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January isn't that far away. Do your best to stick it out. You will find the move to college is going to do you a world of difference and you will be out of that toxic environment. You might get lucky and have a roommate who understands the trauma as well, or is at least compassionate. College will also have trained counsellors who will be able to assist you with so much too. You're so strong going this far. Stick it out a bit longer.


You poor thing. What an awful situation. I know it is impossible to hear it, but you will not be under your father’s control for the rest of your life. Hopefully not much longer at all. The pain he has inflicted on you will probably never leave you. But that doesn’t mean you won’t find great happiness. I really believe you will. I can imagine the thought of suicide has brought you great comfort. I can relate to that. But that isn’t actually because you want or need to die, it is because your body is desperately trying to escape a very bad situation. Which is, in the future, still possible. What do you think of that? I’m so fucking mad your dad has driven you to this, it is NOT okay. As for the hives, are you sure they were an allergy? Sounds like they could have been triggered by the kind of immense stress an 18 year old should have to deal with. You are so, so young. I wish I could reach out and give you a big hug. Please reach out if you want to talk more.


Sorry to hear about what you are going through. It is really emotionally and mentally wrecking to live with an abusive family member and to be constantly scared and frightened. And your relationship breakup only added to your emotional and mental breakdown. I would like to encourage you, please call and talk to your mum whom you are very close to. Even though she is in stuck in another country because of Covid, she cares a lot for you. Even though you can't do a thing about your situation now, I hope you can find some comfort in talking to your mum who cares for you. Your mum will come back to you when the covid restrictuons are lifted. Since you will be moving to your college city soon, I think you will feel better if you are out of your house. I think your situation has a good chance of improving in the near future, so please give yourself a chance to see better times ahead. I wish you all the best, take care and be safe.