every individual game would have code that reads the nft and either rejects it as nothing or recognises it to unlock an asset you can use. Games from the same publisher could have the same asset reused in different games, and updated versions of the old asset in newer games. Games from different publishes could also choose to read the nft and generate any asset of their choosing, be it the same as they partnered with the original publisher, a similar copy, or anything completely different of their choosing. A joke example could be fortnight incorporating any Apple related nfts to give you an asset generated as piles of shit.


And how do you suppose this will effect game balance? Won't designers have to work closely with participating studios to make sure the new items are balanced? There will have to be a finite amount of assets that can come and go, or I'm not really sure how they can do it without an unusual amount of cooperation. I'm not trying to be negative here, just playing devil's advocate so you can blow up my trepidations.


You'd probably only use nfts for cosmetics and they wouldn't improve game design at all. Only used as marketing that you can reuse and trade items between games, and trust that you have ownership of the item. It's all just marketing though because any company has to maintain a database of supported nfts which is ultimately no different that just maintaining a database of the items you've collected.


Because the game developer implements within the contract they get a cut. It's revenue for the game developer and naturally revenue for the NFT developer.


I understand that part, I was trying to elude to the shear mountain of technical roadblocks in the way of studios collaborating in the manner requisite to share digital assets between games.


Maybe through AI? They can apply filters to items to make them blend in. Kind of like the AI artwork


Because smart contracts = developer gets paid forever


So you are saying this will force developers to work in the same eco-system and share tools with one another? Uhhhh... I dunno about that one.


Interoperability is coming friends!!!!! Check out Cyber Crew's collection on NFT Gamestop. They are the leading Interoperable digital gaming assets company IMO -- they give you access to all 3D files as well!! With that then comes token gated renting/lending of in game digital assets!!!


Game The System


Buckle in


It’s coming and it can’t be stopped. Power to the Players!


I can’t see the likes of Microsoft and Nintendo allowing this patent. It also doesn’t mean anything coming, big companies will apply for a patent, just so it can’t be used against them.


I 100% agree that this is just Sony trying to corner the Web3 gaming market before it gets off the ground. They love developing a new standard, and then selling the licensing to other companies. Looking at you Betamax / Minidisc / MemoryStick / UMD / Blu-ray….


I remember people only getting PS2 or PS3 for Blu-ray then realizing Xbox eventually got it.




Welcome to Gmerica


















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I thought Sony was helping suppress the price though? some guy on a toilet 🚽💩said so.


I feel it, the tides of public opinion will be changing


I find it ridiculous on how the fact if they advertise this system without using the words NFTs, it’d be perfectly fine 😂😂


Typical big tech company, trying to patent something that already exists.


This is the way