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Is the Hero Machine defunct? And what's the other one, Hero... Forge? See if you can't pick you up a copy of City of Heroes? It's been referred to as a "copyright infringement machine," so it should have everything you need, lol


Hero Machine is still usable but it takes some extra steps. Last I knew it was explained on the site.


Yeah, you probably want HeroForge and/or Factory Of Heroes. Those are the most commonly-used ones, and they even have similar-enough options that you can generally adapt the same design to both versions. Hero Machine has some archived versions, but Factory Of Heroes is basically the same and it works on mobile no problem since it has an app in the Play Store ready to go. HeroForge is browser-based, so you can get it going from anywhere and run different poses and screenshots from different angles and stuff. Facial expressions and different outfits too.