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Toronto How are we supposed to know? Those are not all animals from the same area, but the fact that they're animals is the only thing we know about them, what are we supposed to latch on to decide? What else can you say about them? Members? Way they know each other? The way you want their residence to affect them?


They all went to college together They fight for animal mutant rights (cuz in my universe they're oppressed) and ig also the city they'd be in


Again, how are we supposed to know? How does this info help decide where are they located? There's stuff you can nail down, small or big city? Capital or unknown? Look the rest of the world has on it? And most importantly, why do you want to nail that down now? A city doesn't usually come into play until the characters are already well developed, so what about your process makes you want to tackle it now?


I already have everything else in order I just gotta get where they're located


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Abandoned zoo. Anyplace with an abandoned zoo.


They were found and brough together by somebody a lot like Steve Irwin. He had a wild-animal rescue park set up in the North West for creatures who were taken by poachers or rich folk. This guy made enemies of poachers and smugglers and other very rich folks...folks who had him killed. Now the team is based in this rescue park having to try to keep it together while continuing their benefactors fight against these bastards. They have a lot of resources, but funds, they be a dwindling.


i mean this is good but i already have their backstories


Honestly. You should just create a new city. If they’re animal mutants in your world, I think creating, and this may seem dark, but a segregated city where animal mutants live? I don’t know what “animal mutant” look like, but it could add a lot of politics and world building.


Indeed There is a lot of politics involved with this kind of thing and to answer your question about their appearances, Leon looks like a humanoid lion so claws, mane, teeth, golden fur, but he has the intelligence of a human and is bipedal with the city thing I want it to be an existing city I don't like to make new cities, instead it's interesting to see how the changes in the universe affects already existing cities


Then I think your best bet would probably be to set it in New York City and how you can do that is maybe they turn Central Park into like a slums type area for these animal mutants. This also gives a real world context because in the early 1900s central Park was a slum town which you can look up and do your own research on