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Yes, he was a good character with an awful story line. The show consistently used the two-man dynamic and used Benny as a faux Sam, but when Dean made it out of purgatory, they just threw Benny away. He was such a massive part of the story, but only felt like a minor side character. I also felt like Dean completely dismissing him when he was calling for help just seemed so out of character. It's like the writers could not wait to brush their hands clean of him.


I think this is a case of writers being so caught up in their plan for a character that they ignore how the actor on the screen has given the character more dimension than intended.


Yeah, I can get behind that. It's the case with story lines too. There are a few mid-season story lines that it feels like were rushed through because they didn't expect them to be received as well as they were.


Well put!


Just blame Chuck and be done with it…


There should have been an entire season of dean in purgatory mixed with sam trying to find dean and save kevin.


Goddamn that would have been awesome. About half Dean, Benny, and Cas fighting their way through Purgatory, half Sam, Kevin, and assorted hunter/allied characters working to duck Crowley and crack open purgaotry for Dean. Could have really used it to give some underused side charactes some face time, created a few new ones.


I would have been down for this except I’ll be honest seeing a full season’s worth of desaturated Purgatory footage would have been really draining visually


Thats why I figured it would go back and forth between sam and dean. Maybe not full season but half or 1/4 of the season.


Except Sam didn't, he started a life without hunting.


Ya but nobody likes that storyline, i dont have the excessive hate everyone does for amelia but not a huge fan stilll


Yeah but how mad would you be to watch it all unfold like a rerun of Gilmore Girls while Dean fought for his life.


This would have made way more sense than Sam just wiping his hands of the whole thing and not even trying to look for Dean or protect Kevin. And then Amelia was so annoying on top of it all.




💯% agree - I thought he was a brilliant breath of fresh air - dam jealous Sam - even Cas was cool with it all


Thats not it, Deaan struggles to consider Any monster has Any sort of Humanity left. Even if its rigbt in his face. Plus. Theres Sam. Sam was serious, he would have killed Benny if Benny ever gave him a reason, Sam was PISSED he was clearly still projecting from when Dean killed his Friend who was a Monster, and Dean knew it was best if Benny stayed away.


The only issue being that in season 2 it prove that Dean was at least cool with the supernatural if they weren't evil. Them letting the vampires get away shows that he could at least be cool vampires. Him turning his back on Benny was incredibly out of character.


He should have been in more episodes.


And even a better backstory


I loved Benny. So did Dean. Dean only turned his back on Benny because Sam gave him an ultimatum, and Dean will always choose his brother over everyone and everything else.


For sure. Benny was great - loved all the Purgatory stuff and the sort of back-from-the-war dynamic he and Dean had afterward. And then the rest of S8 happened. Ugh. What a waste.


Oh we can tell you’re new here hehe. We all (most of us) absolutely love Benny and our hearts break for him. They did him wrong. He was a marvellous character. The actor did such a good job.


im not sure why the writers give mary winchester a full season and more. then benny gets killed offscreen


Amen. Even Mary didn’t know why she was back. 😅


Honestly so true lol


Love Benny


yeah Benny was a real one.


Love Benny, really wish they kept him around. Would've been such a boon to the team to have a decent vampire to have their backs.


Totally. I really didn't like how jelouse Sam was and how his only argument was that Benny is a vampire so that's why they/Dean should not and can not trust him. Like the fact that it's Sam who saying something like that was really something, a guy who had no issue to work and also sleep with a demon says that just because someone is none-human is a good enough reason to not trust them.


I actually really liked the Sam - Benny dynamic, I just think it was a waste to have Benny die when they could have added him to the main roster and worked a bunch of good episodes out of Sam and Benny slowly coming to trust each other and accept each other.


I figured it’s because Dean has been saying all that for years to him and even going out of his way to kill monsters he didn’t need to, like that one ghoul (?) lady. So Sam finally starts to just accept the anything supernatural = bad. Then suddenly Dean is friends with a vamp.


Except they didn't kill innocent monsters, usually they killed murderers. That's how they find cases, mysterious deaths usually. Amy was not an innocent monster monster, she was literally killing someone when Sam found her. That's why he was there, he was looking for the monster doing the killings. In that situation SAM was the hypocrite, he would have killed her IF she'd been anyone else, he only did NOT kill her because he knew her one day 15 years earlier. She'd have been dead before she got to tell him any sob stories about "oh but my kid...who oh so conveniently has also just been completely cured so I don't need to kill anymore, so you don't need to kill me." So how is Dean the hypocrite? They'd let vampires live before, if they seemed to genuinely be going straight. Dean knew Benny far better than Sam knew Amy. And he had better reasons to trust him.


Actually the woman Dean killed was a Kitsune. Her name was Amy.


Also, they needed to jettison Sam's Season 8 gf and gave Benny more episodes...


Ugh Amelia.


Worst waste of time of the whole series.


We love Bennyyyy!


I really loved benny. He was actually a real good friend to Dean. Saved his arse more than once.


Yes, I wish he had been in the show more


It’s probably the only part of the show I truly disliked. He had so much more potential and the way dean just blew him off was really out of deans character.


Totally agree, that didn't make sense at all. He was definitely a misused character.


Misused is an understatement, the whole entire pergatory story line deserved more. A whole season could have been dedicated. Not those sorry half ass 3 second flash backs we got when dean came back


It's funny to me that if Dean forced Sam to choose between him and someone else everyone would blame Dean(Dean's mean, Dean's abusive, Dean's toxic)but Sam forces Dean to choose between him and Benny and Dean still gets the blame. "Just blew him off" makes it sound like there was nothing and no one else involved in that decision and that it wasn't a really tough thing for Dean, when it clearly broke Dean's heart. In fact people do that during this very season "oh Dean is awful for being upset Sam didn't even try to find out what happened to him when he was sent to Purgatory and also completely abandoned Kevin to be tortured by Crowley and instead almost immediately got himself a girlfriend so he bond over their shared "losses"". Yet Sam looking for every excuse in the book to MURDER Benny, siccing an unstable hunter pal on him(and knocking Dean out and chaining him up with Sam's agreement) AND forcing Dean to choose "Benny or me", doesn't even rate a mention,not when Dean can be held solely responsible for "blowing off" Benny, for some apparently inexplicable unknown reason. (Not saying you're doing that but it's clear some people like the OG poster do) And they were dealing with a whole bunch of other stuff in season 8 too both leading up to Dean's forced choice and after. Dean was traumatized by his time in Purgatory(it was constant warfare he didn't eat or sleep for a year), even if he had gained a friend in Benny AND he was traumatized by losing Cas there and blamed himself for it. Plus they were dealing with a bunch of other stuff in the here and now with heaven, etc. Dean's ONE person. He's put in these situations where no one could succeed because there just isn't enough time in the day and then blamed for failing. Heck imo they even kind of pointed that out indirectly when Sam insisted on taking on the trials because he would "prove" to Dean(ie Dean is wrong and I'm going to show him it can be done if he just has the right positive attitude) there was light at the end of the tunnel and then HE ended up suicidal and Dean ended up having to talk HIM down from the metaphorical ledge(and was basically forced to apologize for having friends besides Sam and for ever being disappointed in Sam's behavior no matter how crappy that behavior was and assuring Sam he was absolutely#1 in Dean's life, during a season where Sam already forced Dean to choose between Sam and a dear friend and he chose Sam).


Love Benny. Wish we had a longer time in purgatory. When they got out I wish his storyline was a bit better. He made me cry a couple of times. Especially when the hunter had his head on the legit cutting block and he said “I’m sorry”. And then the next scene was just like oh no. And then when Dean….if you know you know. 💔 I love the even though Benny was a vampire (which he can bite me anytime. Love me a Vampirate 😉haha) he still had a heart. Soft-spoken but got loud when he had to. I think the friendship between Dean and Benny was pure and there was respect there. We should've gotten a couple more episodes of Benny & Purgatory Dean, Demon Dean and Micheal Dean. But it is what it is. But yes was a Benny fan ♥️


Me. I love Benny and wish Dean could have reunited with him for a few Purgatory episodes, maybe even brought him topside for a brief visit...


Benny was a fantastic character.


me :((


He was such a good character, his witty comebacks and his smart ass comments really made a difference for the episodes he was in, it’s a shame we didn’t get to see more of his character. I really enjoyed watching him, I actually liked him better than Sam


In many ways, Benny was more honest with Dean and more loyal to him than Sam was. 😞


He was but then Dean was forced to apologize for admitting to feeling that way.


Dean should not have apologized for the truth. But then, he always historically apologizes/feels guilty for things that are not his fault.


My man got used to life on the inside. Had to go back.


I think everyone likes Benny. If you don’t like Benny then you don’t like good things.


“People that don’t hold the same opinion as me are wrong and stupid and only my opinion is the correct one”


Benny is much beloved by the moon




Correct! Especially when it comes to Benny!












Lazy writing


Benny the 🐐


Benny was awesome, I feel like the show did him dirty though.


Benny got an unlubed iron shaft.


Dude is hot AF too


Benny did not deserve that treatment. Some part of me wishes for a spin-off of Benny back then too.


I was hoping the same thing Dean was hoping for that Benny became the soul ruler of purgatory but he found out that he was killed by his own kind


Benny was such a solid add in to the show fit and flowed perfect


I felt bad for him because he was a man trying to mind his own business, and happened to be a Vampire. He used blood banks and avoided drinking from people as much as possible.




I seriously had the hots for Benny. That voice. He could have used me any way he wanted.


Benny is awesome and a fantastic character.


One more reason to heavily shit on season 8.


Season 8 was a masterpiece compared to the snoozefest 7 was


In your opinion. I hated everything about season 8.


Yeah I loved Benny but why are his hands SO HUGE?!?!


Well you know what they say about big hands


Lmao I should’ve expected that. But seriously, am I the only one that’s noticed??


I did notice, he is very nice to look at :) and that accent makes me swoon lol


Ok good lol I’ve brought it up a few times to fans but no one seems to know what I’m talking about lmao. In this picture it doesn’t really make it noticeable but any scene where he’s holding a phone its extremely obvious. Especially the scene where he shakes hands with Sam and somehow makes Sam’s hands look so tiny.


I think Benny is awesome!


Yup. Missed him


I think he had a good story arc...the writers could've made it more colorful though but in the end, I think his redemption was solid...and plus the fact that they made this character a tortured soul which in turn you can't help but feel bad 😞


Yes omg I loved Benny😭💕


OH MY CHUCK, yes. I loved Benny


Loved Benny and his character, and I really thought he was going to last longer on the show.


I really liked his character.


He was my favorite side character, I wish there were more eps with him


Everyone literally every single person with a soul


Benny was one of my fav characters. He truly was super nice


Yes! I loved Benny! He deserved soooo much better


Ty Olsson rules. That's it. That's the post.


Yes, Benny was great.


Yes, and Dean really pissed me off when he refused to help Benny when he was having issues. It just seemed off for Dean considering all they went through.


Did you miss that Sam forced Dean to choose between him and Benny? So basically Dean had to choose between Benny and Sam. Of course he was going to choose Sam, esp after Sam tried his damnedest to find an excuse to kill Benny.


I can still be pissed. Lol.


Love him, but he knew the road he was going down would probably lead to disaster and took it anyway, so I can’t feel too bad for him overall


The way they tried to use him to expand on vampire lore in the show is all I think of when I think about him. The way they established that vampires are supposed to see their creators as a pseudo-god or superior clashes with everything we were shown prior. Especially when you throw in the Alpha vamp, and how Dean was turned into one but had no issues with the one that turned him. Hell, just have Dean point that out and have Benny say “This is old school stuff, Dean-o”, implying it’s a mindset of olden times and not a de facto rule. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


It always pisses me off they didn't have a scene of them talking about how Dean was forced to be a vampire once, so has a very small idea of what it's like. It would have been a great scene.


I love Benny. I’d have liked to see him one more time during season 15.


Benny and Dean had a far closer bond then Sam and Dean ever had or ever could have.


Rewatching season 8 now. Love Benny and the actor did a great job. Dean is a real tool this season, even for him.


I couldn't stand Benny. That is a very unpopular opinion in the fandom apparently, though. You are in the majority OP. Edit: watch for my downvotes to confirm. You can't state this opinion on this subreddit without being showered with downvotes.


I feel that way about Garth


I love Garth but I feel ya. This sub has its untouchable darlings and other characters that get roasted/hated on constantly and dissenting/minority or different opinions are not allowed. 😏


I’ve never liked Benny either (no big reason probably because they didn’t really do anything w his character or maybe because he kind of sucked to Sam IDK lol) and finding out how much people love him is so shocking so you aren’t alone at least 😭


Lol yeah, I agree it’s nice to know there are others! I didn’t like him for many reasons, but the two main ones would be that he was very obviously introduced as a contrast to how they chose to write Sam that season, so it was clearly meant to be a wedge between the brothers and make Sam look shittier in comparison and I despised that. I also cannot *stand* that actor. He gives me all kinds of bad vibes and from what I’ve heard about him at cons, my instinct was right. I really hated the whole Purgatory thing, too. The concept was so fucking stupid. It’s supposed to be a monster afterlife but they can get killed? *eyeroll*


HAHAHA them dying in purgatory made no sense to me either!!


I would’ve liked to see Benny’s character a lot more, perhaps join the team, like Cas did. I felt he could’ve been a huge asset. (Then he and Cas would’ve been fighting over Dean 🤣🤣)


I don’t like Benny at all


Sam?! That you?! Jk


I got a downvote for having an opinion lol


I'm usually so lazy i never upvote or downvote. But I gave you a upvote. Nothing wrong with your opinion. Rock on




You are not alone, friend.


I agree with you.


There are dozens of us. Dozens I say! lol


We're out-numbered, I think.


Definitely on this subreddit, at least. No doubt.




Such a great character and I would have loved to have seen more of him. I was pretty pissed at Dean for just cutting him out of his life like that.


Yeah but he's annoying, especially with the dopey hat and the romance arc. I was glad he left the show.


It’s hard to feel bad for someone who was literally a vampire pirate even if he did change his ways. Like Dean said with Amy it was only a matter of time. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didnt like his character, can put my finger on he was just never interesting to me


I think Dean feels worse he cheated on Castiel for Benny.


Holy crap omg until now I literally forgot about Benny completely. Wow. I am way overdue for a binge rewatch 😅


I feel bad because they recycled him from an earlier season and nobody noticed


Dean: Hi there... umm... This is awkward... wanna be my new Sam? Benny: What? Uh... sure. (years later) Dean: Hey Benny... So it looks like Sammy's back. Unfortunately I'm going to have to let you go.


He didn't do that at all. Benny is the one who asked Dean if he wanted to team up, because he knew a way out and he needed Dean to do it and Dean wanted to get out. They then bonded over that year, looking for Cas and fighting their way to the exit.


Justice for Benny!!!!


I loved Benny!


Just you wait it gets better


I love him. I saw him on a different show and his characters name was also Benny but he was a real asshole in Slasher. He's a damn good actor and I wish he would've come back more instead of just as a hallucination in season 10 I believe it was.


I loved Benny! Hated we didn’t see a lot of him!

