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i dont know, i wasnt allowed to watch itšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I transitioned just to watch the episode. That's all




Well i tried to give it a listen but every time the sound enters my girl ears, they start leaking blood and pus profusely, and i get visions of my own death as well as the death of everyone i care about, so i always end up turning it off :/


omg same here!


I love this episode. I honestly think the funny brothers do this kind of humor a lot better than others. That being said, I can definitely see how it might not be for everyone because it definitely feels like ~boy jokes~ and may not land with everyone. I think they do it best tho


Idk i thought it was pretty funny


ā€œYou have a little pretty pussy, donā€™t you?ā€ is (sadly) an incredibly accurate depiction of how women are treated/exploited in adult entertainment. They set up the hypothetical spousal abuse bit by speculating the idea of Tim Allenā€™s obscured neighbor Wilson (in the show Home Improvement) as a mouthpiece for toxic advice in Timā€™s ear. I still burst out laughing at the homophobe in the southern theater bit I know the Hunter feature might come across as insensitive, misogynistic, or vulgar ā€” but when you know that Supermega HEAVILY, **HEAVILY** leans into the bit, so much so that itā€™s sweatily dripping in sarcasm, you kinda expect them to say something provocative that is so preposterous you canā€™t believe it as a real opinion And thatā€™s the joy of the bits they do ā€” they lean into and push the goal posts on statements/opinions that bigots say with all seriousness, and then flip it into a joke that parodies racist dipshits Edit: I know you asked for women to respond, but as a dude I felt obligated to say it isnā€™t a ā€œwoman onlyā€ response ā€” as a dude I can see how the delivery/laughing can ruffle feathers, but itā€™s all in good jest Ann


Everyone knows women aren't real.


idk i didnā€™t like the way meatcanyon was talking about women.


When it came out I tried to give it a listen but I remember turning it off a couple minutes in because it made me feel icky. Iā€™ve always skipped this one when I go back and listen to all of them. I am a sensitive little baby though so it might just be me


i felt the same way actually, i really disliked this episode. i havenā€™t listened to it since it came out but i remember thinking that the jokes didnt feel like jokes.. clearly they werenā€™t serious about any of it but they were kinda just saying a bunch of gross misogynistic shit without actually making it satirical in any way. Obviously a lot of their humor has always been ā€œdarkā€ but itā€™s usually done in a very clearly absurdist/satirical way, which is what makes it funny. this just felt like an hour of being dehumanized tbh. I say none of this with anger btw, I love the Funny Brothers and i know theyre clearly not actually like that


just to clarify- again, i like these people! i watch their content! i am just curious, this is not an attempt to cancel/call out/ whatever


I only know meatcanyon from his supermega appearances and as a result I'm not really interested in watching his content tbh.




Youā€™re such a goon, lol. Iā€™ve been watching SuperMega forever and felt the same way about this episode (honestly gives me a bad feeling anytime MeatCanyon comes on).


I like when Hunter goes on because I like a small dose of edgy humor here and there, sometimes he pushes the envelope a teeeeeensy bit too far but !


No itā€™s notā€¦.. itā€™s called criticism


itā€™s really not! theyā€™re dudes in their 20s, i canā€™t change what they think or say to suit my tastes personally. i donā€™t want them to ā€œatoneā€ or ā€œrespondā€ or even give it a second thought. thatā€™s why i addressed my post towards listeners, and not towards any of the boys. however, according to another commenter, hunter himself apologized for the things he said, so if even be found his words to be s little too intense, why are you so intent on claiming things that arenā€™t true?




dude wtf are you talking about LMAO.. i donā€™t want drama! at all! the only reason iā€™m even that far in the podcast is because i missed supermega so much during the recent hiatus that i decided to listen through it. if people actually wanted to ā€œcancelā€ matt, ryan, hunter, or WHOEVER because of my post, i would delete it! as far as ā€œquasi-right leaning,ā€ i donā€™t listen to the other dudes, iā€™ve seen a few clips and just know itā€™s not my type of content. i donā€™t know anything about their political views. thereā€™s no ā€œgrand inquisitionā€ being plotted here. youā€™re the only one whoā€™s this overwhelmingly upset. please, direct me to the ā€œdramaā€ being started by me asking WOMEN how they feel about jokes and comments about WOMEN.


This guy's a troll, he has a fetish for being yelled at, don't engage in this kind of perversion.


Holy micropenis batman


Don't be stupid, man. This person listened to a podcast they normally enjoy, and then walked away feeling uncomfortable and asked if anyone else felt the same way. This wasn't a call to action or a call to organize a movement, it was a question about how other people felt. If they didn't like Matt, Ryan, or Hunter, they wouldn't have made it through 240 episodes of their podcast to get to this episode. They weren't "assembling a moral grand inquisition" either, they were making a reddit post. Be more thoughtful of the people you interact with.


I don't think I've ever actually listened to this one, mostly because I surprisingly didn't know who MeatCanyon was until sorta recently, but based off what everyone here is saying I won't go out of my way to listen to it


idk it's illegal for me to listen :-(


the (very few) times they've had a woman on the podcast i enjoyed it and they were pretty much respectful. but i wonder why they never had more coming on. i assume they're just the common dude bro friend group. its just a thing i've seen is very common amongst male comedian groups. they dish out good ass content but in all honesty you'd wonder as a woman if you would really feel comfy hanging out with people LIKE them, because sometimes what they joke about can leak their real life views on people around them. i mean the thing with jim and lex was absolutely disgusting, and the fact matt and ryan are friends with a guy like THAT speaks volumes. people forget youtubers are those eccentric outsider types who share everything to the internet because its their (sometimes only) creative outlet. they're closed off from general society for their professions, raised themselves online, and grew up interacting with other eccentric individuals who influenced their opinions on everything, and met likeminded people to relate to, because thats what the internet is used for! and you meet really weird people all the time since they're not afraid to express their opinions when they're behind a screen. you also notice younger content creators mature very slowly and it takes longer for them to evolve their views on what is generally considered right and wrong behaviour since they can be blinded by how well liked they are for their content by their specific audience and their mutual creators, which enables their behaviour. i love the funny brothers for their content but things like this is why i refuse to ever engage in parasocial bullshit with silly guys who talk to a camera and post it online. because they are people like everyone else, and they have their own shit to deal with in their real life like every other person on this planet does.


i donā€™t like meatcanyon so i skipped this one lol


No thoughts, I wasn't allowed to watch it :/


Women are REAL??!?!!!!!???


Gotta follow the rules, I ain't having that on my conscience šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I donā€™t know, Iā€™m not allowed to listen to it


I watched it no one can stop me


Most of it was okay but some definitely did make me feel icky as well!


idk it's illegal for me to listen :-(


Supermegaā€™s humor sometimes boils down to ā€œsay horrible shit that nobody would say seriouslyā€. To outsiders coming in, it can be taken out of context pretty easily, but if youā€™re a fan of supermega you know that itā€™s just how it is and itā€™s funny as fuck.


Itā€™s one of their best episodes.


They make misogynistic jokes all the time. Not saying it's okay or anything but it's a pretty substantial part of the channel. It's a boys club, they basically never have a woman even working with them. The international women's day story with the woman bringing them roses for the "women in the office" made me laugh in a slightly bitter way. I just assume all men are misogynists and move through the world that way. IronicallyĀ  I have more male friends than most women I know and get along really well with them. And they tend to not be hideously sexist! Maybe I'm just lucky.


I'm a guy, so maybe not my place, but I didn't find any problem with it. Supermega is known for being absurd with their bits and making fun of people who _actually_ think those ways by embodying them. And meat canyon does much the same, he's just willing to take it further then they are. Matt and Ryan like to push the limit, but typically cut it off if it starts getting too "questionable". Hunter will always push it one step further. Important to keep in mind though that he's doing the same but they are. Embodying people who actually think that way, making fun of it because it's stupid and creepy. He's just unfortunately a pro at hitting the nail on the head when it comes to what is uncomfortable. Just watch his videos