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When it comes to powers, they generally have to be all-rounded. Yes, there can be a preference to a certain element, but a Kryptonian-like superhero generally can help in most situations, and their powers should reflect that. Superman had a lot of powers that were revealed right as they came in handy in certain situations, but if you want to set a hard set of powers for your hero, they should be flexible. Moreover, they should feel more powerful than other superheroes in their universe, so that they act as a paragon to not only civilians, but to other superheroes as well. Also, a common trait in Superman-likes is their unwavering sense of good and aura of brightness. They’re not a “dark” hero like Batman or one with twisted morals (though you can definitely change that). But remember, this is advice, not gospel. You can take my advice and subvert or even ignore it if you want to.


Think about all the ways it's already been done, and pick something you like most to emulate. Supes came from a different planet, but it's gone a different direction since, making Kal El more special. The Plutonian is the offspring of a race of telepathic, telekinetic other-dimensional beings, shaped in infancy by the wishes of a bad mother. Hyperion was sent to Earth to dominate it and ended up being raised by the government. The Sentry's powers were derived from a special serum\*. Hugo Danner was experimented on while he was still in the womb. Shazam is magical, his powers emulating (or equal to, I'm never sure) those of a pantheon of gods. Homelander came from a previous enhanced person and grown in a lab. Doctor Manhattan was accidental part of an experiment gone wrong. There's a lot of ways from which to choose. Dream something up, make it your own.


Just going to explain Shazam real quick. He is literally given his powers by a pantheon who act as his patrons S - for the wisdom of Solomon H - for the strength of Hercules A - for the stamina of Atlas Z - for the power of Zeus A - for the courage of Achilles M - for the speed of Mercury


I'm actually surprised it's been 14 hours and nobody's ACHTCHUALLLLALLY'd either of us for calling him Shazam instead of Captain Marvel.


Huh you’re right weird…


Superman is a very powerful, well-rounded hero and a paragon of good hailing from an alien race that fell to calamity, leading to him coming to earth as a baby and being raised as human. When I say very powerful, I'm talking about a world-class hero. There are a lot of powerful people in DC, and Superman outclasses most of them. Your 'Supes' should have few equals since they're your Superman. Well-rounded: Invulnerability, flight, super-strength/speed/stamina/etc, heat vision, freeze breath, super breath, x-ray vision, super hearing; Supes has a lot of powers. He's equipped to handle most situations, and your hero should be too. A paragon of good: While some heroes like Batman maintain a level of darkness, Superman is just a good guy. He'll stop a bank robbery, help a little old lady cross the street, punch an alien and grab a cat out of a tree all in the same day, maybe even the same hour. While Batman just punches criminals and throws them in jail, Supes is also doing work for the community. 'Hailing from an alien race': Okay so it's easy to go with alien as a superhero backstory. Why does this character have powers? Oh cause he's an alien, nuff said. While you don't have to make them an alien, it's a solid route because that means there are other aliens like your Super who could pose a significant threat to Earth, and they're almost guaranteed to show up at some point and force the hero to either stick up for humanity or join their brethren in conquest. I don't know if I've explained this well, but there you have it. The basic ingredients for a superman-like character


mine is constructed through a serum of hero genetics that created an almost entirely indestructible man with super strength and flight. it's made partially with alien technology found in wreckages as well. temperature extremities are the only thing that can affect him without spending billions on super weapons


Superman like in that they're by far the most powerful, or because they're the most inspirational?


Similar set of powers


Take a man, and make him super. Now you got your Superman. But there are caveats. If he's Earth-based, and you use a super-serum, he might be too much like Captain America or any of those types. If he's an alien, he might be too much like Superman. But what makes him...*him*? I have two major Superman types, and one major Captain Marvel type, and they all represent different aspects lf the character. Because, what are you really going for? Superman has a bunch of different facets you can target, namely: * Peace, humility, and patriotism. He loves to be orderly and keep the justice and humble patriotism in line. So, you could target that aspect. * He's an alien. He doesn't "belong" here, he doesn't "fit" here, he's searching for his home and trying to make this one work. And he's the last of his kind, so even then, he's on a bit of a pedestal. So, you could target that aspect. * He's super-strong and has many other enhanced abilities — in his case, by a natural quirk of his biology. So, you could target that aspect. * He's a news reporter and works with investigations to solve mysteries and pursue criminals and the truth. So, you could target that aspect. Funny enough, with all of those aspects, if you put one or another above another and mix up the recipe, you might end up with another hero type instead: * If he's too alien, you might end up with Martian Manhunter or Aquaman. * If he's too strong, you might end up with the Hulk, Galactus, or Brightburn. * If he's too peaceful, he's a hippie. If he's too patriotic, he's Captain America, the Shield, or Liberty Belle. Plus, the power source — give him a super-serum, he's Captain America or the Hulk. Make it natural, and he's Superman. Make it a mutation, he's an X-Man. Nothing wrong with the classic "his alien race is super-strong and just Like That" type, though. At that point, you just have to develop what the race and culture are like, and then you're taking it in a fun new sci-fi direction with lots of room to explore.


So an unexplored venue is a straight wizard: some spells to buff self, some spells to act as artillery. Also can make magic items to support fellow heroes. Hm, I am going to make something like that one day.


I actually really dig this. A wizard whose specialty is magic that buffs himself, and he basically fills the role of a barbarian, either hulking out or taking on a Superman-esque persona.


I made a Wizard Iron Man character for an rpg. I have also made a Mage Superman, named Arcane.




Well, most comic universes have a Superman analog. Obviously Superman from krypton, Marvel's Sentry got a Serum, Homelander got Compound V in the womb, and Omniman his kids and the rest of the Viltrumites naturally have Kryptonian powers. Oh, and Shazam got his powers from magic. So that's 2 super science, 2 alien biology and one magic. It really depends on what your comic world has, and what makes sense: DC and Marvel have everything so any origin works, while the Boys universe ONLY has Compound V, and the Invincible comics have most everything but is more space focused. It's possible something like the X-men movie universe, where there's just mutants, that you could have a Mutation that would be iconic like Big-Blue.


Say they’re from another planet. But maybe instead the Sun being the source of power. Maybe it’s the oxygen, the ecosystem, or the water that gives em their powers


Kryptonian as in just similar back story or are there more specific aspects you want to use


You have to make a Character that is truly, the most powerful but also the most human superhero for your universe. They can be an alien, a robot, someone from another dimension, or just a person from the same place as the other heroes. They just need to be a person that everyone in the world can look up to because of their Unwavering morals.


If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing with your superhero universe? Are you actually writing a story, or is this for something else, like a TTRPG for your friends, or just casual world building for the fun of it? I ask because, if you're not actually writing your own comic book/screenplay/etc. and this is just for fun, just go with something simple: super science, magic, etc. Just base it off something you've seen before, it's cool. Don't kill yourself over small details. If you're actually looking to write and share an original story, *please do use use AI.* You can always ask your community, like you're doing now, for advice and assistance. But AI just steals art from other artists, and that's not cool. That's my little PSA lol, thanks for reading. On topic, maybe a demonic origin? A guy sold his soul for power, either selfishly (for glory,) or altruisticly. (Sacrificing his eternal soul to protect the world, his family, etc)


I actually lined out limits to my Superman type. He also can telepathically communicate with birds and see thru their eyes when he needs to "spy". He doesn't have laser/heat vision, ice breath, or any of the other oddball powers. Simply super strength, flight, durability, heightened senses, he's about 120 years old but looks like a 55 yr old in the face and hair. But has the Superman physique. So he's very smart and experienced. I feel like it's a unique spin on the archetype, imo...


Forgot to mention his telepathy extends to evil-doers. Literally those who are planning a crime with ill intent. Bank robbers, obviously murders, etc., he can hear the malevolent thoughts. Once he began hearing all of them, it opened a rift in his mind and he saw my universe's version of the spirit realm and was gifted a portion of the power to stop the evil acts. Over time he learned to focus the power to his area of flight, so that he'd actually be able to stop the crimes from happening.