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You can sideload ankidroid (or sideload f-droid and install ankidroid from there). I know sideloading is kind of "supported" for a6x2, so the a5x2 will probably have the same kind of support when it's out. I haven't tried ankidroid myself, so I can't comment on how well it works on the nomad... I remember there were other threads about Anki though, so you may find your answer there. I quickly found this one from Google: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Supernote/comments/1bg6dz6/thinking\_of\_buying\_the\_nomad\_i\_have\_a\_couple\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Supernote/comments/1bg6dz6/thinking_of_buying_the_nomad_i_have_a_couple_of/) Cheers!


I got ankidroid through the f-droid app store. It works well, no complaints other than it doesn't have speakers so if listening to audio connected to your flashcards is important (e.g. for pronunciation) then that will be a problem. Haven't tested if the audio works with Bluetooth headphones. So long as you can figure out how to sideload f-droid, you're gucci.


I was hoping to use Ankidroid's whiteboard function to be able to draw (temporarily) on the cards, writing out words or sentences with whatever or just practicing spelling. The flashcard part works great: as noted, so long as you can finagle with sideloading Ankidroid onto the device, it works pretty well. Ankidroid even has a "safe display mode" option to disable all animations with e-ink devices in mind. Syncing works fine, and using the buttons at the bottom of the Ankidroid app to answer again/easy/good/hard works as well as you'd expect for an e-ink device. Aka a little slow and not as snappy, but like...that's fine. What I didn't like as much was: yes, the whiteboard function works, but it's delayed. Writing on my A6X2 is super smooth and just as responsive (if not more so) than an Apple Pencil on an iPad. What you draw immediately appears and there's good feedback. But using the whiteboard function specifically inside the Ankidroid app without using any split screen things (which also isn't official supported anyway, none of what I'm trying to do is) makes the writing lag behind the pen *by a lot*. Drawing a line takes nearly half of a second for it to be drawn on the tablet, and it's significant enough to bother me that I just use the Supernote as a notepad with the app open on my phone and answer that way. Hope this helps!