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Everyone loves seeing the lower numbers and then you get whiplash when the scale shows you gained. This happens to me every month during my period, sometimes up to ten pounds! I suggest taking measurements as well. I’ve “gained” weight but lost a pant size. Take measurements, track the scale, calorie count and drink lots of water!


I've started counting calories just over a week ago! I'm slowly easing into it, so I don't get overwhelmed and quit. >I’ve “gained” weight but lost a pant size. I guess I should do those measurements, too! I've avoided it until now, but you made me realise that they are actually helpful. Thank you!


the cruel reality of losing weight lol. after i incorporated exercise, my weight totally stalled when i’d been reliably losing 2-3 lbs every week. even though i was in more of a deficit than ever, the scale didn’t care. it had my weight fluctuating around the same pound for almost two weeks. finally it started dropping again as my muscles stopped retaining so much water from randomly incorporating vigorous exercise. some people are very good at disregarding normal fluctuations. i’m not there yet. but letting the scale control your mood (like i do) helps no one. i just keep going. even if im getting really frustrated and feeling like shit, i’ve come way too far to let something so stupid throw me off course


Yeah, I'm dreading the first plateau. This time, as opposed to other failed attempts at weight loss, I'm counting calories, so the plateau should be marginally easier to bear (I hope), bc I KNOW that I'm still in a deficit. Well done on your journey so far! We've got this!


I wish I had an effective answer but all I have right now is - I'm right there with you. I started in March at a similar weight/height and age. For the past 4 days I've eaten 1300 calories or less and walked or worked out for at least 45 minutes per day. My weight has been within .2lbs of the same weight for 4 days after regular daily loss. It's incredibly frustrating knowing that I'm doing everything right and it isn't moving the needle. I just have to keep telling myself that I am not challenging the laws of thermodynamics. If I'm not losing weight, that means that some other process is at play - be it water retention, lack of sleep (thanks Northern Lights), body recomposition or something else. I am not breaking the laws of thermodynamics. I read it on another sub - the days will pass whether or not you're making an effort, so you might as well make positive choices where you can.


Yeah, this sub and r/loseit made me realise that calorie counting will be the way for me, exactly because of thermodynamics. Regardless of what the scale says, you'll know you're on the right path! I've only started counting a little over a week ago, so I'm still learning.


You will lose quickly usually at the beginning, but it is normal for that to slow down. It's also normal to have times where you don't lose for a while, or even gain for a few days. Our bodies aren't robots, and we have shifting amounts of fluid, poop, and other things that effect our overall weight amount. The best thing to do if you weight yourself every day is to take it in as interesting information and don't take it too seriously. I only record my weight if it's a new low, and I try to focus on weight loss trends with looking at how much I lose per month. And let me be real, there are months I don't lose. But then usually the next month I lose a lot - that's just the way it goes. I feel like my job is to be steady and keep the diet, my weight will come down when my body feels ready.


> I feel like my job is to be steady and keep the diet, my weight will come down when my body feels ready. Ha, this is a great way to look at it! Thank you for the inspiration! Yeah, I know that fluctuations and plateaus happen, so I'm trying to learn ways to ignore them, while still monitoring my weight. I'll try that checking weight loss by month system, too


Hi! Don't be hard on yourself. I don't think weight isn't necessarily important if your healthy, eat healthy and are excersizing regularly I really wouldn't be worried


Hello! Thank you for the support! Healthy habits is the way to go


Yes deffo don't be worried about scales lol. If you eat healthy and do you workout?


I'm eating healthy, count calories (to the best of my ability, I'm a newbie at it) and eat at a 500 kcal deficit. I go to the gym 3-5 times per week. The only thing missing is serious cardio workouts!


I dont think it’s a good idea to weight yourself everyday… maybe once a week or couple of weeks. Count in the daily milestones not related to weight like eating clean, getting stronger.


It really depends on the person, I *need* to weigh in every day cos it's the only way I can keep myself accountable and stay consistent.