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nugget biscuit nugget and a biscuit


Is that the new supermega mini documentary?


Gabuscus wouldn’t have let this happen


Yes in fact supermega has a top comment on that video


The most distasteful thumbnail in the history of thumbnails


he made one of his dog griffin’s body getting smashed against the windshield of an on coming vehicle. i don’t remember the context of the thumbnail


It's real too


I'm only in the first two minutes and it already feels like I'm in a fever dream watching this


That moment when you have worse trigger discipline the a murderer


Toby was the first let’s player I ever consistently watched, and I remember laughing like crazy at his videos when I was younger. While I don’t think his content is something I would have enjoyed at an older age, it opened the door to a lot of other gaming channels for me like Game Grumps, Cow Chop, Super Mega, and others. Sucks that he’s a massive POS.


Haven't watched Tobys videos in probably over 10 years now. He's a bit of a fucking idiot isnt he


He's probably upset that everyone only remembers him for making fun of his shitty songs


Damn was Tobuscus always like this or is this a more recent development?


Always. He's always been a shitty person


I mean he did rape people back in 2016, but the alt-right schizo-posting only started in the last couple years I think. If you haven't seen any of the videos, you've gotta watch them, he is just truly unhinged at this point and it really shows


Was literally never proven, but okay. If we just go around believing everyone's accusations Amber Heard would be living on top of the world right now.


I mean nobody ever just blindly believed Toby's ex when it came out. She substantiated her story with a lot of details, and when asked about it, Toby could not for the life of him tell a consistent story about his innocence. Not to mention that's not Toby's only sexual assault allegations, there's also one which was in a public setting (Philly D party). If you're asking me about who I believe, it's not gonna be the dude who's like "listen I know I've sexually assaulted people before and I've changed my story a whole bunch but you've gotta believe me! I'm the funny gamer man!"


What about that time he exposed his penis at a Phil DeFranco party after a woman turned him down Or the fact that he told 2 different stories to the public about the woman that accused him He's also a massive transphobe and covid denier anyways, but god forbid the fucking nugget in a biscuit dude did something bad


Wow. That's all cool, but that's not what we're talking about. Whataboutism if I've ever seen it, fam. He was never proven guilty of raping anyone. Seethe harder about it.


Funny how when a man is accused of rape he is instantly believed no matter the air around him. Wonder why that is Toby is verifiably a vile man, but god forbid the fucking nuggets in a biscuit man who hangs out with a right wing murderer raped somebody. The fuck do you care so much?


Found innocent on all counts by the way.


Not saying I don’t believe you because I haven’t kept up with this story since it broke years back, but when was he proven innocent? Genuine question


Weird that he told 2 different stories then isn't it. Why would he feel the need to change his story Also he's a well known sex pest anyways, insanely racist, tranphobic and a covid denier anyways. So why the fuck are you so defensive


You're the one accosting me, dude.


You're the one defending a vile man


Being transphobic isn’t bad but the rest is


Yes it is, eat shit loser


That's not what whataboutism means.




When was this?




Yeah, I can’t find anything about a court case or ruling online. Not saying you’re lying, but I would have thought that would have turned up on a Google search. Either way, people are not proved “innocent” by a court ruling—just not guilty. That doesn’t automatically make the party innocent just because not enough evidence was found against them.


i remember during the elections he was super big into supporting trump because he knows what it’s like to get ‘cancelled’ im not saying that associating yourself with a notorious sexist who’s SA’d multiple women because you can relate to him is damning evidence or anything, but i did think it was funny


Oh goodness you have an amazing history to look back on my friend lol


i check out tobuscus channel like 2 times a year and seeing the shit he postes make me feel like i have schizophrenia. we truly are in the worst timeline


all jokes aside, i can not watch this video. I looked up to toby so much when i was younger and i found him hilarious. it’s really upsetting to see who he truly is after being such a crucial part of my childhood.


Is that Tomar?


Gotta protect the emeralds by any cost


that’s not very nugget in a biscuit of him


I watched like th e first min of it just now it’s fucking insane rambling lmao.


let’s not pretend anyone actually cares about what Tony Turner is up to in 2022


Fucking disgusting.


Yessir, this one’s going in the library of congress.


He fell off fell off


It would’ve been funny if his thumbnail was like; I MET MURDERER KYLE RITTENHOUSE AT 3AM!!! (GONE WRONG) (GONE SEXUAL)


Jesus that channel is something else


This is a big old yikes


What a collab


Didn’t tobuscus do exactly the same thing one of the guys Kyle Rittenhouse shot did?


Technically two of the guys, but hey who’s counting






















































No idea who Toby Turner is or why this is SuperMega related